Сикизам — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
'''Сикизам''' или ''сикхизам'' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|s|I|k|ɪ|z|əm}}; or '''Sikhi'''{{refn|''Sikhism'' (indigenously known as ''Sikhī'') originated from the word ''Sikh'', which comes from the [[Sanskrit]] root ''{{IAST|[[śiṣya]]}}'' meaning "disciple", or ''{{IAST|śikṣa}}'' meaning "instruction".<ref>{{cite book|last=Singh|first=Khushwant|authorlink=Khushwant Singh|year=2006|title=The Illustrated History of the Sikhs|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=India|isbn=978-0-19-567747-8|page=15}}</ref><ref>{{pa icon}} {{cite book|last=Nabha |first=Kahan. Sahib Singh |year=1930 |language=Punjabi |title=Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh |url=http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm#mahankosh |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050318143533/http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm |dead-url=yes |archive-date=18 March 2005 |accessdate=29 May 2006 |page=720 |df= }}</ref>}} ''{{IAST|Sikkhī}}'', од ''[[Sikh]]'', meaning a "disciple", or a "learner") је [[Монотелитизам|монотеистичка]]{{sfn|Rose|2006|p=15}}<ref>{{cite book| last = Nabha| first = Kahan. Sahib Singh | year = 1930| language = Punjabi | title = Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh | url = http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm#mahankosh |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050318143533/http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm |dead-url=yes |archive-date = 18. 3. 2005. | accessdate = 29. 5. 2006. |df= | pages = 720}}</ref> [[Монотеизам|монотеистичка]] религија, that originated in the [[Punjab region|Punjab]] region of the [[Indian subcontinent]] about the end of the 15th century.<ref>http://www.bbc.com/religion/religions/sikhism/</ref><ref name="Cole">{{cite book |title=Sikhism and Christianity: A Comparative Study (Themes in Comparative Religion) | publisher=Palgrave Macmillan |author1=W.Owen Cole |author2=Piara Singh Sambhi | year=1993 | location=Wallingford, United Kingdom |page=117 | isbn=0333541073}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Luis Moreno|author2=César Colino|title=Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N5lpveRnSxEC&pg=PA207 |year=2010|publisher= McGill Queen University Press|isbn= 978-0-7735-9087-8|page=207}}, Quote: "Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated on the Indian subcontinent".</ref> It is one of the youngest of the major world religions, and the [[List of religious populations|fifth-largest]]. Основ сикизма је веровање у једног Бога заснованог на учењу десет гуруа која су сакупљена у свету књигу сика по називу Гуру Грантх Сахиб.<ref name="Kalsi_Chelsea">{{cite book |title=Sikhism | publisher=Chelsea House, Philadelphia| author = Sewa Singh Kalsi | pages=41–50}}</ref><ref name="Cole_Sambhi">{{cite book |title=The Sikhs: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices | publisher=Sussex Academic Press |author1=William Owen Cole |author2=Piara Singh Sambhi | year=1995|page=200}}</ref><ref name="Teece 2004 4">{{cite book|last=Teece|first=Geoff|year=2004|title=Sikhism:Religion in focus|publisher=Black Rabbit Books|location=|isbn=978-1-58340-469-0|page=4}}</ref> У сикизму се примећује комбинација [[монотеизам|монотеистичких]] елемената из ислама са хиндуским традицијама.<ref name="Kalsi_Chelsea" /><ref name="Cole_Sambhi" /><ref name="Teece 2004 4" />
'''Сикизам''' или ''сикхизам'' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|s|I|k|ɪ|z|əm}}; orили -{'''Sikhi'''}-{{refn|''Sikhism'' (indigenously known as ''Sikhī'') originated from the word ''Sikh'', which comes from the [[Sanskrit]] root ''{{IAST|[[śiṣya]]}}'' meaning "disciple", or ''{{IAST|śikṣa}}'' meaning "instruction".