Korisnik:Suny87/The Fall (bend)

The Fall
The Fall live in 2008.
Музички рад
Активни период1976—danas
Место оснивањаSalford, Greater Manchester, England
ЖанрPost-punk, alternative rock
Издавачка кућаStep Forward/Faulty Products, Rough Trade, Beggars Banquet, Situation Two, Narnack, Phonogram/Fontana, Matador, Permanent, Slogan, Domino
Садашњи члановиMark E. Smith,
Elena Poulou, Dave Spurr,
Pete Greenway, Keiron Melling
Бивши члановиsee Members of The Fall

The Fall su Engleski post-punk bend, formiran u Prestwich, Greater Manchester 1976. Grupa postoji u nekom obliku od tada, ali je u osnovi izgrađen oko svog osnivača i jedinog stalnog člana Mark E. Smith. Prvo povezane s punk pokretom kasnih 1970-ih, muzika benda je prošla kroz nekoliko stilskih promena tokom godina. Međutim, The Fall muzika je često bila karakterisana ponavljanjem, abrazivna gitara uz pomoć Smith vokala,kritičar Steve Huey opisao je kao "apstraktna poezija puna komplikovanih reči, presahnute duhovitost, rezanja socijalnih opažanja, i uopšteno mizantropija (ponekad i više nego jasno navedeno podrazumevana). "[1] Rad benda je uspešan, u aprilu 2008 oni su izdali 27 studijski album i trostruko više live albuma i drugih izdanja. Oni nikad nisu postigli uspeh veći od manji hit singlova u kasnim 1980-ih, ali su zadržala snažan kult sledbenika. Bend su dugo povezivali sa BBC-disk-džokej John Peel, koji ih navodi kao njegov omiljeni bend, objašnjava, "Oni su uvek različiti, oni su uvek isti." [2]





The Fall je osnovan u Prestwich, Greater Manchester 1976 Mark E. Smith, Martin Bramah, Una Baines i Tony Friel. Friel je došao na ideju da se bend zove "Fall", nakon što je 1956 izdat roman od Albert Camus. [3] [4] originalna postavka: Smitha na gitari, Bramah vokal, Baines na bubnjevima, a Friel na bas gitari, ali Smith i Bramah uskoro menjaju uloge, a Baines se prebauje na klavijature. [5] benda neidentifikuje prvog bubnjara, čije ime kao "Dave" i "Steve" po raznim izvorima, [6] brzo ga zamenjuje Karl Burns. [5 ] Od početka, bend proizvodi zvuk sasvi drugačiji od svega što je do tad izvođeno na severnoj sceni englekog Novog Talasa. Originalni članovi The Fall su se često nalazili i čitali jedni drugima pesme koje su pisali I drogirali su se. [7] Njihov muzički uticaj sastojao se od Can, Velvet Underground i roka. [8] Članovi su se posvetilipiscima uz Smith citirajući HP Lovecraft, Raymond Chandler i Malcolm Lowry među svojim omiljenim piscima. [9] The Fall je muzika namerno sirova i ponavljana. [8] Za pesmu " Repetition ", izjavljuju "mi imamo ponavljanja u muzici nikada to nećemo izgubiti ", manifest za The Fall muzičku filozofiju. [10]

