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Ред 6:
== Спољашње везе ==
* [http://www.dabar.org/Dyke/PHILISTINES/250PhilistineTexts.html -{List of biblical references to Philistines or Philistia}-]
* [http://www.dig-gath.org -{Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project website}-]
Линија 13 ⟶ 14:
* [http://www.kingscalendar.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?action=viewnews&id=164 -{The King's Calendar: The Secret of Qumran}-] (-{Chronology for Israel's Period of the Judges 1412 BC to 1039 BC}-)
* [http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/bel9/index.html -{The Philistines: Raiders of the Ark or Cultural Goliaths?}-]
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