Flejming lips (engl. The Flaming Lips) je američka rok grupa osnavana u Oklahomi 1983. godine.

Flejming lips
Flejmin lips 16. marta 2006. godine.
Muzički rad
Aktivni period1983—danas
Mesto osnivanjaOklahoma, SAD
Žanralternativni rok
Psihodelični pop
Psihodelični rok
Spejs rok
Sadašnji članoviWayne Coyne
Michael Ivins
Steven Drozd
Kliph Scurlock


  • Hear It Is (1986)
  • Oh My Gawd!!! (1987)
  • Telepathic Surgery (1989)
  • In a Priest Driven Ambulance (1990)
  • Hit to Death in the Future Head (1992)
  • Transmissions from the Satellite Heart (1993)
  • Clouds Taste Metallic (1995)
  • Zaireeka (1997)
  • The Soft Bulletin (1999)
  • Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (2002)
  • At War with the Mystics (2006)
  • Embryonic (2009)
  • The Terror (2013)
  • Oczy Mlody (2017)
  • King's Mouth (2019)

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