The Template:Infraspeciesbox displays an automatic taxobox for a rank lower than species (an infraspecific rank) for taxa governed by the ICN  (the botanical code). For taxa governed by the ICZN  (the zoological code), see Template:Subspeciesbox.

At present it can only handle the ranks subspecies and variety or the combination of the two.

Usage уреди

The parameters are generally the same as Template:Subspeciesbox, which handles subspecies whose names are governed by the Zoological Code.

Subspecies only уреди

Suppose that a species called Yucca grandiflora has a subspecies Y. g. subsp. laxifolia. Then:

| genus = Yucca
| species = grandiflora
| subspecies = laxifolia
| authority = A.Anon
generates →
Yucca grandiflora subsp. laxifolia
Научна класификација edit
Царство: Plantae
Кладус: Tracheophytes
Кладус: Angiospermae
Кладус: Monocotyledones
Ред: Asparagales
Породица: Asparagaceae
Потпородица: Agavoideae
Род: Yucca
Y. g. subsp. laxifolia
Триномијално име
Yucca grandiflora subsp. laxifolia

Variety only уреди

Suppose that the species Yucca grandiflora has a variety Y. g. var. tenuifolia, with no intervening subspecies. Then:

| genus = Yucca
| species = grandiflora
| variety = tenuifolia
| authority = B.Anon

generates →

Note the use of "variety" not "varietas".
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia
Научна класификација edit
Царство: Plantae
Кладус: Tracheophytes
Кладус: Angiospermae
Кладус: Monocotyledones
Ред: Asparagales
Породица: Asparagaceae
Потпородица: Agavoideae
Род: Yucca
Y. g. var. tenuifolia
Триномијално име
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia

Subspecies and variety уреди

Finally suppose that Y. g. var. tenuifolia is actually within Y. g. subsp. laxifolia. Then:

|genus = Yucca
|species = grandiflora
|subspecies = laxifolia
|variety = tenuifolia
|authority = B.Anon

generates →

Note that the ICN does not allow Y. g. subsp. laxifolia var. tenuifolia as a name.
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia
Научна класификација edit
Царство: Plantae
Кладус: Tracheophytes
Кладус: Angiospermae
Кладус: Monocotyledones
Ред: Asparagales
Породица: Asparagaceae
Потпородица: Agavoideae
Род: Yucca
Y. g. var. tenuifolia
Триномијално име
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia

Authorities уреди

If for some reason it is desired to attach authorities, note carefully how this is done (at present):

| genus = Yucca
| grandparent_authority = D.Anon
| species = grandiflora
| binomial_authority = C.Anon
| subspecies = laxiflora
| subspecies_authority = A.Anon
| variety = tenuifolia
| authority = B.Anon
generates →
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia
Научна класификација edit
Царство: Plantae
Кладус: Tracheophytes
Кладус: Angiospermae
Кладус: Monocotyledones
Ред: Asparagales
Породица: Asparagaceae
Потпородица: Agavoideae
Род: Yucca
Y. g. var. tenuifolia
Триномијално име
Yucca grandiflora var. tenuifolia

Performance considerations уреди

As of February 2012, this template had not been tested with many of the other possible parameters. Because the template invokes Template:Taxobox/core, it is limited by resources used there, such as expansion depth of 39 levels.

See also уреди