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Ред 41:
[[Датотека:Kolkata City.png|thumb|лево|250px|left|Поглед из ваздуха на [[мост Ховра]]]]
Распрострта у апроксимативно северно-јужном правцу дуж источне обале реке Хугхли, Колката лежи у доњем делу [[Ganges Delta|делте Ганга]] у источној Индији. Надморска висина града је {{convert|1.5|-|9|m|ft| abbr = on|0}}.<ref>{{cite web| title = PIA01844: space radar image of Calcutta, West Bengal, India| url = http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA01844| publisher = NASA| accessdate = 15. 011. 2012.| date = 15. 044. 1999.}}</ref> Већина града је првобитно била мочварни предео који је исушен током деценија како би се прилагодио популацији која је расла.{{sfn|Chatterjee|2008|p=33}} Преостале неразвијене области, познате као [[East Kolkata Wetlands|мочваре источне Колкате]], су заштићене „мочваре од међународног значаја” по [[Рамсарска конвенција|Рамсарској конвенцији]] (1975).<ref>{{Cite journal| last1 = Roy Chadhuri| first1=S.| last2 = Thakur| first2 = A. R.| title = Microbial genetic resource mapping of East Calcutta wetlands| journal = Current Science| volume =91| issue =2 | date = 25. 077. 2006.| publisher =Indian Academy of Sciences| ref = harv| pages = 212–17}}</ref> Као и већина [[Индо-ганшка низија|Индо-ганшких низија]], земљиште и вода су предоминантно [[Алувијално земљиште|алувијалног]] порекла. Колката је лоцирана на „Бенгалском сливу”, перикратонском терцијарном базену.<ref name="soil characterisation">{{cite conference | url = http://gndec.ac.in/~igs/ldh/conf/2009/articles/T01_03.pdf | title = Characterization of soil over Kolkata municipal area| first1 = Diptendra | last1 = Das| first2 = B. C.| last2 = Chattopadhyay| date = 17–19 December 2009| conference = Indian Geotechnical Conference | conferenceurl = http://gndec.ac.in/~igs/ldh/conf/2009/| volume = 1 | location = Guntur, India| format = PDF | accessdate = 19. 11. 2012. | pages = 11–12}}</ref> Бенгалски слив се састоји од три структурне јединице: спруд или платформа на западу; централни зглоб или прекид спруда/нагиба; и дубоки сливни пад на истоку и југоистоку. Колката је лоцирана на западној страни зглобне зоне која је око {{convert|25|km|mi| abbr = on}} широка са дубином од око 45000 m оспод површине.<ref name="soil characterisation" /> Зоне спруда и зглоба садрже мноштво раседа, неки од којих су активни. Укупна дебљина седимента испод Колкате је скоро 7500 m изнад [[Basement (geology)|кристалне основе]]; од чега су горњих {{convert|350|-|450|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}} [[квартар]]ни, чему следи {{convert|4500|-|5500|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}} [[терцијар]]них седимената, {{convert|500|-|700|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}} [[Trap rock|трапних]] остатака [[Креда (периода)|кредног]] трапа и {{convert|600|-|800|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}} [[Perm (perioda)|пермно]]-[[Карбон (периода)|карбонске]] [[Гондвана|гондванске]] стене.<ref name="soil characterisation" /> Квартарни седименти се састоје од глине, муља, и неколико класа песка и шљунка. Ти седименти су смештени између две глинене постеље: доње на дубини од {{convert|250|-|650|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}}, и горње око {{convert|10|-|40|m|ft| abbr = on|-1}} дебеле.<ref name="Bunting">{{Cite journal| last1 = Bunting| first1 = S. W.| last2 = Kundu| first2 = N.| last3 = Mukherjee| first3 = M.| publisher = Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling| location = Stirling, UK| url=http://www.dfid.stir.ac.uk/dfid/nrsp/download/sitanal.pdf| title = Situation analysis. Production systems and natural resources use in PU Kolkata| format = PDF| accessdate = 26. 044. 2006.| pages = 3}}</ref> Према [[Bureau of Indian Standards|Бироу индијских стандарда]], на скали са опсегом од {{nowrap|-{I}- до -{V}-}} растућег редоследа подложности земљотресима, град лежи унутар [[Earthquake hazard zoning of India|сеизмичке зоне -{III}-]].<ref name="hazardprofile">{{cite web| url = http://www.undp.org.in/dmweb/hazardprofile.pdf| title = Hazard profiles of Indian districts| accessdate = 23. 088. 2006.| format = PDF | work = National Capacity Building Project in Disaster Management | publisher = [[UNDP]]| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20060519100611/http://www.undp.org.in/dmweb/hazardprofile.pdf| archivedate = 19. 055. 2006.}}</ref>
=== Клима ===
Ред 48:
=== Температура ===
