Дрејков пролаз — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
[[Датотека:Drake_passage_en.png|мини|десно|300п|Дрејков пролаз (-{Drake Passage}-)|мини]]
[[Датотека:Drake passage en.png|thumb|right|250п|Drake Passage showing the boundary points A, B, C, D, E and F accorded by the [[Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1984 between Chile and Argentina]]]]
[[Датотека:DrakeP1.JPG|thumb|250п|Tourist expedition ship sailing across the Drake Passage to Antarctica]]
[[Датотека:Drake-Passage profile hg.png|thumb|right|250п|Depth profile with salinity and temperature for surface]]
'''Дрејков пролаз''' ({{јез-енгл|The Drake Passage}}, {{јез-шпа|Mar de Hoces}}) је водена површина између најјужнијег врха [[Јужна Америка|Јужне Америке]] ([[рт Хорн]]) и Јужних [[Шетландска острва|Шетландских]] острва [[Антарктик]]а. Повезује најјужнији део [[Атлантски океан|Атлантског океана]] са југоисточним делом [[Тихи океан|Пацифика]].
Пролаз је добио име по енглеском [[гусари|пирату]] [[Френсис Дрејк|Френсису Дрејку]] (-{Francis Drake}-) из [[16. век]]а, који је први прошао туда. Пола века раније, [[1525]], у близини је прошао шпански морепловац [[Франсиско де Хочес]] (-{Francisco de Hoces}-) па неки историчари сматрају да пролаз треба да носи име по њему. Пролаз је ширине око 800 -{km}-. У њему се могу уочити [[китови]], [[делфин]]и и многобројне птице, укључујући [[албатрос]]е и [[пингвин]]е. Сматра се да је пролаз отворен пре 41 милион година, померањем Антарктика на југ. Последица тога је била успостављање поларне морске струје око Антарктика и даље хлађење континента.
The Drake Passage is considered one of the most treacherous voyages for ships to make. Currents at its latitude meet no resistance from any landmass, and waves top {{convert|40|ft|0}}, hence its reputation as "the most powerful convergence of seas".<ref>{{Cite web|date=2019-12-28|title=6 men become 1st to cross perilous Drake Passage unassisted|url=https://apnews.com/article/733e3eda7d1f318cc8beabd961c424d3|access-date=2020-10-30|website=AP NEWS}}</ref>
Пола века раније, [[1525]], у близини је прошао шпански морепловац [[Франсиско де Хочес]] (-{Francisco de Hoces}-) па неки историчари сматрају да пролаз треба да носи име по њему.
== Историја ==
Пролаз је ширине око 800 -{km}-. У њему се могу уочити [[китови]], [[делфин]]и и многобројне птице, укључујући [[албатрос]]е и [[пингвин]]е.
Sailing south from the entrance of the [[Strait of Magellan]], Spanish navigator [[Francisco de Hoces]] discovered this passage in 1525, making him the first European to pass through it.<ref name="Oyarzun">Oyarzun, Javier, ''Expediciones españolas al Estrecho de Magallanes y Tierra de Fuego'', 1976, Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica {{ISBN|978-84-7232-130-4}}</ref> For this reason, it appears as Mar de Hoces in most Spanish and [[Latin America|Spanish American]] maps and sources.
The passage received its English name from Sir Francis Drake during [[Francis Drake's Circumnavigation|his raiding expedition]]. After passing through the Strait of Magellan with ''Marigold'', ''Elizabeth'', and his [[flagship]] ''Golden Hind'', Drake entered the Pacific Ocean and was blown far south in a tempest. ''Marigold'' was lost, and ''Elizabeth'' abandoned the fleet. Only Drake's [[Golden Hind]] entered the passage.<ref>{{cite book| last = Sugden| first = John| year = 2006| title = Sir Francis Drake|publisher = Pimlico| location = London| isbn = 978-1-844-13762-6|page=46}}</ref> This incident demonstrated to the English that there was open water south of South America.<ref name="Martinic2019">{{cite journal|last1=Martinic B.|first1=Mateo|date=2019|title=Entre el mito y la realidad. La situación de la misteriosa Isla Elizabeth de Francis Drake|trans-title=Between myth and reality. The situation of the mysterious Elizabeth Island of Francis Drake|journal=[[Magallania]]|language=Spanish|volume=47|issue=1|pages=5–14|doi=10.4067/S0718-22442019000100005|author-link1=Mateo Martinic|doi-access=free}}</ref>
Сматра се да је пролаз отворен пре 41 милион година, померањем Антарктика на југ. Последица тога је била успостављање поларне морске струје око Антарктика и даље хлађење континента.
