31° 46′ 25″ N 35° 14′ 08″ E / 31.77361° S; 35.23556° I / 31.77361; 35.23556

Davidov grad je arheološko nalazište u starom Jerusalimu iz perioda pre vavilonskog ropstva.[1][2][3] Nalazi se ispod južnih gradskih zidina starog Jerusalima. Ostaci grada uključuju podzemni vodeni tunel i bazen sa rezervoarom za vodu koje je izgradio kralj Jezekija. Neki arheolozi veruju da velika kamena struktura pronađena na ovom mestu, koja datira iz devetog veka pre nove ere, možda predstavlja palatu kralja Davida.[4]


  1. ^ Ariel, D. T., & De Groot, A. (1978). The Iron Age extramural occupation at the City of David and additional observations on the Siloam Channel. Excavation at the City of David, 1985.
  2. ^ Broshi, M. (1974). The expansion of Jerusalem in the reigns of Hezekiah and Manasseh. Israel Exploration Journal, 21–26.
  3. ^ Reich, R., & Shukron, E. (2000). The Excavations at the Gihon Spring and Warren’s Shaft System in the City of David. Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Jerusalem, 327–339.
  4. ^ Mazar, Eilat, 2009, The Palace of King David, Excavations at the Summit of the City of David. Preliminary Report of Seasons 2005–2007. Jerusalem

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