
This is a list of diplomatic missions of Russia.


Accredited to[1] City[1] Type Year
Photo Mission
Abhazija Suhumi Ambasada 2009[2] link
Avganistan Kabul Ambasada 2002[3][nb 1]   link
Azerbejdžan Baku Ambasada 1992[6] link
Albanija Tirana Ambasada 1991[7][nb 2]   link
Alžir Alžir Ambasada 1962[10] link
Angola Luanda Ambasada 1975[11] -
Argentina Buenos Ajres Ambasada 1946[12] link
Australija Kanbera Ambasada 1959[13][nb 3]   link
Austrija Beč Ambasada 1953[18]   link
Bangladeš Daka Ambasada 1972[19] link
Bahrein Manama Ambasada 1993[20] link
Belgija Brisel Ambasada 1943[21][nb 4]   link
Belorusija Minsk Ambasada 1992[24] link
Benin Kotonu Ambasada 1966[25] link
Bolivija La Paz Ambasada 1970[26] link
Bosna i Hercegovina Sarajevo Ambasada 1998[27] link
Bocvana Gaborone Ambasada 1976[28] link
Brazil Brazilija Ambasada 1961[nb 5] link
Brunej Bandar Seri Begavan Ambasada 2010[33] link
Bugarska Sofija Ambasada 1948[34][nb 6] link
Burundi Budžumbura Ambasada 1964[35] link
Venecuela Karakas Ambasada 1970[36][nb 7] link
Vijetnam Hanoj Ambasada 1954[40] link
Gabon Librvil Ambasada 1974[41]   link
Gana Akra Ambasada 1959[42] link
Gvajana Džordžtaun Ambasada 1973[43] link
Gvatemala Grad Gvatemala Ambasada 1997[44] link
Gvineja Konakri Ambasada 1959[45] link
Gvineja Bisao Bisao Ambasada 1975[46] link
Grčka Atina Ambasada 1943[47][nb 8] link
Danska Kopenhagen Ambasada 1955[49][nb 9]   link
Demokratska Republika Kongo Kinšasa Ambasada 1968[51][nb 10] link
Egipat Kairo Ambasada 1954[54][nb 11] link
Ekvador Kito Ambasada 1970[56] link
Eritreja Asmara Ambasada 1994[57]   link
Estonija Talin Ambasada 1992[58]   link
Etiopija Adis Abeba Ambasada 1943[59][nb 12] link
Zambija Lusaka Ambasada 1965[61]   link
Zelenortska Ostrva Praja Ambasada 1981[62] link
Zimbabve Harare Ambasada 1981[63] link
Izrael Tel Aviv Ambasada 1991[64][nb 13] link
Indija Nju Delhi Ambasada 1947[70]   link
Indonezija Džakarta Ambasada 1954[71] link
Irak Bagdad Ambasada 1958[72][nb 14] -
Iran Teheran Ambasada 1925[76][nb 15] link
Irska Dablin Ambasada 1974[77] link
Island Rejkjavik Ambasada 1955[78][nb 16]   link
Italija Rim Ambasada 1944[80][nb 17] link
Jamajka Kingston Ambasada 1978[82] link
Japan Tokio Ambasada 1956[83] link
Jemen Sana Ambasada 1962[84][nb 18] link
Jermenija Jerevan Ambasada 1992[87]   link
Jordan Aman Ambasada 1964[88] link
Južna Koreja Seul Ambasada 1990[89]   link
Južna Osetija Chinval Ambasada 2009[90] link
Južnoafrička Republika Pretorija Ambasada 1992[91] link
Kazahstan Astana Ambasada 1992[92][nb 19]   link
Kambodža Pnom Pen Ambasada 1979[93] [nb 20] link
Kamerun Jaunde Ambasada 1964[95] link
Kanada Otava Ambasada 1943[96][nb 21]   link
Katar Doha Ambasada 1989[98] link
Kenija Najrobi Ambasada 1964[99] link
Kina Peking Ambasada 1949[100] link
Kipar Nikozija Ambasada 1960[101] link
Kirgistan Biškek Ambasada 1992[102] link
Kolumbija Bogota Ambasada 1968[103][nb 22] link
Kostarika San Hose Ambasada 1972[106] link
Kuba Havana Ambasada 1960[107][nb 23]   link
Kuvajt Kuvajt Ambasada 1963[110] link
Laos Vijentijan Ambasada 1962[111] link
Letonija Riga Ambasada 1992[58]   link
Liban Bejrut Ambasada 1956[112] link
Libija Tripoli Ambasada 1956[113]   -
Litvanija Vilnjus Ambasada 1992[58]   link
Luksemburg Luksemburg Ambasada 1960[114] link
Madagaskar Antananarivo Ambasada 1974[115] link
Mađarska Budimpešta Ambasada 1948[116][nb 24]   link
Makedonija Skoplje Ambasada 1994[119] link
Malezija Kuala Lumpur Ambasada 1968[120] link
Mali Bamako Ambasada 1960 link
Malta Valeta Ambasada 1981[121] link
Maroko Rabat Ambasada 1958[122] link
Mauritanija Nuakšot Ambasada 1965[123] -
Mauricijus Port Luj Ambasada 1969[124] link
Meksiko Meksiko Ambasada 1943[125] link
Mjanmar Rangun Ambasada 1950[126] link
Mozambik Maputo Ambasada 1975[127] link
Moldavija Kišinjev Ambasada 1992[58]   link
Mongolija Ulan Bator Ambasada 1922[128]   link
Namibija Vindhuk Ambasada 1990[129] link
Nemačka Berlin Ambasada 1953[130]   link
Nepal Katmandu Ambasada 1959[131] link
Nigerija Lagos Ambasada 1961[132] link
Nikaragva Managva Ambasada 1980[133] link
Novi Zeland Velington Ambasada 1973[134][nb 25]   link
Norveška Oslo Ambasada 1942[136][nb 26]   link