<ref>{{cite book|last=Singh|first=Khushwant|authorlink=Khushwant Singh|year=2006|title=The Illustrated History of the Sikhs|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=India|isbn=978-0-19-567747-8|page=15}}</ref><ref>{{pa icon}} {{cite book|last=Nabha |first=Kahan. Sahib Singh |year=1930 |language=Punjabi |title=Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh |url=http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm#mahankosh |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050318143533/http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm |dead-url=yes |archive-date=18 March 2005 |accessdate=29 May 2006 |page=720 |df= }}</ref>}} ''{{IAST|Sikkhī}}'', од ''[[Sikh]]'', meaningса aзначењем "disciple"„следбеник”, orили a "learner"„ученик”) је [[Монотелитизам|монотеистичкамонотелитичка]]{{sfn|Rose|2006|p=15}}<ref>{{cite book| last = Nabha| first = Kahan. Sahib Singh | year = 1930| language = Punjabi | title = Gur Shabad Ratnakar Mahan Kosh | url = http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm#mahankosh |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20050318143533/http://www.ik13.com/online_library.htm |dead-url=yes |archive-date = 18. 3. 2005. | accessdate = 29. 5. 2006. |df= | pages = 720}}</ref> [[Монотеизам|монотеистичка]] религија, thatкоја originatedводи inпорекло theиз [[Punjab region|Punjabпанџабског]] region of theрегиона [[IndianИндијски subcontinentпотконтинент|Индијског потконтинента]] aboutса theкраја end15. of the 15th centuryвека.<ref>http://www.bbc.com/religion/religions/sikhism/</ref><ref name="Cole">{{cite book |title=Sikhism and Christianity: A Comparative Study (Themes in Comparative Religion) | publisher=Palgrave Macmillan |author1=W.Owen Cole |author2=Piara Singh Sambhi | year=1993 | location=Wallingford, United Kingdom |page=117 | isbn=0333541073}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Luis Moreno|author2=César Colino|title=Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N5lpveRnSxEC&pg=PA207 |year=2010|publisher= McGill Queen University Press|isbn= 978-0-7735-9087-8|page=207}}, Quote: "Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated on the Indian subcontinent".</ref> ItОво isје oneједна ofод theнајмлађих youngestсветских of the major world religionsрелигија, and theи [[List of religious populations|fifth-largestпета по броју следбеника]]. Основ сикизма је веровање у једног Бога заснованог на учењуучењима десет гуруа која су сакупљена у светусветој књигукњизи сикаСика по називу Гуругуруа ГрантхГрант СахибСахиба.<ref name="Kalsi_Chelsea">{{cite book |title=Sikhism | publisher=Chelsea House, Philadelphia| author = Sewa Singh Kalsi | pages=41–50}}</ref><ref name="Cole_Sambhi">{{cite book |title=The Sikhs: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices | publisher=Sussex Academic Press |author1=William Owen Cole |author2=Piara Singh Sambhi | year=1995|page=200}}</ref><ref name="Teece 2004 4">{{cite book |last=Teece|first=Geoff |year=2004 |title=Sikhism:Religion in focus|publisher=Black Rabbit Books|location=|isbn=978-1-58340-469-0|page=4}}</ref> У сикизму се примећује комбинација [[монотеизам|монотеистичких]] елемената из ислама са хиндуским традицијама.<ref name="Kalsi_Chelsea" /><ref name="Cole_Sambhi" /><ref name="Teece 2004 4" />
Број сика у свету се тренутно процењује на отприлике 25 милиона, по чему је сикизам пета религија на свету. Око 20 милиона сика живи у Индији, пре свега у северној провинцији [[Панџаб]].<ref>{{cite book| title= Religions in the Modern World|edition= 3rd |chapter=4|pages= 113, 137| author=Gurinder Singh Mannref|access-date=11 February 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = https://www.britannica.com/topic/Sikhism | title = Sikhism | publisher = [[Encyclopædia Britannica]] | accessdate = 7. 8. 2017.}}</ref> Иако Панџаб захвата и један део [[Пакистан]]а, велика већина сика се након раздвајања Индије и Пакистана [[1947]]. године преселила у Индију.<ref name="Cole" /><ref>{{cite book| last1 = Moreno| first1 = Luis| last2 = Colino| first2 = César| title = Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=N5lpveRnSxEC&pg=PA207| year = 2010| publisher = McGill Queen University Press| isbn = 978-0-7735-9087-8| pages = 207}}, Quote: "Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated on the Indian subcontinent".</ref> У [[Уједињено Краљевство|Уједињеном Краљевству]], [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|САД]] и [[Канада|Канади]] постоје многобројне заједнице сика. Осим тога, у [[Малезија|Малезији]] и [[Сингапур]]у постоји бројна мањина сика. Панџаби језик који се пише гурмуки писмом је веома везан за сикизам.
