Улица — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
{{Short description|Јавна саобраћајница у изграђеном окружењу}}
[[Датотека:Abbey Road Zebra crossing 2004-01.jpg|мини|200п250п|десно|Пример једне улице]]
'''Улица''' је простор између стамбених објеката у неком насељу који служи за слободно кретање [[човек|људи]] или [[возило|возила]]. Често се поистовећује са термином [[пут]]. Улица може бити „једносмерна“, ако се [[саобраћај]] обавља само у једном смеру, „двосмерна“ ако се врши у оба смера и „пешачка зона“ ако је у њој забрањен саобраћај и уређена је само за [[пешак]]е. Пешачке зоне се најчешће налазе у центру већих [[град]]ова, као на пример [[Кнез Михаилова (улица у Београду)|Кнез Михаилова]] улица у [[Београд]]у. Током промене режима саобраћаја поједине једносмерне улице постају двосмерне и обрнуто, или им се у тим улицама забрањује саобраћај (што и обрнуто важи), или мењају смер одвијања саобраћаја, и то, уз постављање одговарајуће саобраћајне сигнализације (на пример: нови режим саобраћаја код "Политикине" зграде је уведен у Београду далеке 1996. године). Исто тако, током промене режима саобраћаја може доћи и до промене главне улице на раскрсници, и то, уз постављање одговарајуће саобраћајне сигнализације. У Београду су табле са називима улица дизајниране на различите начине; неки дизајни табли су направљени за једну или више одређених општина, као и за насеља, постоји и дизајн који означава улицу чији је назив подложан промени.
The word ''street'' is still sometimes used informally as a synonym for ''[[road]]'', for example in connection with the ancient [[Watling Street]], but city residents and [[urban planning|urban planners]] draw a crucial modern distinction: a road's main function is transportation, while streets facilitate public interaction.<ref name="Dictionary">[http://dictionary.reference.com/help/faq/language/d01.html Dictionary].</ref> Examples of streets include [[pedestrian street]]s, [[alley]]s, and [[downtown|city-centre]] streets too crowded for [[road vehicle]]s to pass. Conversely, [[highway]]s and [[motorway]]s are types of roads, but few would refer to them as streets.<ref name="Using">[http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/8661-need-advice-road-vs-street.html Road vs Street] at Using English forum.</ref><ref name="Avenue">[http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/ask-teacher/26412-avenue-vs-street.html Avenue vs Street] at Using English forum.</ref>
==Role in the built environment==
=== Sidewalk and bicycle traffic ===
[[Sidewalk]]s (US usage) or pavements (UK usage) are often located alongside on one or usually both sides of the street within the public land strips beyond the curbs. Sidewalks serve a traffic purpose, by making walking easier and more attractive, but they also serve a social function, allowing neighbors to meet and interact on their walks. They also can foster economic activity, such as window shopping and [[sidewalk cafe]]s. Some studies have found that shops on streets with sidewalks get more customers than similar shops without sidewalks.<ref>{{cite web|title=Economic Revitalization|access-date=2011-07-15|url=http://www.completestreets.org/complete-streets-fundamentals/factsheets/economic-revitalization/|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110717072553/http://www.completestreets.org/complete-streets-fundamentals/factsheets/economic-revitalization/|archive-date=2011-07-17}}</ref>
=== Tramlines ===
[[Trams]] are generally considered to be [[environmentally friendly]] with tramlines running in streets with a combination of tram lanes or separate alignments are used, sometimes on a segregated [[Right-of-way (transportation)|right of way]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.o[88pmerriam-webster.com/dictionary/tram|title=Tram – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary|work=merriam-webster.com|url-status=live|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150409061036/http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tram|archive-date=9 April 2015|df=dmy-all}}</ref> Signalling and effective braking reduce the risk of a [[tram accident]].
