Бафинова земља — разлика између измена

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#1Lib1Ref #1Lib1RefCEE
Ред 1:
{{short description|Највеће арктичко острво у Нунавуту, Канада}}
{{Инфокутија Острво
|име=Бафинова земља
| име = Бафинова земља
| име 2 =
| код језика =
| слика = Baffinisland.png
| опис слике = Бафинова земља, [[Северни ледени океан|Арктички океан]]
|коор=69° СГШ, 72° ЗГД
| држава 1 = [[Канада]]
|врх=[[Маунт Один]]
| архипелаг =
| локација = Canada Nunavut#Canada
|вода=[[Северни ледени океан|Арктички океан]]
| латитуда = 68
| лонгитуда = -70
| површина = 507451
| обала =
| број острва =
| најважније острво =
| највиши врх = [[Маунт Один]]
| висина = 2147
| највиша тачка =
| геологија =
| статус =
| држава 1 ниво поделе 1 =
| држава 1 регија 1 =
| држава 1 име регије 1 =
| држава 1 ниво поделе 2 =
| држава 1 регија 2 =
| држава 1 име регије 2 =
| држава 1 ниво поделе 3 =
| држава 1 регија 3 =
| држава 1 име регије 3 =
| популација = 13039
| датум пописа = 2021<ref name=2021censusNU>{{cite web | url=https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=9810000202&geocode=A000262 | title=Population and dwelling counts: Canada, provinces and territories, and census subdivisions (municipalities), Nunavut | publisher=[[Statistics Canada]] | date=February 9, 2022 | access-date=February 19, 2022}}</ref><ref>Does not include [[Kinngait]] (1,396) and [[Qikiqtarjuaq]] (593). Both of which do not lie on Baffin Island proper</ref>
| град = [[Икалуит]]
| откриће =
| временска зона =
| веб =
| напомена =
| категорија =
'''Бафинова земља''' ({{јез-ен|Baffinisland}}) је једно од [[Канада|канадских]] [[Арктик|арктичких]] острва у територији [[Нунавут]], и део је [[канадски Арктички архипелаг|канадског арктичког архипелага]].
'''Бафинова земља''' ({{јез-ен|Baffinisland}})<ref>[http://www4.rncan.gc.ca/search-place-names/unique/89ea188dba3611d892e2080020a0f4c9 Baffin Island / Île de Baffin (Formerly Baffin Land)]</ref> је једно од [[Канада|канадских]] [[Арктик|арктичких]] острва у територији [[Нунавут]], и део је [[канадски Арктички архипелаг|канадског арктичког архипелага]].
То је највеће канадско острво и пето по величини у свету са територијом<ref name="британика 1">{{cite book |editor1-last=Мишић |editor1-first=Милан |title=Енциклопедија Британика. А-Б |date=2005 |publisher=Народна књига : Политика |location=Београд |isbn=86-331-2075-5 |pages=114}}</ref> од 507451 -{[[квадратни километар|km²]]}-. Има популацију од 11000 становника и густину насељености од 0,02 становника по -{km²}-.
Линија 17 ⟶ 45:
[[Датотека:Baffin_Island_Northeast_Coast_1997-08-07.jpg|мини|лево|300п|Североисточна обала Бафиновог острва, са видљивим глечером]]
Први европљанин који је открио острво [[1576]]. је [[Мартин Фробишер]] (-{Martin Frobisher}-).<ref name="британика 1" /> Око [[1615]]. - [[1616]]. [[Вилијам Бафин]] (-{William Baffin}-) је истраживао јужну обалу острва тражећи морски пут према северозападу. У [[19. век|деветнаестом веку]] арктички истраживач [[Едвард Пари]] (-{William Edward Parry}-) је назвао острво у његову част.<ref>{{cite web |title=Baffin Island {{!}} island, Nunavut, Canada {{!}} Britannica |url=https://www.britannica.com/place/Baffin-Island |website=www.britannica.com |access-date=18. 1. 2022 |language=en}}</ref>
== Географија ==
[[Икалуит]] (-{Iqaluit}-), главни град [[Нунавут]]а (-{Nunavut}-), налази се на југоисточној обали. До 1987, име града је било Фробишер Беј (-{Frobisher Bay}-), по истоименом заливу у којем је лоциран.