Број сикаСика у свету се тренутно процењује на отприликеоко 25 милиона, по чему је сикизам пета религија на свету. Око 20 милиона сикаСика живи у Индији, пре свега у северној провинцији [[Панџаб]].<ref>{{cite book| title= Religions in the Modern World|edition= 3rd |chapter=4|pages= 113, 137| author=Gurinder Singh Mannref|access-date=11 February 2018}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = https://www.britannica.com/topic/Sikhism | title = Sikhism | publisher = [[Encyclopædia Britannica]] | accessdate = 7. 8. 2017.}}</ref> Иако Панџаб захвата и један део [[Пакистан]]а, велика већина сика се након раздвајања Индије и Пакистана [[1947]]. године преселила у Индију.<ref name="Cole" /><ref>{{cite book| last1 = Moreno| first1 = Luis| last2 = Colino| first2 = César| title = Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=N5lpveRnSxEC&pg=PA207| year = 2010| publisher = McGill Queen University Press| isbn = 978-0-7735-9087-8| pages = 207}}, Quote: "Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated on the Indian subcontinent".</ref> У [[Уједињено Краљевство|Уједињеном Краљевству]], [[Сједињене Америчке Државе|САД]] и [[Канада|Канади]] постоје многобројне заједнице сикаСика. Осим тога, у [[Малезија|Малезији]] и [[Сингапур]]у постоји бројна мањина сикаСика. Панџаби језик, који се пише гурмуки писмом, јеу веомазнатној мери је везан за сикизам.
Након избора у Индији [[2004]]. године, др [[Манмохан Синг]] је постао први сик који је постао премијер Индије. То је први пут у историји модерне Индије да ову позицију заузима неко ко није [[хиндуизам|хиндус]].
Након избора у Индији [[2004]]. године, др [[Манмохан Синг]] је постао први сикСик који је постао премијер Индије. То је први пут у историји модерне Индије да ову позицију заузима неко ко није [[хиндуизам|хиндус]].
