Синагога — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
{{short description|Дом богослужења у јудаизму или (ретко) самаританству}}
[[Датотека:NoviSadSynagogue014.jpg|mini|мини|лево|200п250п|Синагога у [[Нови Сад|Новом Саду]]]]
Wiki.Vojvodina VII Subotica 4599 10.jpg
[[Датотека:Wiki.Vojvodina VII Subotica 4599 10.jpg|мини|лево|250п|Синагога у Суботици]]
'''Синагога''' (од [[грчки језик|грч.]] συναγογε „скупштина, окупљање“ - [[хебрејски језик|хебр.]] ''Beit Knesset'' (בית כנסת) „Кућа окупљања” или ''Beit T`Phila'' „Кућа молитве”) је зграда у којој се обављају верске активности у [[јудаизам|јудаизму]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.britannica.com/topic/synagogue|title=Synagogue &#124; Definition, History, & Facts &#124; Britannica}}</ref> Главна улога синагоге јесте заједничка [[молитва]], мада је повезивана и с приватном или личном молитвом. Синагога се повезује и са учењем и у том својству назива се бет мидраш или „кућа учења“. Није јасно да ли је у старим временима кућа учења била део главног светилишта или се налазила одмах до њега, као данас.
Сврха синагоге је такође да буде место окупљања, бет кнесет, место где се одржавају градски скупови и где се обављају послови. Од [[1. век]]а па до данас, синагога се градила тако да служи и као коначиште за путнике намернике, бет орхим. Када су у питању [[уметност]] и [[архитектура]] синагоге, [[Јевреји]] су се прилагођавали животу изван Храма, прихватајући доминантну естетику свог доба. То је својеврстан помак од колективне религије из најранијих времена према индивидуализованијој религији синагоге, која је могла бити пренета у све земље и све заједнице. Све до модерних времена, синагога је била седиште јеврејског искуства. С либералним тенденцијама које је донела мисао [[18. век|18]]. и [[19. век]]а настале су разне иновације у синагогама реформистичких и конзервативних Јевреја.
Линија 12 ⟶ 13:
У старом добу и у [[средњи вијек|средњем веку]], синагога је била носилац свих јеврејских вредности, као и средиште већег дела активности заједнице. Данас такве секуларне ствари као што су [[човекољубље|филантропија]] и [[ционизам]] имају друге канале. Опстајање синагоге<ref>{{cite web|title=Српске синагоге којих нема|url=https://pulse.rs/srpske-sinagoge-kojih-nema/|website=Puls|accessdate = 25. 1. 2018}}</ref> као трајне одлике јеврејске цивилизације указује, међутим, на непрекинути контекст за оне митске елементе традиције који надилазе историјско време.
== Референце ==
== Порекло ==
[[File:Synagogue_de_la_Ghriba_Djerba_11.jpg|thumb|250п|[[El Ghriba Synagogue]] in [[Djerba]], Tunisia]]
Although synagogues existed a long time before the destruction of the [[Second Temple]] in 70 CE, communal worship in the time while the Temple still stood focussed mostly on ''[[korban]]ot'' ("sacrificial offerings") brought by the ''[[kohen|kohanim]]'' ("priests") in the [[Temple in Jerusalem]]. The all-day [[Yom Kippur]] service, in fact, was an event in which the congregation both observed the movements of the ''kohen gadol'' ("[[High Priest of Israel|high priest]]") as he offered the day's sacrifices and prayed for his success.
According to Jewish tradition, the men of the [[Great Assembly]] (around 5th century BCE) formalized and standardized the language of the Jewish prayers.<ref>{{cite web|author=orah765768|translator-last=Ote|translator-first=Atira|title=The Institution of Prayer by the Men of the Great Assembly|date=1 February 2016|url=https://ph.yhb.org.il/en/03-01-05/|access-date=12 July 2020|website=Peninei Halakha}}</ref> Prior to that people prayed as they saw fit, with each individual praying in his or her own way, and there were no standard prayers that were recited.
[[Johanan ben Zakai]], one of the leaders at the end of the Second Temple era, promulgated the idea of creating individual houses of worship in whatever locale Jews found themselves. This contributed to the continuity of the Jewish people by maintaining a unique identity and a portable way of worship despite the destruction of the Temple, according to many historians.
Synagogues in the sense of purpose-built spaces for worship, or rooms originally constructed for some other purpose but reserved for formal, communal prayer, however, existed long before the destruction of the Second Temple.<ref name="pohick">{{cite web |author=Donald D. Binder |url=http://www.pohick.org/sts/index.html |title=Second Temple Synagogues}}</ref> The earliest archaeological evidence for the existence of very early synagogues comes from Egypt, where stone synagogue dedication inscriptions dating from the 3rd century BCE prove that synagogues existed by that date.<ref name="pohick2">{{cite web |author=Donald D. Binder |url=http://www.pohick.org/sts/egypt.html |title=Egypt}}</ref> More than a dozen Jewish (and possibly [[Samaritan]]) Second Temple era synagogues have been identified by archaeologists in [[Israel]] and other countries belonging to the [[Hellenistic]] world.<ref name="pohick"/>
Any Jew or group of Jews can build a synagogue. Synagogues have been constructed by ancient Jewish kings, by wealthy patrons, as part of a wide range of human institutions including secular educational institutions, governments, and hotels, by the entire community of Jews living in a particular place, or by sub-groups of Jews arrayed according to occupation, ethnicity (i.e. the Sephardic, Polish or Persian Jews of a town), style of religious observance (i.e., a Reform or an Orthodox synagogue), or by the followers of a particular rabbi.
