Ovaj šablon koristi Lua modul:
Ovaj šablon vraća broj meseci, nedelja i dana koji su prošli između dva datuma.
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = |day1 = |year1 = |month2 = |day2 = | year2 = }}
Drugi načini korišćenja
Imajte na umu da su svi parametri podrazumevano podešeni na trenutni datum, tako da se, na primer, drugi skup parametara može izostaviti da bi se izračunalo vreme koje je proteklo od prošlog datuma:
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 1 |day1 = 1 |year1 = 1 }}
→ 2024 godine, 1 mesec, 2 sedmice i 4 dana
Ili jednostavno, koristeći jednostavnija imena parametara, kompatibilne sa {{Age in years, months and days }}:
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month = 1 |day = 1 |year = 1 }}
→ 2024 godine, 1 mesec, 2 sedmice i 4 dana
Alternativno, prvi skup parametara se može izostaviti da bi se dobilo preostalo vreme do budućeg datuma
{{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month2 = 1 |day2 = 15 |year2 = 2026 }}
→ 10 meseci, 3 sedmice i 6 dana
Birth, death and age templates
Birth, death, age
Template Description / use {{BirthDeathAge }} Combines functions of {{birth date}}, {{birth-date}}, {{birth date and age}}, {{birth year and age}}, {{death date}}, {{death-date}}, {{death date and age}} and {death year and age}}. {{birth date }} To display a birth date and related hidden metadata. {{birth-date }} {{birth date and age }} {{birth date}} with suffix "(age N )". {{birth date and age2 }} {{birth date and age}} plus age as of a specified date. {{birth-date and age }} As {{birth date and age}} but accepts dates in text form ("15 June 1950", "June 15, 1950", "June 1950", etc). {{birth year and age }} Year of birth and approximate age. {{Birth based on age as of date }} To display approximate birth year and current age given a particular date (e.g. when a dated reference mentions the age of a person). {{Birth date based on age at death }} To display approximate birth year based on age at death.
Age only
Template Description / use {{age }} Age based on number of complete years between two dates. {{age nts }} {{age}} with output formatted for use in sortable tables . {{age as of date }} Current age (in years) from a known age at a specified date.