Цариградска конференција
Цариградска конференција је био састанак великих сила (Британија, Русија, Француска, Немачка, Аустроугарска и Италија) одржан у Истанбулу (Цариграду) од 23. децембра 1876.[1] до 20. јануара 1877.[2] Након Херцеговачког устанка који је започео у 1875. години и Бугарског устанка у априлу 1876. године, велике силе договориле су се о пројекту политичких реформи како у Босни, тако и на османским територијама са већинским[3] бугарским становништвом.
уреди- ^ Correspondence respecting the Conference at Constantinople and the affairs of Turkey: 1876–1877. Parliamentary Papers No 2 (1877). стр. 140.
- ^ Turkey and the Great Powers. The Constantinople Conference. The Commissioners' Last Proposals to the Porte. An Ultimatum Presented the Great Dignitaries of State to Decide Upon an Answer. New York Times, 16 January 1877.
- ^ Correspondence respecting the Conference at Constantinople and the affairs of Turkey: 1876–1877. Parliamentary Papers No 2 (1877). стр. 340.
уреди- R.W. Seton-Watson (1972). Disraeli, Gladstone and the Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy and Party Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. стр. 108. ISBN 978-0-393-00594-3..
- Washburn, George (2007). Fifty Years in Constantinople and Recollections of Robert College. Read Books. ISBN 978-1-4067-0530-0.
- H. Sutherland Edwards. Sir William White K.C.B., K.C.M.G., For Six Years Ambassador at Constantinople. London: John Murray, 1902.
- Buckle G.E., W.F. Monypenny, The Constantinople Conference, in: The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Vol. VI, pp. 84.
- Mahajan, Sneh (2004). British Foreign Policy 1874-1914: The Role of India. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0-203-16732-8.
- Stavrianos, Leften (2000) [1958]. The Balkans Since 1453. London: Hurst.
- Stavrijanos, Leften (2005). Balkan posle 1453. godine. Beograd: Equilibrium.
- The Eastern Question. The Constantinople Conference. What May Be Expected from the Meeting. The Foreign Representatives and How They Are Treated. The Report of the American Consul General. Various Items of Interest. New York Times, 31 December 1876.
- Turkey and the Great Powers. The Constantinople Conference. The Commissioners' Last Proposals to the Porte. An Ultimatum Presented the Great Dignitaries of State to Decide Upon an Answer. New York Times, 16 January 1877.
- Conference de Constantinople. Reunions Préliminaires. Compte rendu No. 8. Scéance du 21 décembre 1876. Annexe III Bulgare. Règlement organique.
- Correspondence respecting the Conference at Constantinople and the affairs of Turkey: 1876–1877. Parliamentary Papers No 2 (1877). стр. 140.
- Further Correspondence respecting the affairs of Turkey. (With Maps of proposed Bulgarian Vilayets). Parliamentary Papers No 13 (1877).