Европа (сателит) — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
| назив = Европа
Линија 7 ⟶ 6:
| открио = [[Галилео Галилеј]]
| датум_открића = 1610.
| полупречник_орбите = 670.900<ref name="factsheet">{{cite web|title=Overview of Europa Facts|work=NASA|url=http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Jup_Europa|accessdate=27 December 2007|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140326221921/http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Jup_Europa|archivedate=26 March 2014 }}</ref>
| полупречник_орбите = 670.900
| периапсис = 664.862<ref group=lower-alpha>Periapsis is derived from the semimajor axis (''a'') and eccentricity (''e''): ''a''(1−''e'').</ref>
| периапсис = 664.862
| апоапсис = 676.938<ref group=lower-alpha>Apoapsis is derived from the semimajor axis (''a'') and eccentricity (''e''): ''a''(1+''e'').</ref>
| апоапсис = 676.938
| ексцентрицитет = 0.009<ref name="factsheet"/>
| револуција = 3,551181 дана<ref name="horizons">{{cite web|url=http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi|title=JPL HORIZONS solar system data and ephemeris computation service|work=Solar System Dynamics|publisher=[[NASA]], Jet Propulsion Laboratory|accessdate=10 August 2007 }}</ref>
| револуција = 3,551181 дана
| брзина_револуција = 13,740
| ротација = 3,551 Tage
| нагиб = 0,470
| средњи_полупречник = 1569
| површина = 3,09 × 10<sup>7</sup><ref group=lower-alpha>Surface area derived from the radius (''r''): 4π''r''<sup> 2</sup></ref>
| маса = 4,80 × 10<sup>22</sup>
| запремина = 1,593 × 10<sup>10</sup><ref group=lower-alpha>Volume derived from the radius (''r''): <sup>4</sup>/<sub>3</sub>π''r''<sup> 3</sup></ref>
| густина = 3,01
| гравитација = 1,314
Линија 24 ⟶ 23:
| албедо = 0,67 ± 0,03
'''Европа''' ({{јез-лат|Europa}} — Еуропа) је јединствен [[природни сателит|месец]] [[Јупитер]]а који је запањивао научнике стотинама година. Блиставо наранџасте боје, други је [[Галилејеви сателити|Галилејев сателит]] Јупитера. Њена површина има веома чудан изглед, јединствен у [[Сунчев систем|Сунчевом систему]], и убраја се међу најсјајније, што је последица рефлектованих [[Сунце|Сунчевих]] зрака са релативно младе ледене површине. Slightly smaller than [[Moon|Earth's Moon]], Europa is primarily made of [[silicate]] rock and has a water-ice crust<ref name="NYT-20150315">{{cite news |last=Chang|first=Kenneth |title=Suddenly, It Seems, Water Is Everywhere in Solar System|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/13/science/space/suddenly-it-seems-water-is-everywhere-in-solar-system.html|date=12 March 2015|work=[[The New York Times]]|accessdate=13 March 2015 }}</ref> and probably an [[iron–nickel alloy|iron–nickel]] core. It has a very thin atmosphere composed primarily of oxygen. Its surface is [[Glacial striation|striated]] by cracks and streaks, but craters are relatively few. In addition to Earth-bound telescope observations, Europa has been examined by a succession of space probe flybys, the first occurring in the early 1970s.
Такође се убраја у најглаткије,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.planetsedu.com/moon/europa/|title=Europa|publisher=}}</ref> јер за разлику од [[Ганимед (сателит)|Ганимеда]] и [[Калисто (сателит)|Калиста]], оскудева у кратерима. Покривена је лавиринтима линија и трака, које подсећају на [[Марсови канали|Марсове канале]]. Дужина неких линија достиже и хиљаде километара а ширина 20–40 -{km}-. Сателит има ледену кору дебљине 75–100 -{km}-, а линије и траке, сугеришу на постојање различитих тензија испод коре. То се може лако схватити ако се сетимо близине Јупитера и плимских сила услед којих је унутрашњост Европе врела. Мада је средња [[температура]] на површини око – 150&nbsp;°C, у дубљим слојевима ледене коре температура би могла бити знатно повољнија због топле унутрашњости. Ледена кора стално поравнава површину сателита, због чега је Европа најглаткије тело, на коме се „[[планина|планине]]” уздижу само 40 -{m}- изнад површине. Она личи на јако изгребану наранџасту [[кристал]]ну куглу. Многобројни примери присуства ударних [[кратер]]а, указују на, у астрономским размерама, готово тренутно зацељивање рана. До сада је нађено само три кратера пречника већих од 5 -{km}-.