Grupa je izvela svoj prvi koncert 23. maja 1977. [5] Oni su snimili materijal za debi EP u noembru 1977. [10] Finansirani su od strane Buzzcocks menadžer Richard Boon, koji planira objaviti EP na njegov New Hormones. Nakon što je otkrio da on nije mogao isfinansirati puštanje EP, [11] Boon vraća snimke bendu. Dve pesme, "Stepping Out" i "Last Orders", bile su objavljeni na kompilaciji Short Circuit: Live At Electric Circusu u junu 1978 za Virgin Records, kompilaciski album snimljen u Manchester mesto Electric Circusu u oktobru 1977. The Fall sastav doživio je nekoliko promena u periodu 1977-78. Smith-ova devojka Kay Carroll postaje menadžer grupe, a povremeno i prateći vokal. [4] [12] Članovi Tony Friel (koji je otišao da formira The Passage) i Une Baines napušta bend u decembru 1977 i martu 1978. [12] Jonnie Brown i Eric McGann imao krataku ulogu kao The Fall bas gitarista, kasnije odlazi zbog gađenja zato što je vozač The Fall nosio havajsku košulju. [12] Marc Riley (bas) i Yvonne Pawlett (klavijature) na kraju su regrutovani u grupu. [12 ] Martin Bramah krivi za raspad originale postave Smith i njegov stil vođenja: "raspad nije bio toliko vezan za muziku, to je više bilo oko toga kako smo bili tretirani kao ljudi." [4 ] The Fall snimaju 13. Februara 1978, za show Granada TV šou So It Goes sa voditeljem Tony Wilson, izvode "Psycho mafije", "Industrial Estate" i "Dresden Dolls". Debi EP, "Bingo-Master's Break-Out!", koji je napokon objavljen u avgustu 1978 za Step Forward Records. Singl " It's the New Thing ", a zatim u novembru 1978. Do ovog momenta, uticajni radio DJ John Peel se počeo zauzimati za The Fall. Prvi od svojih 24 Peel Sessions, prikupljeni na Complete Peel Sessions 1978-2004 u 2005, izašao je u maju 1978. [13] Njihov debi album "Live at the Witch Trials", je snimljen u jednom danu [14], a objavljen je u januaru 1979. [15] Karl Burns je napustio grupu ubrzo nakon što je snimio album, a zamenjuje ga Mike Leigh. U aprilu 1979, Burns je sledio Martin Bramah, pisac većine pesama na "Live at the Witch Trials " [15], a prema istoričaru benda Daryl Eslea, "verovatno posljednji istinski jednak Smith-u u grupi", [14], koji je otišao da formira Blue Orchids sa Une Baines. [16] Marc Riley prebacio se sa bas na gitaru i Craig Scanlon (gitara) i Steve Hanley (bas gitara), bivše kolege iz benda i Riley, pridružuju se grupi. [14] Hanley melodični bas zvuk postao vitalan deo The Fall muzike za gotovo dvadeset godina. [17] Smith, hvali njegovu svirku u Melody Maker: "najoriginalniju aspekt The Fall je Steve ... ja nikada nisam čuo bas svirača poput njega ... ne moram mu reći šta da svira, on sam zna. On je The Fall zvuk. "[18] Yvonne Pawlett napustio je grupu u avgustu 1979 da bi brinula o svom psu. Kasnije se pojavila u bendu Shy Tots. [12] Dragnet,The Fall drugi album, je snimljena 2-4 avgusta 1979 Cargo Studios, Rochdale a objavljen je 26. oktobra 1979. Dragnet daje malo tvrđi osećaj, dok je na kasnijim albumima više obrađeni industrijski zvuk.

Early 1980s


13 January 1980 The Fall release their fourth single, "Fiery Jack", their last record for Step Forward.

Mike Leigh's last gig was on Thursday, 20 March 1980 at Manchester Polytechnic, he apparently left and went back onto the cabaret circuit.

Paul Hanley, Leigh's replacement and Steve Hanley's younger brother, first plays live with The Fall on Friday, 21 March 1980 Electric Ballroom, London.

5 May 1980 Totale's Turns LP released on Rough Trade. The live album (apart from 2 tracks) documents the band during various appearances, with Smith announcing last orders at the bar and berating band members and audience throughout.

In mid June 1980 The Fall tour The Netherlands with drummer Steve Davis. He stood in for Paul Hanley, who took O level school exams.

The Fall release their fifth single on 11 July 1980' titled "How I Wrote Elastic Man." The single also introduced the line up of Mark E Smith, Craig Scanlon, Marc Riley, Steve Hanley and Paul Hanley.

17 November 1980 Grotesque Lp released. With the album came a significant improvement in production and content, which continued throughout the period.

In 1978, 1979 & 1980 The Fall played the Deeply Vale Festivals and Smith said in a 2004 TV interview that the Deeply Vale events were his all time favourite festivals, despite in later years having performed at many larger festivals. Smith also said his favourite place to record albums was in Rochdale which has featured heavily throughout their career as a town where The Fall have gone to record initially at Cargo / Suite Sixteen and later at Gracieland.

Slates, the mini 10" album, released 24 April 1981 their last recording for Rough Trade. Several of the tracks include Dave Tucker on clarinet; he had appeared live with The Fall on numerous occasions.

May - July 1981 The Fall tour America with the line up of Mark E. Smith, Craig Scanlon, Marc Riley, and both Steve Hanley and Karl Burns. U.S. immigration said Paul Hanley was too young to play America's "21 and over" clubs.

