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Ред 199:
== Еволуција ==
Инсекти су се развили од -{''Annelida''}-.<ref>{{Cite book|author=David Grimaldi |author2=Michael S. Engel |title=Evolution of the Insects |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=2005 |id=ISBN 978-0-521-82149-50}}</ref> Најстарији облици налазе се у слојевима средњега девона.<ref>{{cite web|title=Palaeos invertebrates:Arthropoda |url=http://www.palaeos.com/Invertebrates/Arthropods/Pancrustacea.html |publisher=Palaeos Invertebrates |date=03. 05. 2002 |accessdate=06. 05. 2009 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090215010139/http://palaeos.com/Invertebrates/Arthropods/Pancrustacea.html |archivedate = 15. 2. 2009}}</ref><ref name=misof>{{cite journal|last=Misof, et.al. |first=Bernhard |title=Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution |journal=Science |year=2014 |volume=346 |issue=6210 |doi=10.1126/science.1257570 |url=http://www.sciencemag.org |accessdate=04. 12. 2014|pages=763}}</ref>
== Производња звука и слух ==
Ред 362:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Kapoor| first=V.C. C. | title=Principles and Practices of Animal Taxonomy | publisher=Science Publishers | edition=1 | volume=1 |year=1998|id=ISBN 978-1-57808-024-X3|pages=48}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Gilliott| first=Cedric | title=Entomology | publisher=Springer-Verlag New York, LLC | edition=2 |year=1995|id=ISBN 978-0-306-44967-63 | url=https://books.google.com/?id=DrTKxvZq_IcC&pg=PA96|pages=96}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author=David Grimaldi |author2=Michael S. Engel | title=Evolution of the Insects | publisher= Cambridge University Press |year=2005|id=ISBN 978-0-521-82149-50}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Gullan|first=P.J. |author2=Cranston, P.S. |title=The Insects: An Outline of Entomology |publisher=Blackwell Publishing |location=Oxford |edition=3 |year=2005|id=ISBN 978-1-4051-1113-53}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|editor=Reaka-Kudla, M. L. |editor2= D. E. Wilson |editor3= E. O. Wilson |title=Biodiversity II |publisher=Joseph Henry Press, Washington, D.C.}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Erwin|first= Terry L. |year=1997|title=Biodiversity at its utmost: Tropical Forest Beetles |pages=27-40}} In: {{cite book|editor=Reaka-Kudla, M. L. |editor2= D. E. Wilson |editor3= E. O. Wilson |title=Biodiversity II |publisher=Joseph Henry Press, Washington, D.C.}}
Ред 374:
* -{E. Stresemann (Begr.), H.-J. Hannemann, B. Klausnitzer, K. Senglaub: ''Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland, Wirbellose: Insekten''. 9. Aufl. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg/Berlin 959 S. {{page|year=2000|isbn=978-3-8274-0922-5|pages=}} }-
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author = Бей-Биенко, Григорий Яковлевич |title =Общая энтомология: учеб. для ун-тов и сельхозвузов |volume=3. |location =М. |publisher =Высш. шк. |year=1980|pages=416}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Захваткин|first=А. Ю.. |title =Курс общей энтомологии |location =М.| publisher =Колос |year=2001|id=ISBN 978-5-10-003598-65|pages=376}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|title = Историческое развитие класса насекомых |author = Родендорф, Борис Борисович |author2 = Расницын, Александр Павлович |others = Тр. Палеонтолог. ин-та АН СССР |location = М. |publisher =Наука |year=1980|volume = 175 |pages=256}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author = Росс Г. |author2 = Росс Ч. |author3 = Росс. Д. |title =Энтомология |location =М. |publisher =Мир |year=1985|pages=572}}
Ред 385:
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Щёголев|first=Н. В. |title =Сельскохозяйственная энтомология |location = М. |publisher = |year=1980|pages=450}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Яхонтов|first=В. В.. |title =Экология насекомых|location =М. |publisher = Высш. шк. |year=1969|pages=488}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Акимушкин|first=И. И.. |title = Мир животных. Мир животных: Насекомые. Пауки. Домашние животные |location =М. |publisher = Мысль |volume = 3 |year=1993|id=ISBN 978-5-244-00444-1}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author = Гетгелюк П. |author2 = Альбуи В. |title =Насекомые |location =М. |publisher = Мир книги |year=2008|isbn=978-5-486-02567-9|pages=224}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author = |title = Насекомые |location = Минск |publisher = Белфакс |issue = Мир животных |year=1995|id=ISBN 978-985-407-011-57 |pages=80}}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Станек|first=Я. В.. |title = Иллюстрированная энциклопедия насекомых |location = Прага |publisher = Артия |year=1977|pages=560}}