Some streets are associated with the beautification of a town or city. [[Greenwood, Mississippi]]'s Grand Boulevard was once named one of America's ten most beautiful streets by the U.S. Chambers of Commerce and the Garden Clubs of America. The 1,000 oak trees lining Grand Boulevard were planted in 1916 by Sally Humphreys Gwin, a charter member of the Greenwood Garden Club. In 1950, Gwin received a citation from the National Congress of the [[Daughters of the American Revolution]] in recognition of her work in the conservation of trees.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.newspaperarchive.com|title=NewspaperArchive® - Genealogy & Family History Records|website=www.newspaperarchive.com}}</ref><ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=ftJm0hwGAGEC&pg=PA87&lpg=PA87&dq=%22ten+most+beautiful+streets%22&source=bl&ots=jQ4q7RfFuK&sig=gHCc9TWjro3-IoRyD1ShDgwHPhE&hl=en&ei=wCTZSda8PNfVlQfsw4G9DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3 Kirkpatrick, Mario Carter. ''Mississippi Off the Beaten Path''. GPP Travel, 2007.]</ref>
== Култура ==
Streets may be used as cultural spaces, for socializing and [[Street party|street parties]], or for public festivals.
In India, some cities have designated one or more streets as "happy street" or "fun street", closing them for motor traffic for a few hours or a day, in order to make it possible for the inhabitants to use their street for recreational activities. Cities implementing this initiative include [[Kolkata]]<ref name="park street">{{cite journal |last1=Roy |first1=Arjab |title=Confronting Epochs: The Many Faces of Colonial and Postcolonial Park Street in Kolkata |journal=Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry |date=2017 |volume=3 |issue=2 |pages=166–203 |url=http://sanglap-journal.in/index.php/sanglap/article/view/63 |access-date=12 June 2021}}</ref> [[Madurai]],<ref name="happy street">{{cite news|url=http://www.thehindu.com/society/the-name-happy-street-evokes-positive-feeling-and-madurai-is-preparing-to-bring-it-on/article17750163.ece |title=Happiness on the street |first=Soma |last=Basu |newspaper=The Hindu |date=31 March 2017 |access-date=12 June 2021}}</ref> [[Visakhapatnam]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.thehansindia.com/posts/index/Andhra-Pradesh/2017-09-25/RK-Beach-to-showcase-North-Coastal-traditions/328950|title=RK Beach to showcase North Coastal traditions|website=The Hans India|date=26 September 2017}}</ref> and [[Bengaluru]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/current-affairs/280316/bengaluru-commercial-street-becomes-happy-street-for-a-day.html|title=Bengaluru: Commercial street becomes 'Happy Street' for a day!|date=28 March 2016|website=deccanchronicle.com}}</ref>
In the United States, "open street" events have been arranged in [[Detroit]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2017/10/01/open-streets-detroit-festival/106214088/|title=Metro Detroiters drawn to open street festival|website=detroitnews.com}}</ref> and [[New York City]].<ref name="eater new york">{{cite news |last1=Adams |first1=Erika |title=NYC's Open Streets Program Gears Up for 2021 Run |url=https://ny.eater.com/2021/3/25/22350089/nycs-open-streets-program-2021 |access-date=13 June 2021 |work=Eater New York |date=25 March 2021}}</ref>
== Види још ==
Линија 7 ⟶ 32:
* [[Булевар]]
* [[Пешачка зона|Пешачка улица]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite journal|author=Guest, Edwin|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=XEYjMYf-AFUC&pg=PA188|title=On certain Foreign Terms, adopted by our Ancestors prior to their Settlement in the British Islands (Pt. II)|year=1852|journal=Proceedings of the Philological Society|volume=5|number=124|pages=188|author-link = Edwin Guest}}
* Ervin Beck. "Children's Guy Fawkes Customs in Sheffield", ''Folklore'', 95 (1984), 191-203.
* [[Simon Bronner]]. ''American Children's Folklore'' (1988).
* Robin C. Moore. ''Childhood's Domain: Play and Place'' (1986). (In-depth advanced study of three small areas of England, with maps and photos).
* [[Iona Opie]]. ''The People in the Playground'' (1993) (In-depth study of children's playground lore and life).
* Iona Opie. ''The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren'' (1959).