September 1981 Karl Burns appears as a second drummer with The Fall for the first time and 77 - Early Years - 79 LP (a Step Forward compilation) is released.

On 13 November 1981 The Fall release their sixth single called "Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul." Produced by Richard Mazda, recorded at Workhouse Studios in London and released on Kamera Records featuring the line up Mark E. Smith, Craig Scanlon, Marc Riley, Steve Hanley, Paul Hanley and Karl Burns.

On 8 March 1982 Hex Enduction Hour also produced by Richard Mazda is released on Kamera Records and Live in London 1980 cassette only live album is released later in the month on Chaos Tapes.

The Fall's seventh single is released 19 April 1982 titled "Look, Know" on Kamera.

May 1982 A Part of America Therein live LP released on Cottage Records, having been recorded during their last tour of America.

27 September 1982 Room to Live album released on Kamera.

Marc Riley's final appearance with The Fall is on Wednesday, 22 December 1982 at the Lesser Free Trade Hall, Manchester.

The Fall Perverted By Language Tour, Hamburg (Markthalle), 13.April 1984. L-R: Scanlon, M.E. Smith, Burns, S. Hanley

1983 was a year of changes in The Fall camp and marked The Fall's return to Rough Trade Records, after being promised better treatment this time around.

On 7 June 1983, Rough Trade Records issued The Fall's ninth single The Man Whose Head Expanded and on 19 September 1983 issued the 10th single and double pack Kicker Conspiracy. Bizarrely in November 1983 Kamera Records issued around 2-3 thousand copies of the planned 1982 single Marquis Cha Cha, the release date having been put back due to Kamera's financial troubles in late 1982, making it The Fall's eleventh single issue.

1983 heralded another dramatic change with the arrival of Smith's American girlfriend and later wife, Chicagoan Brix Smith on guitar. Born Laura Elise Salenger, she was nicknamed after the track "The Guns of Brixton" by The Clash, a favourite song of hers. Brix's tenure in the group marked a shift towards the relatively conventional, with the songs she co-wrote often having strong pop hooks and more orthodox verse-chorus-verse structures. Additionally, Brix's keen sense of fashion gradually influenced the group's members to give more attention to their clothing and styling—but her platinum blond hair and glamourous style were always somewhat at odds to the otherwise working class appearance of the Fall. Brix's first live appearance with The Fall was on Wednesday, 21 September 1983 at the Hellfire Club, Wakefield.

Perverted by Language, released 5 December 1983, was the group's final album for Rough Trade Records, but the first to feature Brix. Also released in December 1983 was the live album In A Hole, recorded during The Fall's tour of New Zealand in 1982, on Flying Nun Records.



This era found The Fall scoring a few modest hits with singles from a string of highly acclaimed albums: The Wonderful and Frightening World of The Fall (1984), This Nation's Saving Grace (1985), Bend Sinister (1986), The Frenz Experiment (1988). I Am Kurious, Oranj is notable as the fruit of a ballet project between Smith and dancer Michael Clark. Simon Rogers and later Marcia Schofield played keyboards, and Simon Wolstencroft replaced Burns on drums after This Nation's Saving Grace. Wolsencroft's playing also shifted the group's sound; his drumming was described as "nimble" and "funky" when compared to Burns.[1]



With Brix's departure in 1989, Bramah returned briefly for 1990s Extricate, the first of the Fall's three albums for Phonogram Records. Bramah and Schofield left in advance of 1991's Shift-Work. Dave Bush, the multi talented programmer/musician joined on keyboards for 1992's Code: Selfish, followed by the band's return to an independent record label for The Infotainment Scan (1993), Middle Class Revolt (1994) and Cerebral Caustic (1995). These albums featured varying degrees of electronica and IDM, courtesy of Bush's keyboards and computers. Caustic saw the unexpected return of Smith's ex-wife Brix, who stayed long enough to record The Light User Syndrome before departing again in 1996. When Dave Bush went to join Elastica and Scanlon was sacked after 16 years (a decision Smith would later regret), 1996 saw the arrival on keyboards, guitars and computers of Julia Nagle for The Light User Syndrome. That year also saw the start of a torrent of compilations of live, demo and alternate versions of songs, on the Fall's new label Receiver Records.

