Гмизавци (лат. Reptilia — Рептили) су одиграли изузетно значајну улогу у историји развоја животињског света, јер је то прва група кичмењака која је у потпуности изашла на копно. Ова еволуција омогућена је захваљујући развитку јаја са амнионом: опна (амнион) је обавијала ембрион који се налазио у течној средини, па је ембрион могао да се развија лебдећи у течности, а није било потребно да се јаја полажу у води. Рептили су тетраподна животињска класа која се састоји од корњача, крокодила, змија, водених гуштера, гуштера, туатара, и њихових изумрлих сродника. Изучавање тих традиционалних рептилских редова, историјски комбинованих са модерним водоземцима, се назива херпетологија.
Гмизавци Временски распон:
| |
У смеру казаљки на сату одозго лево: зелена морска корњача (Chelonia mydas), туатара (Sphenodon punctatus), нилски крокодил (Crocodylus niloticus), и синајска агама (Pseudotrapelus sinaitus). | |
Научна класификација | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Chordata |
Кладус: | Sauropsida |
Класа: | Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 |
класификациона схема Reptilia | |
Пошто су неки рептили сроднији са птицама него са другима рептилима (нпр., крокодили су сроднији са птицама него са гуштерима), традиционалне групе „рептила” које су горе наведене не сачињавају монофилетску групу (или кладу). Из тог разлога, многи модерни научници преферирају да уврсте и птице као део рептила, чиме Reptilia постаје монофилетска класа.[1][2][3][4]
Најранији познати проторептили су се појавили пре око 312 милиона година током карбонског периода, тако што су еволуирали из напредних рептилиоморфних тетрапода који су почели да се у све већој мери адаптирају на живот на сувом тлу. Неки рани примери обухватају гуштерима сличне Hylonomus и Casineria. Осим садашњих рептила, постојало је мноштво различитих група које су сад изумрле, део којих је изумро услед масовних изумирања. Посебно је значајно кредно-терцијарно изумирање услед кога су нестали птеросаури, плесиосаури, Ornithischia, и сауроподи, као и многе тероподне врсте, укључујући трудонтиде, дромеосауриде, тираносауриде, и абелисауриде, заједно са многим припадницима кладе Crocodyliformes, и реда љускаша (нпр. мосасаури).
Модерни неавијански рептили насељавају све континенте изузев Антарктика. (Ако се птице класификују као рептили, онда су сви континенти насељени рептилима.) Неколико постојећих подгрупа је препознато: корњаче (Testudines и Testudinidae), око 400 врста;[5] Rhynchocephalia (туатара са Новог Зеланда), 1 врста;[5][6] Squamata (гуштери, змије, и Amphisbaenia), преко 9.600 врста;[5] Crocodilia (крокодили, гавијали, кајмани, и алигатори), 25 врста;[5] и Aves (птице), 10.000 врста.[5]
Рептили су тетраподни кичмењаци, створења која било имају четири уда или су, попут змија, проистекли из предака са четири уда. За разлику од водоземаца, рептили немају акватични стадијум ларве. Већина рептила носи јаја, мада је неколико врста Squamata вивипарна, као што су биле и неке од изумрлих акватичних клада[7] — фетус се развије унутар мајке, у постељици уместо у кори јајета. Код амниота, јаја су окружена мембранама ради заштите и транспорта. Постојање мембране омогућава репродукцију на копну. Многе вивипарне врсте хране своје фетусе путем разних форми постељица, које су аналогне оним код сисара. Неке врсте се иницијално старају о својим младунцима. Изумрли рептили су у опсегу величина од малог гека, Sphaerodactylus ariasae, који може да нарасте до 17 mm (0,7 in), до естуарских крокодила, Crocodylus porosus, који могу да досегну дужину од 6 m и тежину од преко 1000 kg.
