
Poslednji komentar: Goran.Smith2, 17 years ago u temi Eskimi

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Dakle, o jednoj često grešci koja se javlja kada se pominju Eskimi, odnosno narod Inuit. Klaićev Rječnik stranih riječi, odrednica

Inuit (mn.) eskim. (akc. in...) ljudi, tj. Eskimi (tako oni sami sebe zovu).

MEP, 3. izdanje, odrednica

ESKIMI, Eskimo (. . . eskimski inuit ljudi) etnička zajednica . . .

Hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik:

Eskim m (G Eskima, N mn Eskimi) (vlastiti naziv Inuit: ljudi)

Zaključak je da se reč Inuit ne može koristiti u množini (kao Inuiti) pošto ta reč već jeste množina odnosno svojevrsna pluralia tantum! Dakle, jedini oblik te reči je Inuit.

--delija 07:38, 26. septembar 2006. (CEST)Odgovori



Pa pogledaj text o Eskimima i Inuit-ima na engleskoj

"In Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit people, "Inuit" means "the people". The English word "Eskimo" is of uncertain origins, but most likely derives from an Algonquian language. It is widely believed to mean "eater of raw meat", although this meaning is disputed. Many Inuit consider the word Eskimo offensive, but it is still in general usage outside of Canada to refer to all Eskimo peoples. Canadians tend to use the term Inuit in part a result of the 1977 Inuit Circumpolar Conference. The name Inuit was chosen at this meeting of Inuit from Greenland, Canada, and Alaska, representing a circumpolar population of 150,000."

A što se tiče množine, pa promenite --Göran Smith 14:05, 26. septembar 2006. (CEST)Odgovori

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