Obala Slonovače Abidžan Ambasada 1986[138][nb 27] -
Oman Maskat Ambasada 1987[141] -
Pakistan Islamabad Ambasada 1949[142][nb 28] link
Palestinska Narodna Samouprava Ramala Representative Office 1995[144] link
Panama Panama Ambasada 1995[145] link
Paragvaj Asunsion Ambasada 2009[146] link
Peru Lima Ambasada 1969[147] link
Poljska Varšava Ambasada 1945[148][nb 29]   link
Portugalija Lisabon Ambasada 1974[151]   link
Republika Kongo Brazavil Ambasada 1964[152] link
Ruanda Kigali Ambasada 1966 link
Rumunija Bukurešt Ambasada 1945[153][nb 30]   link
Saudijska Arabija Rijad Ambasada 1991[155] link
Sveta stolica Rim Ambasada 1990[156]   -
Severna Koreja Pjongjang Ambasada 1948[157]   link
Sejšeli Viktorija Ambasada 1977[158] -
Senegal Dakar Ambasada 1962[159]   link
Singapur Singapur Ambasada 1969[160]   link
Sirija Damask Ambasada 1944[161] link
Sjedinjene Američke Države Vašington]] Ambasada 1934[162]   link
Slovačka Bratislava Ambasada 1993[163][nb 31] link
Slovenija Ljubljana Ambasada 1992[165] link
Srbija Beograd Ambasada 1953[166]   link
Sudan Kartum Ambasada 1956[167] link
Tajland Bangkok Ambasada 1948[168] link
Tanzanija Dar es Salam Ambasada 1962[159]   link
Tadžikistan Dušanbe Ambasada 1993[169] link
Tunis Tunis Ambasada 1960[170] link
Turkmenistan Ašhabad Ambasada 1993[171]   link
Turska Ankara Ambasada 1920[172] link
Uganda Kampala Ambasada 1963[173] -
Uzbekistan Taškent Ambasada 1992[174] link
Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati Abu Dabi Ambasada 1986[175] link
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo London Ambasada 1929[176][nb 32]   link
Ukrajina Kijev Ambasada 1992[58]   link
Urugvaj Montevideo Ambasada 1943[177] link
Filipini Manila Ambasada 1977[178] link
Finska Helsinki Ambasada 1954[179][nb 33]   link
Francuska Pariz Ambasada 1924   link
Holandija Hag Ambasada 1945[182]   link
Hrvatska Zagreb Ambasada 1992[183][nb 34] link
Centralnoafrička Republika Bangi Ambasada 1965 link
Crna Gora Podgorica Ambasada 2007[185][nb 35] link
Čad Ndžamena Ambasada 1965[187] link
Češka Prag Ambasada 1942[188][nb 36]   link
Čile Santijago de Čile Ambasada 1965[190] link
Džibuti Džibuti Ambasada 1978[191] link
Švajcarska Bern Ambasada 1955[192][nb 37]   link
Švedska Stokholm Ambasada 1947[193][nb 38]   link
Španija Madrid Ambasada 1977[194][nb 39]   link
Šri Lanka Kolombo Ambasada 1957[197] link

Permanent missions

Accredited to[1] City[1] Type[1]
including wikilink to individual
mission article if applicable
Photo Mission
Arab League Cairo Permanent Mission 2005[198] -
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Jakarta Permanent Mission 2009[199] -
Commonwealth of Independent States Minsk Permanent Mission link
Conference on Disarmament Geneva Permanent Mission -
Council of Europe Strasbourg Permanent Mission 1996[200]   link
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok Permanent Mission -
Eurasian Economic Community Moscow Permanent Mission -
European Communities Brussels Permanent Mission 1989[201]   link
Food and Agriculture Organization Rome Permanent Office -
NATO Brussels Permanent Mission 1998[202] link
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The Hague Permanent Mission -
Organisation of the Islamic Conference Jeddah Permanent Mission 2008[203] -
OSCE Vienna Permanent Mission 1996[204] link
UNESCO Paris Permanent Mission 1956[205]   link
United Nations New York City Permanent Mission 1945[206]   link
United Nations Office at Geneva Geneva Permanent Mission 1956[207]   link
United Nations Office at Nairobi Nairobi Permanent Mission -
United Nations Office at Vienna Vienna Permanent Mission 1957[208] link



After Peter the Great led the Great Embassy in 1697, an increase in the number of Russian citizens travelling abroad gave a boost to the development of consular relations between the Russian Empire and other states in Europe. In 1707, the first Russian consulate opened in Amsterdam, followed by consulates in Venice (1711), Paris (1715) and Vienna (1718). In the Orient a consulate opened in Beijing in 1719, and in 1720 a consul was appointed in Shamakhi, Persia.[209]

