Скандинавске планине — разлика између измена

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Нема описа измене
ознака: уређивање извора (2017)
Ред 54:
Комбинација сјеверне локације и влаге из Сјеверног [[Атлантски океан|Атлантског океана]] изазвала је формирање многих ледених поља и [[Ледник|глечера]]. Температура пада са повећањем надморске висине; у Јужној Норвешкој, [[пермафрост]] постаје уобичајен на око 1.500 метара надморске висине на западној падини и око 1.200 метара надморске висине на источној падини близу границе са Шведском. У [[Северна Норвешка|сјеверној Норвешкој]] трајни мраз постаје уобичајен од око 800 до 900 метара надморске висине на западној падини и око 600 метара надморске висине на источној падини.
== Орографија ==
The mountain chain's highest summits are mostly concentrated in an area (of [[Arithmetic mean|mean]] altitude of over 1,000 m<ref>{{cite web | url=http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/studies/pdf/montagne/mount4.pdf | title=The delineation of European mountain areas | publisher=[[European Commission]] | work=Mountain Areas in Europe – Final Report | accessdate=4 November 2016 | pages=27}}</ref>) between [[Stavanger]] and [[Trondheim]] in southern Norway, with numerous peaks over 1,300 m and some peaks over 2,000 m.<ref name=Rudberg/> Around [[Trondheim Fjord]] peaks decrease in altitude to about 400–500 m rising again to heights in excess of 1,900 m further north in [[Swedish Lapland]] and nearby areas of Norway.<ref name=Rudberg/>{{efn-ua|The two high areas, north and south of [[Trondheim]], have been usually referred to as "domes" but technically they are not geological [[Dome (geology)|dome]]s.<ref>{{cite journal |last=Redfield |first=T.F. |last2=Osmundsen |first2=P.T. |date=2013 |title=The long-term topographic response of a continent adjacent to a hyperextended margin: A case study from Scandinavia |journal=GSA Bulletin |volume=125 |issue=1/2 |pages=184–200 |doi=10.1130/B30691.1 |access-date= |bibcode=2013GSAB..125..184R }}</ref>}} The southern part of the mountain range contains the highest mountain of [[Northern Europe]], [[Galdhøpiggen]] at almost 2,500 m.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://snl.no/Den_skandinaviske_fjellkjede|title=Den skandinaviske fjellkjede|first=Svein|last=Askheim|date=14 December 2017|via=Store norske leksikon}}</ref> This part of the mountain chain is also broader and contains a series of [[Paleic surface|plateaux and gently undulating surfaces]]<ref name=Rudberg/><ref name=Osmundsenetal2010/> that hosts scattered [[inselberg]]s.<ref name=Osmundsenetal2010/> The plateaux and undulating surfaces of the southern Scandinavian Mountains form a series of stepped surfaces. Geomorphologist [[Karna Lidmar-Bergström]] and co-workers recognize five widespread stepped surfaces. On eastern Norway some of the stepped surfaces merge into a single surface. [[Dovre]] and [[Jotunheimen]] are rises from the highest of the stepped surfaces.<ref>{{cite journal|author-last= Lidmar-Bergström |author-first=Karna |author-last2=Ollier|author-first2=C.D. |author-last3=Sulebak|author-first3=J.R.|author-link1=Karna Lidmar-Bergström|author-link2=Cliff Ollier |date=2000|title= Landforms and uplift history of southern Norway |journal=[[Global and Planetary Change]]|volume=24|issue=3|pages= 211–231 |doi=10.1016/s0921-8181(00)00009-6|bibcode=2000GPC....24..211L }}</ref> In south-western Norway the plateaux and gently undulating surfaces are strongly [[dissected plateau|dissected]] by [[fjord]]s and [[valley]]s.<ref name=Corner2004>{{cite book |last=Corner |first=Geoffrey |date=2004 |title=The Physical Geography of Fennoscandia |chapter=Scandes Mountains|editor-last=Seppälä|editor-first=Matti|editor-link=Matti Seppälä |publisher=Oxford University Press |pages=240–254 |isbn=978-0-19-924590-1}}</ref> The mountain chain is present in Sweden from northern [[Dalarna]] northwards; south of this point the Scandinavian Mountains lie completely within Norway.<ref name=Rudberg>{{cite book |last=Rudberg |first=Sten |author-link=Sten Rudberg |date=1960 |title=Geography of Norden |chapter=Geology and Morphology |pages=27–40|editor-last=Somme|editor-first=Axel|editor-link=Axel Sømme }}</ref> Most of the Scandinavian Mountains lack "alpine topography",{{efn-ua|A topography classification study found that 13.6% of the area of southern Norway has a proper "alpine relief", and that this is mostly concentrated in the fjord region of southwestern Norway and the valley of [[Gudbrandsdalen]]. About half of the "alpine relief" area is characterized has steep slopes and [[over-deepening|over-deepened]] [[glacial valleys]]. The other half is made up of coastal mountains and intermediate-relief glacial valleys.<ref name=Etzeletal2007>{{cite journal |last1=Etzelmüller |first1=Bernd |last2=Romstad |first2=Bård |last3=Fjellanger |first3=Jakob|date=2007 |title=Automatic regional classification of topography in Norway |journal=[[Norwegian Journal of Geology]] |volume=87 |pages=167–180 |access-date= }}</ref>}} and, where present, it does not relate to altitude.<ref name=Osmundsenetal2010/> An example of this is the distribution of [[cirque]]s in southern Norway that can be found both near sea level and at 2,000 m. Most cirques are found between 1,000 and 1,500 m.<ref name=Halletal2013>{{cite journal |last1=Hall |first1=Adrian M. |last2=Ebert |first2=Karin |last3=Kleman |first3=Johan|last4=Nesje |first4=Atle|last5=Ottesen |first5=Dag |date=2013 |title=Selective glacial erosion on the Norwegian passive margin |journal=Geology |volume=41 |issue=12 |pages=1203–1206 |doi= 10.1130/g34806.1|access-date= |bibcode=2013Geo....41.1203H }}</ref>
== Геологија ==
Линија 59 ⟶ 63:
== Галерија ==
<gallery widths="250px" heights="180px">
Датотека:GaldhøpiggenFromFannaråki.jpg|[[Галдепинген]], највиши врх Скандинавских планина
Датотека:Glittertind1999.jpg|[[Глитертинд]], друга највиша планина у [[Норвешка|Норвешкој]]
Линија 65 ⟶ 69:
Датотека:Abisko snow.jpg|[[Абиско (национални парк)|Абиско]] национални парк
== Напомене ==
== Референце ==
<ref name=Osmundsenetal2010>{{cite journal |last=Osmundsen |first=P.T. |last2=Redfield |first2=T.F. |last3=Hendriks |first3=B.H.W. |last4=Bergh |first4=S. |last5=Hansen |first5=J.-A.|last6=Henderson |first6=I.H.C.|last7=Dehls |first7=J. |last8=Lauknes |first8=T.R.|last9=Larsen |first9=Y. |last10=Anda |first10=E. |last11=Davidsen |first11=B. |date=2010 |title=Fault-controlled alpine topography in Norway |url=http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/content/167/1/83 |journal=Journal of the Geological Society, London |volume=167 |issue= 1|pages=83–98 |doi=10.1144/0016-76492009-019 |access-date= |bibcode=2010JGSoc.167...83O }}</ref>
== Спољашње везе ==