Полупречник Европе износи 1.565 -{km}-, дакле нешто мањи од Месечевог радијуса. Европа поседује метално језгро које се вероватно састоји од [[гвожђе|гвожђа]] и [[никл]]а. На језгро належе стеновити слој, док на овај належе слој ледене или течне воде. Површински слој се доста разликује од осталих. Фотографије [[Галилео Орбитер|свемирске сонде ''Галилео'']] наговестиле су постојање воденог [[океан]]а испод слоја леда, чија дебљина износи 10–30 km.<ref>{{cite journal|title=Improved detection of tides at Europa with radiometric and optical tracking during flybys |journal=Planetary and Space Science |date=July 2015 |last=Park|first=Ryan S. |last2=Bills|first2=Bruce |last3=Buffington|first3=Brent B. |volume=112 |doi=10.1016/j.pss.2015.04.005 |url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032063315001099 |accessdate=24. 08. 2015 |bibcode = 2015P&SS..112...10P |pages=10-14}}</ref> Подповршински океан је дубине око 100 -{km}-, а запремина воде у океану износи око -{3 × 10<sup>18</sup> m<sup>3</sup>}- што је количина више него два пута већа од воде у свим воденим површинама на Земљи.
The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath it, which could conceivably harbour [[extraterrestrial life]].<ref name="Tritt2002">{{cite web|url=http://people.msoe.edu/~tritt/sf/europa.life.html|title=Possibility of Life on Europa|last=Tritt|first=Charles S.|accessdate=10 August 2007|publisher=Milwaukee School of Engineering|date=2002|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070609150109/http://people.msoe.edu/~tritt/sf/europa.life.html|archivedate=9 June 2007 }}</ref> The predominant model suggests that heat from [[tidal flexing]] causes the ocean to remain liquid and drives ice movement similar to [[plate tectonics]], absorbing chemicals from the surface into the ocean below.<ref name="geology">{{cite web|url=http://geology.asu.edu/~glg_intro/planetary/p8.htm|title=Tidal Heating|work=geology.asu.edu|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20060329000051/http://geology.asu.edu/~glg_intro/planetary/p8.htm|archivedate=29 March 2006|deadurl=yes|df= }}</ref><ref name="NASA-20140908">{{cite web|last=Dyches|first=Preston|last2=Brown|first2=Dwayne|last3=Buckley|first3=Michael|title=Scientists Find Evidence of 'Diving' Tectonic Plates on Europa|url=http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2014-300|date=8 September 2014|work=[[NASA]]|accessdate=8 September 2014 }}</ref> Sea salt from a subsurface ocean may be coating some geological features on Europa, suggesting that the ocean is interacting with the sea floor. This may be important in determining whether Europa could be habitable.<ref name="NASA-20150512">{{cite web|last1=Dyches|first1=Preston|last2=Brown|first2=Dwayne|title=NASA Research Reveals Europa's Mystery Dark Material Could Be Sea Salt|url=http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=4586|date=12 May 2015|work=[[NASA]]|accessdate=12 May 2015 }}</ref> In addition, the [[Hubble Space Telescope]] detected [[water vapor|water vapor plumes]] similar to those observed on Saturn's moon [[Enceladus]], which are thought to be caused by erupting [[cryogeyser]]s.<ref name="NASA-20131212-EU">{{cite web|last1=Cook|first1=Jia-Rui C.|last2=Gutro|first2=Rob|last3=Brown|first3=Dwayne|last4=Harrington|first4=J.D.|last5=Fohn|first5=Joe|title=Hubble Sees Evidence of Water Vapor at Jupiter Moon|url=http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-363|date=12 December 2013|work=NASA}}</ref> In May 2018, astronomers provided supporting evidence of water plume activity on Europa, based on an updated critical analysis of data obtained from the ''[[Galileo (spacecraft)|Galileo]]'' space probe, which orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. Such plume activity could help researchers in a [[Life|search for life]] from the subsurface Europan ocean without having to land on the moon.