Перформанс — разлика између измена

Садржај обрисан Садржај додат
Ред 1:
[[Датотека:Sebastian Bieniek Hand without a body performance 1999 Festival der Jungen Experimentellen Kunst Berlin Postfuhramt.jpg|мини|Наступ [[Sebastijan Binik|Себастијана Биениека]] (Sebastian Bieniek): "Рука без тела" („Hand without a body“), 1999, Берлин, Немачка. Шездесет дана, уметникова рука је посечена бритвицом од стране посетилаца.]]
[[Датотека:Refugien_073_b.jpg|мини|250п|"Refugien" 2005. у Берлину]]
'''Перформанс''' ([[Енглески језик|енг.]] представа, представљање, изведба) је једна форма [[уметност акције|акционе уметности]] настала шездесетих година [[20. век]]а, као посљедица повезивања [[боди арт]]а, [[хепенинг]]а, одређених схватања [[позориште|позоришта]] и [[ритуал]]а примитивних цивилизација.<ref>{{cite book | last1 = Carlson | first1 = Marvin | title = Performance: A Critical Introduction | publisher = Routledge | year = 1998 | location = London and New York | pages = 1, 2 | isbn = 0-415-13703-9}}</ref>
Перформанс се у уметности најчешће односи на догађај у којем једна група људи (перформер или перформери) изводе, тј. понашају се на одређени начин за другу групу људи — [[публика|публику]]. Понекад је граница између перформера и публике врло мутна, па се може рећи да је и публика са својим реакцијама саставни део перформанса.
Линија 47 ⟶ 49:
* [[Боди арт]]
* [[Марина Абрамовић]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
#* H,W. Janson, Istorija umetnosti, Beograd 1962.
#* Ђина Пискел, Општа историја уметности, Београд 1972.
#* Markus Steigman/ René Zey- Lexikon der Modernen Kunst Tehniken und Stile Hamburg 2002.
* {{de}} -{[[:de:Performance (Kunst)]]}- чланак из немачке Википедије
* Carlson, Marvin (1996). ''Performance: A Critical Introduction''. London and New York: Routledge. {{ISBN|0-415-13702-0}}, {{ISBN|0-415-13703-9}}
* Carr, C. (1993). ''On Edge: Performance at the End of the Twentieth Century''. Wesleyan University Press. {{ISBN|0-8195-5267-4}}, {{ISBN|0-8195-6269-6}}
* Thomas Dreher: ''Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia.'' München: Wilhelm Fink 2001. {{ISBN|3-7705-3452-2}} (in German)
* Erika Fischer-Lichte: ''Ästhetik des Performativen''. Frankfurt: edition suhrkamp 2004. {{ISBN|3-518-12373-4}} (in German)
* [[Roselee Goldberg|Goldberg, Roselee]] (1998) ''Performance: Live Art Since 1960''. Harry N. Abrams, NY NY. {{ISBN|978-0-8109-4360-5}}
* Goldberg, Roselee (2001). ''Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present'' (World of Art). Thames & Hudson
* Gómez-Peña, Guillermo (2005). ''Ethno-techno: Writings on performance, activism and pedagogy''. Routledge, London. {{ISBN|0-415-36248-2}}
* Jones, Amelia and [[Adrian Heathfield|Heathfield, Adrian]] (eds.) (2012), ''Perform, Repeat, Record. Live Art in History''. Intellect, Bristol. {{ISBN|978-1-84150-489-6}}
* Rockwell, John (2004). "Preserve Performance Art?" ''New York Times'', April 30.
* Schimmel, Paul (ed.) (1998). ''Out of Actions: Between Performance and the Object, 1949–1979''. Thames and Hudson, Los Angeles. Library of the Congress NX456.5.P38 S35 1998
* Smith, Roberta (2005). "Performance Art Gets Its Biennial". ''New York Times'', November 2.