On Šablon:Oldstyledate, Emperor Alexander I signed the decree entitled "On the Establishment of the Office of Consular Affairs" (rus. Об учреждении Экспедиции консульских дел)

Accredited to[1] City[1] Type Year
Photo Website
Avganistan Mazari Šarif Konzulat Generalni 2002[210][nb 40] -
Alžir Anaba Konzulat Generalni 1965[164] link
Australija Sidnej Konzulat Generalni 1974[212]   link
Austrija Salcburg Konzulat Generalni 1960[164][nb 41]   link
Bangladeš Čitagong Konzulat Generalni 1973[164] link
Belgija Antverpen Konzulat Generalni 1978[164] link
Belorusija Brest Konzulat Generalni 1994[213] -
Brazil Rio de Žaneiro Konzulat Generalni 1990[214][nb 42] link
Brazil Sao Paulo Konzulat Generalni 1995[215] link
Bugarska Varna Konzulat Generalni 1946[164][nb 43] link
Bugarska Ruse Konzulat Generalni 1942[216] -
Vijetnam Grad Ho Ši Min Konzulat Generalni 1978[164]   -
Vijetnam Danang Konzulat Generalni 1999[217]   -
Grčka Solun Konzulat Generalni 1978[218] link
Egipat Aleksandrija Konzulat Generalni 1988[219][nb 44] link
Estonija Narva Konzulat Generalni   link
Estonija Tartu Consular Department 1996[220] -
Izrael Haifa Konzulat Generalni 2003[221] link
Indija Kolkata Konzulat Generalni 1987[164][nb 45] link
Indija Mumbaj Konzulat Generalni 1956[222] link
Indija Čenaj Konzulat Generalni 1962[164] link
Irak Basra Konzulat Generalni 2011[223][nb 46] -
Irak Erbil Konzulat Generalni 2007[224]   link
Iran Isfahan Konzulat Generalni 1942[225] -
Iran Rašt Konzulat Generalni 2007[226] -
Italija Đenova Konzulat Generalni 1968[164][nb 47] link
Italija Milano Konzulat Generalni 1978[227] link
Italija Palermo Konzulat Generalni 2002[228] link
Japan Niigata Konzulat Generalni 1994[229] -
Japan Osaka Konzulat Generalni 1971[230]   -
Japan Saporo Konzulat Generalni 1967[184]   link
Japan Hakodate Consular Office 2003[231]   -
Jemen Aden Konzulat Generalni 1968[232][nb 48] link
Jermenija Gjumri Konzulat Generalni 2002[234] link
Južna Koreja Busan Konzulat Generalni 1993[235] link
Južnoafrička Republika Kejptaun Konzulat Generalni 1993[236] link
Kazahstan Almati Konzulat Generalni 1992[92][nb 49] link
Kazahstan Oral Konzulat 2002[237] link
Kanada Montreal Konzulat Generalni 1967[164]   link
Kanada Toronto Konzulat Generalni 2002[238] link
Kina Guangdžou Konzulat Generalni 2007[239] link
Kina HongkongKong Konzulat Generalni 1994[240] link
Kina Šangaj Konzulat Generalni 1986[241]   link
Kina Šenjang Konzulat Generalni 1986[242] link
Kirgistan Konzulat Generalni 2002[243] link
Letonija Daugavpils Konzulat Generalni 1994[244]   link
Letonija Lijepaja Konzulat Generalni 1994[245] link
Litvanija Klajpeda Konzulat Generalni 1994[246] link
Mađarska Debrecin Konzulat Generalni 2001[247][nb 50]   -
Maroko Kazablanka Konzulat Generalni 1967[248] link
Mongolija Darkhan Konzulat Generalni 1971[184][nb 51] link
Mongolija Erdenet Konzulat Generalni 1976[184][nb 52] link
Nemačka Bon Konzulat Generalni 1999[249]   link
Nemačka Lajpcig Konzulat Generalni 1965[164]   -
Nemačka Minhen Konzulat Generalni 1991[250]   link
Nemačka Frankfurt na Majni Konzulat Generalni 2007[249]   link
Nemačka Hamburg Konzulat Generalni 1972[251]   link
Nigerija Abudža Representative Office -
Norveška Barentsburg Konzulat 1947[252]   -
Norveška Kirkenes Konzulat Generalni 1993[253] link
Pakistan Karači Konzulat Generalni 1966[184][nb 53] link
Poljska Gdanjsk Konzulat Generalni 1945[254][nb 54]   link
Poljska Krakov Konzulat Generalni 1946[184][nb 55]   link
Poljska Poznanj Konzulat Generalni 1960[184][nb 56]   link
Rumunija Konstanca Konzulat Generalni 1947[255] link
Saudijska Arabija Džeda Konzulat Generalni link
Severna Koreja Chongjin Konzulat Generalni 1980[164] -
Sirija Alep Konzulat Generalni 1958[184][nb 57] -
Sjedinjene Američke Države Njujork Konzulat Generalni 1995[256]   link
Sjedinjene Američke Države San Francisko Konzulat Generalni 1973[257]   link
Sjedinjene Američke Države Sijetl Konzulat Generalni 1992[258]   link
Sjedinjene Američke Države Hjuston Konzulat Generalni 2004[259] link
Tadžikistan Kučand Konzulat Generalni 1994[260] link
Turkmenistan Turkmenbaši Consular Office -
Turska Antalija Konzulat 2002[261] link
Turska Istanbul Konzulat Generalni 1922[184]   link
Turska Trapezunt Konzulat Generalni 1991[262]   link
Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati Dubai Konzulat Generalni 2001[263] link
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Edinburg Konzulat Generalni 1993[264]   -
Ukrajina Lavov Konzulat Generalni 1995[265]   link
Ukrajina Odesa Konzulat Generalni 1995[265]   link
Ukrajina Simferopolj Konzulat Generalni 1999[266] link
Ukrajina Harkov Konzulat Generalni 1998[267] link
Finska Lapenranta Embassy Office 2000[268] -
Finska Marijehamn Konzulat 1944[184]   link
Finska Turku Konzulat Generalni 1967[164]   link
Francuska Marselj Konzulat Generalni 1972[184]   link
Francuska Strazbur Konzulat Generalni 1991[269]   link
Češka Brno Konzulat Generalni 1969[270][nb 58]   link
Češka Karlove Vari Konzulat Generalni 1972[184][nb 59] -
Švajcarska Ženeva Konzulat Generalni 1975[184]   link
Švajcarska Tbilisi Russian Interests Section 2009[271]   link
Švedska Geteborg Konzulat Generalni 1972[184]   link
Španija Barselona Konzulat Generalni 1990[272]   link

Former missions

Accredited to City Type
including wikilink to individual
mission article if applicable
Year closed Photo
Bugarska Plovdiv Konzulat Generalni 1974[164] 1998[273]
Burkina Faso Uagadugu Ambasada 1967[274] 1992[275]
Ekvatorijalna Gvineja Malabo Ambasada 1969[276] 1992[276]
Gruzija Tbilisi Ambasada 1992[58] 2008[277]
Kuba Santijago de Kuba Konzulat Generalni 1971[184][nb 60]
Lesoto Maseru Ambasada 1985[278] 1992[279]
Nemačka Rostok Konzulat Generalni 1954[164][nb 61] 1998[273]
Niger Nijamej Ambasada 1972 1992[280]
Papua Nova Gvineja Port Morsbi Ambasada 1990[281] 1992[282]
Poljska Ščećin Konzulat Generalni 1971[184][nb 62] 1998[273]  
Sao Tome i Prinsipe Sao Tome Ambasada 1978[283]
Sijera Leone Fritaun Ambasada 1963[284] 1992[284]
Surinam Paramaribo Ambasada 1982[285] 1995[286]
Togo Lome Ambasada 1960 1992[287]


  1. ^ The Soviet Union established an embassy in Kabul in 1924.[4] Russia evacuated the embassy in August 1992 when Mujahideen took over Kabul and displaced the communist government of Mohammad Najibullah.[5] The embassy was reopened in January 2002.[3]
  2. ^ Diplomatic relations were established with Albania in 1934 and were maintained until the Italian invasion of Albania in April 1939.[7] Relations were re-established at the legation level on 10 November 1945, and on 4 August 1953 the legation in Tirana was reorganised as an embassy.[8] On 25 November 1961, at the height of the Soviet–Albanian split, the Soviet Ambassador Josef Shikin was recalled, and relations were broken by the Soviet Union in December 1961.[9]
  3. ^ The Soviet Union established a Legation in Canberra in 1943.[14] The legation was elevated to embassy level in July 1945.[15] In the aftermath of the Petrov Affair the Soviet Union severed diplomatic relations with Australia, and the embassy was closed in 1954.[16] After the re-establishment of diplomatic relations, the Soviet embassy returned to Canberra in 1959.[17]
  4. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation to Belgium in November 1935, after diplomatic relations were formalised on 12 July 1934, and continued to operate until it's evacuation on 15 July 1940, after the German occupation of Belgium.[22] The Soviet Union re-established diplomatic relations with the Belgian government-in-exile in London on 7 August 1941 at the legation level. The legation was reorganised as an embassy on 26 December 1942 to 21 January 1943.[23]
  5. ^ The Soviet embassy in Brasilia was established in 1946, but a little over a year later in 1947, Brazil severed relations with the Soviet Union after reports appeared in the Soviet press comparing Brazilian President Eurico Gaspar Dutra to Hitler, and the embassy was closed.[29][30] Diplomatic relations between the two states were reimplemented on 23 November 1961, and the embassy returned to Brasilia.[31][32]
  6. ^ Diplomatic relations with Bulgaria were established in 1934 at the legation level, and the legation in Sofia was maintained under 5 September 1944, when the Soviet Union severed relations with the ally of Nazi Germany. Relations were re-established on 14-16 August 1945, and the legation returned to Sofia. On 6 January 1948 the legation was reorganised into an embassy.[34]