* Steve Roud, ''The Lore of the Playground'', Random House (2010).{{ISBN|978-1-905211-51-7}}
* [[Robert Paul Smith]]. Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing. (1957) (Memoir focusing on children's pastimes, New York, 1920s)
* David Sobel. ''Mapmaking with Children: Sense of Place Education for the Elementary Years'' (1998).
* David Sobel. ''Children's Special Places: Exploring the Role of Forts, Dens, and Bush Houses in Middle Childhood'' (2001).
* Leea Virtanen. ''Children's Lore'' (1978). (English-translation of a 30,000-sample study from Finland).
* [[Colin Ward]] (with photos by Ann Golzen). ''The Child in the City'' (1977). (Groundbreaking key book, with a focus on the British experience).
* [[A. B. Gomme]]'s ''Traditional Games of Great Britain'' (2 vols., Nutt, 1894-1898); Gomme's ''Children's Singing Games'' (Nutt, 1904); ... Newell's ''Games of American Children'' (Harper Bros., New York, 1884)."
* [[Roger Mayne]]. ''Street Photographs of Roger Mayne'' (1996, [[Victoria and Albert Museum]]).
* [[Robert Doisneau]]. ''Les Enfants, Les Gosses'' (1992).
* [[Helen Levitt]]. ''In The Street: chalk drawings and messages, New York City 1938-1948''. (1987) &mdash; (Chalkings and children making them)
* Eddie Elliott (Curator). ''Knock Down Ginger: Seventy Years of Street Kids'' (Exhibition, Photographers' Gallery, London; July 2001).
* ''Les Enfants'' (Editions de La Martinière, France, 2001) (Anthology of French street photography of children; by Ronis, Riboud, Doisneau, Cartier Bresson, and others).
* R.S. Johnson & J.T. Oman. ''Street Children'' (1964). Hodder & Stoughton, London. (Photography & poetic text on facing pages, re: young British children's street play).
* {{Cite web|url=https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/traffic|title=Traffic definition and meaning {{!}} Collins English Dictionary|website=www.collinsdictionary.com|language=en|access-date=2020-01-03}}
* {{cite book | chapter = traffic | year = 2013 | title = American Heritage Dictionary | edition = Fifth | chapter-url = http://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=traffic | access-date = 23 March 2014}}
* {{cite web | title = traffic (n.) | year = 2001–2014 | last = Harper | first = Douglas | work = Online Etymological Dictionary | url = http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=traffic&allowed_in_frame=0 | access-date = 23 March 2014}}
* {{cite book | chapter = traffic, n. | title = OED Online | date = March 2014 | publisher = Oxford University Press }}
* {{cite web|url=http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2012/09/traffic_talk_breaking_down_fou.html|title=Traffic Talk: Breaking down four-way stop sign scenarios, laws and common-sense courtesies|last=Oosting|first=Jonathan|date=3 September 2012|website=mlive|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170917150430/http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2012/09/traffic_talk_breaking_down_fou.html|archive-date=17 September 2017}}
* {{cite web|url=http://www.protectedintersection.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Falbo_ProtectedIntersection_Transcript1.pdf |archive-url=https://ghostarchive.org/archive/20221009/http://www.protectedintersection.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Falbo_ProtectedIntersection_Transcript1.pdf |archive-date=2022-10-09 |url-status=live |title=Out of the Box Transcript.docx |access-date=2018-09-20}}
* {{cite web|url=https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/junction-design-in-the-netherlands/|title=Junction design in the Netherlands|date=23 February 2014}}
* {{citation |mode=cs1 |section=625 ILCS 5/12-601.1. Traffic control signal preemption devices. |title=Illinois Compiled Statutes |url=http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/062500050k12-601.1.htm |publisher=Illinois General Assembly |access-date=2 December 2018 |date=2 July 2003}}
* May, Adolf. ''Traffic Flow Fundamentals''. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.
* ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20110725025356/http://www.azite.org/pdf/GuidanceDesignSafety.pdf 2010 Highway Capacity Manual]''. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. {{ISBN|0-309-06681-6}},
* Taylor, Nicholas. ''[http://www.contram.com/download/NETS_CONTRAM_DTA.pdf The Contram dynamic traffic assignment model]'' [[Transport Research Laboratory|TRL]] 2003
* [https://www.springer.com/physics/complexity/book/978-3-540-20716-0 B. S. Kerner, ''The Physics of Traffic'', Springer, Berlin, New York, 2004]
* [https://www.springer.com/engineering/mechanical+eng/book/978-3-642-02604-1 B. S. Kerner, ''Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control: The Long Road to Three-Phase Traffic Theory'', Springer, Berlin, New York, 2009]
* [https://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo41653 Traffic Monitoring: A Guidebook] [[Federal Highway Administration]]
* [[Tom Vanderbilt|Vanderbilt, Tom]]. ''Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)''. Knopf, New York, 2008.
* {{cite book |last=Lay |first=M. G. |date=1992 |title=Ways of the World: A History of the World's Roads and of the Vehicles That Used Them |location= United States |publisher=Rutgers University Press |page=184}}
* {{Cite web|last=Paul|first=Barter|date=2013-02-22|title="Cars are parked 95% of the time". Let's check!|url=https://www.reinventingparking.org/2013/02/cars-are-parked-95-of-time-lets-check.html|url-status=live|access-date=2021-11-09|website=Reinventing parking}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Hagman|first=Olle|date=2006-03-01|title=Morning Queues and Parking Problems. On the Broken Promises of the Automobile|url=https://doi.org/10.1080/17450100500489247|journal=Mobilities|volume=1|issue=1|pages=63–74|doi=10.1080/17450100500489247|s2cid=111368651 |issn=1745-0101}}
* {{Cite web|title=How parking is managed|url=https://www.britishparking.co.uk/News/Page-10/how-parking-is-managed/81026|access-date=2021-10-24|website=www.britishparking.co.uk}}
* {{Cite web|title=Parallel Parking {{!}} AA|url=https://www.theaa.com/driving-school/driving-lessons/advice/parallel-parking|access-date=2021-10-24|website=www.theaa.com}}
* {{Cite journal|last=Untermann|first=Richard|date=1997|title=Street Wise: Traffic Calming Basics|url=https://plannersweb.com/wp-content/uploads/1997/04/308.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2JqMISeb40D2aWuBzVkcFF|journal=Planning Commissioners Journal|volume=26|pages=12–14}}
* {{Cite web|date=2020-07-21|title=Op-Ed: Why 'Parklets' for Recreational Use Should Replace Some Parking Spaces|url=https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/07/op-ed-why-parklets-for-recreational-use-should-replace-some-parking-spaces/|access-date=2021-10-24|website=NJ Spotlight News|language=en-US}}
== Спољашње везе ==
* [http://www.mheu.org/en/street/ A virtual exhibition on the history of streets]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060220133837/http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutwords/street?view=uk AskOxford: What is the difference between a 'street' and a 'road'?]
* [http://www.streetnote.org streetnote, street music] Live street music and musicians from the streets of the USA
* [http://escholarship.org/uc/ucdavislibrary_streetnotes] Biannual exhibition of poetry and documentary about streets and traffic.
* [http://www.streetsblog.org Streetsblog]&nbsp;– News focusing on streets and street life in the modern urban landscape. (No affiliation.)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20051126155832/http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20050224.html What distinguishes a street from a lane from a road from a boulevard, etc.?]&nbsp;– An ''Ask Yahoo!'' editor's examination of the issue.
* [https://books.google.com/books?id=N8YOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR38&lpg=PR38&dq=%22paved+streets%22+%22first+city%22+%22united+states%22&source=web&ots=CKrLXY23zb&sig=qSl8S0jpx23Bv6TFgbxegsr0fC8&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPR38,M1 A Treatise on Highway Construction, Designed as a Text-book and Work of Reference for All who May be Engaged in the Location, Construction, Or Maintenance of Roads, Streets, and Pavements, By Austin Thomas Byrne, 1900]
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