Јохан Готфрид Гале — разлика између измена

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Ред 57:
* {{Cite book| publisher = Barth| last = Wattenberg| first = Diedrich| title = Johann Gottfried Galle, 1812-1910: Leben und Wirken eines deutschen Astronomen.| location = Leipzig| date = 1963}}
* {{Cite journal| volume = 4| pages = 82–88| last1 = Sheehan| first1 = William| last2 = Kollerstrom| first2 = Nicholas| last3 = Waff| first3 = Craig B.| title = Die Neptun-Affäre| journal = Spektrum der Wissenschaft| accessdate = 27. 09. 2015| year = 2005| url = http://www.spektrum.de/magazin/die-neptun-affaere/838090}}
* {{Cite book | title = The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers | last = Hockey| first = Thomas | year = 2009| publisher = Springer Publishing | isbn = 978-0-387-31022-0 | accessdate = August [[15. јануар]]а [[2015]]. | url = http://www.springerreference.com/docs/html/chapterdbid/58496.html}}
* {{Cite book| publisher = VDM Publishing| isbn = 978-613-1-80154-9| last1 = Miller| first1 = Frederic P.| last2 = Vandome| first2 = Agnes F.| last3 = John| first3 = McBrewster| title = Johann Gottfried Galle| date = 22. 07. 2010}}