Пубертет — разлика између измена

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'''Пубертет''' је појам који се односи на период живота између детињства и младости. Период раста и развоја, у току кога људска јединка завршава процес полног сазревања и стиче телесну способност обнављања врсте, означава се као пубертет. Иако су осцилације могуће, сматра се да почиње око једанаесте, а завршава се око петнаесте године (по нeкима од 13 до 20). Најважније промене које се дешавају у пубертету односе се на постепен, али често буран развој секундарних полних карактеристика, емоционалне нестабилности и тешкоћа у интерперсоналним односима. Поред физиолошких, за пубертет су карактеристичне и емоционалне промене, промене ставова о начину живота и кризе идентитета. Пубертет претходи [[адолесценција|адолесценцији]] или је, према савременим схватањима, то прва фаза адолесценције. У неким социјалним заједницама практикују се посебни обреди иницијације као увод у преузимање нових животних улога. Због неуспешне адаптације на промене или тежих емоционалних проблема често се говори о пубертетској неурози.
On average, girls begin puberty at ages 10–11 and complete puberty at ages 15–17; boys generally begin puberty at ages 11–12 and complete puberty at ages 16–17.<ref name="Kail">{{cite book| last = Kail | first = RV |author2=Cavanaugh JC| title = Human Development: A Lifespan View | isbn = 978-0-495-60037-4 | publisher = [[Cengage Learning]] | year = 2010 | page = 296 |edition = 5th|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=E-n5E7oyCgoC&pg=PA296}}</ref><ref name="Schuiling">{{cite book|author=Schuiling| title = Women's Gynecologic Health | isbn = 978-1-284-12501-6| publisher = [[Jones & Bartlett Learning]] | year = 2016 | page = 22|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QTDFDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA22|quote=The changes that occur during puberty usually happen in an ordered sequence, beginning with thelarche (breast development) at around age 10 or 11, followed by adrenarche (growth of pubic hair due to androgen stimulation), peak height velocity, and finally menarche (the onset of menses), which usually occurs around age 12 or 13.}}</ref><ref name="Phillips">{{cite book|author=D. C. Phillips| title =Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy| isbn = 978-1-4833-6475-9 | publisher = [[Sage Publications]] | year = 2014 | pages = 18–19|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=84StBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA18|quote=On average, the onset of puberty is about 18 months earlier for girls (usually starting around the age of 10 or 11 and lasting until they are 15 to 17) than for boys (who usually begin puberty at about the age of 11 to 12 and complete it by the age of 16 to 17, on average).}}</ref> The major landmark of puberty for females is [[menarche]], the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12 and 13.<ref name="Schuiling"/> For males, first [[ejaculation]], [[spermarche]], occurs on average at age 13.<ref name="Jorgensen & Keiding">(Jorgensen & Keiding 1991).</ref> In the 21st century, the average age at which children, especially girls, reach puberty is lower compared to the 19th century, when it was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.<ref>{{cite news |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7824699/Girls-now-reaching-puberty-before-10-a-year-sooner-than-20-years-ago.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100614195534/http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7824699/Girls-now-reaching-puberty-before-10-a-year-sooner-than-20-years-ago.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=June 14, 2010 |location=London |work=[[The Daily Telegraph]] |first=Richard |last=Alleyne |title=Girls now reaching puberty before 10—a year sooner than 20 years ago |date=2010-06-13}}</ref> This can be due to any number of factors, including improved nutrition resulting in rapid body growth, increased weight and fat deposition,<ref name="Guillette_2006">{{cite journal |vauthors=Guillette EA, Conard C, Lares F, Aguilar MG, McLachlan J, Guillette LJ |title=Altered breast development in young girls from an agricultural environment |journal=Environ. Health Perspect. |volume=114 |issue=3 |pages=471–5 |date=March 2006 |pmid=16507474 |pmc=1392245 |doi=10.1289/ehp.8280 }}</ref> or exposure to [[endocrine disruptor]]s such as [[xenoestrogen]]s, which can at times be due to food consumption or other environmental factors.<ref name="Louis_2008">{{cite journal |vauthors=Buck LG, Gray LE, Marcus M, Ojeda SR, Pescovitz OH, Witchel SF, Sippell W, Abbott DH, Soto A, Tyl RW, Bourguignon JP, Skakkebaek NE, Swan SH, Golub MS, Wabitsch M, Toppari J, Euling SY |title=Environmental factors and puberty timing: expert panel research needs |journal=[[Pediatrics (journal)|Pediatrics]] |volume=121 Suppl 3 |pages=S192–207 |date=February 2008 |pmid=18245512 |doi=10.1542/peds.1813E |issue=Supplement 3 |doi-access=free }}</ref><ref name="Mouritsen_2010">{{cite journal |author=Mouritsen A, Aksglaede L, Sørensen K, Mogensen SS, Leffers H, Main KM, Frederiksen H, Andersson AM, Skakkebaek NE, Juul A |title=Hypothesis: exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals may interfere with timing of puberty |journal=Int. J. Androl. |volume=33 |issue=2 |pages=346–59 |date=April 2010 |pmid=20487042 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-2605.2010.01051.x |last2=Aksglaede |last3=Sørensen |last4=Mogensen |last5=Leffers |last6=Main |last7=Frederiksen |last8=Andersson |last9=Skakkebaek |last10=Juul }}</ref> Puberty which starts earlier than usual is known as [[precocious puberty]], and puberty which starts later than usual is known as [[delayed puberty]].