[[Икалуит]] (-{Iqaluit}-), главни град [[Нунавут]]а (-{Nunavut}-), налази се на југоисточној обали. До 1987, име града је било Фробишер Беј (-{Frobisher Bay}-), по истоименом заливу у којем је лоциран.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.iqaluit.ca/visitors/explore-iqaluit/history |title=About Iqaluit: History & Milestones | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190421042104/https://www.iqaluit.ca/visitors/explore-iqaluit/history |archive-date=2019-04-19 }}</ref> [[Бафинове планине]] (-{Baffin Mountains}-) се протежу уз североисточну обалу острва и део су [[Арктички Кордиљери|Арктичких Кордиљера]] (-{Arctic Cordillera}-). [[Маунт Один]] (-{Mount Odin}-) је највиши врх са висином 2143 до 2147 м. Два највећа језера су [[Језеро Нетилинг]] (-{Nettilling Lake}-), 5066 -{km}-² и Језеро Амадјуак (-{Amadjuak Lake}-). У средишњем делу острва се налази [[Барнесова ледена капа]] (-{Barnes ice cap}-), која са полако смањује од 60-их година 20 века.<ref>{{cite web |title=Is Baffin Island on your bucket list? |url=https://travel.destinationcanada.com/things-to-do/exploring-baffin-island |website=Keep Exploring |access-date=18. 1. 2022 |language=en-CA |date=4. 12. 2017}}</ref>
To the south lies [[Hudson Strait]], separating Baffin Island from mainland [[Quebec]].<ref name="baff">{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Hudson+Strait&x=0&y=0|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101042239/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Hudson+Strait&x=0&y=0|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> South of the western end of the island is the [[Fury and Hecla Strait]],<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Fury+and+Hecla+Strait&x=10&y=10 |title=Fury and Hecla Strait |access-date=October 13, 2012|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121002061733/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Fury+and+Hecla+Strait&x=10&y=10 |archive-date=October 2, 2012|url-status=dead }}</ref> which separates the island from the [[Melville Peninsula]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Melville+Peninsula&x=8&y=7|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101031838/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Melville+Peninsula&x=8&y=7|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> on the mainland. To the east are [[Davis Strait]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Davis+Strait&x=10&y=10|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101034549/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Davis+Strait&x=10&y=10|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> and [[Baffin Bay]],<ref name="bff">{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Baffin+Bay&x=0&y=0 |title=Baffin Bay|date=April 2, 2004|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121006183318/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Baffin+Bay&x=0&y=0 |archive-date=October 6, 2012}} with Greenland to the east</ref> with Greenland beyond.<ref name="baff"/> The [[Foxe Basin]],<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Foxe+Basin&x=0&y=0|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101015703/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Foxe+Basin&x=0&y=0|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> the [[Gulf of Boothia]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Gulf+of+Boothia&image2_x=0&image2_y=0|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101042604/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Gulf+of+Boothia&image2_x=0&image2_y=0|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> and [[Lancaster Sound]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Lancaster+Sound&image2_x=18&image2_y=10|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101031242/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Lancaster+Sound&image2_x=18&image2_y=10|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref> separate Baffin Island from the rest of the [[Arctic Archipelago]] to the west and north.
The [[Baffin Mountains]] run along the northeastern coast of the island and are a part of the [[Arctic Cordillera]]. The highest peak is [[Mount Odin]], with an elevation of at least {{cvt|2143|m}}, although some sources say {{cvt|2147|m}}.<ref>{{cite peakbagger|pid=695|name=Mount Odin, Nunavut}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/learningresources/facts/mountains.html#nu|title=Mount Odin at the Atlas of Canada|access-date=October 6, 2007|archive-date=June 25, 2012|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120625111115/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/learningresources/facts/mountains.html#nu|url-status=dead}}</ref> Another peak of note is [[Mount Asgard]], located in [[Auyuittuq National Park]], with an elevation of {{cvt|2011|m}}. [[Mount Thor]], with an elevation of {{cvt|1675|m}}, is said to have the [[Extremes on Earth#Greatest vertical drop|greatest purely vertical drop]] (a sheer cliff face) of any mountain on Earth, at {{cvt|1250|m}}.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://dailygalaxy.com/2012/11/image-of-the-day-baffin-islands-mount-thor-the-greatest-vertical-drop-on-earth/#more-7807|title=Mount Thor -The Greatest Vertical Drop on Earth!|date=November 19, 2012}}</ref> [[Mount Sharat]],<ref>[http://www4.rncan.gc.ca/search-place-names/unique/OAOUF Mount Sharat]</ref> with an elevation of {{cvt|422|m}} and a prominence of {{cvt|67|m}} is located on Baffin Island. The mountain is named after geologist [[Sharat Kumar Roy]], the chief geology curator in the [[Field Museum of Natural History]], Chicago. Roy, a native of India, studied in India, London, and earned his Ph.D. at the [[University of Chicago]]. Shortly after he started at the Field Museum he joined the 1927-1928 Rawson-Macmillan Expedition to Baffin Island and [[Labrador]]. This 15-month expedition began in June 1927.