Просечна годишња температура је {{Convert|26,8|C|F| abbr = on|1}}; просечне месечне температуре су {{Convert|19|-|30|C|F| abbr = on|0}}. Лета (март–јун) су топла и влажна, са температурама око 30 Целзијуса; током суве сезоне, максималне температуре често премашују 40&nbsp;°C (104 °-{F}-) у мају и јуну.<ref name="weatherbase">{{cite web| publisher = Canty and Associates LLC | url=http://www.weatherbase.com/weather/weatherall.php3?s=090824&refer=&units=metric | title=Weatherbase entry for Kolkata | accessdate = 26. 044. 2006.}}</ref> Зима траје око два и по месеца, са сезонским ниским темературама у опсегу 19–30&nbsp;°C у децембру и јануару. Мај је најтоплији месец, са дневним температурама у опсегу {{Convert|27|-|37|C|F| abbr = on|0}}; јануар, најхладнији месец, има температуре у распону {{convert|12|-|23|C|F| abbr = on|0}}. Највиша забележена температура је {{Convert|43,9|C|F| abbr = on|1}}, а најнижа је {{Convert|5|C|F| abbr = on|0}}.<ref name="weatherbase" /> Зиме су благе и веома удобно време се задржава у граду током ове сезоне. Често у периоду април–јун град погађају тешке кише или прашњави налети којима следе олује са грмљавином или градом, доносећи олакшавајућа захлађења од превладавајуће влажне топлоте. Ове олује са грмљавином су [[Precipitation types|конвективне]] природе, и локално су познате као -{''kal bôishakhi''}- ({{Lang|bn|কালবৈশাখী}}), или „северно-западњаци”.<ref name="kalboisakhi">{{cite web| url = http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?id=kal-baisakhi1| title = kal Baisakhi| accessdate = 5. 099. 2006.| work = Glossary of Meteorology| publisher = American Meteorological Society| deadurl = yes| archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20060830065710/http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?id=kal-baisakhi1| archivedate = 30. 088. 2006.|df=dmy-all}}</ref>
=== Киша ===
Кише које доноси Бенгалско-заливска грана [[монсун|југозападних летњих монсуна]]<ref name="monsoontribune">{{Cite news| last1 = Khichar| first1 = M. L.| last2 = Niwas| first2 = R.| date = 14. 077. 2003.| title = Know your monsoon| newspaper = The Tribune| location = Chandigarh, India| url = http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20030714/agro.htm#2| accessdate = 9. 066. 2007.}}</ref> ударају Колкату између јуна и септембра, доносећи јој највећи део годишњих падавина од {{Convert|1800|mm|in| abbr = on|0}}. Највише кише падне у јулу и августу. Град има око 2.528 сунчаних часова годишње, при чему до највећег [[Insolation|излагања сунцу]] долази у марту.<ref name="ESS">{{cite web| publisher = Gaia: Environmental Information System | url = http://www.ess.co.at/GAIA/CASES/IND/CAL/CALmain.html | title=Calcutta: not 'the city of joy' | accessdate = 26. 044. 2006.}}</ref> Колката је била погођена са неколико циклона; чиме су обухваћени системи који су се одвили 1737 и 1864 кад је било више хиљада људских жртава.<ref>{{cite journal | last = Bilham| first=Roger | year = 1994| title = The 1737 Calcutta earthquake and cyclone evaluated | journal = Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | volume = 84| issue = 5| url = http://cires.colorado.edu/~bilham/gif_images/1737Calcutta.pdf| format = PDF| accessdate = 20. 077. 2011. | ref = harv | pages = 1650–57}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book| title = Report on the Calcutta cyclone of the 5th October 1864| last1 = Gastrell| first1 = James Eardley | first2=Henry Francis| last2 = Blanford| year = 1866| publisher = O.T. Cutter, Military Orphan Press| location = Calcutta | url = https://books.google.com/?id=3khBrTZHDM8C | accessdate = 20. 077. 2011.}}</ref>
{{Weather box
| location = Колкате ([[Alipore|Алипур]]) 1971–1990
|metric first = yes
|single line = yes
Ред 181:
| title = Calcutta/Alipore Climate Normals 1971-1990
| publisher = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]
| accessdate = 24. 12. 2012.}}</ref>
|source 2 = [[India Meteorological Department|Индијски метереолошки департман]] (рекорно високе и ниске вредности до 2010.)<ref name = IMD2>{{cite web
| url = https://www.webcitation.org/6GmnoaB0m
Ред 187:
| title = Ever recorded Maximum and minimum temperatures upto 2010
| publisher = India Meteorological Department
| accessdate = 16. 055. 2014.}}</ref>
Ред 198:
| 1991 = 4399819<ref name=autogenerated1>World Gazetteer: [http://bevoelkerungsstatistik.de/wg.php?x=1189459570&men=gcis&lng=de&dat=32&geo=-104&srt=npan&col=aohdq&pt=c&va=x Die wichtigsten Orte mit Statistiken zu ihrer Bevölkerung], Приступљено 9. 4. 2013.</ref>
| 2001 = 4572876<ref name=autogenerated1 />
