Марк Шагал — разлика између измена

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Ред 1:
{{Short description|руско-француски уметник (1887–1985)}}
| име = Марк Шагал
Линија 5 ⟶ 6:
| опис_слике =Марк Шагал [[1941]].
| датум_рођења = {{датум рођења|1887|7|7}}
| место_рођења = [[Витепск|Витебск]]<ref name="Harshav1">Benjamin Harshav, [https://yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Chagall_Marc "Chagall, Marc"], ''The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe''</ref>
| држава_рођења = [[Руска Империја]]
| датум_смрти = {{Датум смрти|1985|3|28|1887|7|7}}
| место_смрти = [[Википедија:МЗЧКВНМ/Saint-Paul (Alpes-Maritimes)|Saint-Paul]]
| држава_смрти = [[Француска]]
| држављанство = Руско, касније француско<ref name="Harshav2">Harshav, Benjamin. "Marc Chagall and his times: a documentary narrative". ''Contraversions: Jews and Other Differences'' (1st ed.). [[Stanford University]] Press. August 2003. {{ISBN|0804742146}}.</ref>
| поље =
| правац_традиција =
Линија 17 ⟶ 19:
| боја = #CCCC99
'''Марк Шагал''' ({{јез-ру|Марк Захарович Шага́л}}; {{јез-блр|Мойша Захаравіч Шагалаў, Mojša Zacharavič Šahałaŭ}};<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/chagall|title=Chagall|work=[[Collins English Dictionary]]|publisher=[[HarperCollins]]|access-date=27 July 2019}}</ref><ref>{{Cite Merriam-Webster|Chagall|access-date=27 July 2019}}</ref>[[Витепск|Витебск]], [[7. јул]] [[1887]] — [[Википедија:МЗЧКВНМ/Saint-Paul (Alpes-Maritimes)|Saint-Paul]], [[28. март]] [[1985]]) је био [[јевреји|јеврејски]] сликар рођен у [[Белорусија|Белорусији]], тада део [[Русија|Русије]]. Његов правац су мешавина модерног покрета и [[импресионизам|импресионизма]].
== Рани живот ==
[[File:ВІЦЕБСК. Музей Марка Шагала - VICIEBSK. Marc Chagall Museum..jpg|thumb|Marc Chagall's childhood home in [[Vitebsk]], [[Belarus]]. Currently site of the [[Marc Chagall Museum]].]]
Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal in a [[Jews|Jewish]] family in [[Liozna]],<ref name="Harshav1"/> near the city of [[Vitebsk]] ([[Belarus]], then part of the [[Russian Empire]]) in 1887.{{efn|1=Most sources uncritically repeat the information that he was born on 7 July 1887, without specifying whether this was a [[Gregorian calendar|Gregorian]] or [[Julian calendar|Julian]] date. However, this date is incorrect. He was born on 24&nbsp;June 1887 under the then Julian calendar, which translates to 6 July 1887 in the Gregorian calendar, the gap between the calendars in 1887 being 12 days. Chagall himself miscalculated the Gregorian date when he arrived in Paris in 1910, using the then-current 13-day gap, not realising that this applied to births that occurred only from 1900 onwards. For further details, see [https://books.google.com/books?id=WXI6K9vPLfkC&pg=PA65&lpg=PA65&dq=chagall+june+1887+julian&source=web&ots=VgwQ_8rMPL&sig=SI6e2P2gM2g_Kstxib4B10TEygM&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=2&ct=result#v=onepage&q=chagall%20june%201887%20julian&f=false ''Marc Chagall and His Times: A Documentary Narrative''], p. 65.}}<ref>{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=WXI6K9vPLfkC&q=chagall+june+1887+julian&pg=PA65 |title=Binyāmîn Haršav, Marc Chagall, Barbara Harshav Marc Chagall and his times: a documentary narrative |isbn=9780804742146 |access-date=15 March 2012|last1=Harshav |first1=Benjamin |last2=Chagall |first2=Marc |last3=Harshav |first3=Barbara |year=2004 }}</ref> At the time of his birth, Vitebsk's population was about 66,000. Half of the population were Jewish.<ref name=Lewis>Lewis, Michael J. "Whatever Happened to Marc Chagall?" ''Commentary'', October 2008 pp. 36–37</ref> A picturesque city of churches and synagogues, it was called "Russian [[Toledo, Spain|Toledo]]" by artist [[Ilya Repin]], after the cosmopolitan city of the former [[Spanish Empire]].<ref>{{cite news | url=https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/28/books/chapters/chapter-chagall.html | title='Chagall' | newspaper=The New York Times | date=27 November 2008 | last1=Wullschlager | first1=Jackie }}</ref> As the city was built mostly of wood, little of it survived years of occupation and destruction during World War II.