Sikhism is based on the spiritual teachings of [[Guru Nanak]], the first Guru (1469–1539),<ref>Singh, Patwant; (2000). The Sikhs. Alfred A Knopf Publishing. Pages 17. {{ISBN|0-375-40728-6}}.</ref> and the nine [[Sikh gurus]] that succeeded him. The Tenth Guru, [[Guru Gobind Singh]], named the Sikh scripture [[Guru Granth Sahib]] as his successor, terminating the line of human Gurus and making the scripture the eternal, religious spiritual guide for Sikhs.<ref name="WH McLeod 2014 page 17">Louis Fenech and WH McLeod (2014), [https://books.google.com/books?id=vgixwfeCyDAC Historical Dictionary of Sikhism], 3rd Edition, Rowman & Littlefield, {{ISBN|978-1442236004}}, pages 17, 84-85</ref><ref name="William James 2011 pages 241-242">William James (2011), God's Plenty: Religious Diversity in Kingston, McGill Queens University Press, {{ISBN|978-0773538894}}, pages 241–242</ref><ref name="granthfinalguru">{{cite book|last=Mann|first=Gurinder Singh|year=2001|title=The Making of Sikh Scripture|publisher=Oxford University Press|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=PC4d-5xrysIC | location=United States|isbn=978-0-19-513024-9|pages=21–25, 123–124}}</ref> Sikhism rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute Truth.<ref name="Singh Kalsi 2007 24">{{cite book |title= Sikhism|last= Singh Kalsi|first= Sewa|year= 2008|publisher= Kuperard|location= London|isbn= 978-1-85733-436-4|page= 24|quote="Sikhism rejects the view that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly regarding Absolute Truth. Sikhism rejects the practice of converting people to other religious traditions."}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Gregory M. Reichberg|author2=Henrik Syse|title=Religion, War, and Ethics: A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=t3CFAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA672|year=2014|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-1-139-95204-0|pages=672–674}}</ref>
SikhismСикизам isје basedбазиран onна theдуховном spiritual teachings ofучењу [[GuruНанак|гуруа NanakНанака]], theпрвог first Guruгуруа (1469–1539),<ref>Singh, Patwant; (2000). The Sikhs. Alfred A Knopf Publishing. Pages 17. {{ISBN|0-375-40728-6}}.</ref> and theи nineдевет [[Sikh gurus|гуруа Сика]] thatкоји succeededсу himму следили. The TenthДесети Guruгуру, [[Guru Gobind Singh|Гобинд Синг]], namedименовао theје Sikhсвето писмо scriptureСика [[Guru Granth Sahib|гуру Грант Сахиб]] asсвојим his successorнаследником, terminatingчиме theје lineокончана ofлинија humanљудских Gurusгуруа andи makingсвето theписмо scriptureје theпостало eternalвечни, religiousрелигиозно spiritualдуховни guideводич for SikhsСика.<ref name="WH McLeod 2014 page 17">Louis Fenech and WH McLeod (2014), [https://books.google.com/books?id=vgixwfeCyDAC Historical Dictionary of Sikhism], 3rd Edition, Rowman & Littlefield, {{ISBN|978-1442236004}}, pages 17, 84-85</ref><ref name="William James 2011 pages 241-242">William James (2011), God's Plenty: Religious Diversity in Kingston, McGill Queens University Press, {{ISBN|978-0773538894}}, pages 241–242</ref><ref name="granthfinalguru">{{cite book|last=Mann|first=Gurinder Singh|year=2001|title=The Making of Sikh Scripture|publisher=Oxford University Press|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=PC4d-5xrysIC | location=United States|isbn=978-0-19-513024-9|pages=21–25, 123–124}}</ref> SikhismСикизам rejectsодбацује claimsтврдње thatда anyбило particularкоја religiousспецифична traditionверска hasтрадиција aима monopolyмонопол onнад Absoluteапсолутном Truthистином.<ref name="Singh Kalsi 2007 24">{{cite book |title= Sikhism|last= Singh Kalsi|first= Sewa|year= 2008|publisher= Kuperard|location= London|isbn= 978-1-85733-436-4|page= 24|quote="Sikhism rejects the view that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly regarding Absolute Truth. Sikhism rejects the practice of converting people to other religious traditions."}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Gregory M. Reichberg|author2=Henrik Syse|title=Religion, War, and Ethics: A Sourcebook of Textual Traditions|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=t3CFAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA672|year=2014|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-1-139-95204-0|pages=672–674}}</ref>