Опште особине
уредиГмизавци су животиње чија телесна температура зависи од температуре околине. Са падом температуре спољашње средине, пада и њихова телесна температура. Зато се често могу видети како се сунчају. На тај начин се греју. Ноћу мирују на скровитом месту. Када у јесен захлади, закопавају се у земљу и падају у зимски сан све до пролећа. Због тога су у неповољном положају у оним областима где облачно и хладно време умањује такве могућности. То је разлог што гмизавци углавном пребивају у топлијим крајевима. Релативно мали број врста настањује пределе велике географске ширине. Тело им је заштићено рожним крљуштима (код неких група, то су плоче), које их штите од губитка течности. На прстима имају канџице, које олакшавају кретање по копну, такође од рожне материје. То је, наиме материја, која се среће у различитим органима, још и код птица и сисара, што еволутивно повезује све три класе. Наука која се бави гмизавцима назива се херпетологија.
Развојна историја
уредиГмизавци су се појавили средином карбона, а развили су се из водоземаца. Разликовали су се од водоземаца првенствено по амниотском јајету с љуском која служи за заштиту од исушивања, што им је омогућило да у потпуности воде копнени живот, за разлику од водоземаца. То се показало великом предношћу јер су тадашња мора била пуна опасних грабљивица. Остали копнени кичмењаци се према том обележју називају амниотима. За разлику од водоземаца, амниоти више нису везани у размножавању за воду, а и уопштено су боље прилагођени животу у сувој околини.
Амниоти се раздвајају на две гране које се разликују према броју бочних отвора на лобањи у пределу сљепоочнице (темпорални отвор). Амниоти с једним бочним отвором називају се синапсида (један отвор), а с два диапсида. Праамниоти нису имали ниједан отвор, па их се назива анапсида. Од диапсида потичу диносаури као и данас изумрли птеросаури. Према најновијим сазнањима, као једини и данас живи представници диносаура сматрају се птице.
До данас није недвосмислено утврђено место које у систематици припада корњачама. Њихова лобања нема бочних отвора, па се због тога ова група сврстава у анапсиде. Неки палеонтолози сматрају, да су се корњаче развиле од диапсида које су накнадно редуковале ове отворе. Према положају њихове вратне артерије и постојању аорте, данас се сврставају у гмизавце као сестринска група. Но до сад нађени фосили не омогућују дефинитивно објашњење.
Разноврсност гмизаваца
уредиКласификација гмизаваца по Бентону, 2014.[8][9]
- Класа Reptilia
- †Поткласа Parareptilia
- †Ред Pareiasauromorpha
- Поткласа Eureptilia
- Инфракласа Diapsida
- †Ред Younginiformes
- Инфракласа Neodiapsida
- Ред Testudinata (корњаче)
- Инфракласа Lepidosauromorpha
- Неименована инфрапоткласа
- †Инфракласа Ichthyosauria
- †Ред Thalattosauria
- Надред Lepidosauriformes
- Ред Rhynchocephalia
- Ред Squamata (гуштери & змије)
- †Инфракласа Sauropterygia
- †Ред Placodontia
- †Ред Eosauropterygia
- †Ред Plesiosauria
- Неименована инфрапоткласа
- Инфракласа Archosauromorpha
- †Ред Rhynchosauria
- †Ред Protorosauria
- †Ред Phytosauria
- Подела Archosauriformes
- Потподела Archosauria
- Надред Crocodylomorpha
- Ред Crocodilia
- Инфраподела Avemetatarsalia
- Инфрапотподела Ornithodira
- †Ред Pterosauria
- Надред Dinosauria
- Ред Saurischia (садржи кладу Aves)
- †Ред Ornithischia
- Инфрапотподела Ornithodira
- Надред Crocodylomorpha
- Потподела Archosauria
- Инфракласа Diapsida
- †Поткласа Parareptilia
уредиКладограм који је овде представљен илуструје „породично стабло” рептила, и следи поједностављену верзију односа коју је објавио M.S. Lee 2013. године[10] Све генетичке студије су подржале хипотезу да су корњаче диапсиди; неки стављају корњаче међу Archosauriformes,[10][11][12][13][14][15] док по неким радовима оне спадају у Lepidosauromorpha.[16] Приказани кладограм користи комбинацију генетичких (молекуларних) и фосилних (морфолошких) података за успостављање односа.[10]
Amniota |
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Гуштери немају сталну температуру тела (зависи од температуре спољашње средине).
