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== Литература ==
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|first1=Alain |last1=Abran |first2=James W. |last2=Moore |first3=Pierre |last3=Bourque |first4=Robert |last4=Dupuis |first5=Leonard L. |last5=Tripp |title=Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge |year=2004 |publisher=IEEE |idisbn=ISBN 978-0-7695-2330-9|ref=harv}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last=Sommerville |first=Ian |title=Software Engineering |edition=7 |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=PqsWaBkFh1wC |accessdate = 10. 1. 2013. |year=2008 |publisher=Pearson Education |isbn=978-81-7758-530-8}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last= Ghezzi|first=Carlo | title = Fundamentals of Software Engineering|origyear = 1991 | edition = 2nd (International) | year = 2003 | publisher = Pearson Education @ Prentice-Hall | coauthors = Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last= Jalote|first=Pankaj | title = An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering |origyear = 1991 | url = http://www.springer.com/east/home?SGWisbn=5-102-22-52090005-0&changeHeader=true | edition = 3rd | year = 2005 | publisher = Springer | location = |idisbn=ISBN 978-0-387-20881-7 }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last= Pressman|first=Roger S | title = Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach |origyear = | edition = 6th | year = 2005 | publisher = McGraw-Hill | location = Boston, Mass|idisbn=ISBN 978-0-07-285318-6}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last= Sommerville|first=Ian | title = Software Engineering|origyear = 1982 | url = http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/HigherEducation/Booksby/Sommerville/ | edition = 8th | year = 2007 | publisher = Pearson Education | location = Harlow, England |idisbn=ISBN 978-0-321-31379-9 }}
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