Juče je vrijeme relativne prošlosti; doslovno dan do danas, ili figurativno raniji period ili vrijeme, često, ali ne uvijek u živoj memoriji.



Filozofi shvataju „juče“ na razne načine, uključujući kao relativan, ali poseban koncept vremena. I kineski filozofi pojam „juče“ i „danas“ shvataju različito u odnosu na koncept.[1]

U retoričkoj istoriji „juče“ može se odnositi na život okviru prošle ere,[2] kao što se na primjer u literaturi memorije odnosi na prethodni, ali sada izgubljeni, životni stil ili društvu.[3]

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  1. ^ Laurence C. Wu Fundamentals of Chinese philosophy 1986- Page 190 "We can also take this proposition as implying that the meaning of "today" and "yesterday" is relative to contexts. Yesterday was the today of yesterday, today is the tomorrow of yesterday, and tomorrow will be the today of tomorrow."
  2. ^ Jaime Lane Wright Bodies of Evidence: The Rhetoric of Simulated History 054922520X 2007- Page 102 "The notion of yesterday, a longer moment in which objects and events were catalogued more particularly, demonstrates the closer, smaller framework against which memory is defined. The movement of Collective Memory recollection follows ..."
  3. ^ Sarah De Mul Colonial Memory: Contemporary Women's Travel Writing 9089642935 2011 Page 12 "At the same time, the word “yesterday” translates colonial history into a vocabulary of a woman's everyday humdrum and orders colonialism into the chronology of her personal life. Although the conventional definition of “yesterday” denotes a .. Although the conventional definition of “yesterday” denotes a day that has finished, ... Dutch colonialism is not a political or diplomatic event in the past closed off at the moment of decolonisation, as conventional historiography would have it."