Даглас DC-9 — разлика између измена

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== Литература ==
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Јанић| first = Чедомир | authorlink = Чедомир Јанић| coauthors = Симшић, Јово | title = Више од летења : осам деценија Аеропута и ЈАТ-а| date year= 2007| publisher = ЈАТ Airways | location = Београд| language = {{ср}}|isbn=978-86-7086-004-9}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Јанић| first = Чедомир | authorlink = Чедомир Јанић| title = Век авијације : [илустрована хронологија] | date year= 2003| publisher = Ефект 1| location = Беочин | language = {{ср}}| id = {{COBISS|ID=110428172}}}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Јанић| first = Чедомир | authorlink = Чедомир Јанић| coauthors = Петровић, Огњан; | title = Век авијације у Србији 1910—2010, 225 значајних летелица|year=2010| publisher = Аерокомуникације | location = Београд | language = {{ср}}|isbn=978-86-913973-0-2}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Donald| first = David | title = The Encyclopedia of Civil Aircraft| date year= 1999 | publisher = Thunder Bay Press| location = San Diego| language = {{en}} |isbn=978-15-7145-183-5|pages= 609-613| chapter = McDonnell Douglas DC-9 and MD-80}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Donald| first = David | title = The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft| date year= 1997 | publisher = Barnes & Noble| location = NY| language = {{en}} |isbn=978-18-9410-224-7|pages= 611-612| chapter = McDonnell Douglas DC-9}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Rendall| first = David | title = Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide| date year= 1999 | edition = 2nd| publisher = Harper Collins Publishers| location = London | language = {{en}}|isbn=978-00-0470-980-2|pages= 222 | chapter = Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-9 }}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Taylor| first = Michael | title = Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1996/1997| date year= 1996 | publisher = Brassey's| location = London| language = {{en}} | id = |pages= 276-277| chapter = McDonnell Douglas DC-9X}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Aboulafia| first = Richard | title = Jane's Civil Aircraft| date year= 1996 | publisher = Harper Collins Publishers| location = Glasgow| language = {{en}} |isbn=978-00-0711-024-7|pages= 76-77| chapter = McDonnell Douglas DC-9}}
* {{Cite book |ref= harv|last = Chant| first = Christopher | coauthors = Taylor, Michael J.H| title = The World's Greatest Aircraft | date year= 2006| publisher = Chartwell Books| location = Edison, NJ | language = {{en}}|isbn=978-07-8582-010-9|pages= 228 | chapter = Douglas DC-9 and McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) MD-80/90 Series }}