Таурус — разлика између измена

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Ред 90:
На нижим надморским висинама, преовлађујућа вегетација шума зимзелених храстова и [[Pinus brutia|турског бора]] (''Pinus brutia''), и области [[maquis shrubland|макије]]. Изнад 1200 метара надморске висине налазе се планинске шуме [[Pinus nigra|црног бора]] (''Pinus nigra''), [[Cedrus libani|либанског кедра]] (''Cedrus libani''), [[Abies cilicica|јеле]] (''Abies cilicica'') и [[juniper|клеке]] (''Juniperus'' spp). Високи врхови су дом алпских ливада.<ref name = wwf/>
== Историја ==
[[Image:Asia minor-Shepherd 1923 Syria.jpg|thumb|right|AmanusПланине Mts.Аманус nearу theблизини [[Gulf of İskenderun|Gulf of IssusИског]] andи [[Antioch|Антиохијског]] залива ]]
=== Праисторија и рани римски период ===
===Pre-history and early Roman period===
The bull was commonly the symbol and depiction of [[ancient Near Eastern]] [[storm gods]], hence [[Taurus (constellation)|Taurus]] the bull, and hence the name of the mountains. The mountains are a place of many ancient storm-god temples.<ref>Ravinell, Alberto and Green, Whitney ''The Storm-god in the Ancient Near East'', p.126. {{ISBN|1-57506-069-8}}</ref> Torrential thunderstorms in these mountains were deemed by the ancient Syrians to be the work of the storm-god Adad to make the [[Tigris]] and [[Euphrates]] rivers rise and flood and thereby fertilise their land.<ref>Saggs, H.W.F. ''The greatness that was Babylon: a survey of the ancient civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley'', Sidgwick & Jackson, 2nd Revised edition, 1988, p.380. {{ISBN|0283996234}}</ref> The [[Hurrians]], probably originators of the various [[storm-god]]s of the ancient Near East, were a people whom modern scholars place in the Taurus Mountains at their probable earliest origins.
Бик је обично био симбол и приказ [[ancient Near Eastern|древних блискоисточних]] [[storm gods|богова олује]], отуда бик [[Taurus (constellation)|Таурус]], а отуда и назив планина. Планине су место многих древних храмова богова олује.<ref>Ravinell, Alberto and Green, Whitney ''The Storm-god in the Ancient Near East'', p.126. {{ISBN|1-57506-069-8}}</ref> Древни Сиријци су сматрали да су бујичне олује у овим планинама дело бога олује Адада да би натерао реке [[Tigris|Тигар]] и [[Euphrates|Еуфрат]] да порасту и поплаве и на тај начин оплоде њихову земљу.<ref>Saggs, H.W.F. ''The greatness that was Babylon: a survey of the ancient civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley'', Sidgwick & Jackson, 2nd Revised edition, 1988, p.380. {{ISBN|0283996234}}</ref> [[Hurrians|Хури]], вероватно зачетници разних богова олује на древном Блиском истоку, били су народ који савремени научници смештају у планине Таурус у њиховом најранијем пореклу.
A [[Bronze Age]] archaeological site, where early evidence of [[tin]] [[mining]] was found, is at [[Kestel]].<ref>Yener, K.A. (2000) ''The Domestication of Metals: The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia'' Brill, Leiden, {{ISBN|90-04-11864-0}} p. 91</ref> The pass known in antiquity as the [[Cilician Gates]] crosses the range north of [[Tarsus (city)|Tarsus]].
AАрхеолошко налазиште из [[Bronze Age|бронзаног доба]], archaeologicalгде site,су whereпронађени earlyрани evidenceдокази ofо [[tinmining|копању]] [[miningкалај]]а, wasналази found,се is atу [[Kestel|Кестелу]].<ref>Yener, K.A. (2000) ''The Domestication of Metals: The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia'' Brill, Leiden, {{ISBN|90-04-11864-0}} p. 91</ref> TheПрелаз pass known inпознат antiquityу asантици theкао [[Cilician Gates|Киликијске капије]] crossesпрелази theкроз rangeланац northсеверно ofод [[Tarsus (city)|TarsusТауруса]].