Када су у опасности, одбацују свој реп. И док збуњени нападач остане са парчетом репа, гуштер се спасава бекством. Касније му израсте нови реп.
У нашим крајевима чести су ливадски и зидни гуштер. Има их готово на сваком кораку, па и у људским насељима. Чести су и гуштери зелембаћи.
Мужјаци су обично живљих боја од женки.
Змије имају дуго ваљкасто тело без ногу, па их је лако препознати. Крећу се вијугањем тела помоћу снажних мишића. За разлику од гуштера, свој рожни слој одбацују цео одједанпут. "Пресвлаче" се из своје коже и остављају змијску кошуљицу.
Очни капци змија су срасли и провидни. Отуда хладан змијски поглед. Због тога змије слабо виде.
Змије имају дуг рачвасти језик. Као и гуштери, и оне језиком уносе хемијске материје из спољашње средине до посебног чула мириса.
Све змије су грабљивице. Хране се разним другим животињама:
Могу да прогутају веома крупан плен. Неке врсте змија имају отровне жлезде које се изливају на врху два дуга зуба. Помоћу тих зуба змија убија плен, али се и брани од непријатеља. Неке змије свој плен убијају тако што се обавију око њега и удаве га снажним мишићима. Те змије се зову удави.
Змије су најчешће таквих боја да се тешко могу разазнати од своје околине. Али неке од њих имају и јарке боје. Обично су отровне змије јарких боја или имају упадљиве шаре. Међутим, има и оних које бојом имитирају опасну змију.
Већина живи на копну. Сакривају се у трави, жбуњу, под камењем, неке живе и на дрвећу. А има и водених змија (слатководне и морске).
Како разликовати отровне од неотровних змија наших крајева
уредиОтровне змије је лако препознати. Разлике између отровних и неотровних змија можете видети у следећој табели.
ГЛАВА | троугласта | јајаста |
ВРАТ | наглашен | ненаглашен |
ТЕЛО | кратко, здепасто | дуго, витко |
ОБОЈЕНОСТ | са шарама | најчешће без шара |
уредиКорњаче немају зубе. Њихове вилице су обложене рожном навлаком која им омогућује да откидају плен.
Живе на копну, у слатким водама и у морима. Копнене се углавном хране сочним биљним деловима, мада радо једу и мање животиње (глисте и пужеве). Водене корњаче су месоједи. Све корњаче полажу јаја на копну.
У нашим крајевима живе шумска и барска корњача.
Најмање корњаче не нарасту више од 11 cm, а највеће могу да имају преко 2 м и да буду тешке око 500 kg. Највећа је зелена корњача или голема желва, која живи у топлим морима. Највеће копнене корњаче живе на неким острвима Индијског океана и на острву Галапагос. Ове џиновске корњаче често су дуже од 1,5 м и тешке око 270 kg.
Тело крокодила прекривено је великим рожним плочама.
Крокодили имају дугачак пљоснат реп, који им служи за пливање, и издужене вилице у којима се налазе бројни шиљати зуби.
Крокодили живе у слатким водама топлијих крајева. Добри су пливачи и велике грабљивице. Највише лове рибе, али нападају и друге животиње, понекад и човека. Када крокодили мирују и вребају плен, из воде им вире само очи и носни отвори.
Код крокодила се први пут јавља потпуно преграђено срце(две коморе и две преткоморе), што значи да имају сталну телесну температуру.
Крокодили су данас највећи гмизавци. Њихова величина се креће од 1 до 10 м. Највећи је индомалајски крокодил.
