Džon Edvard Grej (engl. John Edward Gray; 12. februar 1800 – 7. mart. 1875) bio je engleski zoolog, stariji brat Džordža Roberta Greja i sin farmakologa i botaničara Semjuela Frederika Greja (1766–1828).

Džon Edvard Grej
Lični podaci
Datum rođenja(1800-02-12)12. februar 1800.
Mesto rođenjaVolsol, Velika Britanija
Datum smrti7. mart 1875.(1875-03-07) (75 god.)
Mesto smrtiLondon, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Naučni rad

Grej je rukovodio zoološkim odelenjem Britanskog muzeja u Londonu od 1840. do kraja 1874. godine, pre nego što je prirodnjačka zbirka izdvojena i predata Prirodnjačkom muzeju. Izdao je nekoliko kataloga muzejskih zbirki, u kojima je detaljno pisao o višim taksonima životinja i opisivao nove vrste. Zahvaljujući njemu, zbirke engleskih prirodnjačkih muzeja su među najboljima u svetu.



Rođen je u Volsolu, ali se njegova porodica ubrzo preselila u London, gde je studirao medicinu. Pomagao je svom ocu u pisanju dela "The Natural Arrangement of British Plants" (1821). Nakon što je Lineovo društvo Londona, odbilo da ga primi u članstvo, preusmerio je svoja interesovanja sa botanike na zoologiju.[1] I ranije je kao 15-o godišnji dečak pokazao interesovanje za zoologiju, kada je za Britanski muzej prikupljao insekte. Zaposlio se u zoološkom odeljenju Britanskog muzeja 1824. kada je učestvovao u katalogizaciji zbirke gmizavaca, zajedno sa Džordžom Džonom Čildrenom. Od Džordža Džona Čildrena je 1840. preuzeo rukovođenje odeljenjem i na toj poziciji se zadržao 35 godina. U ovom periodu objavio je preko 1.000 naučnih radova. Grej je odgovoran za imenovanje velikog broja vrsta, rodova, potporodica i porodica životinja.[2]

Sarađivao je sa istaknatim prirodnjačkim umetnikom Bendžaminom Voterhausom Hokinsom u pisanju dela "Gleanings from the Menagerie at Knowsley", opisavši vrste koje su živele u „Nouzli Holu“ kraj Liverpula, privatnom posedu erla od Darbija.

Oženio se 1826. Marijom Emom Grej. Njegova supruga je dala svoj doprinos u naučnom radu, pre svega svojim crtežima. Grej je 1833. osnovao organizaciju koja je kasnije postala Kraljevsko entomološko društvo Londona.

Sahranjen je u Bogorodičnoj crkvi u Luišamu. U njegovu čast indijska barska čaplja je dobila naučni (latinski) naziv Ardeola grayii.

Prvi filatelista


Grej se interesovao i za poštanske marke. Istog dana kada je puštena u prodaju prva marka u svetu 1. maja 1840, nazvana „Crni peni“, Grej je kupio nekoliko primeraka sa namerom da ih čuva u svojoj zbirci. Na ovaj način postao je prvi filatelista u istoriji.