The [[Fiann Paul#History|first human-powered transit]] (by rowing) across the passage was accomplished on December 25, 2019.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2019/12/impossible-row-team-achieve-first-ever-row-across-the-drake-passage-604720|title=Impossible Row team achieve first ever row across the Drake Passage|date=2019-12-27|website=Guinness World Records|language=en-GB|access-date=2020-03-10}}</ref> Their accomplishment became the subject of a 2020 documentary, ''[[The Impossible Row]]''.
== Географија ==
The Drake Passage opened when Antarctica separated from South America due to [[plate tectonics]]. There is much debate about when that occurred. The opening had a major effect on the global oceans due to deep currents like the [[Antarctic Circumpolar Current]] (ACC).<ref>{{Cite web|title=Drake Passage {{!}} Drake Passage|url=https://projects.noc.ac.uk/drake-passage/|access-date=2020-10-30|website=projects.noc.ac.uk}}</ref> This opening could have been a primary cause of changes in global circulation and climate, as well as the rapid expansion of Antarctic ice sheets, because as Antarctica was encircled by ocean currents it was cut off from receiving heat from warmer regions.<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Livermore |first1=Roy |last2=Hillenbrand |first2=Claus-Dieter |last3=Meredith |first3=Mik e|last4=Eagles |first4=Graeme |date=2007 |title=Drake Passage and Cenozoic climate: An open and shut case?|journal=Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems |language=en |volume=8 |issue=1 |pages=n/a |doi=10.1029/2005GC001224 |bibcode=2007GGG.....8.1005L |issn=1525-2027|doi-access=free }}</ref> Precise dating of the earliest opening of the Drake Passage is complicated by the existence of plate fragments, which have been reconstructed to show the age of the earliest opening.
The {{convert|800|km|mi|adj=mid|-wide}} passage between Cape Horn and [[Livingston Island]] is the shortest crossing from Antarctica to another landmass. The boundary between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans is sometimes taken to be a line drawn from Cape Horn to [[Snow Island (South Shetland Islands)|Snow Island]] ({{convert|130|km|mi}} north of mainland Antarctica), though the [[International Hydrographic Organization]] defines it as the meridian that passes through Cape Horn&mdash;67°&nbsp;16′ W.<ref>International Hydrographic Organization, ''Limits of Oceans and Seas'', Special Publication No. 28, 3rd edition, 1953 [http://www.iho.int/iho_pubs/standard/S-23/S-23_Ed3_1953_EN.pdf] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111008191433/http://www.iho.int/iho_pubs/standard/S-23/S-23_Ed3_1953_EN.pdf|date=2011-10-08}}, p.4</ref> Both lines lie within the Drake Passage.
== Значај у физичкој океанографији ==
[[Датотека:thermohaline_circulation.svg|thumb|left|250px|link={{filepath:thermohaline_circulation.svg}}|The Drake Passage (middle of image) in relation to the global [[thermohaline circulation]] [{{filepath:thermohaline_circulation.svg}} (animation)] ]]
=== Oceanic and climate interactions ===
''"Major features of the modern ocean’s temperature and salinity fields, including the overall thermal asymmetry between the hemispheres, the relative saltiness of deep water formed in the northern hemisphere, and the existence of a transequatorial conveyor circulation, develop after Drake Passage is opened"''<ref name=":0">{{Cite journal|last1=Toggweiler|first1=J. R.|last2=Bjornsson|first2=H.|date=2000|title=Drake Passage and palaeoclimate|url=https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/1099-1417%28200005%2915%3A4%3C319%3A%3AAID-JQS545%3E3.0.CO%3B2-C|journal=Journal of Quaternary Science|language=en|volume=15|issue=4|pages=319–328|doi=10.1002/1099-1417(200005)15:4<319::AID-JQS545>3.0.CO;2-C|bibcode=2000JQS....15..319T|issn=1099-1417}}</ref>''.''