* ''ArtSpeak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords, 1945 to the Present'', by Robert Atkins, Abbeville Press, {{ISBN|978-0789211514}} (basic definition and basic overview provided)
* ''Art in the Modern Era: A Guide to Styles, Schools, & Movements'', by Amy Dempsey, Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, {{ISBN|978-0810941724}} (basic definition and basic overview provided)
* {{cite book |last=Fischer-Lichte |first=Erika |year=2008 |title=The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics |publisher=Routledge |location= New York and London |isbn=978-0415458566}}
* ''Beuys Brock Vostell. Aktion Demonstration Partizipation 1949-1983''. ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, [[Hatje Cantz Verlag|Hatje Cantz]], Karlsruhe, 2014, {{ISBN|978-3-7757-3864-4}}.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hatjecantz.de/beuys-brock-vostell-6226-0.html|title=Beuys Brock Vostell - Zeitgenössische Kunst - Hatje Cantz Verlag|first=Hatje Cantz|last=Verlag|website=www.hatjecantz.de}}</ref>
* {{cite book |last1=Fischer-Lichte |first1=Erika |last2=Arjomand |first2=Minou |year=2014 |title=The Routledge Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies |publisher=Routledge |location= New York |isbn=978-0-415-50420-1}}
* {{cite book |last1=Fischer-Lichte |first1=Erika |last2=Wihstutz |first2=Benjamin |year=2018 |title=Transformative Aesthetics |publisher=Routledge |location= Oxon and New York |isbn=978-1-138-05717-3}}
== Спољашње везе ==
* [http://livebiennale.ca/ LIVE {{Commonscat|Performance Art Biennale]art}}
* [http://www.improperetiquette.com/], ImproperEtiquette.com
* -{[https://web.archive.org/web/20081120120741/http://momentum-festivallivebiennale.orgca/ Momentum], platform forLIVE Performance Art, Brussels.Biennale]}-
* -{[http://www.improperetiquette.com/], ImproperEtiquette.com}-
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20071219144827/http://www.tate.org.uk/liverpool/exhibitions/artliesvideo/histories.htm ''Art, Lies and Videotape: Exposing Performance'' at the Tate]
* -{[https://web.archive.org/web/20081120120741/http://momentum-festival.org/ Momentum], platform for Performance Art, Brussels.}-
* [http://horrorbodyartworldbyyouri.blogspot.com/], Body art performance Switzerland.
* -{[https://web.archive.org/web/20071219144827/http://www.tate.org.uk/liverpool/exhibitions/artliesvideo/histories.htm ''Art, Lies and Videotape: Exposing Performance'' at the Tate]}-
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=harnlz5Z7WU] Cristopher Cichocki "Hidden Message" 2007 performance in Los Angeles
* -{[http://horrorbodyartworldbyyouri.blogspot.com/], Body art performance Switzerland.}-
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20071128104643/http://www.protoplay.net/ protoPLAY] Artists, Performances. Active Collective - England.
* -{[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=harnlz5Z7WU] Cristopher Cichocki "Hidden Message" 2007 performance in Los Angeles}-
* [http://thisisliveart.co.uk/ Live Art Developement Agency - London, UK]
* -{[https://web.archive.org/web/20071128104643/http://www.protoplay.net/ protoPLAY] Artists, Performances. Active Collective - England.}-
* [http://dreher.netzliteratur.net/2_Performance_Kunst_Titel.html Thomas Dreher]: Intermedia Art: Performance Art
* -{[http://wwwthisisliveart.chelseatheatre.orgco.uk/ ChelseaLive Theatre:Art dedicatedDevelopement performance art venueAgency - London, UK] }-
* -{[http://dreher.netzliteratur.net/2_Performance_Kunst_Titel.html Thomas Dreher]: Intermedia Art: Performance Art}-
* [http://www.emisferica.org/ e-misférica Performance and Politics in the Americas is a peer-reviewed, biannual publication.]
* -{[http://www.chelseatheatre.org.uk/ Chelsea Theatre: dedicated performance art venue - London, UK] }-
* [http://www.escuelademio.com/ MOVEO PROJECT - International corporeal mime school in Barcelona.]{{Мртва веза|date=10. 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* -{[http://www.amazonemisferica.comorg/gp/product/0500203393 e-misférica Performance Artand fromPolitics Futurism toin the Present]Americas byis Roseleea Goldbergpeer-reviewed, biannual publication.]}-
* -{[https://www.moveo.cat/en/corporeal-mime/ International corporeal mime school in Barcelona.]}-
* [http://www.performata.wetpaint.com/ Performata: The Performance Space of the Indian Performance Artist Sushil Kumar]{{Мртва веза|date=10. 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* -{[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0500203393 Performance Art from Futurism to the Present] by Roselee Goldberg}-
* [http://www.infraction.info/ INFR'ACTION - Festival International d'Art Performance]
* -{[http://www.performata.wetpaintwikifoundry.com/page/In+the+Media Performata: The Performance Space of the Indian Performance Artist Sushil Kumar]{{Мртва веза|date=10. 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix}-attempted=yes }}
* [http://www.longaction.org/ LONG'ACTION - rencontres franco-chinoises d'art performance]
* -{[http://www.liveactioninfraction.seinfo/ Live Action GothenburgINFR'ACTION - internationalFestival performanceInternational artd'Art festivalPerformance] }-
* -{[http://www.longaction.org/ LONG'ACTION - rencontres franco-chinoises d'art performance]}-
* -{[http://www.liveaction.se/ Live Action Gothenburg - international performance art festival]}-
{{покрети у уметности}}
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{{Commonscat|Performance art}}
[[Категорија:Уметност акције]]