The Amanus range in southern Turkey is where the Taurus Mountains are pushed up as three tectonic plates come together. The Amanus is a natural frontier: west is [[Cilicia]], east is Syria. There are several passes, like the [[Amanian Gate|Amanian Gate (Bahçe Pass)]], which are of great strategical importance. In 333 BC at the [[Battle of Issus]], [[Alexander the Great]] defeated [[Darius III]] in the foothills along the coast between these two passes.<ref>{{cite web|title=Amanus Mountains|url=https://www.livius.org/place/amanus-mountains/|website=Livius - Places|publisher=Livius.org - [[Jona Lendering]]|access-date=21 July 2015|date=26 March 2014}}</ref> In the Second Temple period, Jewish authors seeking to establish with greater precision the geographical definition of the [[Promised Land]], began to construe [[Mount Hor]] as a reference to the Amanus range of the Taurus Mountains, which marked the northern limit of the [[Syrian plain]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Bechard|first=Dean Philip|title=Paul Outside the Walls: A Study of Luke's Socio-geographical Universalism in Acts 14:8-20|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BwoLOauyDcUC&pg=PA203|date=1 January 2000|publisher=Gregorian Biblical BookShop|isbn=978-88-7653-143-9|pages=203–205|quote=In the Second Temple period, when Jewish authors were seeking to establish with greater precision the geographical definition of the Land, it became customary to construe "Mount Hor" of Num 34:7 as a reference to the Amanus range of the Taurus Mountains, which marked the northern limit of the Syrian plain (Bechard 2000, p. 205, note 98.)}}</ref>
TheЛанац AmanusАманус rangeу inјужној southernТурској Turkeyје isместо whereгде theсе Taurusпланине MountainsТаурус areузвисују pushedдок upсе asтри threeтектонске tectonicплоче plates come togetherспајају. TheАман Amanusје isприродна aграница: naturalна frontier: westзападу isје [[Cilicia|Киликија]], eastна isистоку SyriaСирија. ThereПостоји areнеколико several passesпревоја, like theпопут [[Amanian Gate|AmanianАманијске Gateкапије]] (BahçeБахче Passпролаз)]], whichкоји areсу ofод greatвеликог strategicalстратешког importanceзначаја. InГодине 333. BCпне at theу [[Battle of Issus|Вици код Иса]], [[Alexander the Great|Александар Велики]] defeatedје победио [[Darius III|Дарија III]] inу theподножју foothills along theдуж coastобале betweenизмеђу theseова twoдва passesпревоја.<ref>{{cite web|title=Amanus Mountains|url=https://www.livius.org/place/amanus-mountains/|website=Livius - Places|publisher=Livius.org - [[Jona Lendering]]|access-date=21 July 2015|date=26 March 2014}}</ref> InУ the Secondпериоду TempleДругог periodхрама, Jewishјеврејски authorsаутори seekingкоји toсу establishнастојали withда greaterса precisionвећом theпрецизношћу geographicalутврде definitionгеографску of theдефиницију [[Promised Land|Обећане земље]], beganпочели toсу construeда тумаче планину [[Mount Hor|Хор]] asкао aреференцу referenceна toАманус theланац Amanusпланина range of the Taurus MountainsТаурус, whichкоји markedје theозначавао northernсеверну limit of theграницу [[Syrian plain|Сиријске равнице]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Bechard|first=Dean Philip|title=Paul Outside the Walls: A Study of Luke's Socio-geographical Universalism in Acts 14:8-20|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BwoLOauyDcUC&pg=PA203|date=1 January 2000|publisher=Gregorian Biblical BookShop|isbn=978-88-7653-143-9|pages=203–205|quote=In the Second Temple period, when Jewish authors were seeking to establish with greater precision the geographical definition of the Land, it became customary to construe "Mount Hor" of Num 34:7 as a reference to the Amanus range of the Taurus Mountains, which marked the northern limit of the Syrian plain (Bechard 2000, p. 205, note 98.)}}</ref>
=== Late Roman period to present ===
During [[World War I]], the German and Turkish railway system through the Taurus Mountains proved to be a major strategic objective of the Allies. This region was specifically mentioned as a strategically controlled objective slated for surrender to the Allies in the [[Armistice]], which ended hostilities against the [[Ottoman Empire]].<ref>[https://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B05E0DD1339E13ABC4E52DFB4678383609EDE Price, Ward (16 December 1918) "Danger in Taurus Tunnels" ''New York Times'']</ref>
=== Касноримски период до данас ===
Током [[World War I|Првог светског рата]], немачки и турски железнички систем кроз планине Таурус показао се као главни стратешки циљ савезника. Овај регион се посебно помиње као стратешки контролисан циљ предвиђен за предају савезницима у [[Armistice|примирју]], чиме су окончана непријатељства против [[Ottoman Empire|Отоманског царства]].<ref>[https://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9B05E0DD1339E13ABC4E52DFB4678383609EDE Price, Ward (16 December 1918) "Danger in Taurus Tunnels" ''New York Times'']</ref>
== Референце ==
Преузето из „https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Таурус