OnУ averageпросеку, girlsдевојчице beginпочињу pubertyса atпубертетом agesса 10–11 andгодина, completeа pubertyзавршавају atса ages15–17 15–17година; boysдечаци generallyгенерално beginпочињу pubertyса atпубертетом agesу 11–12узрасту andод complete11-12 pubertyгодина, atа завршавају agesса 16-17 16–17година.<ref name="Kail">{{cite book| last = Kail | first = RV |author2=Cavanaugh JC| title = Human Development: A Lifespan View | isbn = 978-0-495-60037-4 | publisher = [[Cengage Learning]] | year = 2010 | page = 296 |edition = 5th|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=E-n5E7oyCgoC&pg=PA296}}</ref><ref name="Schuiling">{{cite book|author=Schuiling| title = Women's Gynecologic Health | isbn = 978-1-284-12501-6| publisher = [[Jones & Bartlett Learning]] | year = 2016 | page = 22|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QTDFDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA22|quote=The changes that occur during puberty usually happen in an ordered sequence, beginning with thelarche (breast development) at around age 10 or 11, followed by adrenarche (growth of pubic hair due to androgen stimulation), peak height velocity, and finally menarche (the onset of menses), which usually occurs around age 12 or 13.}}</ref><ref name="Phillips">{{cite book|author=D. C. Phillips| title =Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy| isbn = 978-1-4833-6475-9 | publisher = [[Sage Publications]] | year = 2014 | pages = 18–19|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=84StBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA18|quote=On average, the onset of puberty is about 18 months earlier for girls (usually starting around the age of 10 or 11 and lasting until they are 15 to 17) than for boys (who usually begin puberty at about the age of 11 to 12 and complete it by the age of 16 to 17, on average).}}</ref> TheГлавни majorоријентир landmarkпубертета ofза pubertyжене for females isје [[menarche|менарха]], the onset ofпочетак menstruationменструације, whichкоја occursсе onјавља averageу betweenпросеку agesизмеђу 12 andи 13 година.<ref name="Schuiling"/> ForКод malesмушкараца, firstпрва [[ejaculation|ејакулација]], [[spermarche |спермарч]], occursјавља onсе averageу atпросеку ageса 13 година.<ref name="Jorgensen & Keiding">(Jorgensen & Keiding 1991).</ref> У In21. theвеку 21stпросечна century,старост theу averageкојој ageдеца, atпосебно which childrenдевојчице, especiallyдостижу girlsпубертет, reachнижа pubertyје isу lowerодносу comparedна to19. the 19th centuryвек, whenкада itје wasбило 15 forза girlsдевојчице andи 16 forза boysдечаке.<ref>{{cite news |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7824699/Girls-now-reaching-puberty-before-10-a-year-sooner-than-20-years-ago.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100614195534/http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7824699/Girls-now-reaching-puberty-before-10-a-year-sooner-than-20-years-ago.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=June 14, 2010 |location=London |work=[[The Daily Telegraph]] |first=Richard |last=Alleyne |title=Girls now reaching puberty before 10—a year sooner than 20 years ago |date=2010-06-13}}</ref> ThisТо canможе beбити dueпоследица toбројних any number of factorsфактора, includingукључујући improvedпобољшану nutritionисхрану resultingкоја inрезултира rapidбрзим bodyрастом growthтела, increasedповећаном weightтежином andи fatталожењем depositionмасти,<ref name="Guillette_2006">{{cite journal |vauthors=Guillette EA, Conard C, Lares F, Aguilar MG, McLachlan J, Guillette LJ |title=Altered breast development in young girls from an agricultural environment |journal=Environ. Health Perspect. |volume=114 |issue=3 |pages=471–5 |date=March 2006 |pmid=16507474 |pmc=1392245 |doi=10.1289/ehp.8280 }}</ref> orили exposure toизложеношћу [[endocrineКсеноестроген|ендокриним disruptorпоремећивачима]]s such asпопут [[xenoestrogenксеноестроген]]sа, whichшто canпонекад atможе timesбити beпоследица dueконзумирања toхране foodили consumptionдругих orфактора other environmental factorsоколине.