Борба за инвеституру — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
[[Датотека:Canossa-three.jpg|десно|мини|350п|Хенрик IV и Гргур VII у Каноси, слика Карла Емануела]]
'''Борба за инвеституру''' је најзначајнији конфликт између секуларне и црквене власти у средњовековној Европи.{{sfn|Cantor|1958|pp=8–9}} Почео је у [[11. век]]у као спор између [[Цар Светог римског царства|цара Светог римског царства]] и папе [[Папа Гргур VII|Гргура VII]] око тога ко контролише постављање ([[инвеститура]]) виших свештеника ([[бискуп]]а). Тај спор доводи до готово 50 година грађанског рата у Немачкој у коме побеђују велике војводе и опати, а Немачко царство се распада и не опоравља се до уједињења Немачке у [[19. век]]у.
== Порекло ==
Линија 58 ⟶ 57:
Папе су добиле много већу моћ. Међутим сукоб се није тиме окончао. Поново ће избити сукоби папа и светих римских царева, све док [[Италија]] не буде изгубљена за [[Свето римско царство]].
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite book
|author=Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor
|author-link=Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor
|chapter=Henry IV.'s Answer to Gregory VII., Jan. 24, 1076
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
|ref={{sfnref|Henry IV|1076}}
* {{cite book
|author=Pope Gregory VII
|author-link=Pope Gregory VII
|chapter=First Deposition and Banning of Henry IV. by Gregory VII., February 22, 1076
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|chapter=The Investiture Controversy
|title=Sources in Medieval Culture and History
|publisher=Prentice Hall
* {{cite book
|title=The Investiture Controversy: Church and Monarchy from the Ninth to the Twelfth Century
|publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press
* {{cite book
|first=Norman F.
|author-link=Norman Cantor
|title=Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089–1135
|publisher=Princeton University Press
* {{cite book
|first=Norman F.
|author-link=Norman Cantor
|author-mask={{long dash}}
|title=The Civilization of the Middle Ages
<!--pp. 265–76, 284–88-->
* {{cite book
|first=H. E. J.
|author-link=Herbert Edward John Cowdrey
|title=Pope Gregory VII, 1073–1085
|publisher=Oxford University Press
* {{cite encyclopedia
|title=Gregory VII
|editor-link=Philip Schaff
|encyclopedia=Religious Encyclopedia: or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology
|location=New York
|publisher=Funk & Wagnalls Company
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|title=Germany in the High Middle Ages c. 1050–1200
|translator-link=Timothy Reuter
|location=Cambridge, England
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
* {{cite book
|editor2-first=D. P.
|title=A Short History of Italy: From Classical Times to the Present Day
* {{cite book
|first=Karen Louise
|title=Tradition & Diversity: Christianity in a World Context to 1500
|publisher=ME Sharpe
* {{cite Catholic Encyclopedia
|wstitle=Conflict of Investitures
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|first=T. J. H.
|title=Chronicles of the Investiture Contest: Frutolf of Michelsberg and His Continuators
|publisher=Manchester Medieval Sources
* {{cite book
|title=What Is Canon Law?
|series=[[Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism|The Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism]]
|location=New York
|publisher=Hawthorn Books
* {{cite book
|editor-first=Karl F.
|editor-link=Karl F. Morrison
|title=The Investiture Controversy: Issues, Ideas, and Results
|publisher=Holt McDougal
* {{cite book
|author-link=Jay Rubenstein
|title=Armies of Heaven: The First Crusade and the Quest for Apocalypse
|location=New York
|publisher=Basic Books
* {{cite book
|author-link=Gerd Tellenbach
|title=The Western Church from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century
|publisher=Cambridge University Press
* {{cite book
|first1=James Westfall
|author1-link=James Westfall Thompson
|first2=Edgar Nathaniel
|title=An Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300–1500
<!-- pp. 380–90 -->
* {{cite book
|chapter=Selected Sources: Empire and Papacy
|title=Internet Medieval Sourcebook
|location=New York
|publisher=Fordham University
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|chapter=Concordat of Worms, Sept. 23, 1122
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|author=Pope Gregory VII
|author-link=Pope Gregory VII
|chapter=Decree of Nov. 19th, 1078, Forbidding Lay Investiture
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|author=Pope Gregory VII
|author-link=Pope Gregory VII
|author-mask={{long dash}}
|chapter=Second Banning and Dethronement of Henry IV., through Gregory VII., March 7th, 1080
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|author=Pope Gregory VII
|author-link=Pope Gregory VII
|author-mask={{long dash}}
|chapter=The Dictate of the Pope
|editor-first=Ernest F.
|title=Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages
|translator-first=Ernest F.
|publisher=George Bell and Sons
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite encyclopedia
|title=Investiture Controversy
|encyclopedia=[[Encyclopædia Britannica]]
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite encyclopedia
|encyclopedia=[[Columbia Encyclopedia|The Columbia Encyclopedia]]
|location=New York
|publisher=Columbia University Press
|archive-date=21 February 2009
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite web
|first=Lynn H.
|title=The Owl, the Cat, and the Investiture Controversy
|work=Lectures for a Medieval Survey
|publisher=On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies
|archive-date=15 February 2015
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite book
|first=H. J.
|chapter=The Ninth General Council (1123)
|title=Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils: Text, Translation, and Commentary
|location=St. Louis, Missouri
|publisher=B. Herder Book Co.
|access-date=13 October 2017
* {{cite Catholic Encyclopedia
|last=Van Hove
|wstitle=Canonical Investiture
|access-date=13 October 2017
[[Категорија:Борба за инвеституру|*]]