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Ред 24:
=== Бахаи вера ===
[[Бахаи вера]] тврди да је „душа знак Бога, небески драгуљ чију реалност ни најцењенији међу људима нисе успели да докуче, и чија мистерија колико год да је акутна, неће никада моћи да буде разоткривена”.<ref>{{Cite book|author=Bahá'u'lláh |authorlink = Bahá'u'lláh |year=1976 | title = Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh | publisher = Bahá'í Publishing Trust | location = Wilmette, Illinois, USA |isbn=978-0-87743-187-9 |pages=158–163158-163 | url = http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-82.html#gr1 | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160303214835/http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-82.html#gr1 | archivedate=3. 3. 2016. |df=dmy-all }}</ref> [[Bahá'u'lláh|Бахаула]] је сматрао да душа не само да наставља да живи после физичке смрти људског тела, већ да је заправо и бесмртна.<ref>{{Cite book|author=Bahá'u'lláh |authorlink = Bahá'u'lláh |year=1976 | title = Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh | publisher = Bahá'í Publishing Trust | location = Wilmette, Illinois, USA |isbn=978-0-87743-187-9 |pages=155–158155-158 | url = http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-81.html#gr1 | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160304104955/http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-81.html#gr1 | archivedate=4. 3. 2016. |df=dmy-all }}</ref> Рај се делимично може посматрати као стање блискости душе Богу; а пакао као стање одвојености од Бога. Свако стање следи као природна последица индивидуалних напора, или њиговог одсуства, да се оствари духовни развој.<ref name="rob1">{{citeCite book|last=Taherzadeh| first = Adib|authorlink = Adib Taherzadeh |year=1976 | title = The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 1 | publisher = George Ronald | location = Oxford, UK |isbn=978-0-85398-270-8 | url = http://www.peyman.info/cl/Baha%27i/Others/ROB/V1/Contents.html | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160303191017/http://www.peyman.info/cl/Baha'i/Others/ROB/V1/Contents.html | archivedate=3. 3. 2016. |df= dmy-all }}</ref> Бахаула је учио да индивидуе немају постојање пре њиховог живота овде на земљи и да је еволуција душе увек усмерена према Богу и далеко од материјалног света.<ref name="rob1"/>
=== Будизам ===
Ред 63:
== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|authorlast=Bahá'u'lláhTaherzadeh| first = Adib|authorlink = Bahá'u'lláhAdib Taherzadeh |year=1976 | title = GleaningsThe from the WritingsRevelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 1 | publisher = Bahá'íGeorge Publishing TrustRonald | location = Wilmette, IllinoisOxford, USAUK |isbn=978-0-8774385398-187270-9 |pages=155–1588 | url = http://referencewww.bahaipeyman.orginfo/encl/tBaha%27i/bOthers/GWBROB/gwb-81V1/Contents.html#gr1 | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/2016030410495520160303191017/http://referencewww.bahaipeyman.orginfo/encl/tBaha'i/bOthers/GWBROB/gwb-81V1/Contents.html#gr1 | archivedate=43. 3. 2016. |df= dmy-all }}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author=Bahá'u'lláh |authorlink = Bahá'u'lláh |year=1976 | title = Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh | publisher = Bahá'í Publishing Trust | location = Wilmette, Illinois, USA |isbn=978-0-87743-187-9 |pages=158–163155-158 | url = http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-8281.html#gr1 | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/2016030321483520160304104955/http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-8281.html#gr1 | archivedate=34. 3. 2016. |df=dmy-all }}
* {{Cite book|ref=harv|author=Bahá'u'lláh |authorlink = Bahá'u'lláh |year=1976 | title = Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh | publisher = Bahá'í Publishing Trust | location = Wilmette, Illinois, USA |isbn=978-0-87743-187-9 |pages=158-163 | url = http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-82.html#gr1 | accessdate=23. 2. 2016. | deadurl = no | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20160303214835/http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GWB/gwb-82.html#gr1 | archivedate=3. 3. 2016. |df=dmy-all }}
* -{Batchelor, Stephen. (1998). ''Buddhism Without Beliefs''. Bloomsbury Publishing.}-
* {{Cite book|ref=harv| last=Bremmer| first = Jan | title = The Early Greek Concept of the Soul | url = http://irs.ub.rug.nl/ppn/287753204 | format = PDF | accessdate=16. 8. 2007 |year=1983 | publisher = Princeton University Press | location = Princeton |isbn=978-0-691-03131-6|pages=}}
* -{Chalmers, David. J. (1996). ''The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory'', New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.}-
* [[Milbourne Christopher|Christopher, Milbourne]]. (1979). ''Search For The Soul: An Insider's Report On The Continuing Quest By Psychics & Scientists For Evidence Of Life After Death''. Thomas Y. Crowell, Publishers.
* {{cite journal|last=Clarke | first = Peter |year=2014 | title = Neuroscience, Quantum Indeterminism and the Cartesian Soul | url = | journal = Brain and Cognition | volume = 84 | issue = |pages=109–117109-117 | pmid = 24355546 | doi=10.1016/j.bandc.2013.11.008}}
* [[Bruce Hood (psychologist)|Hood, Bruce]]. ''Supersense: From Superstition to Religion - The Brain Science of Belief''. Constable. {{page|year=2009|isbn=978-1-84901-030-6|pages|pages=}}
* -{McGraw, John J. (2004). ''Brain & Belief: An Exploration of the Human Soul''. Aegis Press.}-
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