In 1994 and 1996 The Fall played at the Phoenix Festival in Stratford-upon-Avon, England - the 1996 appearance being one of much surprise to many fans as they were not scheduled to play. They followed novelty keyboardist, Margarita Pracatan. The next album, Levitate (1997), toyed with drum and bass and polarised opinion (long-serving drummer Simon Wolstencroft left halfway through the recording sessions, and was replaced by Karl Burns). Steven Wells in the NME (11 October 1997) wrote, "Imagine pop without perimeters. Imagine rock without rules. Imagine art without the wank. If you've never heard The Fall then Levitate will be either the best or the worst record you've ever heard." The group was temporarily reduced to Smith and Nagle when a disastrous U.S. tour ended in April 1998 with a violent onstage row and the departure of Hanley (bassist for 19 years), Burns and guitarist Tommy Crooks. The following day, Smith was arrested and charged with assaulting Nagle in their hotel.[2]



The Fall achieved another comeback with Smith and Nagle being joined by Neville Wilding on guitar, Karen Leatham and later Adam Halal on bass, and Tom Head on drums for the albums The Marshall Suite (1999) and The Unutterable (2000). Further rifts followed in 2001, in which the new lineup of Smith, Ben Pritchard (guitar), Ed Blaney (guitar), Jim Watts (bass) and Spencer Birtwistle (drums) released Are You Are Missing Winner to mixed reviews. Spencer Birtwistle was then replaced by Dave Milner on drums in November 2001. September 2002 saw Elena Poulou - Smith's third and current wife - fill the vacant position of keyboards player. The Real New Fall LP (reputedly renamed from Country on the Click after an earlier mix of the album appeared on Internet file sharing networks) followed in 2003, with a slightly different mix and some extra tracks for the US version. Interim, was released in November, 2004. In 2002 Q magazine named The Fall one of the "50 Bands to See Before You Die".

In January 2005, The Fall (described as "one of the most enigmatic, idiosyncratic and chaotic garage bands of the last 30 years") were the subject of a BBC Four TV documentary, The Fall: The Wonderful and Frightening World of Mark E Smith. Later that year, a 97-song box set containing all of the sessions the group recorded for John Peel's BBC Radio 1 programme was issued to widespread acclaim. Their 25th studio album, entitled Fall Heads Roll, was issued on 3 October 2005, preceded by a single "I Can Hear the Grass Grow" (a cover of a song by The Move) on 6 September 2005 (US) and 19 September 2005 (UK). Ben Pritchard (guitar), Steve Trafford (bass), Spencer Birtwistle (drums), all of whom played on Fall Heads Roll, left the group somewhat acrimoniously during the group's Summer 2006 tour of the US after just four dates. In a US radio interview, Smith described their departures as "the best thing that ever happened" to The Fall, although it was some months before he confirmed that they would not be returning to the group.[3]

From 9 May 2006, Smith and Poulou were joined by Tim Presley (guitar), Rob Barbato (bass) and Orpheo McCord (drums) who joined them for the remainder of the US tour, a flagship show in Manchester held in June 2006 and an appearance at the Øyafestivalen in Oslo, Norway in August 2006. Presley and Barbato are members of the band Darker My Love while McCord was one half of the experimental duo The Hill. With Barbato and Presley fulfilling Darker My Love commitments back in the US in late August, the first 'squad rotation system' of Fall musicians emerged with new members Pete Greenway (guitar) of West Midlands group Pubic Fringe (more recently known as Das Fringe), and Dave Spurr (bass) making their Fall debuts alongside Smith, Poulou and McCord at the Reading and Leeds festivals in August 2006. The musicians appeared in various configurations, usually with two bass players although on occasion gigs were played with a double-drummer lineup. On 1 June 2007 Presley, Barbato and McCord played their most recent gig with The Fall. Although no official statement by the band has been made they are now assumed to have ceased being part of the Fall, with the line up of all gigs since having consisted of Smith, Poulou, Spurr, Greenway and Melling. Melling and Spurr play together in the group MotherJohn. Recently, the Fall have been joined onstage by former bass player Simon 'Ding' Archer, whose group Bobbie Peru are supporting the Fall on their current UK tour. In April 2009, The Fall have signed with UK-based independent record label Domino Records.[4][5] A new studio album - provisionally titled Our Future - Your Clutter - is due to be released by the label in January 2010.