| 2011 = 4486679<ref name=autogenerated2 />
Ред 227:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| title = Report on the Calcutta cyclone of the 5th October 1864| last1 = Gastrell| first1 = James Eardley | first2=Henry Francis| last2 = Blanford| year = 1866| publisher = O.T. Cutter, Military Orphan Press| location = Calcutta | url = https://books.google.com/?id=3khBrTZHDM8C | accessdate = 20. 077. 2011.}}
* {{Cite book | ref = harv| last = Chatterjee| first = S. N.| title = Water Resources, Conservation and Management| year = 2008| publisher = Atlantic Publishers and Distributors| location = New Delhi| isbn = 978-81-269-0868-4| pages = 33}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Chaudhuri| given = S| year = 1990| title = Calcutta: the living City| volume = I and II| publisher = Oxford University Press| location = Kolkata| isbn = 978-0-19-562585-1}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Dutta
| given1 = Krishna
| year = 2003
| title = Calcutta: a cultural and literary history
| isbn = 978-1-902669-59-5
| publisher = Signal Books
| location = Oxford, UK
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=UKfoHi5412UC
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Mitra
| given1 = A
| year = 1976
| title = Calcutta diary
| publisher = Frank Cass
| location = London
| year = |isbn=978-0-7146-3082-3| pages =
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Mukherjee
| given1 = SC
| year = 1991
| title = The changing face of Calcutta: an architectural approach
| location = Kolkata
| publisher = Government of West Bengal
| asin = B0000D6TXX }}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Roy
| given1 = A
| year = 2002
| title = City requiem, Calcutta: gender and the politics of poverty
| publisher = [[University of Minnesota Press]]
| location = Minneapolis, US
| year = |isbn=978-0-8166-3932-8| pages =
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Thomas
| given1 = Frederic C.
| year = 1997
| title = Calcutta poor: elegies on a city above pretense
| publisher = M.E. Sharpe
| location = Armonk, New York City
| year = |isbn=978-1-56324-981-5| pages =
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=shPmSQBGKRwC
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Lapierre
| given1 = Dominique
| year = 1985
| title = La cité de la joie (The City of Joy)
| publisher = Arrow
| location = Kolkata
| year = |isbn=978-0-09-914091-7| pages =
| url = https://books.google.com/books/about/City_Of_Joy.html?id=VbURK16m5ysC
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Singh| first = Malvika | year = 2011| title = Kolkata: A Soul City (Historic and Famed Cities of India) | url = |location= | publisher = Academic Foundation | isbn = 978-81-7188-886-3| pages = 110}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Hazra| first = Indrajit | date = 1. 12. 2013. | title = Grand Delusions: A Short Biography of Kolkata | url = |location= | publisher = Aleph Book Company | isbn = 978-93-82277-28-6| pages = 156}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Ghosh| first = Amitav | date = 22. 044. 2009. | title = Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium and Discovery | url = |location= | publisher = Penguin India | isbn = 978-0-14-306655-2| pages = 200}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Deb| first = Binaya Krishna | year = 1905| title = The Early History and Growth of Calcutta | url = https://books.google.com/?id=Om8oAAAAYAAJ&dq=calcutta | location = Harvard University | publisher = Romesh Chandra Ghose|id=| pages = 278}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Chaudhuri| first = Sukanta |date year = 1990| title = Calcutta, the Living City: The past| url = |location=the University of Michigan | publisher = Oxford University Press | isbn = 978-0-19-562718-3| pages = 292}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Roy| first = Ananya | date = 1. 10. 2002. | title = City Requiem, Calcutta: Gender and Politics of Poverty | url = |location= | publisher = University of Minnesota Press | isbn = 978-0-8166-3933-5| pages = 352}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Chatterjee| first1 = Jayabrato | last2 = Khullar| first2 = Rupinder | date = 1. 011. 