Феноменологија — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
'''Феноменологија''' је филозофско становиште које у савременој [[социологија|социологији]] представља својеврсну реакцију на објективистичке једностраности позитивистичког [[Емпиризам|емпиризма]], [[Фундаментализам|функционализма]], структурализма и [[марксизам|марксизма]]. Умјесто спољног искуства о појавама (феноменолизма), социјална феноменологија се усмјерава према унутрашњој суштини феномена.
Феноменологија у [[20. век|XX вијеку]] се односи на [[филозофија|филозофију]] коју је развио [[Едмунд Хусерл|Хусерл]] и неки од његових сљедбеника. Сам појам феноменологија, се користи од средине [[18. век|XVIII вијека]], са пажљиво одабраним техничким значењем у дјелу [[Имануел Кант|Канта]] и [[Георг Вилхелм Фридрих Хегел|Хегела]]. Данас се појам не односи на јасно дефинисане и хомогене филозофске позиције. Питање, „Шта је феноменологија?“, може сугерисати да је феноменологија једна од различитих концепција [[савремена филозофија|савремене филозофије]], која се састоји од јасно дефинисане структуре тијела и доктрина, чије суштинске карактеристике се могу врло лако изразити и објаснити. Међутим, прије ће бити један шири покрет, усмјерен на различите правце, због чега феноменологија данас има различито значење за различите људе.<ref name="Husserlhistory">{{citation
|author-link = Dan Zahavi
|title=Husserl's Phenomenology
|publisher=Stanford University Press
|place= Stanford
Иако у самом покрету феноменологије, као једне цјелине, постоји више повезаних струја, оне нису хомогене на било који начин, односно могуће је наслутити заједничку полазну тачку, али је циљ у сваком од случаја, различит. Филозофска мисао већине феноменолога, се измијењала толико, да је њихове [[доктрина (филозофија)|доктрине]] једино могуће представити у градуалном развоју. Ово не важи само за Хусерла, оснивача феноменолошког покрета, него такође за феноменологе који слиједе, као Шелер ([[1874]]-[[1928]]), Н. Хартман ([[1882]]-[[1950]]), [[Мартин Хајдегер|Хајдегер]] ([[1889]]-[[1976]]), [[Жан Пол Сартр|Сартр]] ([[1905]]-[[1980]]) и [[Морис Мерло-Понти]] ([[1908]]-[[1961]]).
Линија 32 ⟶ 40:
* ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20070514130512/http://www.brill.nl/m_catalogue_sub6_id9390.htm -{Research in Phenomenology.]'' Duquesne Univ. Pr., Pittsburgh Pa 1.1971ff.}- {{ISSN|0085-5553}}
* ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20070819020843/http://www.studia-phaenomenologica.com/ -{Studia Phaenomenologica}-.]'' {{ISSN|1582-5647}}
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* Algis Mickunas, ''From Zen to Phenomenology''. (Hauppauge: Nova 2018)
* ''A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism''. Edited by Hubert L. Dreyfus and Mark A. Wrathall. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2009)
*''Handbook of Phenomenological Aesthetics''. Edited by Hans Rainer Sepp and Lester Embree. (Series: Contributions To Phenomenology, Vol. 59) Springer, Dordrecht / Heidelberg / London / New York 2010. {{ISBN|978-90-481-2470-1}}
*The [https://web.archive.org/web/20070628133957/http://www.iap.li/default.php IAP LIBRARY] offers very fine sources for Phenomenology.
*The [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/ London Philosophy Study Guide] offers many suggestions on what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the subject: [http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/LPSG/Phenomenology.htm Phenomenology]
* Dermot Moran, ''Introduction to Phenomenology'' (Oxford: Routledge, 2000) – Charting phenomenology from Brentano, through Husserl and Heidegger, to Gadamer, Arendt, Levinas, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida.
* Robert Sokolowski, "Introduction to Phenomenology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000) – An excellent non-historical introduction to phenomenology.
* [[Herbert Spiegelberg]], "The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction," 3rd ed. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1983). The most comprehensive source on the development of the phenomenological movement.
* David Stewart and Algis Mickunas, "Exploring Phenomenology: A Guide to the Field and its Literature" (Athens: Ohio University Press 1990)
* Michael Hammond, Jane Howarth, and Russell Kent, "Understanding Phenomenology" (Oxford: Blackwell 1995)
* Christopher Macann, ''Four Phenomenological Philosophers: Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty'' (New York: Routledge: 1993)
* [[Jan Patočka]], "Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie?", In: ''Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie?'', ed. and trans. E. Abrams (Grenoble: J. Millon 1988), pp.&nbsp;263–302. An answer to the question, What is phenomenology?, from a student of both Husserl and Heidegger and one of the most important phenomenologists of the latter half of the twentieth century.
* William A. Luijpen and Henry J. Koren, "A First Introduction to Existential Phenomenology" (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press 1969)
* Richard M. Zaner, "The Way of Phenomenology" (Indianapolis: Pegasus 1970)
* [[Hans Köchler]], ''Die Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie. Das Seinsproblem zwischen Idealismus und Realismus''. (Meisenheim a. G.: Anton Hain, 1974) (German)
* [[Hans Köchler]], ''Phenomenological Realism: Selected Essays'' (Frankfurt a. M./Bern: Peter Lang, 1986)
* [[Mark Jarzombek]], ''The Psychologizing of Modernity'' (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
*Seidner, Stanley S. (1989). "Köhler's Dilemma", In ''Issues of Language Assessment''. vol 3. Ed., Stanley S.Seidner. Springfield, Il.: State Board of Education. pp.&nbsp;5–6.
