Industrijalizacija je proces privrednog razvitka države. Ona je počela Prvom industrijskom revolucijom 1764. godine u Velikoj Britaniji kada je Džejms Vat napravio parnu mašinu. Države koje su imale najrazvijeniju industriju bile su Velika Britanija, Francuska i Nemačka.

уреди- ^ Depicting data excerpted from Contours of the World Economy, 1–2030 AD. Essays in Macro-Economic History by Angus Maddison, Oxford University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-922721-1. стр. 382.., Table A.7.
уреди- Hewitt, T., Johnson, H. and Wield, D. (Eds) (1992) industrialisation and Development, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Hobsbawm, Eric (1962): The Age of Revolution. Abacus.
- Kiely, R (1998) industrialisation and Development: A comparative analysis, UCL Press: London.
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- Kemp, Tom (1993). Historical Patterns of Industrialisation. Longman: London. ISBN 0-582-09547-6.
- Tilly, Richard H.: Industrialization as an Historical Process, European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2010, retrieved: February 29, 2011.