Ратни заробљеници — разлика између измена

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== Древена времена ==
[[File:Abu-Simbel temple3.jpg|thumb|Engraving ofГравура [[Nubia|нубијских]]n prisonersзатвореника, [[AbuАбу SimbelСимбел]], EgyptЕгипат, 13th13. centuryвек BCпне.]]
ForТоком mostвећег ofдела humanљудске historyисторије, dependingзависно onод the culture of theкултуре victorsпобедника, enemyнепријатељски combatantsборци onпоражене theстране losingу sideбици inкоји aсу battleсе whoпредали hadи surrenderedпостали andратни beenзаробљеници takenмогли asсу prisonersочекивати ofда warће couldбити expectпогубљени to be either slaughtered orили [[Slavery|enslavedпоробљени]].<ref>Wickham, Jason (2014) The Enslavement of War Captives by the Romans up to 146 BC, University of Liverpool PhD Dissertation. {{cite web |url= http://repository.liv.ac.uk/17893/1/WickhamJ_May2014_17893.pdf |title= Archived copy |access-date =2015-05-24 |url-status= dead |archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20150524213405/http://repository.liv.ac.uk/17893/1/WickhamJ_May2014_17893.pdf |archive-date= 24 May 2015 |df= dmy-all }} Wickham 2014 notes that for Roman warfare the outcome of capture could lead to release, ransom, execution or enslavement.</ref> EarlyРани Romanримски [[gladiatorгладијатор]]sи couldделом beсу prisonersбити ofратни warзаробљеници, categorisedкатегорисани accordingпрема toетничким theirкоренима ethnic roots asкао [[Samnites|Самнити]], [[Thracians|Трачани]], andи [[Gauls|Гали]] (-{''Galli''}-).<ref>[http://penelope.uchicago.edu/%7Egrout/encyclopaedia_romana/gladiators/gladiators.html "The Roman Gladiator"], The University of Chicago – "Originally, captured soldiers had been made to fight with their own weapons and in their particular style of combat. It was from these conscripted prisoners of war that the gladiators acquired their exotic appearance, a distinction being made between the weapons imagined to be used by defeated enemies and those of their Roman conquerors. The Samnites (a tribe from Campania which the Romans had fought in the fourth and third centuries BC) were the prototype for Rome's professional gladiators, and it was their equipment that first was used and later adopted for the arena. [...] Two other gladiatorial categories also took their name from defeated tribes, the Galli (Gauls) and Thraeces (Thracians)."</ref> Хомерова ''[[Iliad|Илијада]]'' описује грчке и тројанске војнике који нуде изобилне надокнаде противничким снагама које су их победиле на бојном пољу у замену за милост, мада њихове понуде нису увек прихваћене; погледајте на пример [[Ликаон (Пријамов син)|Ликаона]].<ref>[[Homer]], [[Iliad|''The Iliad'']] with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in two volumes. Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1924. [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0134 Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.]</ref><ref>Homer, ''Homeri Opera'' in five volumes. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1920. [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0133 Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library].</ref><ref>[[Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus)|Pseudo-Apollodorus]], ''The Library'' with an English Translation by Sir James George Frazer, F.B.A., F.R.S. in 2 Volumes, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1921. [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0022 Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.] [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0021 Greek text available from the same website].</ref>
</ref> Homer's ''[[Iliad]]'' describes Greek and Trojan soldiers offering rewards of wealth to opposing forces who have defeated them on the battlefield in exchange for mercy, but their offers are not always accepted; see [[Lycaon of Troy|Lycaon]] for example.
== Напомене ==