The Sikh scripture opens with ''[[Ik Onkar]]'' (ੴ), its [[Mul Mantar]] and fundamental prayer about One Supreme Being ([[God in Sikhism|God]]).<ref name=pashauramulmantar>{{cite book|author=Pashaura Singh|title=The Guru Granth Sahib: Canon, Meaning and Authority|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aiwpDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT101|year=2003|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-908773-0|pages=101–102}}</ref><ref name=singhaikonkar>{{cite book|author=H. S. Singha|title=The Encyclopedia of Sikhism (over 1000 Entries)|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gqIbJz7vMn0C |year=2000|publisher=Hemkunt|isbn=978-81-7010-301-1|pages=20–21, 103}}</ref> Sikhism emphasizes [[simran]] (meditation on the words of the Guru Granth Sahib), that can be expressed musically through [[kirtan]] or internally through [[Nam Japo]] (repeat God's name) as a means to feel God's presence. It teaches followers to transform the "[[Five Thieves]]" (lust, rage, greed, attachment, and ego). Hand in hand, secular life is considered to be intertwined with the spiritual life.<ref name="Kamala">{{cite book|ref=harv|last1=Nayar|first1=Kamala Elizabeth|authorlink1=Kamala Elizabeth Nayar|last2=Sandhu|first2=Jaswinder Singh |authorlink2=Jaswinder Singh Sandhu|title=Socially Involved Renunciate, The: Guru Nanak's Discourse to the Nath Yogis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=WTfKwGV6mBkC|year=2012|publisher=SUNY Press|isbn=978-0-7914-7950-6}}, page=106</ref> [[Guru Nanak]] taught that living an "active, creative, and practical life" of "truthfulness, fidelity, self-control and purity" is above the metaphysical truth, and that the ideal man is one who "establishes union with God, knows His Will, and carries out that Will".<ref name="Marwha">{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Marwaha|first=Sonali Bhatt|authorlink=Sonali Bhatt Marwaha|title=Colors of Truth: Religion, Self and Emotions : Perspectives of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Sikhism and Contemporary Psychology|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ROtEr_QdB3sC|year=2006|publisher=Concept Publishing Company|isbn=978-81-8069-268-0}}, pages 205–6</ref> [[Guru Hargobind]], the sixth Sikh Guru, established the political/temporal (Miri) and spiritual (Piri) realms to be mutually coexistent.<ref name="Marty">{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Marty|first=Martin E.|authorlink=Martin E. Marty|title=Fundamentalisms and the State: Remaking Polities, Economies, and Militance|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=doCmVaOnh_wC|year=1996|publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=978-0-226-50884-9}}, page 278</ref>
TheСвето Sikhписмо scriptureСика opensпочиње withса ''[[Ik Onkar|ик онкаром]]'' (ੴ), itsњеговим [[Mul Mantar|Мул Мантаром]] andи fundamentalфундаменталном prayerмолитвом aboutо Oneједном Supremeврховном Beingбићу ([[God in Sikhism|GodБогу]]).<ref name=pashauramulmantar>{{cite book|author=Pashaura Singh|title=The Guru Granth Sahib: Canon, Meaning and Authority|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aiwpDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT101|year=2003|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-908773-0|pages=101–102}}</ref><ref name=singhaikonkar>{{cite book|author=H. S. Singha|title=The Encyclopedia of Sikhism (over 1000 Entries)|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gqIbJz7vMn0C |year=2000|publisher=Hemkunt|isbn=978-81-7010-301-1|pages=20–21, 103}}</ref> SikhismСикизам emphasizesнаглашава [[simranсимран]] (meditationмедитацију onо theречима wordsгуруа ofГранта the Guru Granth SahibСахиба), thatшто може canда beбуде expressedмузички musicallyизражено throughкроз [[kirtanкиртан]] orили internallyинтерно throughпутем [[Nam Japo|нам јапоа]] (repeatпонављања God'sбожјег nameимена) asкао aначина meansда toсе feelосети God'sбожје presenceприсуство. ItСикизам teachesучи followersследбенике toда transformтрасформишу the "[[Five Thieves|Пет Лопова]]" (lustпожуду, rageбес, greedпохлепу, attachment,приврженост andи egoего). HandСекуларни inживот hand,се secularсматра lifeпреплетеним is considered to be intertwined with theса spiritualдуховним lifeживотом.