Of the group's influence, Stephen Thomas Erlewine wrote that "the Fall, like many cult bands, inspired a new generation of underground bands, ranging from waves of sound-alike indie rockers in the U.K. to acts in America and New Zealand, which is only one indication of the size and dedication of their small, devoted fan base."[6]

The Fall have also had a profound influence over groups such as Franz Ferdinand, LCD Soundsystem[7] , The Long Blondes, The Birthday Party, Nirvana, Pavement and Happy Mondays[8].

Sonic Youth covered three Fall songs (and "Victoria" by the Kinks, also covered by the Fall) in a 1988 Peel Session, which was released in 1990 as the "4 Tunna Brix" EP on Sonic Youth's own Goofin' label. The 1990s indie acts Pavement and Elastica (Smith contributed vocals to their final EP and album) showed an influence of The Fall, while Suede parodied the band with "Implement Yeah!", a song found on the cassette edition of their 1999 single "Electricity".

The Fall is referenced in the Jens Lekman song "Maple Leaves" with the lyrics "And when she talked about her fall, I thought she talked about Mark E. Smith". The Electric Soft Parade album No Need to Be Downhearted is named after a lyric from The Fall song "15 Ways".[9] The German rock band Tocotronic has a song called "Ich hab geträumt ich wäre Pizza essen mit Mark E. Smith" (German for "I've dreamed I ate pizza with Mark E. Smith"). The Dutch indie band Seedling refers to The Fall in their song "The Upshot", singing "You make it sound so sexy, as if you're Mark E. Smith from the Fall". U.S. indie singer-songwriter Barbara Manning's song "Mark E. Smith & Brix" describes running into "the man of my dreams" (and his then-wife) while out walking. The Jazz Butcher's first single in 1983 was the oxymoronic "Southern Mark Smith." Jeffrey Lewis wrote the song and comic The Legend of the Fall, which is a documentary of The Fall and features in The Fallen (Canongate), Dave Simpson's book tracking down all the ex-members of the group.

Studio albums




  1. ^ Simpson, Dave. 2008. The Fallen: Searching For Missing Members of The Fall. Canongate Books Ltd. ISBN 1847670490
  2. ^ Tortorici, Frank (1999). „"The Fall's Mark E Smith". VH1.com. Приступљено 16. 10. 2006. 
  3. ^ McNaughton, Allan (2006). „"Mark E Smith on drugs, fascists, and lazy musicians". Maximum Rock'n'Roll. Приступљено 16. 10. 2006. 
  4. ^ „Fall Sign To Domino, Says Mark E Smith”. The Quietus. 2009-04-03. 
  5. ^ „The Fall Sign With Domino”. Pitchfork Media. 2009-04-09. Приступљено 2009-04-10. 
  6. ^ Stephen Thomas Erlewine and David Jeffries. Allmusic biography
  7. ^ Thrasher Magazine, Sept, 2005 by Sarah Pulver James Murphy : « My first album: I got some birthday money, went to the record store and bought Siouxsie and the Banshees Join Hands, The Fall Grotesque, and The Birthday Party Nick the Stripper, all in one day. And all three of those records are three of my favorite things I've ever heard. »
  8. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=EPdKOQAACAAJ&dq=Renegade+-+The+Lives+%26+Tales+Of+Mark+E+Smith&ei=zULPSaTUA4_CzATVm7n7AQ&hl=fr
  9. ^ The Electric Soft Parade - No Need to Be Downhearted - Review - Stylus Magazine


  • Smith, Mark E (1985). The Fall Lyrics. Berlin: Lough Press.
  • Edge, Brian (1989). Paintwork: A Portrait of The Fall. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-1740-X
  • Ford, Simon (2003). Hip Priest: The Story Of Mark E Smith And The Fall. London: Quartet Books. ISBN 0-7043-8167-2
  • Middles, Mick & Smith, Mark E (2003). The Fall. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-9762-4
  • Thompson, Dave (2003). A User's Guide To The Fall. London: Helter Skelter Publishing. ISBN 1-900924-57-9.
  • Smith, Mark E (2008). Renegade: The Lives And Tales Of Mark E. Smith. New York: Viking Press. ISBN 978-0-670-91674-0
  • Simpson, Dave (2008). The Fallen - Searching for the missing members of The Fall. London: Canongate Books. ISBN 978-1-84767-049-6 (Released in paperback as The Fallen: Life In and Out of Britain's Most Insane Group, ISBN 978-1-84767-144-8))

Шаблон:The Fall