[[File:Flow from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the other ocean basins.jpg|thumb|343x343px|The plot shows an yearly average (2020) of the surface current strength (from [https://psl.noaa.gov/data/gridded/data.godas.html GODAS] dataset), together with [[Streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines|streamlines]]. Following the streamlines, it is easy to see that the current is not closed in itself but interacts with the other ocean basins (connecting them). The Drake Passage plays a major role in this mechanism.]]
The importance of an open Drake Passage extends far more than the [[Southern Ocean]] latitudes. The [[Roaring Forties]] and the Furious Fifties blow around Antarctica and drive the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. As a result of the [[Ekman transport|Ekman Transport]], water gets transported northward from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (on the left-hand side while facing the stream direction). Using a [[Lagrangian and Eulerian specification of the flow field|lagrangian approach]], water parcels passing through the Drake Passage can be followed in their journey in the oceans. Around 23 Sv of water is transported from the Drake Passage to the equator, mainly in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Friocourt |first1=Yann |last2=Drijfhout|first2=Sybren|last3=Blanke|first3=Bruno|last4=Speich|first4=Sabrina|date=2005-07-01|title=Water Mass Export from Drake Passage to the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans: A Lagrangian Model Analysis|journal=Journal of Physical Oceanography|language=en|volume=35|issue=7|pages=1206–1222|doi=10.1175/JPO2748.1|bibcode=2005JPO....35.1206F |issn=1520-0485|doi-access=free}}</ref> To make a blunt comparison, this value is not far from the [[Gulf Stream]] transport in the [[Straits of Florida|Florida Strait]] (33 Sv<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Heiderich|first1=Joleen|last2=Todd|first2=Robert E.|date=2020-08-01|title=Along–Stream Evolution of Gulf Stream Volume Transport|url=https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/50/8/jpoD190303.xml|journal=Journal of Physical Oceanography|volume=50|issue=8|pages=2251–2270|doi=10.1175/JPO-D-19-0303.1|bibcode=2020JPO....50.2251H|hdl=1912/26689|s2cid=219927256|issn=0022-3670|hdl-access=free}}</ref>), but is an order of magnitude lower than the transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (100–150 Sv). Water transported from the [[Southern Ocean]] to the Northern Hemisphere contributes to the global mass balance and permits the meridional circulation across the oceans.
Several studies linked the current shape of the Drake Passage to an effective [[Atlantic meridional overturning circulation|Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation]] (AMOC). Models have been run with different widths and depths of the Drake Passage, and consequent changes in the global oceanic circulation and temperature distribution have been analysed.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|last1=Sijp|first1=Willem P.|last2=England|first2=Matthew H.|date=2004-05-01|title=Effect of the Drake Passage Throughflow on Global Climate|url=https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/34/5/1520-0485_2004_034_1254_eotdpt_2.0.co_2.xml|journal=Journal of Physical Oceanography|language=EN|volume=34|issue=5|pages=1254–1266|doi=10.1175/1520-0485(2004)034<1254:EOTDPT>2.0.CO;2|bibcode=2004JPO....34.1254S|issn=0022-3670}}</ref> It appears that the “conveyor belt” of the global Thermohaline Circulation appears only in presence of an open Drake Passage, subject to wind forcing.<ref name=":0" /> In particular, with a closed Drake Passage, there is no [[North Atlantic Deep Water]] cell, and no [[Antarctic Circumpolar Current]] (obviously, as Antarctica is not completely surrounded by water). With a shallower Drake Passage, a weak [[Antarctic Circumpolar Current]] appears, but still no [[North Atlantic Deep Water]] cell.<ref name=":1" />
