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Ред 22:
До 2014, сва четири првобитна члана бенда су умрла – пјевач Џои Рамон (1951–2001), басиста Ди Ди Рамон (1951–2002), гитариста Џони Рамон (1948–2004) и бубњар Томи Рамон (1952–2014).<ref name="AP">{{Cite news|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/17/arts/joey-ramone-raw-voiced-pioneer-of-punk-rock-dies-at-49.html|title=Joey Ramone, Raw-Voiced Pioneer of Punk Rock, Dies at 49|last=Powers|first=Ann|date=2001-04-17|work=The New York Times|access-date=2023-05-22|language=en-US|issn=0362-4331}}</ref><ref name=guardian>{{cite news |url=https://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/jul/12/tommy-ramone-dies-aged-65 |title=Tommy Ramone dies aged 62 |work=[[The Guardian]] |agency=Australian Associated Press |date=July 12, 2014 |access-date=2023-05-22|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140712075737/http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/jul/12/tommy-ramone-dies-aged-65 |archive-date=July 12, 2014 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref name="nytimes">{{Cite news|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/07/arts/dee-dee-ramone-pioneer-punk-rocker-dies-at-50.html|title=Dee Dee Ramone, Pioneer Punk Rocker, Dies at 50|last=Pareles|first=Jon|date=2002-06-07|work=The New York Times|access-date=2023-05-22|language=en-US|issn=0362-4331}}</ref> Преостали преживели чланови Рамонса — басиста Си-Џеј Рамоне (који је замјенио Ди Дија 1989. и остао са бендом до његовог распада) и бубњари Марки Рамон, Ричи Рамон и Елвис Рамон — и даље су музички активни.
Признање важности бенда градило се годинама.<ref>{{Cite magazineweb|url=https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-curse-of-the-ramones-165741/|title=The Curse of the Ramones|last=Gilmore|first=Mikal|date=2016-05-19|magazinewebsite=Rolling Stone|language=en-US|access-date=2023-05-22}}</ref> Рамонес су заузели 26. мјесто <ref>{{Cite magazineweb|url=https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/100-greatest-artists-147446/|title=100 Greatest Artists|last=Stone|first=Rolling|date=2010-12-03|magazinewebsite=Rolling Stone|language=en-US|access-date=2023-05-22}}</ref> на листи „100 највећих уметника свих времена" часописа [[Rolling Stone]] и на 17. мјесту <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vh1-counts-down-the-100-greatest-artists-of-hard-rock-in-five-hour-five-night-special-premiering-november-13-17-at-1000-pm-etpt-75380612.html|title=VH1 Counts Down the '100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock'|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180617044422/https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/vh1-counts-down-the-100-greatest-artists-of-hard-rock-in-five-hour-five-night-special-premiering-november-13-17-at-1000-pm-etpt-75380612.html|archive-date=17. 6. 2018.|url-status=live|access-date=22. 5. 2023.}}</ref> на [[VH1]] листи „100 највећих умјетника хард рока“. Године 2002., Рамонес је рангиран као други највећи бенд свих времена од стране [[Spin]]-а, иза само [[Битлси|Битлса]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.rocklistmusic.co.uk/spin100.html#Greatest%20Bands|title=Rocklist.net...Spin Magazine (USA) Lists...Page 2..|website=www.rocklistmusic.co.uk|access-date=2023-05-22}}</ref>
== Историја ==
=== Оснивање (1974—1975) ===
Првобитни чланови бенда упознали су се у кварту Форест Хилс средње класе у њујоршкој општини Квинс. Џон Камингс и Томас Ердели су били у средњошколском гаражном бенду од 1965. до 1967. познатом као Tangerine Puppets.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://kauhajokinyt.fi/~jplaitio/story/tange.html|title=RAMONES: RICHARD ADLER'S TELL STORY OF THE '60"|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090104182247/http://kauhajokinyt.fi/~jplaitio/story/tange.html|archive-date=24. 1. 2009.|url-status=live|access-date=23. 6. 2023.}}</ref> Спријатељили су се са Дагласом Колвином, који се недавно доселио у ту област из Њемачке<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/endofthecentury/ramones.html|title=Independent Lens . END OF THE CENTURY . The Ramones {{!}} PBS|website=[[PBS]] |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121110225615/http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/endofthecentury/ramones.html|archive-date=10. 11. 2012.|url-status=live|access-date=23. 6. 2023.}}</ref>, и Џефом Хајманом, пјевачем глам рок бенда Sniper, основаног 1972.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,107146-2,00.html|title=Pal Joey - TIME|archive-date=05. 12. 2011|url-status=|access-date=23. 6. 2023.|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111205234544/http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,107146-2,00.html}}</ref>{{sfn|McNeil|McCain|1996|p=181}}
