Šablon:Razlog za neslobodnu upotrebu

Neslobodna multimedijalna datoteka - POTREBNO IME ČLANKA
Pre upotrebe pročitajte Non-free use rationale guideline






Upotrebljeni deo


Niska rezolucija?

{{{niska rezolucija}}}

Svrha korišćenja




Ostale informacije

{{{ostale informacije}}} (opciono)

Dokumentacija šablona[prikaži] [uredi] [istorija] [osveži]

Ovaj šablon pravda i olakšava korišćenja neslobodnih medijskih datoteka uz obrazloženje neophodnihease informacija. Pre korišćenja pročitajte :Wikipedia:Non-free use rationale guideline.



Ovaj šablon koristi se u kombinaciji sa šablonom {{Poštena upotreba u}}

{{Разлог за неслободну употребу
| опис               = 
| извор              = 
| чланак             = 
| део                = 
| ниска резолуција   = 
| сврха              = 
| замена             =
| датум              = 
| остале информације = 
Opis fajla zaštićenog autorskim pravima.
Odakle je preuzet zaštićeni materijal.
Tačan naziv članka na Vikipediji koji koristi ovaj fajl (unlinked, as the template will link automatically).
How much copyrighted material is used? The amount used must not make the work as a whole less valuable to the copyright holder.
Ниска резолуција
Is the material in a lower resolution that would be unlikely to impact the copyright owners ability to resell or otherwise profit from the work? For images, this would be strictly the resolution (in pixels) of the picture used; for audio, this would be the bit rate and sample resolution used. SVG images do not technically have a resolution, so may be described using "SVG will be rendered at low resolutions".
How does the media contribute significantly to the article(s) in which it is used? The use of the media must not interfere with the media's original purpose.
Explain why no free equivalent could reasonably be obtained or created to replace this media.
Остале информације
If applicable, provide any other information that justifies the current use of this non-free media. This variable is optional, and can be blank or removed.

Vidi još