It has also been shown that present-day distribution of [[dissolved inorganic carbon]] can be obtained only with an open Drake Passage.<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Fyke|first1=Jeremy G.|last2=D'Orgeville|first2=Marc|last3=Weaver|first3=Andrew J.|date=May 2015|title=Drake Passage and Central American Seaway controls on the distribution of the oceanic carbon reservoir|url=https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0921818115000570|journal=Global and Planetary Change|language=en|volume=128|pages=72–82|doi=10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.02.011|bibcode=2015GPC...128...72F|osti=1193435}}</ref>
=== Turbulence and mixing ===
[[Diapycnal mixing]] is the process by which different layers of a stratified fluid mix. It directly affects vertical gradients, thus it is of great importance in all the gradient-driven type of transport and circulation (such as the thermohaline circulation). In a simplified way, mixing drives the global thermohaline circulation: without internal mixing, cooler water would never be above warmer water, and there would be no density(buoyancy)-driven circulation. However, mixing in the interior of most of the ocean is thought to be ten times weaker than required to support the global circulation.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Munk|first=Walter H.|date=August 1966|title=Abyssal recipes|url=https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0011747166906024|journal=Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts|language=en|volume=13|issue=4|pages=707–730|doi=10.1016/0011-7471(66)90602-4|bibcode=1966DSRA...13..707M}}</ref><ref name=":2">{{Cite journal|last1=Watson|first1=Andrew J.|last2=Ledwell|first2=James R.|last3=Messias|first3=Marie-José|last4=King|first4=Brian A.|last5=Mackay|first5=Neill|last6=Meredith|first6=Michael P.|last7=Mills|first7=Benjamin|last8=Naveira Garabato|first8=Alberto C.|date=2013-09-19|title=Rapid cross-density ocean mixing at mid-depths in the Drake Passage measured by tracer release|url=http://www.nature.com/articles/nature12432|journal=Nature|language=en|volume=501|issue=7467|pages=408–411|doi=10.1038/nature12432|pmid=24048070|bibcode=2013Natur.501..408W|s2cid=1624477|issn=0028-0836}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Ledwell|first1=James R.|last2=Watson|first2=Andrew J.|last3=Law|first3=Clifford S.|date=August 1993|title=Evidence for slow mixing across the pycnocline from an open-ocean tracer-release experiment|url=http://www.nature.com/articles/364701a0|journal=Nature|language=en|volume=364|issue=6439|pages=701–703|doi=10.1038/364701a0|bibcode=1993Natur.364..701L|s2cid=4235009|issn=0028-0836}}</ref> It has been hypothesised that the extra-mixing can be ascribed to breaking of [[Internal wave|internal waves]] ([[Lee wave]]s).<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Nikurashin|first1=Maxim|last2=Ferrari|first2=Raffaele|date=2010-09-01|title=Radiation and Dissipation of Internal Waves Generated by Geostrophic Motions Impinging on Small-Scale Topography: Application to the Southern Ocean|url=http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/10.1175/2010JPO4315.1|journal=Journal of Physical Oceanography|language=en|volume=40|issue=9|pages=2025–2042|doi=10.1175/2010JPO4315.1|bibcode=2010JPO....40.2025N|s2cid=1681960 |issn=1520-0485}}</ref> When a stratified fluid reaches an internal obstacle, a wave is created that can eventually break, mixing the fluid’s layers. It has been estimated that the [[Diapycnal mixing|diapycnal diffusivity]] in the Drake Passage is ~20 times the value immediately to the west in the Pacific sector of the [[Antarctic Circumpolar Current]].<ref name=":2" /> Much of the energy that is dissipated through internal wave breaking (around 20% of the wind energy put into the ocean) gets dissipated in the [[Southern Ocean|southern ocean]].<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Nikurashin|first1=Maxim|last2=Ferrari|first2=Raffaele|date=June 2013|title=Overturning circulation driven by breaking internal waves in the deep ocean|url=https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/85568|journal=MIT Web Domain|volume=40|issue=12|page=3133|doi=10.1002/grl.50542|bibcode=2013GeoRL..40.3133N|hdl=1721.1/85568|s2cid=16754887 |language=en-US|hdl-access=free}}</ref>