<ref name="Kamala">{{cite book|ref=harv|last1=Nayar|first1=Kamala Elizabeth|authorlink1=Kamala Elizabeth Nayar|last2=Sandhu|first2=Jaswinder Singh |authorlink2=Jaswinder Singh Sandhu|title=Socially Involved Renunciate, The: Guru Nanak's Discourse to the Nath Yogis|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=WTfKwGV6mBkC|year=2012|publisher=SUNY Press|isbn=978-0-7914-7950-6}}, page=106</ref> Гуру [[Guru NanakНанак]] taughtје thatучио livingда anживљење "active„активног, creative,креативног andи practicalпрактичног life"живота” ofиспуњеног "truthfulness„истинитошћу, fidelityверношћу, self-controlсамоконтролом andи purity"чистотом” isје aboveизнад theметафизичке metaphysical truthистине, andи thatда theидеални idealчовек manје isонај oneкоји who„успостави "establishesјединство unionса with GodБогом, knowsзнајући Hisњегову Willвољу, andспроводећи carriesту outњегову that Will"вољу”.<ref name="Marwha">{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Marwaha|first=Sonali Bhatt|authorlink=Sonali Bhatt Marwaha|title=Colors of Truth: Religion, Self and Emotions : Perspectives of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Sikhism and Contemporary Psychology|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ROtEr_QdB3sC|year=2006|publisher=Concept Publishing Company|isbn=978-81-8069-268-0}}, pages 205–6</ref> Гуру [[Guru Hargobind|Харгобинд]], theшести sixthгуру Sikh GuruСика, establishedуспоставио theје да politicalсу политичко/temporalтемпорално (MiriМири) andи spiritualдуховно (PiriПири) realms to beцарство mutuallyузајамно coexistentкоегзистирајући.<ref name="Marty">{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Marty|first=Martin E.|authorlink=Martin E. Marty|title=Fundamentalisms and the State: Remaking Polities, Economies, and Militance|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=doCmVaOnh_wC|year=1996|publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=978-0-226-50884-9}}, page 278</ref>
Sikhism evolved in times of religious persecution. Two of the Sikh gurus&nbsp;– [[Guru Arjan]] (14 April 1563&nbsp;– 25 May 1605) and [[Guru Tegh Bahadur]] (12 April 1621&nbsp;– 19 December 1675), were tortured and executed by the Mughal rulers after they refused to convert to [[Islam]].<ref name=pashauraarjan>Pashaura Singh (2005), Understanding the Martyrdom of Guru Arjan, Journal of Punjab Studies, 12(1), pages 29–62</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Pashaura Singh|author2=Louis E. Fenech|title=The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=8I0NAwAAQBAJ |year=2014|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-969930-8|pages=236–238}};<br>{{cite journal | last=Fenech | first=Louis E. | title=Martyrdom and the Execution of Guru Arjan in Early Sikh Sources | journal=Journal of the American Oriental Society | publisher= American Oriental Society | volume=121 | issue=1 | year=2001 |doi=10.2307/606726 | pages=20–31}};<br>{{cite journal | last=Fenech | first=Louis E. | title=Martyrdom and the Sikh Tradition | journal=Journal of the American Oriental Society | publisher=American Oriental Society | volume=117 | issue=4 | year=1997 | doi=10.2307/606445 | pages=623–642}};<br>{{cite journal | last=McLeod | first=Hew | title=Sikhs and Muslims in the Punjab | journal=South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies | publisher=Taylor & Francis | volume=22 | issue=sup001 | year=1999 | doi=10.1080/00856408708723379 | pages=155–165}}</ref> The persecution of Sikhs triggered the founding of the [[Khalsa]] as an order to protect the freedom of conscience and religion,<ref name=pashauraarjan/><ref name="Gandhi">{{cite book | title=History of Sikh Gurus Retold: 1606 -1708 | publisher=Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd | author=Singh Gandhi, Surjit | date=1 Feb 2008 | pages=676–677 | isbn=8126908572}}</ref> with qualities of a "Sant-Sipāhī"{{spaced ndash}} a [[Khalsa|saint-soldier]].<ref name="Chanchreek 2007 142">{{cite book|last=Chanchreek|first=Jain|title=Encyclopaedia of Great Festivals|year=2007|publisher=Shree Publishers & Distributors|isbn=9788183291910|page=142}}</ref><ref name="Dugga 2001 33">{{cite book|last=Dugga|first=Kartar|title=Maharaja Ranjit Singh: The Last to Lay Arms|year=2001|publisher=Abhinav Publications|isbn=9788170174103|page=33}}</ref> The Khalsa was founded by the last Sikh Guru, [[Guru Gobind Singh]].
