Razgovor:Stiven Sigal

Poslednji komentar: LordMilan85, 10 years ago u temi sigal

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I ovde ću biti fin i zamoliću Tonku i sve zainteresovane da pročitaju ovaj donji citat koji je izvađen odavde: [1]

Once, for example, Seagal said on Arsenio that he had spent a lot of his youth in Brooklyn. In fact, he was born in Michigan and lived there until he was five, when his family moved to California. He later clarified he recollection, saying he had visited cousins in Brooklyn. Also, he seems to have distanced himself from his Jewish side. Mom was Irish and the family worshiped indifferently, as Catholics or Episcopalians. But Dad was Jewish, and the family pronounced its name the normal way: SEE-gul. When he and Gary Goldman were in business together, Seagal said he didn't want to call their production company Seagal/Goldman Productions "because that would sound too much like two Jews from the garment business." Shortly after that, the actor returned from an art exhibit where he had seen a painting by Chagall. The work moved him to decree that thereafter he would call himself Se-GAL. He declined to attend his father's funeral in 1990.


--delija 17:54, 5. novembar 2007. (CET)Odgovori

http://www.sos.mo.gov/wolfner/SayHow/?id=s#guide Nije do mene, članak je prvo glasio Stiven Segal.--Rade Nagraisalović 17:58, 5. novembar 2007. (CET)Odgovori



Iz ovog gornjeg citata nisam mogao da shvatim, ali mi se po zapisu njegovog imena i načinu izgovora kakvog sam on inače koristi, i na kraju krajeva kako je i uobičajeno kod nas, čini da se ime transkribuje kao „Sigal“. --Darko Maksimović (razg.) 12:32, 26. april 2008. (CEST)Odgovori

Ispravio sam da Piše Stiven Sigal, pošto se tako izgovara i na Engleskom, a i kod nas je odomaćen taj isti naziv. --LordMilan85 (razgovor) 00:45, 14. novembar 2013. (CET)Odgovori
Vrati me na stranicu „Стивен Сигал”.