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite book
| last= Bergreen
| first= Laurence
| author-link = Laurence Bergreen
| year = 2021
| title = Francis Drake, Elizabeth I, and the Perilous Birth of the British Empire: In Search of a Kingdom
| publisher = HarperCollins
| location = New York
| isbn = 9780062875358
* {{cite book
| last = Drake
| first = Sir Francis
| year = 2005
| author-link = Sir Francis Drake, 1st Baronet
| title = The World Encompassed
| publisher = Elibron Classics; BookSurge
| location = South Carolina
| isbn = 1-4021-9567-2
* {{cite book
| last = Nuttall
| first = Zelia
| year = 1967
| author-link = Zelia Nuttall
| title = New Light On Drake
| publisher = Kraus Reprint Limited
| location = Netherlands
| oclc = 468829810
* {{cite book
| last = Sugden
| first = John
| year = 2006
| title = Sir Francis Drake
| publisher = Pimlico
| location = London
| isbn = 978-1-844-13762-6
* {{cite book
| last = Turner
| first = Michael
| year = 2006
| title = In Drake's Wake Volume 2 The World Voyage
| publisher = Paul Mould Publishing
| location = United Kingdom
| isbn = 978-1-904959-28-1
* {{cite book
| last = Wallis
| first = Helen
| author-link = Helen Wallis
| year = 1979
| title = The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Mapped in Silver And Gold
| publisher = Friends of the Bancroft Library, University of California
| location = California
| oclc = 248295351
* {{cite journal
| last = Oko
| first = Captain Adolf S., Jr.
| author-link = Captain Adolph S. Oko, Jr.
| title = Francis Drake and Nova Albion
| journal = California Historical Society Quarterly
| volume = XLIII
| issue = 2
| date = June 1964
| pages = 135–158
| doi = 10.2307/25155641
| jstor = 25155641
* Beagle Channel Arbitration between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Chile, [http://legal.un.org/riaa/cases/vol_XXI/53-264.pdf ''Report and Decision of the Court of Arbitration'']
* Mark Laudy: [https://web.archive.org/web/20080529153631/http://wwics.si.edu/subsites/ccpdc/pubs/words/11.pdf ''The Vatican Mediation of the Beagle Channel Dispute: Crisis Intervention and Forum Building''] in [http://webarchive.loc.gov/all/20060614230448/http%3A//wwics.si.edu/subsites/ccpdc/pubs/words/frame.htm Words Over War] of Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
* Alejandro Luis Corbacho: [https://ssrn.com/abstract=1016843 ''Predicting the Probability of War During Brinkmanship Crises: The Beagle and the Malvinas Conflicts''], Universidad del CEMA, Argentina, Documento de Trabajo No. 244, September 2003, Spanish
* Karin Oellers-Frahm: [http://www.zaoerv.de/39_1979/39_1979_2_b_341_354.pdf ''Der Schiedsspruch in der Beagle-Kanal-Streitigkeit''], Berichte und Urkunden: Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, German
* Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile: ''Relaciones Chileno-Argentinas, La controversia del Beagle''. Genf 1979, English and Spanish
* Andrea Wagner: ''Der argentinisch-chilenische Konflikt um den Beagle-Kanal. Ein Beitrag zu den Methoden friedlicher Streiterledigung''. Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M. 1992, {{ISBN|3-631-43590-8}}, German
* Karl Hernekamp: ''Der argentinisch-chilenisch Grenzstreit am Beagle-Kanal''. Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, Hamburg 1980, German