Два највећа језера су [[Језеро Нетилинг]] (-{Nettilling Lake}-), 5066 -{km}-² и Језеро Амадјуак (-{Amadjuak Lake}-).
The two largest lakes on the island lie in the south-central part of the island: [[Nettilling Lake]] ({{cvt|5542|km2|disp=sqbr}}) and [[Amadjuak Lake]] ({{cvt|3115|km2|disp=sqbr}}) further south.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/learningresources/facts/lakes.html/#nunavut|title=Nunavut – Lake Areas and Elevation (lakes larger than 400 square kilometres)}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Nettilling+Lake&image2_x=0&image2_y=0|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101030726/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Nettilling+Lake&image2_x=0&image2_y=0|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Amadjuak+Lake&x=0&y=0|archive-url=https://archive.today/20130101071049/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Amadjuak+Lake&x=0&y=0|url-status=dead|title=The Atlas of Canada - Search|date=January 1, 2013|archive-date=January 1, 2013|website=archive.is}}</ref>
У средишњем делу острва се налази [[Барнесова ледена капа]] (-{Barnes ice cap}-), која са полако смањује од 60-их година 20 века.<ref>{{cite web |title=Is Baffin Island on your bucket list? |url=https://travel.destinationcanada.com/things-to-do/exploring-baffin-island |website=Keep Exploring |access-date=18. 1. 2022 |language=en-CA |date=4. 12. 2017}}</ref>
=== Клима ===
{{Weather box
|location = Iqaluit ([[Iqaluit Airport]])<br>[[Location identifier#WMO station identifiers|WMO ID]]: 71909; coordinates {{coordinates|63|45|N|68|33|W|type:airport_region:CA-NU|name=Iqaluit Airport}}; elevation: {{cvt|33.5|m}}; 1981–2010 normals, extremes 1946–present
|metric first = Yes
|single line = Yes
|Jan maximum humidex= 3.3
|Feb maximum humidex= 5.2
|Mar maximum humidex= 4.3
|Apr maximum humidex= 5.1
|May maximum humidex= 13.3
|Jun maximum humidex= 21.7
|Jul maximum humidex= 27.8
|Aug maximum humidex= 27.6
|Sep maximum humidex= 18.8
|Oct maximum humidex= 8.6
|Nov maximum humidex= 4.8
|Dec maximum humidex= 3.4
|year maximum humidex= 27.8
|Jan record high C = 3.9
|Feb record high C = 5.7
|Mar record high C = 4.2
|Apr record high C = 7.2
|May record high C = 13.3
|Jun record high C = 22.7
|Jul record high C = 26.7
|Aug record high C = 25.5
|Sep record high C = 18.3
|Oct record high C = 9.1
|Nov record high C = 5.6
|Dec record high C = 3.7
|year record high C= 26.7
|Jan high C = -22.8
|Feb high C = -23.3
|Mar high C = -18.3
|Apr high C = -9.4
|May high C = -1.2
|Jun high C = 6.8
|Jul high C = 12.3
|Aug high C = 10.5
|Sep high C = 5.2
|Oct high C = -1.0
|Nov high C = -8.3
|Dec high C = -17.0
|year high C = -5.6
|Jan mean C= -26.9
|Feb mean C= -27.5
|Mar mean C= -23.2
|Apr mean C= -14.2
|May mean C= -4.4
|Jun mean C= 3.6
|Jul mean C= 8.2
|Aug mean C= 7.1
|Sep mean C= 2.6
|Oct mean C= -3.7
|Nov mean C= -12.0
|Dec mean C= -21.3
|year mean C= -9.3
|Jan low C = -30.9
|Feb low C = -31.7
|Mar low C = -28.1
|Apr low C = -18.9
|May low C = -7.6
|Jun low C = 0.5
|Jul low C = 4.1
|Aug low C = 3.6
|Sep low C = -0.1
|Oct low C = -6.4
|Nov low C = -15.8
|Dec low C = -25.5
|year low C = -13.1
|Jan record low C = -45.0
|Feb record low C = -45.6
|Mar record low C = -44.7
|Apr record low C = -34.2
|May record low C = -26.1
|Jun record low C = -10.2
|Jul record low C = -2.8
|Aug record low C = -2.5
|Sep record low C = -12.8
|Oct record low C = -27.1
|Nov record low C = -36.2
|Dec record low C = -43.4
|year record low C= -45.6
|Jan avg record high C = -8.1
|Feb avg record high C = -9.1
|Mar avg record high C = -4.1
|Apr avg record high C = 0.8
|May avg record high C = 5.9
|Jun avg record high C = 14.4
|Jul avg record high C = 21.3
|Aug avg record high C = 18.2
|Sep avg record high C = 11.6