Рамонс су почели да се обликују почетком 1974. године када су Камингс и Колвин позвали Хајмана да им се придружи у бенду. Колвин је желео да свира гитару и пјева, Камингс је такође свирао гитару, а Хајман бубњеве. Поставу је требало употпунити њиховим пријатељем Ричијем Стерном на басу. Међутим, након само неколико проба постало је јасно да Ричи Стерн не зна да свира бас, па је поред пјевања, Колвин прешао са гитаре на бас, а Камингс је постао једини гитариста.<ref name="Commando">{{cite book|last1=Ramone|first1=Johnny|author-link1=Johnny Ramone|title=Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone|date=April 2012|publisher=[[Abrams Image]]|location=New York City, New York|isbn=9780810996601|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=dBZlyEn5H1gC&q=richie+stern&pg=PT47|access-date=7 December 2017|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171208073533/https://books.google.ca/books?id=dBZlyEn5H1gC&pg=PT47&dq=richie+stern&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGmcu_3pbXAhVm34MKHWFaDi4Q6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=richie%20stern&f=false|archive-date=December 8, 2017|url-status=live}}</ref> Колвин је био први који је усвојио име "Рамоне", називајући себе Ди Ди Рамон. Био је инспирисан употребом псеудонима Паул Рамон од стране Пола Макартнија током његових [[Silver Beetles]] дана.{{sfn|Melvin|Meyer|2003|p=32}} Ди Ди је убедио остале чланове да преузму то име и дошао је на идеју да бенд назове Рамонс.<ref name=punkbands>{{Cite web|url=http://www.punkbands.com/interviews.php?id=71|title=nkbands.com :: interviews|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060319010949/http://www.punkbands.com/interviews.php?id=71|archive-date=19. 3. 2006.|url-status=live|access-date=23. 6. 2023.}}</ref> Хајман и Камингс су постали Џои и Џони Рамон, респективно.<ref name=punkbands />
Ред 55:
=== Литература ===
* Bayles, Martha (1996). ''Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music'', University of Chicago Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music|location= |publisher= University of Chicago Press|year=|isbn=0-226-03959-5|pages=|last1= Bayles|first1= Martha|date= 15 May 1996}}
* Beeber, Steven Lee (2006). ''The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk'', Chicago Review Press. {{cite book|author= |title= The Heebie-jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk|location= |publisher= Chicago Review Press|year=|isbn=1-55652-613-X|pages=|last1= Beeber|first1= Steven Lee|date= 2006}}
* Bessman, Jim (1993). ''Ramones: An American Band'', St. Martin's Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Ramones: An American Band|location= |publisher= St. Martin's Publishing|year=|isbn=0-312-09369-1|pages=|last1= Bessman|first1= Jim|date= 15 May 1993}}
* Colegrave, Stephen, and Chris Sullivan (2005). ''Punk: The Definitive Record of a Revolution'', Thunder's Mouth Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Punk: The Definitive Record of a Revolution|location= |publisher= Da Capo Press|year=|isbn=1-56025-769-5|pages=|last1= Colegrave|first1= Stephen|last2= Sullivan|first2= Chris|date= 11 October 2005}}
* Edelstein, Andrew J., and Kevin McDonough (1990). ''The Seventies: From Hot Pants to Hot Tubs'', Dutton. {{cite book|author= |title= The Seventies: From Hot Pants to Hot Tubs|location= |publisher= Dutton|year=|isbn=0-525-48572-4|pages=|last1= Edelstein|first1= Andrew J.|last2= McDonough|first2= Kevin|date= 1990}}
* {{cite book|author=Isler, Scott, and |author2=Ira A. Robbins|chapter=Ramones|title= The Trouser Press record guide|date= 1991|chapter-url=https://archive.org/details/trouserpressreco0000unse/page/532/mode/2up |location= |publisher= Collier Books|isbn= 9780020363613|pages=532–34|editor-last= Robbins|editor-first= Ira A.|edition=4th}}
* Johansson, Anders (2009). "Touched by Style", in ''The Hand of the Interpreter: Essays on Meaning after Theory'', ed. G. F. Mitrano and Eric Jarosinski, pp. 41–60, Peter Lang. {{cite book|author= |title= The Hand of the Interpreter: Essays on Meaning After Theory|location= |publisher= Peter Lang|year=|isbn=978-3-03911-118-3|pages=|last1= Mitrano|first1= G. F.|last2= Jarosinski|first2= Eric|date= 2009}}
* Keithley, Joe (2004). ''I, Shithead: A Life in Punk'', Arsenal Pulp Press. {{cite book|author= |title= I, Shithead: A Life in Punk|location= |publisher= Arsenal pulp press|year=|isbn=1-55152-148-2|pages=|last1= Keithley|first1= Joe|date= 2003}}
* Leigh, Mickey, and Legs McNeil (2009). ''I Slept With Joey Ramone: A Family Memoir'', Simon & Schuster. {{cite book|author= |title= I Slept with Joey Ramone: A Family Memoir|location= |publisher= Simon and Schuster|year=|isbn=978-0-7432-5216-40|pages=|last1= Leigh|first1= Mickey|last2= McNeil|first2= Legs|date= December 2009}}
