Нилско-сахарски језици — разлика између измена

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Ред 33:
'''Нило-сахарски језици''' су [[Африка|афричка]] језичка група од око 200 језика са преко 31 милион говорника<ref>Bender, Lionel M., Les langues africaines, Bernd Heine et Derek Nurse (Éditeurs), стр. 64, Paris: Karthala, 2004, (оригинално издање на енглеском језику из 2000. године). {{page|year=|isbn=978-2-84586-531-0|pages=}}</ref>. Они већином живе у горњем току река [[Шари]] и [[Нил]] у [[Средња Африка|Централној Африци]], у историјској [[Нубија|Нубији]], и у пустињама централне [[Сахара|Сахаре]]. Распрострањени су у 17 афричких земаља: од [[Алжир]]а и [[Мали]]ја на северозападу, [[Бенин]]а, [[Нигерија|Нигерије]], [[Судан]]а и [[Демократска Република Конго|ДР Конго]] на југу, као и од [[Египат|Египта]] до [[Кенија|Кеније]] и [[Танзанија|Танзаније]] на истоку. Најзначајнија и најраспрострањенија грана ових језика користи се у [[Судан]]у.
In his book ''[[The Languages of Africa]]'' (1963), [[Joseph Greenberg]] named the group and argued it was a [[genetic (linguistics)|genetic]] family. It contains the languages which are not included in the [[Niger–Congo languages|Niger–Congo]], [[Afroasiatic languages|Afroasiatic]] or [[Khoisan languages|Khoisan]] groups. Although some linguists have referred to the phylum as "Greenberg's [[Wastebasket taxon|wastebasket]]", into which he placed all the otherwise unaffiliated non-[[click languages]] of Africa,<ref>{{cite book |first1=Lyle |last1=Campbell |first2=Mauricio J. |last2=Mixco |title=A Glossary of Historical Linguistics |year=2007 |publisher=University of Utah Press |isbn=978-0-87480-892-6 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |first=P. H. |last=Matthews |title=Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics |year=2007 |edition=2nd |location=Oxford |isbn=978-0-19-920272-0 }},</ref> specialists in the field have accepted its reality since Greenberg's classification.<ref name="BlenchSouag">Blench, Roger & Lameen Souag. m.s. ''[http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/Nilo-Saharan/General/Saharan%20Songhay%20branch.pdf Saharan and Songhay form a branch of Nilo-Saharan]''.</ref> Its supporters accept that it is a challenging proposal to demonstrate but contend that it looks more promising the more work is done.<ref>{{cite book |first=Gerrit J. |last=Dimmendaal |chapter=Nilo-Saharan Languages |title=International Encyclopedia of Linguistics |year=1992 |location=Oxford |volume=3 |pages=[https://archive.org/details/internationalenc00newy/page/100 100–104] |isbn=0-19-505196-3 |chapter-url-access=registration |chapter-url=https://archive.org/details/internationalenc00newy |url=https://archive.org/details/internationalenc00newy/page/100 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |first=M. Lionel |last=Bender |chapter=Nilo-Saharan |title=African Languages, An Introduction |year=2000 |location=Cambridge |publisher=Cambridge University Press |pages=43–73 |isbn=0-521-66178-1 }}</ref><ref name="Blench & Ahland (2010)">{{cite conference |first1=Roger |last1=Blench |first2=Colleen |last2=Ahland |year=2010 |title=The Classification of Gumuz and Koman Languages |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120316221945/http://25images.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/player/player.php?id=72&id_sequence=433&quality=hd |archive-date=March 16, 2012 |url=http://25images.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/player/player.php?id=72&id_sequence=433&quality=hd |conference=''Language Isolates in Africa'' workshop, Lyons, December 4 }}</ref>
Some of the constituent groups of Nilo-Saharan are estimated to predate the [[Neolithic Revolution#Agriculture in Africa|African neolithic]]. Thus, the unity of [[Eastern Sudanic]] is estimated to date to at least the 5th millennium BC.<ref>{{cite book |first=John Desmond |last=Clark |title=From Hunters to Farmers: The Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa |publisher=University of California Press |year=1984 |page=31 |isbn=0-520-04574-2 }}</ref> Nilo-Saharan genetic unity would necessarily be much older still and date to the late [[Upper Paleolithic]].
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== Литература ==
* {{Cite book|title=A historical-comparative reconstruction of Nilo-Saharan|last=Christopher Ehret|author-link=Christopher Ehret|date=2001|publisher=R. Köppe Verlag|isbn=3-89645-098-0|location=Köln|oclc=48027016}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Dimmendaal|first=Gerrit J.|date=2008-09-01|title=Language Ecology and Linguistic Diversity on the African Continent|journal=Language and Linguistics Compass|volume=2|issue=5|pages=840–858|doi=10.1111/j.1749-818x.2008.00085.x|issn=1749-818X}}