Bombezinu-sličan receptor 3

Bombezinu-sličan receptor 3 (BRS-3, BB3)[1] je protein koji je kod ljudi kodiran BRS3 genom.[2][3]

Bombezinu-sličan receptor 3‎
Simboli BRS3;
Vanjski ID OMIM300107 MGI1100501 HomoloGene1307 IUPHAR: BB3 GeneCards: BRS3 Gene
Pregled RNK izražavanja
Vrsta Čovek Miš
Entrez 680 12209
Ensembl ENSG00000102239 ENSMUSG00000031130
UniProt P32247 O54798
RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001727 NM_009766
RefSeq (protein) NP_001718 NP_033896
Lokacija (UCSC) Chr X:
135.4 - 135.4 Mb
Chr X:
53.39 - 53.4 Mb
PubMed pretraga [1] [2]

Funkcija uredi

Kod sisara su bombezinu-slični peptidi široko rasprostranjeni u centralnom nervnom sistemu, kao i u gastrointenstinalnom traktu, gde oni modulišu kontrakcije glatkih mišića, eksokrine i endokrine procese, metabolizam, i ponašanje. Oni deluju putem vezivanja za G protein-spregnute receptore na ćelijskoj površni. Bombezinu-slični peptidni receptori su gastrin-oslobađajući peptidni receptor, neuromedinski B receptor, i bombezinu-sličan receptor-3.[3][4]

BB3 je G protein-spregnuti receptor,[5] koji ima nizak afinitet za prirodne bombezinu-srodne peptide. Njegov endogeni ligand visokog afiniteta nije poznat, te je ovaj receptor klasifikovan kao orfanski receptor.[2][6][7]

Literatura uredi

  1. ^ „Bombesin Receptors: BB3. IUPHAR Database of Receptors and Ion Channels. International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Архивирано из оригинала 03. 03. 2016. г. 
  2. ^ а б Fathi Z, Corjay MH, Shapira H, Wada E, Benya R, Jensen R, Viallet J, Sausville EA, Battey JF (1993). „BRS-3: a novel bombesin receptor subtype selectively expressed in testis and lung carcinoma cells”. J. Biol. Chem. 268 (8): 5979—84. PMID 8383682. [мртва веза]
  3. ^ а б Ohki-Hamazaki H, Wada E, Matsui K, Wada K (1997). „Cloning and expression of the neuromedin B receptor and the third subtype of bombesin receptor genes in the mouse”. Brain Res. 762 (1-2): 165—72. PMID 9262170. doi:10.1016/S0006-8993(97)00380-6. 
  4. ^ „Entrez Gene: BRS3 bombesin-like receptor 3”. 
  5. ^ Fathi Z, Corjay MH, Shapira H, Wada E, Benya R, Jensen R, Viallet J, Sausville EA, Battey JF (1993). „BRS-3: a novel bombesin receptor subtype selectively expressed in testis and lung carcinoma cells”. J. Biol. Chem. 268 (8): 5979—84. PMID 8383682. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 12. 2007. г. Приступљено 04. 06. 2011. 
  6. ^ Mantey SA, Weber HC, Sainz E, Akeson M, Ryan RR, Pradhan TK, Searles RP, Spindel ER, Battey JF, Coy DH, Jensen RT (1997). „Discovery of a high affinity radioligand for the human orphan receptor, bombesin receptor subtype 3, which demonstrates that it has a uniquepharmacology compared with other mammalian bombesin receptors.”. J. Biol. Chem. 272 (41): 26062—26071. PMID 9325344. doi:10.1074/jbc.272.41.26062. 
  7. ^ Jensen RT, Battey JF, Spindel ER, Benya RV (2007). „International Union of Pharmacology: The Bombesin Receptors. Nomenclature, distribution, pharmacology, signaling and functions in normal and diseased states.”. Pharmacol. Rev. 60 (1): 1—42. PMC 2517428 . PMID 18055507. doi:10.1124/pr.107.07108. 

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