|Oct avg record high C = 4.9
|Nov avg record high C = 0.9
|Dec avg record high C = -2.6
|year avg record high C = 21.8
|Jan avg record low C = -38.8
|Feb avg record low C = -40.5
|Mar avg record low C = -37.9
|Apr avg record low C = -29.4
|May avg record low C = -17.0
|Jun avg record low C = -3.6
|Jul avg record low C = 1.0
|Aug avg record low C = 0.4
|Sep avg record low C = -4.6
|Oct avg record low C = -16.1
|Nov avg record low C = -26.2
|Dec avg record low C = -35.2
|year avg record low C = -41.6
|Jan chill = -64
|Feb chill = -66
|Mar chill = -62
|Apr chill = -53
|May chill = -36
|Jun chill = -19
|Jul chill = -7
|Aug chill = -9
|Sep chill = -19
|Oct chill = -43
|Nov chill = -57
|Dec chill = -60
|year chill= -66
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation mm = 19.7
|Feb precipitation mm = 18.7
|Mar precipitation mm = 18.7
|Apr precipitation mm = 27.5
|May precipitation mm = 29.2
|Jun precipitation mm = 33.0
|Jul precipitation mm = 51.9
|Aug precipitation mm = 69.5
|Sep precipitation mm = 55.2
|Oct precipitation mm = 33.3
|Nov precipitation mm = 27.2
|Dec precipitation mm = 19.9
|year precipitation mm = 403.7
|rain colour = green
|Jan rain mm = 0.0
|Feb rain mm = 0.0
|Mar rain mm = 0.0
|Apr rain mm = 0.2
|May rain mm = 3.1
|Jun rain mm = 23.8
|Jul rain mm = 51.9
|Aug rain mm = 68.6
|Sep rain mm = 42.2
|Oct rain mm = 6.8
|Nov rain mm = 0.6
|Dec rain mm = 0.0
|year rain mm= 197.2
|snow colour = green
|Jan snow cm = 21.7
|Feb snow cm = 21.0
|Mar snow cm = 21.6
|Apr snow cm = 31.5
|May snow cm = 27.6
|Jun snow cm = 9.3
|Jul snow cm = 0.0
|Aug snow cm = 0.9
|Sep snow cm = 13.2
|Oct snow cm = 29.4
|Nov snow cm = 29.7
|Dec snow cm = 23.4
|year snow cm = 229.3
|humidity colour = green
|Jan humidity= 65.3
|Feb humidity= 64.6
|Mar humidity= 65.4
|Apr humidity= 72.8
|May humidity= 76.4
|Jun humidity= 72.6
|Jul humidity= 69.4
|Aug humidity= 72.6
|Sep humidity= 75.6
|Oct humidity= 78.1
|Nov humidity= 76.6
|Dec humidity= 71.5
|year humidity= 71.7
|unit precipitation days = 0.2 mm
|Jan precipitation days = 11.4
|Feb precipitation days = 11.1
|Mar precipitation days = 11.8
|Apr precipitation days = 13.1
|May precipitation days = 12.0
|Jun precipitation days = 10.9
|Jul precipitation days = 12.5
|Aug precipitation days = 15.3
|Sep precipitation days = 15.0
|Oct precipitation days = 14.0
|Nov precipitation days = 13.2
|Dec precipitation days = 12.2
|year precipitation days = 152.2
|unit rain days = 0.2 mm
|Jan rain days = 0.0
|Feb rain days = 0.1
|Mar rain days = 0.0
|Apr rain days = 0.3
|May rain days = 1.4
|Jun rain days = 7.4
|Jul rain days = 12.7
|Aug rain days = 16.7
|Sep rain days = 10.6
|Oct rain days = 2.2
|Nov rain days = 0.3
|Dec rain days = 0.0
|year rain days= 51.6
|unit snow days = 0.2 cm
|Jan snow days = 12.2
|Feb snow days = 11.6
|Mar snow days = 12.7
|Apr snow days = 13.4
|May snow days = 12.0
|Jun snow days = 3.9
|Jul snow days = 0.1
|Aug snow days = 0.5
|Sep snow days = 7.2
|Oct snow days = 13.7
|Nov snow days = 13.8
|Dec snow days = 12.3
|year snow days= 113.5
|Jan sun = 32.4
|Feb sun = 94.0
|Mar sun = 172.2
|Apr sun = 216.5
|May sun = 180.5
|Jun sun = 200.2
|Jul sun = 236.8
|Aug sun = 156.8
|Sep sun = 87.9
|Oct sun = 51.4
|Nov sun = 35.6
|Dec sun = 12.6
|year sun = 1476.8
|Jan percentsun = 18.5
|Feb percentsun = 39.0
|Mar percentsun = 47.4
|Apr percentsun = 48.2
|May percentsun = 31.9
|Jun percentsun = 32.5
|Jul percentsun = 39.3
|Aug percentsun = 31.0
|Sep percentsun = 22.4
|Oct percentsun = 16.8
|Nov percentsun = 17.7
|Dec percentsun = 8.9
|year percentsun = 29.5
| Jan uv =0
| Feb uv =0
| Mar uv =1
| Apr uv =2
| May uv =4
| Jun uv =4
| Jul uv =4
| Aug uv =3
| Sep uv =2
| Oct uv =1
| Nov uv =0
| Dec uv =0