Изумрли гмизавци
уредиНекада их је на Земљи живело много различитих врста гмизаваца. Међу њима су били и диносауруси. Неки гмизавци су били мали, величине гуштера, а неки - прави џинови. Највећи међу њима био је дуг 25 m и тежак 50 тона. То је највећа копнена животиња која је икада живела на Земљи. Изумрли гмизавци су се и по изгледу веома разликовали. Неки су се кретали на четири, а неки на две ноге, неки су имали крила и могли да лете, док су неки подсећали на рибе и живели у води. Било је и биљоједа и месождера. Велики број гмизаваца ишчезао је за кратко време.
уредиНемају сви гуштери добро развијене ноге. Код неких су добро развијене ноге. Код неких су мале и танке, па су они спори. Али када су у опасности, они подигну своје ножице и "пливају" по сувом јер су тако много бржи. А неки гуштери немају ноге, па подсећају на змије. Такви су блавор и слепић.
Гуштери су већином мирне животиње, које уједају да би се одбраниле. Само две врсте имају отровне жлезде. Њихов ујед је врло опасан, па и смртоносан за човека. Те две врсте живе у јужном делу Северне Америке. Змије дуго живе. Чак и мале змије могу да живе до 12 година, а многе живе и дуже од 40 година.
Најдужи отровни зуб (5 cm) има габонска отровница.
Отров шарке је толико јак да се његово дејство продужава и када се он осуши. Због тога није препоручљиво ићи бос по терену где се може наћи шарка или додиривати зубе већ мртве змије.
Змијски цар је животиња која најдуже може да гладује. Он може да издржи и 1400 дана без хране.
Изградња све већег броја асфалтних путева један је од фактора који угрожавају гмизавце. Како асфалт упија сунчеву топлоту, представља погодно место на коме гмизавци могу повисити температуру свога тела. Али овим путевима пролази и све већи број аутомобила, те многи од њих на овим местима бивају прегажени.
уреди- Acrochordidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Agamidae
- Alligatoridae
- Alopoglossidae Boulenger, 1885
- Amphisbaenidae Gray, 1865
- Anguidae
- Aniliidae Stejneger, 1907
- Anomalepididae Taylor, 1939
- Anomochilidae Cundall, Wallach and Rossman, 1993
- Bipedidae Taylor, 1951
- Blanidae Kearney, 2003
- Boidae Gray, 1825
- Bolyeriidae Hoffstetter, 1946
- Cadeidae Vidal and Hedges, 2007
- Calabariidae Gray, 1858
- Candoiidae Pyron, Reynolds and Burbrink, 2014
- Carettochelyidae Boulenger, 1887
- Carphodactylidae
- Chamaeleonidae
- Charinidae Gray, 1849
- Chelidae Gray, 1825
- Cheloniidae Oppel, 1811
- Chelydridae Gray, 1831
- Colubridae Oppel, 1811
- Cordylidae
- Corytophanidae
- Crocodylidae
- Crotaphytidae
- Cylindrophiidae Fitzinger, 1843
- Dactyloidae
- Dermatemydidae Gray, 1870
- Dermochelyidae Fitzinger, 1843
- Dibamidae Boulenger, 1884
- Diplodactylidae
- Diploglossidae
- Elapidae F. Boie, 1827
- Emydidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Erycidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Eublepharidae
- Gavialidae Adams, 1854
- Gekkonidae
- Geoemydidae Theobald, 1868
- Gerrhopilidae Vidal, Marin, Morini, Donnellan, Branch, Thomas et al., 2010