SikhismСикизам evolvedје inеволуирао timesу ofвреме religiousрелигиозног persecutionпрогона. TwoДва ofгуруа the Sikh gurusСика&nbsp;– гуру [[Guru Arjan|Арјан]] (14. Aprilаприл 1563.&nbsp;– 25. Mayмај 1605.) andи гуру [[Guru Tegh Bahadur|Тег Бахадур]] (12. Aprilаприл 1621.&nbsp;– 19. Decemberдецембар 1675.), wereбили torturedсу andмучени executedи byпогубљени theпо Mughalкоманди rulersмогулских afterвладара theyнакон refusedшто toсу convertодбили toда се конвертују у [[Islamислам]].<ref name=pashauraarjan>Pashaura Singh (2005), Understanding the Martyrdom of Guru Arjan, Journal of Punjab Studies, 12(1), pages 29–62</ref><ref>{{cite book|author1=Pashaura Singh|author2=Louis E. Fenech|title=The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=8I0NAwAAQBAJ |year=2014|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=978-0-19-969930-8|pages=236–238}};<br>{{cite journal | last=Fenech | first=Louis E. | title=Martyrdom and the Execution of Guru Arjan in Early Sikh Sources | journal=Journal of the American Oriental Society | publisher= American Oriental Society | volume=121 | issue=1 | year=2001 |doi=10.2307/606726 | pages=20–31}};<br>{{cite journal | last=Fenech | first=Louis E. | title=Martyrdom and the Sikh Tradition | journal=Journal of the American Oriental Society | publisher=American Oriental Society | volume=117 | issue=4 | year=1997 | doi=10.2307/606445 | pages=623–642}};<br>{{cite journal | last=McLeod | first=Hew | title=Sikhs and Muslims in the Punjab | journal=South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies | publisher=Taylor & Francis | volume=22 | issue=sup001 | year=1999 | doi=10.1080/00856408708723379 | pages=155–165}}</ref> TheПрогон persecutionСика ofје Sikhsподстакао triggered the founding of theоснивање [[Khalsa|Калсе]] asкао anреда orderза toзаштиту protectслободе theсвести freedom of conscience andи religionвероисповести,<ref name=pashauraarjan/><ref name="Gandhi">{{cite book | title=History of Sikh Gurus Retold: 1606 -1708 | publisher=Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd | author=Singh Gandhi, Surjit | date=1 Feb 2008 | pages=676–677 | isbn=8126908572}}</ref> withса qualitiesсвојствима of a "„-{Sant-Sipāhī"}-”{{spaced ndash}} aсветих [[Khalsa|saint-soldier]]војника.<ref name="Chanchreek 2007 142">{{cite book|last=Chanchreek|first=Jain|title=Encyclopaedia of Great Festivals|year=2007|publisher=Shree Publishers & Distributors|isbn=9788183291910|page=142}}</ref><ref name="Dugga 2001 33">{{cite book|last=Dugga|first=Kartar|title=Maharaja Ranjit Singh: The Last to Lay Arms|year=2001|publisher=Abhinav Publications|isbn=9788170174103|page=33}}</ref> TheКалсу Khalsaје wasосновао foundedзадњи byгуру theСика, last Sikh Guru,гуру [[Guru Gobind Singh|Гобинд Синг]].
== Терминологија Сика ==