* Andrés Cisneros y [[Carlos Escudé]], "Historia general de las Relaciones Exteriores de la República Argentina", [https://archive.today/20120629054952/http://www.cema.edu.ar/ceieg/arg-rree/14/14-057.htm Las relaciones con Chile], Cema, Argentina, Buenos Aires. Spanish
* Annegret I. Haffa: ''Beagle-Konflikt und Falkland (Malwinen)-Krieg. Zur Außenpolitik der Argentinischen Militarregierung 1976–1983''. Weltforum Verlag, München/Köln/London 1987, {{ISBN|3-8039-0348-3}}, German
* Isaac F. Rojas und Arturo Medrano: ''Argentina en el Atlántico Chile en el Pacífico''. Editorial Nemont, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979, Spanish
* Isaac F. Rojas, ''La Argentina en el Beagle y Atlántico sur 1. Parte''. Editorial Diagraf, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Spanish
* Carlos Escudé und Andrés Cisneros: ''Historia general de las relaciones exteriores de la República Argentina'' ([https://archive.today/20120629054950/http://www.cema.edu.ar/ceieg/arg-rree/6/6-090.htm here]), Spanish
* Fabio Vio Valdivieso: ''La mediación de su S.S. el Papa Juan Pablo II'', Editorial Aconcagua, Santiago de Chile, 1984, Spanish
* Alberto Marín Madrid: ''El arbitraje del Beagle y la actitud Argentina''. 1984, Editorial Moisés Garrido Urrea, id = A-1374-84 XIII, Spanish
* Luis Alberto Romero, ''Argentina in the twentieth Century''. Pennsylvania State University Press, translated by James P. Brennan, 1994, {{ISBN|0-271-02191-8}}
* Divisionsgeneral (a.D.) Juan E. Gugliamelli: ''Cuestión del Beagle. Negociación directa o diálogo de armas'' (Trans.:''The Beagle-Question, direct Negotiations or Dialog of the Weapons''), in Spanish Language. Book compiled from articles of Argentine Magazin "Estrategia", Buenos Aires Nr:49/50, enero-febrero 1978, erschienen sind.
* General [[Martín Balza|Martín Antonio Balza]] und [[Mariano Grondona]]: ''Dejo Constancia: memorias de un general argentino''. Editorial Planeta, Buenos Aires 2001, {{ISBN|950-49-0813-6}}, Spanish
* Francisco Bulnes Serrano und Patricia Arancibia Clavel: ''La Escuadra En Acción''. Chile, Editorial Grijalbo, 2004, {{ISBN|956-258-211-6}}, Spanish
* {{Citation| author =Luciano Benjamín Menéndez| title =Interview with Argentine General, Commandant of the III Army Corps| publisher =[[El Mercurio]]| location =[[Santiago de Chile]]| language =Spanish| url =http://www.emol.com/especiales/tratado_chileargentina/entrev_menendez.htm| accessdate =12 April 2013| archiveurl =https://web.archive.org/web/20120222063450/http://www.emol.com/especiales/tratado_chileargentina/entrev_menendez.htm| archivedate =22 February 2012| url-status =dead| author-link =Luciano Benjamín Menéndez}}
* {{Citation
|author = Julio Algañarz
|title = Un plan secreto para la guerra, Interview with the Nuntius in Argentina, 1978
|publisher = [[Clarín (Argentine newspaper)|Clarín]]
|location = Buenos Aires
|date = 20 December 1998
|language = Spanish
|url = http://www.clarin.com/suplementos/zona/1998/12/20/i-01001e.htm
|accessdate = 12 April 2013
|archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20101207083059/http://edant.clarin.com/suplementos/zona/1998/12/20/i-01001e.htm
|archivedate = 7 December 2010
|url-status = dead
== Спољашње везе ==
{{Commonscatcommons category|Drake Passage}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20060508204139/http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/JRD/HYDRO/drake/index.php National Oceanography Centre, Southampton page of the important and complex bathymetry of the Passage]
* [https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=52534 A NASA image of an eddy in the Passage]
* [https://www.fnmoc.navy.mil/PUBLIC/SATELLITE/GEO/sat_spole.html Larger-scale images of the passage from the US Navy (Rain, ice edge and wind images)] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20041023202119/https://www.fnmoc.navy.mil/PUBLIC/SATELLITE/GEO/sat_spole.html |date=2004-10-23 }}
{{Светско море}}