- Gerrhosauridae
- Gymnophthalmidae Fitzinger, 1826
- Helodermatidae Gray, 1837
- Homalopsidae Bonaparte, 1845
- Hoplocercidae
- Iguanidae
- Kinosternidae Agassiz, 1857
- Lacertidae
- Lamprophiidae Fitzinger, 1843
- Lanthanotidae Steindachner, 1877
- Leiocephalidae
- Leiosauridae
- Leptotyphlopidae Stejneger, 1892
- Liolaemidae
- Loxocemidae Cope, 1861
- Opluridae
- Pareidae Romer, 1956
- Pelomedusidae Cope, 1868
- Phrynosomatidae
- Phyllodactylidae
- Platysternidae Gray, 1869
- Podocnemididae Cope, 1870
- Polychrotidae
- Pygopodidae Boulenger, 1884
- Pythonidae Fitzinger, 1826
- Rhineuridae Vanzolini, 1951
- Sanziniidae Romer, 1956
- Scincidae Oppel, 1811
- Shinisauridae
- Sphaerodactylidae
- Sphenodontidae Cope, 1870
- Teiidae Gray, 1827
- Testudinidae Batsch, 1788
- Trionychidae Gray, 1825
- Trogonophidae Gray, 1865
- Tropidophiidae Brongersma, 1951
- Tropiduridae
- Typhlopidae Merrem, 1820
- Uropeltidae Müller, 1832
- Varanidae
- Viperidae Oppel, 1811
- Xantusiidae
- Xenodermidae Cope, 1900
- Xenopeltidae Bonaparte, 1845
- Xenophidiidae Wallach and Günther, 1998
- Xenosauridae
- Xenotyphlopidae Vidal, Marin, Morini, Donnellan, Branch, Thomas et al., 2010
уреди- Acontiinae Gray, 1839
- Afrotyphlopinae Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Agaminae
- Ahaetuliinae Figueroa, McKelvy, Grismer, Bell and Lailvaux, 2016
- Amphibolurinae
- Anguinae
- Anniellinae
- Aparallactinae Bourgeois, 1968
- Asiatyphlopinae Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Atractaspidinae Günther, 1858
- Azemiopinae Liem, Marx and Rabb, 1971
- Batagurinae Gray, 1869
- Brookesiinae
- Calamariinae Bonaparte, 1838
- Carettinae Gray, 1825
- Causinae Cope, 1859
- Chamaeleoninae
- Charininae Gray, 1849
- Chelinae Gray, 1825
- Chelodininae Baur, 1893
- Cheloniinae Oppel, 1811
- Colubrinae Oppel, 1811
- Corytophaninae
- Crotalinae Oppel, 1811
- Crotaphytinae
- Cyclanorbinae Lydekker, 1889
- Deirochelyinae Agassiz, 1857
- Dipsadinae Bonaparte, 1838
- Draconinae
- Egerniinae
- Elapinae F. Boie, 1827
- Emydinae Rafinesque, 1815
- Emydurinae Gaffney, 1977
- Enyaliinae
- Epictinae Hedges, Adalsteinsson and Branch, 2009
- Erymnochelyinae Broin, 1988
- Eugongylinae Welch, 1982
- Geoemydinae Theobald, 1868
- Gerrhonotinae
- Grayiinae Vidal, Delmas, David, Cruaud, Couloux and Hedges, 2007
- Hoplocercinae
- Hydromedusinae Baur, 1893
- Hydrophiinae Fitzinger, 1843
- Hydrosaurinae
- Iguaninae
- Kinosterninae Agassiz, 1857
- Lamprophiinae Fitzinger, 1843
- Laticaudinae Cope, 1876
- Leiolepidinae
- Leiosaurinae
- Leptotyphlopinae Stejneger, 1892
- Lygosominae
- Mabuyinae Mittleman, 1952
- Madatyphlopinae Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Manouriinae Gray, 1869
- Natricinae Bonaparte, 1838
- Oplurinae
- Peltocephalinae Gray, 1870
- Phrynosomatinae
- Podocnmidinae Gray, 1870
- Polychrotinae
- Prosymninae Kelly, Barker, Villet and Broadley, 2009
- Psammophiinae Dowling, 1967
- Pseudaspidinae Cope, 1893
- Pseudemydurinae Gaffney, 1977
- Pseudoxenodontinae McDowell, 1987