Chagall was the eldest of nine children. The family name, Shagal, is a variant of the name [[Segal]], which in a Jewish community was usually borne by a [[Levite|Levitic]] family.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://segal.org/name/index.html |title=Segal.org |publisher=Segal.org |date=22 May 2005 |access-date=15 March 2012}}</ref> His father, Khatskl (Zachar) Shagal, was employed by a herring merchant, and his mother, Feige-Ite, sold groceries from their home. His father worked hard, carrying heavy barrels but earning only 20 roubles each month (the average wages across the Russian Empire was 13 roubles a month). Chagall would later include fish motifs "out of respect for his father", writes Chagall biographer, [[Jacob Baal-Teshuva]]. Chagall wrote of these early years:
{{quote|Day after day, winter and summer, at six o'clock in the morning, my father got up and went off to the synagogue. There he said his usual prayer for some dead man or other. On his return he made ready the [[samovar]], drank some tea and went to work. Hellish work, the work of a galley-slave. Why try to hide it? How tell about it? No word will ever ease my father's lot... There was always plenty of butter and cheese on our table. Buttered bread, like an eternal symbol, was never out of my childish hands.<ref name=Chagall>Chagall, Marc. ''My Life'', Orion Press (1960)</ref>}}
== Биографија ==
[[Датотека:ВІЦЕБСК. Музей Марка Шагала - VICIEBSK. Marc Chagall Museum..jpg|мини|десно|Родна кућа Марка Шагала]]
Рођен је као најстарији син од деветоро деце колико су укупно имали његови родитељи.Године [[1907]]., је започео студирање у Царској школи уметности у [[Санкт Петербург]]у. Септембра [[1909]]. у кући своје пријатељице упознаје Белу Росенфилд у коју се заљубљује. После студија већ почиње да привлачи пажњу и ствара углед када му је [[Макс Винавер]] осигурао средства како би се преселио у [[Париз]] (тада центар збивања у уметности), и тамо наставио да ради. Све заједно са [[Пабло Пикасо|Пикасом]], [[Жорж Брак|Бракеом]] и осталим кубистима почели су да мењају уметност из корена. Шагал је током својих париских година почео да употребљава модерне технике, иако никад није напустио свој сопствени стил који је изградио, и по коме је постао познат.
[[Париз]] је за Шагала постао друга кућа и он је планирао да се тамо пресели и остане да живи до краја живота. Међутим [[1914]], док је био у посети [[Русија|Русији]], настао је [[Први светски рат]] па се више није мога вратити. Године 1915, жени се Белом Росенфилд, својом вереницом од [[1909]], и наставља да велича њихову љубав у серији својих слика које је наставио да слика чак и после њене смрти тридесет година после. У међувремену преживљава [[рат]]. [[1917]]. постаје комесар за уметност у [[Витепск|Витебску]].
Линија 92 ⟶ 105:
* Девет прозора библијске тематике, [[1978]] — [[1985]], St. Stephan Church, [[Мец]], Немачка
* ''Велика парада'', [[1979]] — [[1980]], Гарелија Пјер Матис-Њујорк.
== Напомене ==
== Референце ==
== Литература ==
*Antanas Andrijauskas, ''[http://www.lituanus.org/2012/12_1_02Andrijauskas.html Litvak Art in the Context of the École de Paris]''. Library of Vilnius Auction, Vilnius, 2008. ISBN 978-609- 8014-01-3.
*{{cite book |last = Chagall|first=Marc|editor-last=Heywood |editor-first=Robert B. |title=The Works of the Mind: The Artist |year=1947 |publisher=University of Chicago Press |location=Chicago |oclc=752682744 }}
*Sidney Alexander, ''Marc Chagall: A Biography'' G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1978.