  7. ^ The Soviet embassy in Caracas was established in 1945 after the Soviet Union and Venezuela established diplomatic relations on 14 March 1945. The embassy continued its activites until 13 June 1952 when Venezuela severed its relations with the Soviet Union.[37][38] Relations between the two states were re-established on 16 April 1970 and the Soviet embassy returned to activities in Caracas.[39]
  8. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Greece at the legation level on 8 March 1924. The legation was closed on 3 June 1941 with the Axis occupation of Greece.[48] Diplomatic relations were re-established with the Greek government-in-exile on 30 July 1941 at the legation level, and the legation in Athens was reorganised as an embassy on 14 April 1943.[47]
  9. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Denmark at the legation level on 18 June 1924, and a legation was present in Copenhagen until 22 June 1941, due to the German occupation of Denmark.[50] Diplomatic relations were restored on 16 May 1945, and in August 1955 the legation was reorganised as an embassy.[49]
  10. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with the Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville) on 7 July 1960 and an embassy was established in Léopoldville in August 1960. The embassy ceased its activities in the Congolese capital on 18 September 1960 when the the Congo severed relations with the Soviet Union.[52] Relations at the legation level were re-established on 6 July 1961 and the Soviet legation returned in August 1962, before relations were again severed on 21-23 November 1963.[53] Relations at the embassy level were resumed on 30 November 1967, and the Soviet embassy resumed activities in Kinshasa in April 1968.[51]
  11. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation in Cairo in 1943, which was raised to Embassy level in 1954.[55][54]
  12. ^ The Soviet legation in Addis Ababa was reorganised as an embassy on 18 May 1956.[60][59]
  13. ^ Israel and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations on 15-18 May 1948 at the legation level and the Soviet legation was established in June 1948. The Soviets severed diplomatic relations with Israel on 11 February 1953 after a bomb attack on their in Tel Aviv.[65][66] Relations, again at the legation level, were re-established on 6-15 July 1953. On 29 April - 12 May 1954, the legation was reorganised as an embassy, and continued its activities until 10 June 1967, when diplomatic relations were again severed between the two states, following the Six-Day War.[67] A Soviet consular legation returned to Israel in July 1987,[68] and was converted into a consulate on 30 September 1990. On 3 January 1991, full diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Israel were established at the level of consulate-generals, and on 18 October 1991 the Consulate-General in Tel Aviv was reorganised as an embassy.[69][64]
  14. ^ On 25 August - 9 September 1944, the Soviet Union opened a legation in Baghdad. The legation stopped its activities when on 3-8 January 1955 the government of Nuri as-Said severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, after the latter criticised Iraq's decision to join the Baghdad Pact.[73][74] After the 14 July Revolution, diplomatic relations between the newly formed Iraqi republic and the Soviet Union were established at the embassy level on 18 July 1958, and the Soviet embassy in Baghdad resumed its activities. [75]
  15. ^ Persia established diplomatic relations at legation level with the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on 26 February 1921, and the Russian legation began its activities the following day. On 23 July 1923, Persia estabished diplomatic relations, again at legation level, with the Soviet Union, and on 8-16 December 1925 the Soviet legation in Tehran was reorganised as an embassy.[76]
  16. ^ In 1943, in the lead up to the founding of the Republic of Iceland in 1944, the Soviet Union established a legation in Reykjavík. The legation was later transformed into an embassy on 24-26 November 1955.[79]