* Pierre Thévenaz, "What is Phenomenology?" (Chicago: Quadrangle Books 1962)
* ed. James M. Edie, "An Invitation to Phenomenology" (Chicago: Quadrangle Books 1965) – A collection of seminal phenomenological essays.
* ed. R. O. Elveton, "The Phenomenology of Husserl: Selected Critical Readings" (Seattle: Noesis Press 2000) – Key essays about Husserl's phenomenology.
* ed. Laura Doyle, ''Bodies of Resistance: New Phenomenologies of Politics, Agency, and Culture''. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 2001.
* eds. Richard Zaner and Don Ihde, "Phenomenology and Existentialism" (New York: Putnam 1973) – Contains many key essays in existential phenomenology.
* [[Robert Magliola]], ''Phenomenology and Literature'' (Purdue University Press, 1977; 1978) systematically describes, in Part One, the influence of Husserl, Heidegger, and the French Existentialists on the Geneva School and other forms of what becomes known as "phenomenological literary criticism"; and in Part Two describes phenomenological literary theory in Roman Ingarden and Mikel Dufrenne.
* [[Albert Borgmann]] and his work in philosophy of technology.
* eds. Natalie Depraz, [[Francisco Varela]], Pierre Vermersch, ''On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing'' (Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2003) – searches for the sources and the means for a disciplined practical approach to exploring human experience.
* [[Don Ihde]], "Experimental Phenomenology: An Introduction" (Albany, NY: SUNY Press)
* [[Sara Ahmed]], "Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects Others" (Durham: Duke University Press 2006)
* [[Michael Jackson (anthropology)|Michael Jackson]], ''Existential Anthropology''
*{{Citation|title=Being and Nothingness |first=Jean-Paul |last=Sartre }}
* [[Shaun Gallagher]] and [[Dan Zahavi]], ''The Phenomenological Mind''. London: Routledge, 2007.
* [[Jean-François Lyotard]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=NL9eGdDfMboC&dq= ''Phenomenology''], SUNY Press, 1991.
* Steinbock, A. J. (1995). ''Home and Beyond, Generative Phenomenology After Husserl.'' Northwestern University Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. ([https://books.google.com/books?id=0IPtMDR3oX8C&dq=%22Home+and+Beyond,+Generative+Phenomenology+After+Husserl%22&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPA21,M1 Online])
* Suzi Adams, "Towards a Post-Phenomenology of Life: Castoriadis' ''Naturphilosophie''", Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, Vol 4, No 1–2 (2008). ([http://cosmosandhistory.org/index.php/journal/article/view/108/216 Online])
* Espen Dahl, ''Phenomenology and the Holy: Religious experience after Husserl'' (London, SCM Press, 2010).
* Arkadiusz Chrudzimski and Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), ''Phenomenology and Analysis: Essays on Central European Philosophy'', Ontos Verlag, 2004.
* D. W. Smith and A. L. Thomasson (eds.), ''Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Mind'', New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
=== Журнали ===
* [http://popups.ulg.ac.be/bap.htm Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique]
* [http://www.janushead.org Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts]
* [http://www.britishphenomenology.com Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070514130512/http://www.brill.nl/m_catalogue_sub6_id9390.htm Research in Phenomenology]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060721044159/http://www.phenomenology.ro/newsletter/newsletter_all.htm Newsletter of Phenomenology] (online-newsletter)
* [http://www.studia-phaenomenologica.com/ Studia Phaenomenologica] {{ISSN|1582-5647}}
* [http://www.ipjp.org/ Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology]
* [http://www.roman-ingarden.phils.uj.edu.pl/ang/index.php The Roman Ingarden Philosophical Research Centre]
* [https://www.springer.com/11097 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences]
* [https://www.springer.com/11007 Continental Philosophy Review]
* [https://www.springer.com/10746 Human Studies]
* [https://www.springer.com/10743 Husserl Studies]
* [http://www.phandpr.org/ Phenomenology & Practice]
* [http://www.journal-phaenomenologie.ac.at/jphhome.html Journal Phaenomenologie]
* [http://www.phainomena.com/en Phainomena]
=== Серије књига ===
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6062 Edmund Husserl: Gesammelte Werke]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6059 Edmund Husserl: Collected Works]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6060 Edmund Husserl: Dokumente]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6061 Edmund Husserl: Materialien]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/5621 Analecta Husserliana]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6409 Phaenomenologica]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/5811 Contributions to Phenomenology]
* [https://www.springer.com/series/6545 Studies in German Idealism]
== Spoljašnje veze ==
{{Commons category-lat|Phenomenology (philosophy)}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20000817094359/http://www.phenomenologycenter.org/phenom.htm What is Phenomenology?]
* [http://www.husserlpage.com/ About Edmund Husserl]
* [http://www.iep.utm.edu/phenom/ Phenomenology – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
* [http://www.iep.utm.edu/cog-phen/ Cognitive Phenomenology – Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
* [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/phenomenology/ Phenomenology – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070701212026/http://www.o-p-o.net/ Organization of Phenomenology Organizations]
* [http://www.phenomenology.ro Romanian Society for Phenomenology]
* [http://www.phenomenologyonline.com/ Phenomenology Online]
* [http://www.thenewdialectics.org Dialectical Phenomenology]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070219155649/http://www.thenewphenomenology.org/ The New Phenomenology]
* [https://www.springer.com/philosophy/phenomenology Springer's academic Phenomenology program]
* [http://www.fenomenologiayfilosofiaprimera.com/ Phenomenology and First Philosophy]
* [http://www.metajournal.org/display_page.php?title=home Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy]
* [http://www.zetabooks.com/journals/studia-phaenomenologica.html ''Studia Phaenomenologica'']
* [http://www.phenomenologyresearchcenter.org/ Phenomenology Research Center]
* [http://www.ophen.org/ Open Commons of Phenomenology]