Сергеј Ајзенштајн — разлика између измена

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Ред 83:
== Главна дела ==
Неки од најбољих радова су:<ref>{{citation|editor1-last=Christie|editor1-first=Ian| editor2-first=Richard|editor2-last=Taylor| title = The Film Factory: Russian and Soviet Cinema in Documents, 1896–1939| place=New York, New York| publisher = Routledge| year=1994| id = ISBN 978-0-415-05298-X6}}</ref><ref>{{Citation| last=Eisenstein | first = Sergei | title = Film Form: Essays in Film Theory| place=New York | publisher = Hartcourt | year=1949}}</ref>
Ред 111:
* {{Citation| last=Bordwell| first = David|author-link=David Bordwell| title = The Cinema of Eisenstein| place = Cambridge, Massachusetts| publisher = Harvard University Press| year=1993| isbn = 978-0-674-13138-5}}
* {{Citation|editor1-last=Geduld|editor1-first=Harry M.|editor2-first=Ronald|editor2-last=Gottesman| title = Sergei Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: The Making & Unmaking of Que Viva Mexico!| place = Bloomington, Indiana| publisher = Indiana University Press| year=1970| isbn = 978-0-253-18050-6}}
* {{Citation| last=Goodwin| first = James| title = Eisenstein, Cinema, and History| place = Urbana| publisher = University of Illinois Press| year=1993| id = ISBN 978-0-252-06269-8}}
* {{Citation| last=Leyda| first = Jay| title = Kino: A History of the Russian And Soviet Film| place = New York| publisher = Macmillan| year=1960| oclc = 1683826| url = https://archive.org/stream/kinohistoryofrus00jayl#page/n0/mode/2up}}
* {{Citation| last=Leyda| first = Jay| title = [[Eisenstein on Disney]]| place = London| publisher = Methuen| year=1986| id = ISBN 978-0-413-19640-28}}
* {{Citation| last=Leyda| first = Jay| first2 = Zina| last2=Voynow| title = Eisenstein At Work| place = New York| publisher = Pantheon| year=1982| isbn = 978-0-394-74812-2}}
* {{Citation| last=Montagu| first = Ivor| title = With Eisenstein in Hollywood| place = Berlin| publisher = Seven Seas Books| year=1968| oclc = 8713}}
* {{Citation| last=Neuberger| first = Joan| title = Ivan the Terrible: The Film Companion| place = London; New York| publisher = I.B. Tauris| year=2003| id = ISBN 978-1-86064-560-70}}
* {{Citation| last=Nizhniĭ| first = Vladimir| title = Lessons with Eisenstein| place = New York| publisher = Hill and Wang| year=1962| oclc = 6406521}}
* {{Citation| last=Seton| first = Marie| title = Sergei M. Eisenstein: A Biography| place = New York| publisher = A.A. Wyn| year=1952| oclc = 2935257| url = https://archive.org/details/sergeimeisenstei00seto}}
* {{Citation| last=Howes| first = Keith| chapter = Eisenstein, Sergei (Mikhailovich)|editor-first=Robert|editor-last=Aldrich|editor2-first=Garry|editor2-last=Wotherspoon| title = Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History from Antiquity to World War II| publisher = Routledge; London| year=2002| id = ISBN 978-0-415-15983-08}}
* {{Citation| last=Stern| first = Keith| chapter = Eisenstein, Sergei| title = Queers in History| publisher = BenBella Books, Inc.; Dallas, Texas| year=2009| isbn = 978-1-933771-87-8}}
* Antonio Somaini, ''Ejzenstejn. Il cinema, le arti, il montaggio'' (''Eisenstein. Cinema, the Arts, Montage)'', Einaudi, Torino 2011