<ref name="NA-20180514">{{cite journal |last1=Jia |first1=Xianzhe |last2=Kivelson |first2=Margaret G. |last3=Khurana |first3=Krishan K. |last4=Kurth |first4=William S. |title=Evidence of a plume on Europa from Galileo magnetic and plasma wave signatures |date=14 May 2018 |journal=[[Nature Astronomy]] |volume=2 |issue=6 |pages=459–464 |doi=10.1038/s41550-018-0450-z |bibcode=2018NatAs...2..459J }}</ref><ref name="NASA-20180514">{{cite web |last1=McCartney |first1=Gretchen |last2=Brown |first2=Dwayne |last3=Wendel |first3=JoAnna |title=Old Data Reveal New Evidence of Europa Plumes |url=https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7122 |date=14 May 2018 |accessdate=14 May 2018 }}</ref><ref name="NYT-20180514">{{cite news |last=Chang |first=Kenneth |title=NASA Finds Signs of Plumes From Europa, Jupiter’s Ocean Moon |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/14/science/europa-plumes-water.html |date=14 May 2018 |work=[[The New York Times]] |accessdate=14 May 2018 }}</ref><ref name="SP-20180514">{{cite web |last=Wall |first=Mike |title=This May Be the Best Evidence Yet of a Water Plume on Jupiter's Moon Europa |url=https://www.space.com/40575-jupiter-moon-europa-plume-galileo-spacecraft.html |date=14 May 2018 |work=[[Space.com]] |accessdate=14 May 2018 }}</ref>
У септембру 2016. објављено је да су користећи телескоп Хабл научници приметили потенцијалне гејзоре који избацују воду на висину од скоро 200 км од површине Европе. Ови налази помоћи ће инжењерима при дизајнирању будућих свемирских сонди како би се Европа што детаљније истражила.<ref name="гејзириводе">{{cite web|last=Northon|first=Karen|title=NASA’s Hubble Spots Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Europa|url=http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-s-hubble-spots-possible-water-plumes-erupting-on-jupiters-moon-europa|publisher=NASA|accessdate=27. 09. 2016}}</ref>
The ''Galileo'' mission, launched in 1989, provides the bulk of current data on Europa. No spacecraft has yet landed on Europa, although there have been several proposed exploration missions. The [[European Space Agency]]'s [[Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer]] (JUICE) is a mission to [[Ganymede (moon)|Ganymede]] that is due to launch in 2022, and will include two flybys of Europa.<ref name="selection">{{cite news|first = Jonathan|last=Amos|url = https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17917102|title = Esa selects 1bn-euro Juice probe to Jupiter|accessdate = 2 May 2012|date = 2 May 2012|work = [[BBC News Online]]}}</ref> NASA's planned [[Europa Clipper]] will be launched in the mid-2020s.<ref name="AP-20140304">{{cite news|last=Borenstein|first=Seth|title=NASA plots daring flight to Jupiter's watery moon|url=http://apnews.excite.com/article/20140304/DACB5P9O0.html|date=4 March 2014|agency=Associated Press }}</ref> У септембру 2016. објављено је да су користећи телескоп Хабл научници приметили потенцијалне гејзоре који избацују воду на висину од скоро 200 км од површине Европе. Ови налази помоћи ће инжењерима при дизајнирању будућих свемирских сонди како би се Европа што детаљније истражила.<ref name="гејзириводе">{{cite web|last=Northon|first=Karen|title=NASA’s Hubble Spots Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Europa|url=http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-s-hubble-spots-possible-water-plumes-erupting-on-jupiters-moon-europa|publisher=NASA|accessdate=27. 09. 2016}}</ref>
== Откриће и именовање ==
Европа, заједноса три друга Јупитерова месеца, [[Io (moon)|Io]], [[Ganymede (moon)|Ganymede]], and [[Callisto (moon)|Callisto]], was discovered by [[Galileo Galilei]] on 8 January 1610,<ref name="IAUMoonDiscoveries"/> and possibly independently by [[Simon Marius]]. The first reported observation of Io and Europa was made by Galileo Galilei on 7 January 1610 using a [[Galileo Telescope|20×-magnification refracting telescope]] at the [[University of Padua]]. However, in that observation, Galileo could not separate Io and Europa due to the low magnification of his telescope, so that the two were recorded as a single point of light. The following day, 8 January 1610 (used as the discovery date for Europa by the [[International Astronomical Union|IAU]]), Io and Europa were seen for the first time as separate bodies during Galileo's observations of the Jupiter system.<ref name="IAUMoonDiscoveries">{{cite web |last=Blue |first=Jennifer | date=9 November 2009 |url=http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/append7.html |title=Planet and Satellite Names and Discoverers | publisher=USGS }}</ref>