  17. ^ The Soviet Union and Italy established diplomatic relations at the embassy level on 7-11 February 1924, with the embassy beginning activities the following month. As a result of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, diplomatic relations and embassy activities ceased on 22 June 1941.[81] Between 7-11 March 1944, relations at the level of representatives were re-established, and a diplomatic representation was re-activated at the end of March. On 25 October 1944, the representation was reorganised as an embassy.[80]
  18. ^ The Soviet mission to the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen relocated from Cairo to Taiz in 1958, and again relocated to Sana'a on 24 June 1962. In November 1962, the legation was elevated to embassy level.[84][85][86]
  19. ^ The Russian Embassy to Kazakhstan was established in December 1992 in Almaty, and was relocated to Astana in January 2002.[92]
  20. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Cambodia between 23 April and 13 May 1956 at the embassy level. The embassy ceased operating on 18 March 1970 with the coup which deposed Norodom Sihanouk, and diplomatic relations were severed during the period of Democratic Kampuchea between 1975 and 1979. With the overthrow of the Khmer Rouge and the establishment of the People's Republic of Kampuchea in 1979, the embassy resumed its activities in April 1979.[93][94]
  21. ^ Canada and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations at the legation level on 12 June 1942, and the legation in Ottawa commenced its activities in July 1942. On 13-17 November 1943, the legation was reorganised as an embassy.[97]
  22. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation in Bogota on 3-4 February 1943, and its activities were suspended when Colombia severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union on 3 May 1948.[104] Diplomatic relations at the embassy level were resumed on 19 January 1968, and the Soviet embassy resumed activities in Bogota.[105]
  23. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation in Havana in 1946, and operated until 3 April 1952, when the Soviet Union severed relations with Cuba.[108] The Soviet embassy returned to Havana on 8 July 1960 after the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two states at embassy level on 8 May 1960.[109]
  24. ^ The Soviet legation began its activities in Budapest on 4 February 1934. On 2 February 1939 the legation was closed, but resumed its activities on 25 October 1939. The Soviet Union severed relations with Hungary on 23 June 1939, in connection with the involvement of Hungary in the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.[117] Diplomatic relations with Hungary were re-established on 25 September 1945 at the legation level, and the legation in Budapest was reorganised as an embassy on 2 March 1948.[116][118]
  25. ^ After the 1944 establishment of diplomatic relations with New Zealand, the Soviet Union established a legation in Wellington.[135] The legation was elevated to embassy level in 1973.[134]
  26. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Norway in February-March 1924 at the legation level. The legation operated in Oslo from 1924 until the German occupation of Norway in 1940.[137] The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations, again at the legation level, with the Norwegian government-in-exile in London on 5 August 1941, and on 1 August 1942 the legation was reorganised as an embassy.[136]
  27. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Ivory Coast at the embassy level on 19 January 1967, and relations were severed on 30 May 1969 after Félix Houphouët-Boigny accused the Soviet Ambassador Sergey Petrov of supporting student protests at the University of Abidjan in 1968.[139] Diplomatic relations were re-established at the embassy level on 21 February 1986.[140]
  28. ^ The Soviet embassy to Pakistan was situated in Karachi, until 1966 when the embassy was relocated to Islamabad, and the mission in Karachi was reorganised as a consulate-general.[143]
