Разговор:Неуролингвистичко програмирање

Последњи коментар:, пре 6 година у теми НЛП - псеудонаука?



Ако се НЛП успешно примењује у практичној психологији и психотерапији и признато је као валидан вид терапије у Великој Британији, а њена примена је неизоставна и у пословној комуникацији, курсевима за руководиоце, курсевима за преговараче, курсевима за управнике у спорту и спортисте, итд. због чега стоји налепница Псеудонаука? --Perunova straža (разговор) 12:46, 16. јун 2012. (CEST)Одговори

НЛП - псеудонаука?


НЛП иногда классифицируется как паранаучное направление[7][8]. Существует ряд исследований эффективности НЛП с положительным результатом, однако бо́льшая часть научных экспериментов говорят о неэффективности методик НЛП и отсутствии у них научного обоснования. Некоторые критики выражают сомнения в этичности применения НЛП[9]. Научные обзоры показывают, что НЛП содержит ряд фактических ошибок[10][11] и не даёт тех результатов, о которых заявляют сторонники данного направления[12][13]. Критики обращают внимание не только на отсутствие достоверных экспериментальных подтверждений эффективности НЛП, но и на характерные псевдонаучные черты[14], присутствующие в концепциях данного направления, его названии[15] и применяемой терминологии[16][17]. Ряд исследователей, анализировавших факторы мошенничества в областях медицины, психологии и психиатрии, перечисляют НЛП среди наиболее дискредитированных терапевтических практик[12][17][18][19].

NLP has since been discredited scientifically,[9][10] but continues to be marketed by some hypnotherapists and by some companies that organize seminars and workshops on management training for businesses.[11] There is no scientific evidence supporting the claims made by NLP advocates and it has been discredited as a pseudoscience by experts.[9][12] Scientific reviews state that NLP is based on outdated metaphors of how the brain works that are inconsistent with current neurological theory and contain numerous factual errors.[13][14] Reviews also found that all of the supportive research on NLP contained significant methodological flaws and that there were three times as many studies of a much higher quality that failed to reproduce the "extraordinary claims" made by Bandler, Grinder, and other NLP practitioners.[10][12] Even so, NLP has been adopted by some hypnotherapists and also by companies that run seminars marketed as leadership training to businesses and government agencies.[11][13]

NLP has since been discredited scientifically,[9][10] but continues to be marketed by some hypnotherapists and by some companies that organize seminars and workshops on management training for businesses.[11] There is no scientific evidence supporting the claims made by NLP advocates and it has been discredited as a pseudoscience by experts.[9][12] Scientific reviews state that NLP is based on outdated metaphors of how the brain works that are inconsistent with current neurological theory and contain numerous factual errors.[13][14] Reviews also found that all of the supportive research on NLP contained significant methodological flaws and that there were three times as many studies of a much higher quality that failed to reproduce the "extraordinary claims" made by Bandler, Grinder, and other NLP practitioners.[10][12] Even so, NLP has been adopted by some hypnotherapists and also by companies that run seminars marketed as leadership training to businesses and government agencies.[11][13] (разговор) 21:16, 30. октобар 2017. (CET)Одговори

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