<ref name="Louis_2008">{{cite journal |vauthors=Buck LG, Gray LE, Marcus M, Ojeda SR, Pescovitz OH, Witchel SF, Sippell W, Abbott DH, Soto A, Tyl RW, Bourguignon JP, Skakkebaek NE, Swan SH, Golub MS, Wabitsch M, Toppari J, Euling SY |title=Environmental factors and puberty timing: expert panel research needs |journal=[[Pediatrics (journal)|Pediatrics]] |volume=121 Suppl 3 |pages=S192–207 |date=February 2008 |pmid=18245512 |doi=10.1542/peds.1813E |issue=Supplement 3 |doi-access=free }}</ref><ref name="Mouritsen_2010">{{cite journal |author=Mouritsen A, Aksglaede L, Sørensen K, Mogensen SS, Leffers H, Main KM, Frederiksen H, Andersson AM, Skakkebaek NE, Juul A |title=Hypothesis: exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals may interfere with timing of puberty |journal=Int. J. Androl. |volume=33 |issue=2 |pages=346–59 |date=April 2010 |pmid=20487042 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-2605.2010.01051.x |last2=Aksglaede |last3=Sørensen |last4=Mogensen |last5=Leffers |last6=Main |last7=Frederiksen |last8=Andersson |last9=Skakkebaek |last10=Juul }}</ref> PubertyПубертет whichкоји startsпочиње earlierраније thanнего usualобично isпознат knownје asкао [[precociousPrerani pubertypubertet|преурањени пубертет]], andа pubertyпубертет whichкоји startsпочиње laterкасније thanнего usualобично isпознат knownје asкао [[delayedЗакаснели pubertyпубертет|закаснели пубертет]].
Notable among the [[morphology (biology)|morphologic]] changes in size, shape, composition, and functioning of the pubertal body, is the development of secondary sex characteristics, the "filling in" of the child's body; from girl to woman, from boy to man. Derived from the [[Latin]] ''{{lang|la|puberatum}}'' (age of maturity), the word ''puberty'' describes the physical changes to sexual maturation, not the [[psychosocial]] and cultural maturation denoted by the term ''adolescent development'' in [[Western culture]], wherein [[adolescence]] is the period of mental transition from childhood to [[adult]]hood, which overlaps much of the body's period of puberty.<ref>''The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology'', C. T. Onions ed. Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 720.</ref>
Међу [[morphology (biology)|морфолошким]] променама у величини, облику, саставу и функционисању пубертетског тела приметан је развој секундарних полних карактеристика, „попуњавање” тела детета; од девојке до жене, од дечака до мушкарца. Пореклом из [[Latin|латинског]] ''{{lang|la|puberatum}}'' (доба зрелости), реч ''пубертет'' описује физичке промене у сексуалном сазревању, а не [[psychosocial|психосоцијално]] и културно сазревање означено термином ''адолесцентски развој'' у [[Western culture|западној култури]], где је [[adolescence|адолесценција]] период менталног преласка из детињства у [[adult|одрасло доба]], који преклапа већи део телесног периода пубертета.<ref>''The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology'', C. T. Onions ed. Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 720.</ref>
== Разлике између мушког и женског пубертета ==