  29. ^ Poland established diplomatic relations with the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on 27 April 1921 at the level of plenipotentary, and established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union at legation level on 23 July 1923. The legation was reorganised as an embassy on 16 February 1934. Diplomatic relations were severed with the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September 1939.[149] Diplomatic relations were restored with the Polish government-in-exile in London on 30 July 1941 at the legation level, and were again severed on 25 April 1943.[150] Diplomatic relations were re-established at the embassy level on 2-5 January 1945.[148]
  30. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Romania on 9 June 1934 at the legation level, and were severed on 22 June 1941 with Romanian participation in the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union.[154] Diplomatic relations were restored with Romania on 6 August 1945 at the legation level, and on 20-24 August 1945 the legation was reorganised as an embassy.[153]
  31. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate-general in Bratislava in September 1945. After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Slovakia, the mission was reorganised as an embassy in 1993.[164][163]
  32. ^ The Soviet Union opened its embassy in London in 1924 with the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom. On 25 May 1927 relations were severed by the British government and the embassy ceased its activities, until the 1929 restoration of relations between the two states, at which point the embassy in London resumed its activities.[176]
  33. ^ Finland established diplomatic relations with the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic at the legation level on 30 December 1920, and then established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union on 23 July 1923. With the beginning of the Winter War on 30 November 1939, diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed.[180] Diplomatic relations were re-established on 12 March 1940 with the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty, but were broken again on 22 June 1941, three days before the beginning of the Continuation War.[181] Diplomatic relations were again re-established on 6 August 1945 at the legation level, and on 18 July 1954, the legation was transformed into an embassy.[179]
  34. ^ The Soviet Union opened a consulate-general in Zagreb in September 1970, whilst Croatia was a constituent republic of Yugoslavia.[184] Upon Croatian independence and the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia, the mission was elevated to embassy level in 1992.[183]
  35. ^ Russia opened a consulate-general in Podgorica in January 2001.[186] After the declaration of Montenegrin independence, and the resultant establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Montenegro in 2006, the mission was reorganised on 1 January 2007 as an embassy.[185]
  36. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation in Prague on 9 June 1934 when diplomatic relations were established with Czechoslovakia. With the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, the legation was closed on 16 March 1939.[189] On 18 July 1941, the Soviets established diplomatic relations with the Czechoslovak government-in-exile in London, and on 28 September 1942, the legation was reorganised as an embassy.[188]
  37. ^ The Soviet Union established a legation in Bern in 1946, which was raised to Embassy level in December 1955.[192]
  38. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Sweden at the legation level on 15-16 March 1924, and the legation was reorganised as an embassy on 26 August - 1 September 1947.[193]
  39. ^ The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Spain at the embassy level on 28 June 1933, leading to the commencement of activities by the Soviet embassy in Madrid. The embassy functioned until March 1939 when relations were severed with the fall of the Second Spanish Republic and the takeover of government by Francisco Franco.[195] Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Spain on 9 February 1977, and the embassy returned to Madrid a matter of weeks later.[196]