  • 1821 : "A natural arrangement of Mollusca, according to their internal structure." London Medical Repository 15 : 229–239.
  • 1821 : "On the natural arrangement of Vertebrose Animals." London Medical Repository 15 : 296–310.
  • 1824 : "A revision of the family Equidae." Zool. J. Lond. 1 : 241-248 pl. 9
  • 1824 : "On the natural arrangement of the pulmonobranchous Mollusca." Annals of Philosophy, new series 8 : 107–109.
  • 1825 : "A list and description of some species of shells not taken notice of by Lamarck." Annals of Philosophy (2)9: 407-415.
  • 1825 : "An outline of an attempt at the disposition of the Mammalia into tribes and families with a list of the genera apparently appertaining to each tribe." Annals of Philosophy (ns) 10 : 337-344
  • 1826 : "Vertebrata. Mammalia." (Appendix B in part). p. 412-415 in King, P.P. (ed.) Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia. Performed between the years 1818 and 1822. With an Appendix, containing various subjects relating to hydrography and natural history. London: J. Murray Vol. 2
  • 1827 : "Synopsis of the species of the class Mammalia." p. 1-391 in Baron Cuvier The Animal Kingdom Arranged in Conformity with its Organization, by the Baron (G) Cuvier, with additional descriptions by Edward Griffith and others. (16 vols: 1827-1835). London: George B. Whittaker Vol. 5
  • 1828 : "Spicilegia Zoologica, or original figures and short systematic descriptions of new and unfigured animals." Pt 1. London: Treuttel, Würtz & Co.
  • 1829 : "An attempt to improve the natural arrangement of the genera of bat, from actual examination; with some observations on the development of their wings." Philos. Mag. (ns) 6 : 28-36
  • 1830 : "A synopsis of the species of the class Reptilia." pp. 1-110 in Griffith, E. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron Cuvier. London: Whitaker and Treacher and Co. 9 : 481 + 110 p.
  • 1830-1835 : "Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S..." 20 parts in 2 volumes. Illus. Indian Zool.
  • 1831 : "Description of twelve new genera of fish, discovered by Gen. Hardwicke, in India, the greater part in the British Museum." Zool. Misc.
  • 1831 : "Descriptions of some new genera and species of bats." pp. 37-38 in Gray, J.E. (ed.) The Zoological Miscellany. To Be Continued Occasionally. Pt 1. London: Treuttel, Würtz & Co.
  • 1832 : "Characters of a new genus of Mammalia, and of a new genus and two new species of lizards, from New Holland." Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1832 : 39-40
  • 1834 : "Characters of a new species of bat (Rhinolophus, Geoffr.) from New Holland." Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1834 : 52-53
  • 1837 : "Description of some new or little known Mammalia, principally in the British Museum Collection." Mag. Nat. Hist. (ns) 1 : 577-587
  • 1838 : "A revision of the genera of bats (Vespertilionidae), and the description of some new genera and species." Mag. Zool. Bot. 2 : 483-505
  • 1839 : "Descriptions of some Mammalia discovered in Cuba by W.S. MacLeay, Esq. With some account of their habits, extracted from Mr. MacLeay's notes." Ann. Nat. Hist. 4 : 1-7 pl. 1
  • 1840 : "A Synopsis of the Genera and Species of the Class Hypostoma (Asterias, Linnaeus)." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6:275.
  • 1840-10-16 : "Shells of molluscous animals." In: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, ed. 42: 105-152.
  • 1840-11-04 : "Shells of molluscous animals." In: Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum, ed. 42, 2nd printing: 106-156.
  • 1844: Catalogue of the tortoises, crocodiles, and amphisbænians, in the collection of the British Museum
  • 1847-11 : "A list of genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types." Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 15: 129-182.
  • 1849 : Catalogue of the Specimens of Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. Trustees of the British Museum. London. xv + 125 pp.
  • 1850 : Figures of molluscous animals selected from various authors. Etched for the use of students by M. E. Gray. Volume 4. Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, London. iv+219 pp.
  • 1855 : Catalogue of shield reptiles in the collection of the British Museum - Part 1, Testudinata (Tortoises)
  • 1860-10 : "On the arrangement of the land pulmoniferous Mollusca into families." Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 3, 6: 267-269.
  • 1862 : A Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps for the use of the Collector. London: Robert Hardwicke. Free download here.
  • 1864 : "Revision of the species of Trionychidae found in Asia and Africa, with descriptions of some new species." Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1864: 76-98
  • 1870 : Supplement to the catalogue of shield reptiles in the collection of the British Museum - Part 1, Testudinata (Tortoises)
  • 1872 : Catalogue of shield reptiles in the collection of the British Museum - Part 2, Emydosaureans, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphisbaenians
  • 1873 : "Notes on Chinese Mud-Tortoises (Trionychidae), with the Description of a new Species sent to the British Museum by Mr. Swinhoe, and Observations on the Male Organ of this Family." Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 4, vol. XII, 1873. Pp. 156-161 and Plate V.

Binomna nomenklatura

  • Standardna skraćenica imena autora J. E. Gray se koristi za ukazivanje na ovu ličnost kao autora pri navođenju naučnih naziva životinja.
  • Standardna skraćenica imena autora J.E.Gray se koristi za ukazivanje na ovu ličnost kao autora pri navođenju naučnih naziva biljaka.


  1. ^   Boulger, George Simonds (1890). „Gray, John Edward”. Ur.: Stephen, Leslie; Lee, Sidney. Rečnik nacionalne biografije. 23. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 
  2. ^ Kenney, Robert D. (2009). Perrin, William F.; Wursig, Bernd; Thewissen, J. G. M, ur. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (2 izd.). 30 Corporate Drive, Burlington Ma. 01803: Academic Press. str. 963. ISBN 978-0-12-373553-9. Arhivirano iz originala 09. 11. 2009. g. Pristupljeno 15. 10. 2019. 

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