* McNeil, Legs, and Gillian McCain (1996). ''Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk'' (2d ed.), Penguin. {{cite book|author= |title= Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk|location= |publisher= Penguin Books|year=|isbn=0-14-026690-9|pages=|last1= McNeil|first1= Legs|last2= McCain|first2= Gillian|date= 1997}}
* Melnick, Monte A., and Frank Meyer (2003). ''On The Road with the Ramones'', Sanctuary. {{cite book|author= |title= On the Road with the Ramones|location= |publisher= Sanctuary|year=|isbn=1-86074-514-8|pages=|last1= Melnick|first1= Monte A.|last2= Meyer|first2= Frank|date= 2003}}
* Miles, Barry, Grant Scott, and Johnny Morgan (2005). ''The Greatest Album Covers of All Time'', Collins & Brown. {{cite book|author= |title= The Greatest Album Covers of All Time|location= |publisher= Collins & Brown|year=|isbn=1-84340-301-3|pages=|last1= Miles|first1= Barry|last2= Scott|first2= Grant|last3= Morgan|first3= Johnny|date= 2005}}
* Ramone, Dee Dee, and Veronica Kofman (2000). ''Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones'', Thunder's Mouth Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones|location= |publisher= Da Capo Press|year=|isbn=1-56025-252-9|pages=|last1= Ramone|first1= Dee Dee|last2= Kofman|first2= Veronica|date= 28 September 2000}}
* Ramone, Johnny (2004). ''[[Commando (book)|Commando]]'', Abrams Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Commando: The Autobiography of Johnny Ramone|location= |publisher= Abrams|year=|isbn=978-0-8109-9660-1|pages=|last1= Ramone|first1= Johnny|date= April 2012}}
* Roach, Martin (2003). ''The Strokes: The First Biography of the Strokes'', Omnibus Press. {{cite book|author= |title= This is It: The First Biography of the Strokes|location= |publisher= Omnibus|year=|isbn=0-7119-9601-6|pages=|last1= Roach|first1= Martin|date= 2003}}
* Robb, John (2006). ''Punk Rock: An Oral History'', Elbury Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Punk Rock: An Oral History|location= |publisher= Ebury Press|year=|isbn=0-09-190511-7|pages=|last1= Robb|first1= John|date= 2006}}
* [[Christopher Sandford (biographer)|Sandford, Christopher]] (2006). ''McCartney'', Century. {{cite book|author= |title= McCartney|location= |publisher= Century|year=|isbn=1-84413-602-7|pages=|last1= Sandford|first1= Christopher|date= 2006}}
* Savage, Jon (1992). ''England's Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond'', St. Martin's Press. {{cite book|author= |title= England's Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond|location= |publisher= St. Martin's Press|year=|isbn=0-312-08774-8|pages=|last1= Savage|first1= Jon|date= 15 November 1992}}
* Schinder, Scott, with Andy Schwartz (2007). ''Icons of Rock: An Encyclopedia of the Legends Who Changed Music Forever'', Greenwood Press. {{cite book|author= |title= |location= |publisher= |year=|isbn=0-313-33847-7|pages=}}
* Shirley, Ian (2005). ''Can Rock & Roll Save the World?: An Illustrated History of Music and Comics'', SAF Publishing. {{cite book|author= |title= Can Rock & Roll Save the World?: An Illustrated History of Music and Comics|location= |publisher= SAF Publishing|year=|isbn=978-0946719808|pages=|last1= Shirley|first1= Ian|date= 2005}}
* Spicer, Al (2003). "The Lurkers", in ''The Rough Guide to Rock'' (3d ed.), ed. Peter Buckley, p. 349, Rough Guides. {{cite book|author= |title= The Rough Guide to Rock|location= |publisher= Rough Guides|year=|isbn=1-84353-105-4|pages=|last1= Buckley|first1= Peter|date= 2003}}
* Spitz, Mark, and Brendan Mullen (2001). ''We Got the Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk'', Three Rivers Press. {{cite book|author= |title= We Got the Neutron Bomb: The Untold Story of L.A. Punk|location= |publisher= Crown|year=|isbn=0-609-80774-9|pages=|last1= Spitz|first1= Marc|last2= Mullen|first2= Brendan|date= 13 November 2001}}
* Stim, Richard (2006). ''Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business'', Nolo. {{cite book|author= |title= Music Law: How to Run Your Band's Business|location= |publisher= |year=|isbn=1-4133-0517-2|pages=|last1= Stim|first1= Richard|date= 2006}}
* Strongman, Phil (2008). ''Pretty Vacant: A History of UK Punk'', Chicago Review Press. {{cite book|author= |title= |location= |publisher= |year=|isbn=1-55652-752-7|pages=}}
* Taylor, Steven (2003). ''False Prophet: Field Notes from the Punk Underground'', Wesleyan University Press. {{cite book|author= |title= False Prophet: Field Notes from the Punk Underground|location= |publisher= Wesleyan University Press|year=|isbn=0-8195-6668-3|pages=|last1= Taylor|first1= Steven|date= 2003}}
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