Europa is named after [[Europa (mythology)|Europa]], daughter of the king of [[Tyre, Lebanon|Tyre]], a [[Phoenicia]]n noblewoman in [[Greek mythology]]. Like all the Galilean satellites, Europa is named after a lover of [[Zeus]], the Greek counterpart of [[Jupiter (mythology)|Jupiter]]. Europa was courted by Zeus and became the queen of [[Crete]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://nineplanets.org/europa.html |title=Europa |last=Arnett |first=Bill |work=Nine Planets |date=October 2005 |accessdate=27 April 2014 }}</ref> The naming scheme was suggested by Simon Marius, who discovered the four satellites independently.<ref name="Marius1614"/> Marius attributed the proposal to [[Johannes Kepler]].<ref name="Marius1614">[[Simon Marius|Marius, S.]]; (1614) ''[[Mundus Iovialis]] anno M.DC.IX Detectus Ope Perspicilli Belgici'' [http://galileo.rice.edu/sci/marius.html], where he [http://galileo.rice.edu/sci/observations/jupiter_satellites.html attributes the suggestion] to [[Johannes Kepler]]</ref><ref name="SEDS">{{cite web|url=http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/messier/xtra/Bios/marius.html |title=Simon Marius (January 20, 1573 – December 26, 1624) |accessdate=9 August 2007 |publisher=[[University of Arizona]] |work=Students for the Exploration and Development of Space |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070713221843/http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/messier/xtra/Bios/marius.html |archivedate=13 July 2007 }}</ref>
The names fell out of favor for a considerable time and were not revived in general use until the mid-20th century.<ref name="marazzini">{{cite journal |last=Marazzini |first=Claudio |date=2005 |title=I nomi dei satelliti di Giove: da Galileo a Simon Marius (The names of the satellites of Jupiter: from Galileo to Simon Marius) |journal=Lettere Italiane |volume=57 |issue=3 |pages=391–407 }}</ref> In much of the earlier [[astronomy|astronomical]] literature, Europa is simply referred to by its [[Roman numerals|Roman numeral]] designation as ''{{Nowrap|Jupiter II}}'' (a system also introduced by Galileo) or as the "second satellite of Jupiter". In 1892, the discovery of [[Amalthea (moon)|Amalthea]], whose orbit lay closer to Jupiter than those of the Galilean moons, pushed Europa to the third position. The [[Voyager probes|''Voyager'' probes]] discovered three more [[Inner satellites of Jupiter|inner satellites]] in 1979, so Europa is now considered Jupiter's sixth satellite, though it is still sometimes referred to as {{Nowrap|Jupiter II}}.<ref name="marazzini"/>
== Напомене ==
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite book
| first=David A. | last=Rothery | date=1999
| title=Satellites of the Outer Planets: Worlds in Their Own Right
| publisher=Oxford University Press US
| isbn=978-0-19-512555-9 }}
* {{cite book
| first=David M. | last=Harland | date=2000
| title=Jupiter Odyssey: The Story of NASA's Galileo Mission
| publisher=Springer | isbn=978-1-85233-301-0 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Richard | last=Greenberg | date=2005
| title=EUROPA The Ocean Moon
| publisher=Springer | isbn=978-3-540-22450-1 }}
== Спољашње везе ==
Линија 49 ⟶ 79:
* [http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0903/europa_galileo_big.jpg Europa image montage from Galileo spacecraft] NASA
* [http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/pia16827.html View of Europa from Galileo flybys]
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