It has been theorized that the synagogue became a place of worship in the region upon the destruction of the Second Temple during the [[First Jewish–Roman War]]; however, others speculate that there had been places of prayer, apart from the Temple, during the Hellenistic period. The popularization of prayer over sacrifice during the years prior to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE<ref>{{cite book|last1=Schiffman|first1=Lawrence|title=From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism|date=March 1991|publisher=Ktav Pub Inc|isbn=0881253723|page=159|edition=1st}}</ref> had prepared the Jews for life in the diaspora, where prayer would serve as the focus of Jewish worship.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Schiffman|first1=Lawrence|title=From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism|date=March 1991|publisher=Ktav Pub Inc|isbn=0881253723|page=164|edition=1st}}</ref>
Despite the possibility of synagogue-like spaces prior to the First Jewish–Roman War, the synagogue emerged as a stronghold for Jewish worship upon the destruction of the Temple. For Jews living in the wake of the Revolt, the synagogue functioned as a "portable system of worship". Within the synagogue, Jews worshiped by way of prayer rather than sacrifices, which had previously served as the main form of worship within the Second Temple.<ref>{{cite book |last= Schiffman |first= Lawrence |title= From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism |date= March 1991 |publisher= Ktav Pub Inc. |isbn= 0881253723 |page=164 |edition= 1st}}</ref>
=== Second Temple ===
In 1995, Howard Lee Clark argued that synagogues were not a developed feature of Jewish life prior to the Roman-Jewish War of 70 CE.<ref>Kee, Howard Clark. "Defining the First-Century CE Synagogue: Problems and Progress." New Testament Studies 41.4 (1995): 481-500.</ref> Kee interpreted his findings as evidence that the mentions of synagogues in the New Testament, including Jesus's visitations of synagogues in various Jewish settlements in Israel, were anachronistic. However, by 2018, Mordechai Aviam reported that there were now at least nine synagogues excavated known to pre-date the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70, including in Magdala, Gamla, Masada, Herodium, Modi‘in (Kh. Umm el-‘Umdan), Qiryat Sepher (Kh. Bad ‘Issa), and Kh. Diab. Aviam concluded that he thought almost every Jewish settlement at the time, whether it was a polis or a village, had a synagogue.<ref>Aviʿam, Mordekhai. "First-Century Galilee New Discoveries." Early christianity 9.2 (2018): 219-226.</ref>
* [[Gamla]] - a synagogue was discovered near the city gate at Gamla, a site in the Golan northeast of the Sea of Galilee.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Levine, Lee I.|url=https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/40408825|title=The ancient synagogue : the first thousand years|date=2000|publisher=Yale University Press|isbn=0-300-07475-1|location=New Haven|oclc=40408825}}</ref> This city was destroyed by the Roman army in 67 CE and was never rebuilt.
* [[Masada]] - a synagogue was discovered on the western side of Masada, just south of the palace complex at the northern end of the site. One of the unique finds at this synagogue was a group of 14 scrolls, which included biblical, sectarian, and apocryphal documents.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Yadin, Yigael.|url=https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/861644287|title=Masada : the momentous archaeological discovery revealing the heroic life and struggle of the jewish zealots|date=1966|publisher=Random House|isbn=0-394-43542-7|edition=1st|location=New York, NY|pages=180–191|oclc=861644287}}</ref>
* [[Herodium]] - a synagogue from the 1st century was discovered in Herod's palace fortress at Herodium.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Herodium (BiblePlaces.com)|url=https://www.bibleplaces.com/herodium/|access-date=2020-07-11|website=BiblePlaces.com|language=en-US}}</ref>
* [[Migdal Synagogue|Magdala]] - also known as the Migdal Synagogue, this synagogue was discovered in 2009. One of the unique features of this synagogue, which is located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, is an intricately carved stone [[Magdala stone|block]] that was found in the center of the main room.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Ancient synagogue found in Israel - CNN.com|url=https://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/09/11/jerusalem.synagogue/index.html|access-date=2020-07-11|website=www.cnn.com}}</ref>