|source 1 = [[Environment and Climate Change Canada]]<ref name="ccnYFB">{{cite web | publisher = [[Environment and Climate Change Canada]] | url = https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/results_1981_2010_e.html?searchType=stnName&txtStationName=Iqaluit&searchMethod=contains&txtCentralLatMin=0&txtCentralLatSec=0&txtCentralLongMin=0&txtCentralLongSec=0&stnID=1758&dispBack=1 | id = Climate ID: 2402590 | title = Iqaluit A | work = Canadian Climate Normals 1981–2010 | access-date = 24 February 2014 | url-status = live | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20170516193447/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/results_1981_2010_e.html?stnID=1758 | archive-date = 16 May 2017 |date = 31 October 2011}}</ref><ref name="July 2008">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&Month=7&Day=14&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2008
|id = Climate ID: 2402592
|title = July 2008
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 14 May 2016
|url-status = live
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160610034909/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&Month=7&Day=14&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2008
|archive-date = 10 June 2016
|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref><ref name="March 1999">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=1953-01-01%7C2014-02-06&dlyRange=1946-01-01%7C2008-07-17&mlyRange=1946-01-01%7C2007-09-01&StationID=1758&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=1&searchMethod=contains&Month=3&Day=14&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=1999
|id = Climate ID: 2402590
|title = March 1999
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 14 May 2016
|url-status = live
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160610041412/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=1953-01-01%7C2014-02-06&dlyRange=1946-01-01%7C2008-07-17&mlyRange=1946-01-01%7C2007-09-01&StationID=1758&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=1&searchMethod=contains&Month=3&Day=14&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=1999
|archive-date = 10 June 2016
|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref><ref name="September 2010">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2010&Month=9#
|id = Climate ID: 2402592
|title = September 2010
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 14 May 2016
|url-status = live
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160610040457/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2010&Month=9
|archive-date = 10 June 2016
|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref><ref name="October 2015">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2015&Month=10#
|id = Climate ID: 2402592
|title = October 2015
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 14 May 2016
|url-status = live
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160610032411/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2015&Month=10
|archive-date = 10 June 2016
|date = 31 October 2011}}</ref><ref name="December 2010">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2010&Month=12#
|id = Climate ID: 2402592
|title = December 2010
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 14 May 2016
|url-status = live
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160610041200/http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Year=2010&Month=12
|archive-date = 10 June 2016
|date = 1 November 2019}}</ref><ref name="June 2019">{{cite web
|publisher = Environment and Climate Change Canada