2004. | title = Kolkata: the dream city | url = |location= the University of Michigan| publisher = UBS Publishers' Distributors | isbn = 978-81-7476-471-3| pages = 93}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Moorhouse| first = Geoffrey | year = 1971| title = Calcutta | url = https://books.google.com/?id=3ALLbrilUQUC&dq=calcutta| location = |publisher=Penguin Books India | isbn = 978-0-14-009557-9| pages = 393}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Chatterjee| first = Partha | year = 2012| title = The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power | url = |location= | publisher = Princeton University Press | isbn = 978-0-691-15201-1| pages = 425}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Chattopadhyay| first = Swati | year = 2005| title = Representing Calcutta: Modernity, Nationalism, and the Colonial Uncanny | url = |location= | publisher = Psychology Press | isbn = 978-0-415-34359-6| pages = 314}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Dey| first1 = Ishita | last2 = Samaddar| first2 = Ranabir | year = 2016| title = Beyond Kolkata: Rajarhat and the Dystopia of Urban Imagination | url = |location= | publisher = Routledge | isbn = 9781134931378|author-link= | pages = 304}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Husain| first1 = Zakir | last2 = Dutta| first2 = Mousumi | year = 2013| title = Women in Kolkata’s IT Sector: Satisficing Between Work and Household | url = |location= | publisher = Springer Science & Business Media | isbn = 9788132215936 |author-link= | pages = 133}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Bose| first = Pablo Shiladitya| year = 2015| title = Urban Development in India: Global Indians in the Remaking of Kolkata | url = |location= | publisher = Routledge | isbn = 9781317596738 |author-link= | pages = 178}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Ray| first1 = Raka| last2 = Qayum| first2 = Seemin | year = 2009| title = Cultures of Servitude: Modernity, Domesticity, and Class in India | url = |location= | publisher = Stanford University Press | isbn = 9780804760713 |author-link= | pages = 255}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Ghosh| first = Anindita | date = |title= Claiming the City: Protest, Crime, and Scandals in Colonial Calcutta, c. 1860-1920| url = |location= | publisher = Oxford University Press | isbn = 978-0199464791 |author-link= | pages = 340}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Sanyal| first = Shukla | year = 2014| title = Revolutionary Pamphlets, Propaganda and Political Culture in Colonial Bengal | url = |location= | publisher = Cambridge University Press | isbn = 9781107065468 |author-link= | pages = 219}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Busteed| first = Henry Elmsley | year = 1888| title = Echoes from Old Calcutta: Being Chiefly Reminiscences of the Days of Warren Hastings, Francis, and Impey | url = |location= | publisher = Asian Educational Services | isbn = 9788120612952 |author-link= | pages = 359}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Fruzzetti| first1 = Lina | last2 = Östör| first2 = Ákos | year = 2003| title = Calcutta Conversations | url = |location= | publisher = Orient Blackswan | isbn = 9788180280092 |author-link= | pages = 242}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Richards| first = E. P.| year = 2014| title = The Condition, Improvement and Town Planning of the City of Calcutta and Contiguous Areas: The Richards Report | url = |location= | publisher = Routledge | isbn = 9781317617006 |author-link= | pages = 492}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last1 = Chatterjee| first1 = Arnab | last2 = Yarlagadda| first2 = Sudhakar | year = 2007| title = Econophysics of Wealth Distributions: Econophys-Kolkata I | url = |location= | publisher = Springer Science & Business Media | isbn = 9788847003897 |author-link= | pages = 248}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Sarkar| first = Tanika | date = |title=Calcutta: The Stormy Decades | url = |location= | publisher = Social Science Press | isbn = 978-9383166077 |author-link= | pages = 486}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Choudhury| first = Ranabir Ray | date = |title=A City in the Making: Aspects of Calcutta's Early Growth | url = |location= | publisher = Niyogi Books | isbn = 978-9385285288 |author-link= | pages = 564}}
* {{Cite book| ref = harv| last = Banerjee| first = Sumanta | year = 2016| title = Memoirs of Roads: Calcutta from Colonial Urbanization to Global Modernization | url = |location= | publisher = Oxford University Press | isbn = 978-0199468102 |author-link= | pages = 192}}
Ред 309:
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Други пројекти| commons = Kolkata| wikinews = Колката}}
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