* Modi'in - Discovered between [[Modi'in]] and [[Latrun]] is the [[Oldest synagogues in the World|oldest synagogue]] within modern Israel that has been found to date, built during the second century BCE. It includes three rooms and a nearby [[mikve]].<ref>{{Cite web|date=2019-09-22|title=Modi'in: Where the Maccabees Lived|url=https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/modiin-where-the-maccabees-lived/|access-date=2020-07-11|website=Biblical Archaeology Society|language=en}}</ref>
<gallery widths="200" heights="160">
File:Gamla Synagogue (7).JPG|First century synagogue at Gamla
File:Masada 051013 Synagogue 01.jpg|First century synagogue at Masada
File:Magdala-588.jpg|First century synagogue at Magdala
File:Herodion Synagogue IMG 0708.JPG|First century synagogue at Herodium
===Middle Ages===
Rabbi and philosopher, [[Maimonides]] (1138–1204), described the various customs in his day with respect to local synagogues:
<blockquote>Synagogues and houses of study must be treated with respect. They are swept and sprinkled [with water] to lay the dust. In [[Spain]] and the [[Maghreb]], in [[Babylonia]] and in the [[Holy Land]], it is customary to kindle lamps in the synagogues and to spread mats on the floor upon which the worshippers sit. In the lands of Edom (Christendom), they sit in synagogues upon chairs [or benches].<ref>[[Maimonides]], ''[[Mishneh Torah]]'' (Hil. ''Tefillah Birkat kohanim'' 11:4)</ref></blockquote><gallery widths="200" heights="160">
File:Sepphoris (Tzippori) 290314 12.jpg|Mosaic in the [[Tzippori Synagogue]]
File:Ruins of the Ancient Synagogue at Bar'am.jpg|Ruins of the ancient synagogue of [[Kfar Bar'am]]
== Види још ==
* [[Београдска синагога]]
Линија 20 ⟶ 60:
* [[Суботичка синагога]]
* [[Синагога у Нишу]]
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
* {{cite book |last=Levine |first=Lee |date=2005 |orig-year=1999 |title=The Ancient Synagogue: The First Thousand Years |edition=2nd |location=New Haven, Conn. |publisher=[[Yale University Press]] |isbn=0-300-10628-9}}
* Young, Penny (2014). ''Dura Europos: A City for Everyman''. Diss, Norfolk, UK: Twopenny Press. {{ISBN|9780956170347}}.
* de Breffny, Brian, ''The Synagogue'', Macmillan, 1st American ed., 1978, {{ISBN|0-02-530310-4}}.
* Goldman, Bernard, ''The Sacred Portal: a primary symbol in ancient Judaic art'', Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1966
* [[Carol Herselle Krinsky]], ''Synagogues of Europe; Architecture, History, Meaning'', MIT Press, 1985; revised edition, MIT Press, 1986; Dover reprint, 1996
* Stolzman, Henry & Daniel Stolzman (2004). [[Hausman LLC|Tami Hausman]], Ed. ''[https://books.google.com/books/about/Synagogue_Architecture_in_America.html?id=tfJNHoiMDSoC Synagogue Architecture in America: Faith, Spirit, and Identity]''. Images Publishing. {{ISBN|1864700742}}.
* [[Rachel Wischnitzer]], ''Synagogue Architecture in the United States'', Jewish Publication Society of America, 1955
* [[Rachel Wischnitzer]], ''Architecture of the European Synagogue'', Jewish Publication Society, 1964
* {{cite book|last1=Sherwood|first1=Jennifer|last2=Pevsner|first2=Nikolaus|title=Buildings of England - Oxfordshire - Pevsner Architectural Guides|date=1974|publisher=Penguin|pages=712 |isbn=9780140710458|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2yUNAQAAIAAJ&q=azaz}}
* {{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4Kis0gWNQ5QC&pg=PA345|page=345|title=In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands|first=Martin|last=Gilbert|author-link=Martin Gilbert|publisher=McClelland & Stewart|year=2010|isbn=9781551993423}}
* {{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Wbg1AAAAQBAJ&pg=PA926|page=926|title=A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day|editor1-first=Abdelwahab|editor1-last=Meddeb|editor2-first=Benjamin|editor2-last=Stora|publisher=Princeton University Press|year=2013|isbn=9781400849130}}
* {{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=yY0KQUVXw2MC&pg=PA338|page=338|title=Jewish Communities in Exotic Places|first=Ken|last=Blady|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield|year=2000|isbn=9780765761125}}
== Спољашње везе ==
Линија 27 ⟶ 86:
* Joseph Tabory, [http://www.daat.co.il/daat/bibliogr/tavori-2.htm A list of articles on Synagogues (in various languages)], in [http://www.daat.co.il/index.htm the DAAT site]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20090722051438/http://www.manhattansynagogue.com/ Eldridge Street Synagogue]
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14160-synagogue/ Jewish Encyclopedia: Synagogue]
* [http://www.lubavitch.com/centers/ Chabad Lubavitch Center & Synagogue Finder]
* [http://www.ou.org/synagogue-finder/ Orthodox Union Synagogue Finder]
* [http://www.uscj.org/ United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Synagogue Finder]
* [http://www.urj.org/congregations/ Union for Reform Judaism Synagogue Finder]
* [http://www.reconstructingjudaism.org/ Reconstructionist Synagogue Finder]
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