  40. ^ The Soviet Union opened a consulate-general in Mazar-e-Sharif in August 1981,[164] and was closed in May 1997 with the Taliban takeover of Aghanistan.[211]
  41. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Salzburg in October 1960, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in December 1972.[164]
  42. ^ The Soviet Union established a consular agency in Rio de Janeiro in August 1973, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in October 1990.[164][214]
  43. ^ The Soviet Union opened a consulate in Varna in September 1946, and was reorganised as a consulate-general in January 1966.[164]
  44. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate-general in Alexandria in 1959, but it's activities were suspended in 1977 due to the deterioration in Egypt-Russia relations, and resumed in 1988.[219]
  45. ^ The Soviet Union established a consular agency in Kolkata in January 1957, which was upgraded to consulate-general status in July 1987.[164]
  46. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Basra in March 1962, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in July 1972.[164] The consulate-general was closed in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war.[223]
  47. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate-general in Genoa in February 1968. The mission was reorganised as a consulate in April 1974.[164]
  48. ^ The Soviet mission in Aden was established as the embassy to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. Upon Yemeni unification on 22 May 1990, the embassy was downgraded to the level of consulate-general.[233]
  49. ^ The Russian mission in Almaty was established as the Embassy of Russia to Kazakhstan. In January 2002, the Russian embassy was relocated to Astana, and the Almaty mission was downgraded to consulate-general level.[92]
  50. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate-general in Debrecen in January 1980,[164] but it's activities were suspended in 1998, until it's reopening in 2001.[247]
  51. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Darkhan in January 1971, and reorganised the mission as a consulate-general in December 1981.[184]
  52. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Erdenet in May 1976, and reorganised the mission as a consulate-general in December 1981.[184]
  53. ^ The Soviet embassy to Pakistan was situated in Karachi, until 1966 when the embassy was relocated to Islamabad, and the mission in Karachi was reorganised as a consulate-general.[143]
  54. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Gdańsk in November 1945, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in April 1946.[184]
  55. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Kraków in May 1946, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in April 1971.[184]
  56. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Poznań in December 1960, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in April 1971.[184]
  57. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Aleppo in January 1958, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in October 1961.[184]
  58. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Brno in July 1969, and reorganised the mission as a consulate-general in November 1973.[184]
  59. ^ The Soviet Union established a consular agency in Karlovy Vary in July 1969, and reorganised the mission as a consulate-general in June 1972.[184]
  60. ^ The Soviet Union established a consular agency in Santiago de Cuba in January 1963, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in February 1971.[184]
  61. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Rostok in August 1954. The consulate was reorganised and downgraded to a consular agency in January 1963, and was reorganised in June 1965 and elevated back to consulate status. Another reorganisation took place in June 1967 when the mission was upgraded to a consulate-general.[164]
  62. ^ The Soviet Union established a consulate in Szczecin in September 1971, which was reorganised as a consulate-general in April 1974.[184]




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