*Monica Bohm-Duchen, ''Chagall (Art & Ideas)'' [[Phaidon Press|Phaidon]], London, 1998. {{ISBN|0-7148-3160-3}}
*Marc Chagall, ''My Life'', Peter Owen Ltd, London, 1965 (republished in 2003) {{ISBN|978-0-7206-1186-1}}
*Susann Compton, ''Chagall'' Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1985.
*Sylvie Forestier, Nathalie Hazan-Brunet, Dominique Jarrassé, Benoit Marq, Meret Meyer, ''Chagall: The Stained Glass Windows.'' Paulist Press, Mahwah, 2017.
*[[Benjamin Harshav]], ''Marc Chagall and His Times: A Documentary Narrative'', Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, 2004. {{ISBN|978-0-8047-4214-6}}
*Benjamin Harshav, ''Marc Chagall on Art and Culture'', Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, 2003. {{ISBN|0-8047-4830-6}}
*[[Aleksandr Kamensky]], ''Marc Chagall, An Artist From Russia'', Trilistnik, Moscow, 2005 (In Russian)
*Aleksandr Kamensky, ''Chagall: The Russian Years 1907–1922.'', Rizzoli, New York, 1988 (Abridged version of ''Marc Chagall, An Artist From Russia'') {{ISBN|0-8478-1080-1}}
*{{cite book |last1=Moynahan |first1=Brian |author-link=Brian Moynahan |title=Comrades: 1917 - Russia in Revolution |date=1992 |publisher=Brown and Company |isbn=0-316-58698-6 |language=en}}
*Aaron Nikolaj, ''Marc Chagall.'', [[Rowohlt Verlag]], Hamburg, 2003 (In German)
*Gianni Pozzi, Claudia Saraceni, L. R. Galante, ''Masters of Art: Chagall'', Peter Bedrick Books, New York, 1990. {{ISBN|978-0-8722-6527-1}}
*V.A. Shishanov,''[[Vitebsk Museum of Modern Art]] – a History of Creation and a Collection 1918–1941'', Medisont, Minsk, 2007.
*Jonathan Wilson, ''Marc Chagall'', [[Schocken Books]], New York, 2007 {{ISBN|0-8052-4201-5}}
*Jackie Wullschlager, ''Chagall: A Biography'' Knopf, New York, 2008
*Ziva Amishia Maisels & David Glasser, ''Apocalypse: Unveiling a Lost Masterpiece by Marc Chagall'', Ben Uri Gallery and Museum, 2010
*[https://www.academia.edu/44499052/2019_Chagall_sbornik_SMP Shishanov, V.A. Polish-language periodicals about Marc Chagall (1912 - 1940) / V. Shishanov, F. Shkirando] // Chagall's collection. Issue 5: materials of the XXVI and XXVII Chagall readings in Vitebsk (2017 - 2019) / M. Chagall Museum; [editorial board: L. Khmelnitskaya (chief editor), I. Voronova]. - Minsk: National Library of Belarus, 2019. - P. 57–78. Russian language
== Спољашње везе ==
Линија 102 ⟶ 144:
* [http://www.halter.net/gallery/chagall-fc.html Марк Шагал: Виртуелна гарелија]
* [http://www.chagall.fr Марк Шагал: Комплетни каталог радова]
* [http://www.marcchagall.net/ Marc Chagall Unofficial website]
* [http://www.marcchagallart.net/ Marc Chagall Art website]
* [https://www.belarus.by/en/about-belarus/famous-belarusians/marc-chagall/ Marc Chagall's Famous Belarusians page on Official Website of The Republic of Belarus]
* [https://www.benuricollection.org.uk/intermediate.php?artistid=197 55 artworks by Marc Chagall] at the [https://benuri.org/ Ben Uri] site
* Floirat, Anetta. 2019, [https://www.academia.edu/38689565/Marc_Chagall_1887-1985_and_Igor_Stravinsky_1882-1971_a_painter_and_a_composer_facing_similar_twentieth-century_challenges_a_parallel._revised_version_ "Marc Chagall (1887–1985) and Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971), a painter and a composer facing similar twentieth-century challenges, a parallel. [revised version&#93;"], Academia.edu.
{{нормативна контрола}}