Хугеноти — разлика између измена

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Ред 3:
Познати хугенот је био Енрике од Наваре, будући краљ [[Анри IV|Анри IV од Француске]], који је морао да се одрекне протестантизма како би спасао живот у [[Хугенотски ратови|покољу]] хугенота који се десио 24. августа [[1572]]., познатом као [[Вартоломејска ноћ]].
== Симбол ==
[[File:Croix huguenote.svg|thumb|left|upright=0.45|right|Хугенотски крст]]
[[Huguenot cross|Хугенотски крст]] је препознатљиви амблем хугенота (-{''croix huguenote''}-).<ref>{{Citation|title=Croix huguenote|date=2019-05-13|url=https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Croix_huguenote&oldid=159235613|work=Wikipédia|language=fr|access-date=2019-06-12}}</ref> Сада је званични симбол -{''Église des Protestants réformés''}- (Француска протестантска црква). Потомци хугенота понекад овај симбол приказују као знак ''извиђања'' (препознавања) међу њима.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.huguenot.netnation.com/general/cross.htm|title=The National Huguenot Society - Cross of Languedoc|website=www.huguenot.netnation.com|access-date=2018-12-07}}</ref>
== Демографија ==
[[File:Protestant France.svg|300px|thumb|Религиона геополитика 16. века на мапи модерне Француске.
{{legend|#800080|Controlled by Huguenot nobility}}
{{legend|#AA87DE|Contested between Huguenots and Catholics}}
{{legend|#B3B3B3|Controlled by Catholic nobility}}
{{legend|MediumSlateBlue|Lutheran-majority area}}]]
The issue of demographic strength and geographical spread of the [[Calvinism|Reformed tradition]] in France has been covered in a variety of sources. Most of them agree that the Huguenot population reached as many as 10% of the total population, or roughly 2&nbsp;million people, on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572.<ref name="ReferenceA">Hans J. Hillerbrand, ''Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set'', paragraphs "France" and "Huguenots"</ref><ref>The Huguenot Population of France, 1600-1685: The Demographic Fate and Customs of a Religious Minority by Philip Benedict; American Philosophical Society, 1991 - 164</ref>
The new teaching of [[John Calvin]] attracted sizeable portions of the [[French nobility|nobility]] and urban [[bourgeoisie]]. After John Calvin introduced the [[Reformation]] in France, the number of [[Protestantism in France|French Protestants]] steadily swelled to ten percent of the population, or roughly 1.8&nbsp;million people, in the decade between 1560 and 1570.<ref name="ReferenceA"/> During the same period there were some 1,400 Reformed churches operating in France.<ref name="ReferenceA"/> Hans J. Hillerbrand, an expert on the subject, in his ''Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set'' claims the Huguenot community reached as much as 10% of the French population on the eve of the [[St. Bartholomew's Day massacre]], declining to 7 to 8% by the end of the 16th century, and further after heavy persecution began once again with the [[Edict of Fontainebleau|Revocation of the Edict of Nantes]] by [[Louis XIV of France]] in 1685.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
Among the nobles, Calvinism peaked on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. Since then it has been sharply decreasing as the Huguenots were no more tolerated by both the French royalty and the Catholic masses. By the end of the sixteenth century Huguenots constituted 7-8% of the whole population, or 1.2&nbsp;million people. By the time Louis XIV revoked the [[Edict of Nantes]] in 1685, Huguenots accounted for 800,000 to 1&nbsp;million people.<ref name="ReferenceA"/>
== Референце ==