|url = https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2004-12-16%7C2016-05-13&dlyRange=2004-05-25%7C2016-05-13&mlyRange=2005-03-01%7C2007-11-01&StationID=42503&Prov=NU&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2016&selRowPerPage=25&Line=3&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=iqaluit&timeframe=2&Day=14&Year=2019&Month=6#
|id = Climate ID: 2402592
|title = June 2019
|work = Canadian Climate Data
|access-date = 1 November 2019
|date = 1 November 2019}}</ref> and Weather Atlas<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.weather-atlas.com/en/canada/iqaluit-climate|title=Iqaluit, Canada - Detailed climate information and monthly weather forecast|publisher=Yu Media Group|website=Weather Atlas|language=en|access-date=2019-07-06}}</ref>
|source 2 = Météo Climat<ref>{{cite web|url=http://meteo-climat-bzh.dyndns.org/mete4-210-1942-2020.php|title=Météo climat stats for Iqaluit |publisher=Météo Climat|access-date=23 February 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://meteo-climat-bzh.dyndns.org/mete8-210-1942-2020.php |title=Météo climat stats for Iqaluit |publisher=Météo Climat|access-date=23 February 2022}}</ref>
== Види још ==
* [[Канадски Арктички архипелаг|Канадски арктички архипелаг]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* Boas, Franz, and Ludger Müller-Wille. ''Franz Boas Among the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883–1884 Journals and Letters''. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. {{ISBN|0-8020-4150-7}}
* Kuhnlein HV, R Soueida, and O Receveur. 1996. "Dietary Nutrient Profiles of Canadian Baffin Island Inuit Differ by Food Source, Season, and Age". ''Journal of the American Dietetic Association''. 96, no. 2: 155–62.
*Lee, Alastair. ''Baffin Island: the Ascent of Mount Asgard''. London: Frances Lincoln, 2011. {{ISBN|9780711232211}}
* Matthiasson, John S. ''Living on the Land Change Among the Inuit of Baffin Island''. Peterborough, Canada: Broadview Press, 1992. {{ISBN|0-585-30561-7}}
* Maxwell, Moreau S. ''Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island''. Mercury series. Ottawa: Archaeological Survey of Canada, National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, 1973.
* Sabo, George. ''Long Term Adaptations Among Arctic Hunter-Gatherers A Case Study from Southern Baffin Island''. The Evolution of North American Indians. New York: Garland Pub, 1991. {{ISBN|0-8240-6111-X}}
* Sergy, Gary A. ''The Baffin Island Oil Spill Project''. Edmonton, Alta: Environment Canada, 1986.
* Stirling, Ian, Wendy Calvert, and Dennis Andriashek. ''Population Ecology Studies of the Polar Bear in the Area of Southeastern Baffin Island''. [Ottawa]: Canadian Wildlife Service, 1980. {{ISBN|0-662-11097-8}}
* Utting, D. J. Report on ice-flow history, deglacial chronology, and surficial geology, Foxe Peninsula, southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut. [Ottawa]: Geological Survey of Canada, 2007. http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/collection%5F2007/nrcan-rncan/M44-2007-C2E.pdf. {{ISBN|978-0-662-46367-2}}
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commons category|Baffin Island}}
{{Commonscat|Baffin Island}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120120021933/http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/search/search_results?expression=Baffin+Island Baffin Island Острво у атласу Канаде]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090124013436/http://nunavuttourism.com/destinations.php?IDRegion=3 Туризам Нунавут о острву]
* [https://archives-manuscripts.dartmouth.edu/repositories/2/resources/1079 Logbooks of the ship "Rosie" (1924-1925)] at Dartmouth College Library
* [https://archives-manuscripts.dartmouth.edu/repositories/2/resources/1082 Logbooks of the schooner "Vera" (1920)] at Dartmouth College Library
{{нормативна контрола}}
{{портал бар|Канада}}
[[Категорија:Острва Канаде]]