Gospodin Iskra


Zašto stalno uklanjaš gospodina Iskru (eng. Mr. Sparks) u člancima Nodi (crtana serija iz 2002.), Učite sa Nodijem i Nodi u Zemlji igračaka? --LazarShy (razgovor) 19:03, 27. avgust 2016. (CEST)Odgovori

I'm sorry, but could you remove him on these articles on each wiki please?
  • Mr. Sparks (voiced by Lee Tockar) is Toyland's mechanic, fix-it man, and jack-of-all-trades. Faced with a clock without a spring, a rocket without an engine, or a problem without a solution, he brings out his tools and his famous catch phrase "A challenge?...I like it!". He speaks with a Scottish accent, and is always shown as an ingenious and helpful friend. (Make Way for Noddy)
  • Senhor Faísca é o mecânico da Cidade dos Brinquedos, quando lhe pedem ajuda, a sua frase mais célebre é "Um desafio? Eu gosto disso!" (Make Way for Noddy)