Pol Rejmond Gilbert (rođen 20. jula 1951) je britanski klinički psiholog. Gilbert je osnivač terapije usmerene na saosećanje (eng. compassion focused therapy; CFT), saosećajnog treniranja uma (eng. compassionate mind training; CMT) i autor nekoliko uticajnih naučnih dela, poput knjiga su Mozak: nov pristup izazovima života[1] i Prevazilaženje depresije.[2]

Pol Gilbert
Puno imePol Rejmond Gilbert
Datum rođenja(1951-07-20)20. jul 1951.
Mesto rođenjaGambija
UniverzitetUniverzitetu u Derbiju
Značajni radoviMozak: nov pristup izazovima života, Prevazilaženje depresije
NagradeOrden Britanskog carstva

Između ostalih zvanja, Gilbert je i profesor na Univerzitetu u Derbiju, a 2011. godine je odlikovan Ordenom Britanske imperije (eng. Order of the British Empire; OBE) zbog njegovog doprinosa u razvoju mentalnog zdravstva.

Mladost i obrazovanje


Gilbert je rođen u Gambiji, ali je 1962. godine počeo da pohađa britanski internat. Dok je bio mlad, želeo je da bude rok gitarista, ali, po njegovim rečima, "nažalost, bio sam veoma prosečan svirač i shvatio sam da me ovo neće odvesti daleko".[3] Osnovne studije ekonomije je završio na Univerzitetu Vulverhempton 1973. godine, nakon čega se zainteresovao za psihologiju. Nedugo potom, 1975. godine, Gilbert je završio master studije eksperimentalne psihologije na Univerzitetu u Saseksu, a zatim doktorske studije klinička psihologije na Univerzitetu u Edinburgu 1980. godine.

Klinička psihologija


Gilbert je postao član Britanskog psihološkog društva 1993. godine zbog svog doprinosa psihologiji, a 2003. godine je izabran za predsednika Britanskog udruženja za kognitivnu i bihejvioralnu psihoterapiju. Do 2011. godine, Gilbert je objavio i uredio 21 knjigu, preko 100 akademskih radova i 50 poglavlja u knjigama.[4] Pored toga, Gilbert je i urednik serije knjiga „Saosećajni pristupi životnim poteškoćama“.[5] Van Britanije, član je grupe za istraživanje emocija, ličnosti i altruizma na Institutu Rajt u Kaliforniji (1992 – danas), i gostujući je profesor na Univerzitetu u Friburgu i Švajcarskoj i Univerzitetu u Koimbri u Portugaliji.

Značajne publikacije



  • Gilbert, P. (1984). Depression: From Psychology to Brain State. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
  • Gilbert, P. (1989). Human Nature and Suffering. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Gilbert, P. (1992). Depression: The Evolution of Powerlessness. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Ltd. And New York: Guilford.
  • Gilbert, P. (1993). Defence and safety: Their function in social behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 32, 131-153.
  • Gilbert, P. (1997). The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 113-147.
  • Gilbert, P. (1998). What is shame? Some core issues and controversies. In, P. Gilbert & B. Andrews, (eds) Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. (pp. 3–36). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Gilbert, P. (2000). Social mentalities: Internal ‘social’ conflicts and the role of inner warmth and compassion in cognitive therapy. In, P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.) Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (p. 118-150). Hove: Brenner-Routledge.
  • Gilbert, P. (2003). Evolution, social roles, and differences in shame and guilt. Social Research: An International Quarterly of the Social Sciences 70, 1205-1230
  • Gilbert, P. (2005a) Compassion and cruelty: A biopsychosocial approach. In, P Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy (9-74). London: Routledge.
  • Gilbert, P. (2005b). Social Mentalities: A biopsychosocial and evolutionary reflection on social relationships. In, M.W. Baldwin (ed). Interpersonal Cognition. (p. 299-335). New York: Guilford.
  • Gilbert, P., Allan, S. & Goss, K. (1996). Parental representations, shame interpersonal problems and vulnerability to psychopathology. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 3, 23-34.
  • Gilbert, P., Baldwin, M., Irons, C., Baccus, J. & Clark, M. (2006). Self-criticism and self-warmth: An imagery study exploring their relation to depression. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly. 20, 183-200.
  • Gilbert, P., Clarke, M., Kempel, S. Miles, J.N.V. & Irons, C. (2004). Criticizing and reassuring oneself: An exploration of forms style and reasons in female students. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 43, 31-50.
  • Gilbert P & Irons, C. (2004). A pilot exploration of the use of compassionate images in a group of self-critical people. Memory, 12, 507-516.
  • Gilbert P & Irons C. (2005). Focused therapies and compassionate mind training for shame and self-attacking. In, P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy (263-325). London: Routledge.
  • Gilbert, P & Leahy, R (in press). The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies. London: Routledge.
  • Gilbert, P. & Miles J.N.V. (2000). Sensitivity to put-down: Its relationship to perceptions of shame, social anxiety, depression, anger and self-other blame. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 757-774.
  • Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (1995). A social comparison scale: Psychometric properties and relationship to psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 19, 293-299.
  • Allan, S & Gilbert, P. (1997). Submissive behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 36, 467-488.
  • Allan, S., Gilbert, P. & Goss, K. (1994). An exploration of shame measures: II: Psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 719-722.
  • Cheung, M.S.P., Gilbert P & Irons, C (2004). An exploration of shame, social rank and rumination in relation to depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1143-1153.
  • Goss, K., Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1994). An exploration of shame measures: I: The ‘other as shamer’ scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 713-717.


  1. ^ Gilbert, Paul (2010). The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life's Challenges. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. ISBN 9781572248403. OCLC 436624753. 
  2. ^ Gilbert, Paul (2001). Overcoming Depression: A Step-by-Step Approach to Gaining Control Over Depression  (2nd izd.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195143119. OCLC 44541853. 
  3. ^ O'Hara, Mary. „Public Inquiry: Paul Gilbert, author and professor of clinical psychology”. The Guardian. Pristupljeno 2014-03-28. 
  4. ^ Fannon, Dominic (2011-03-01). „E-Interview: Paul Gilbert”. The Psychiatrist. ISSN 2053-4876. Pristupljeno 2014-03-28. 
  5. ^ „Workshop Leaders - Compassionate Wellbeing”. Compassionatewellbeing.com. Arhivirano iz originala 21. 01. 2015. g. Pristupljeno 2014-03-28.