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Постоје и конзервативна виђења овог проблема по којима је нормална сексуална оријентација одрасле особе усмерена ка одраслим особама супротног пола, чиме се јасно ставља разлика између ове наводно нормалне и наводно ненормалних облика сексуалне оријентације.
== Референце ==
== Види још ==
* [[Хетеросексуалност]]
* [[Бисексуалност]]
* [[Хомосексуалност]]
* [[Асексуалност]]
* [[Кинсијева скала]]
== Извори ==
== Додатна литература ==
* American Psychiatric Association. (1987). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., Revised). Washington, DC
* American Psychological Association. (1974). Standards for educational and psychological tests. Washington
* American Psychological Association. (1987). Policy Statements on Lesbian and Gay Issues. Washington, DC
* Blanchard, R. and A. F. Bogaert. 1996. Biodemographic comparisons of homosexual and heterosexual men in the kinsey interview data. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 25: 551–579.
* Bogaert, A. F. and R. Blanchard. 1996. Physical development and sexual orientation in men: height, weight and age of puberty differences. Personality and Individual Differences. 21: 77–84.
* Bogaert, A. F.; C. Friesen; and P. Klentrou. 2002. Age of puberty and sexual orientation in a national probability sample. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 31(1): 73-81.
* Bogaert, A. F. and C. Friesen. 2002. Sexual orientation and height, weight, and age of puberty: new tests from a british national probability sample. Biological Psychology. 59(2): 135-145.
* Bogaert, A. F. 2003. Physical development and sexual orientation in women: height, weight, and age of puberty comparisons. Personality, Individual Differences. 24(1): 115-121.
* Bailey, J. Michael. 2003. The man who would be queen: the science of gender-bending and transsexualism. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.
* Burr, Chandler. 1997. A separate creation: the search for the biological origins of sexual orientation, New York, NY: Hyperion Books.
* Cabaj, Robert P. and Terr S. Stein. 1996. Textbook of homosexuality and mental health. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
* Caramagno, Thomas C. 2002. Irreconcilable differences? Intellectual stalemate in the gay rights debate. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
* Cohler, Bertram J. and Robert M. Galatzer-Levy. 2000. The course of gay and lesbian lives: social and psychoanalytical perspectives. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
* Cohen, K. M. 2002. Relationships among childhood sex- atypical behavior, spatial ability, handedness, and sexual orientation in men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 31(1): 129-143
* Friedman, Richard C. and Jennifer I. Downey. 2002. Sexual orientation and psychoanalysis: sexual science and clinical practice. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
* Halley, J. E. 1994. Sexual orientation and the politics of biology: a critique of the argument from immutability. Stanford Law Review. 46: 503-561
Hamer, Dean and Peter Copeland. 1994. Science of desire: the gay gene and the biology of behavior. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
* Hamer, Dean and Peter Copeland. 1999. Living with our genes: why they matter more than you think. New York, NY: First Anchor Books.
* Lahey, Kathleen. 1998. Are we persons yet? Law and sexuality. Toronto, CA: University of Toronto Press.
* LeVay, Simon. 1993. The sexual brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
* LeVay, Simon. 1996. Queer science: the use and abuse of research into homosexuality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
* LeVay, Simon and Sharon Valente. 2002. Human sexuality. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
* Lipkin, Arthur. 2001. Understanding homosexuality, changing schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
* Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., & Martin, C.E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
* Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., Martin, C.E., & Gebhard, P.H. (1953). Sexual behavior in the human female. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders
* Lever, J., & Kanouse, D.E. (1996). Sexual orientation and proscribed sexual behaviors. In G. Herek, J. Jobe, & R. Carney (Eds.), Out in force: Sexual orientation and the military (pp. 15-38). Chicago: University of Chicago Press
* Meyer, I. H. (2003). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 129, 674-697
* McKnight, Jim 1997. Straight Science. New York, NY: Routledge.
* Money, John. 1988. Gay, straight and in-between: the sexology of sexual orientation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
* Rahman, Q. and G. D. Wilson. 2003. Born gay? The psychobiology of human sexual orientation. Personality and Individual Differences. 34: 1337-1382
* Schroeder, M., & Shidlo, A. (2001). Ethical issues in sexual orientation conversion therapies: An empirical study of consumers. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 5(3-4), 131-166
* Wallis, W.A. (1949). Statistics of the Kinsey report. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 44, 463-484
* Voeller, B. (1990). Some uses and abuses of the Kinsey scale. In D.P. McWhirter, S.A. Sanders, & J.M. Reinisch (Eds.), Homosexuality/heterosexuality: Concepts of sexual orientation (pp. 32-38). New York: Oxford University Press
Ред 59:
== Спољашње везе ==
* [http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx Sexual orientation and homosexuality] APA {{en}}
* [http://www.healthyminds.org/More-Info-For/GayLesbianBisexuals.aspx Sexual Orientation] Healthy Minds {{en}}
* [http://www.pamf.org/teen/sex/orientation.html Sexual Orientation] Palo Alto Medical Foundation {{en}}
* [http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/sexual-orientation Sexual Orientation] WebMD {{en}}