- Pseudoxyrhophiinae Dowling, 1975
- Rhinoclemmydinae Gray, 1873
- Sceloporinae
- Scincinae Oppel, 1811
- Sibynophiinae Dunn, 1928
- Sphenomorphinae Welch, 1982
- Staurotypinae Gray, 1869
- Testudininae Batsch, 1788
- Trionychinae Gray, 1825
- Tropidurinae
- Typhlopinae Merrem, 1820
- Ungaliophiinae McDowell, 1987
- Uromastycinae
- Viperinae Oppel, 1811
- Xerobatinae Gray, 1874
уреди- Ablepharus Fitzinger in Lichtenstein, 1823
- Abronia Gray, 1838
- Acanthocercus Fitzinger, 1843
- Acanthochelys Gray, 1873
- Acanthodactylus Fitzinger in Wiegmann, 1834
- Acanthophis Daudin, 1803
- Acanthosaura Gray in Hardwicke, 1827
- Achalinus Peters, 1869
- Acontias Cuvier, 1817
- Acrantophis Jan in Jan and Sordelli, 1860
- Acratosaura Rodrigues, Pellegrino, Dixo, Verdade, Pavan, Argolo and Sites Jr., 2007
- Acritoscincus Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Acrochordus Hornstedt, 1787
- Actinemys Agassiz, 1857
- Acutotyphlops Wallach, 1995
- Adelophis Dugès, 1879
- Adelphicos Jan, 1862
- Adercosaurus Myers and Donnelly, 2001
- Adolfus Sternfeld, 1912
- Aeluroglena Boulenger, 1898
- Aeluroscalabotes Boulenger, 1885
- Afroedura Loveridge, 1944
- Afrogecko Bauer, Good and Branch, 1997
- Afronatrix Rossman and Eberle, 1977
- Afrotyphlops Broadley and Wallach, 2009
- Agama Daudin, 1802
- Agamodon Peters, 1882
- Agamura Blanford, 1874
- Agkistrodon Palisot de Beauvois, 1799
- Ahaetulla Link, 1807
- Ailuronyx Fitzinger, 1843
- Aipysurus Lacépède, 1804
- Aldabrachelys Loveridge and Williams, 1957
- Alexandresaurus Rodrigues, Pellegrino, Dixo, Verdade, Pavan, Argolo and Sites, 2007
- Algyroides Bibron and Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833
- Alinea Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Alligator Cuvier, 1807
- Alluaudina Mocquard, 1894
- Alopoglossus Boulenger, 1885
- Alpinoscincus Slavenko, Tamar, Tallowin, Kraus, Allison, Carranza and Meiri, 2021
- Alsophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Alsophylax Fitzinger, 1843
- Amapasaurus Cunha, 1970
- Amastridium Cope, 1861
- Amblyodipsas Peters, 1857
- Amblyrhynchus Bell, 1825
- Ameiva Meyer, 1795
- Ameivula Harvey, Ugueto and Gutberlet Jr., 2012
- Amerotyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Amnesteophis Myers, 2011
- Amphibolurus Wagler, 1830
- Amphiesma A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Amphiesmoides Malnate, 1961
- Amphiglossus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Amphisbaena Linnaeus, 1758
- Amplorhinus A. Smith, 1847
- Amyda Schweigger in Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809
- Anadia Gray, 1845
- Anatololacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Ancylocranium Parker, 1942
- Andinosaura Sánchez-Pacheco, Torres-Carvajal, Aguirre-Peñafiel, Nunes, Verrastro, Rivas, Rodrigues et al., 2018
- Anelytropsis Cope, 1885
- Anepischetosia Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Anguis Linnaeus, 1758
- Anilios Gray, 1845
- Anilius Oken, 1816
- Anisolepis Boulenger, 1891
- Anniella Gray, 1852
- Anolis Daudin, 1802
- Anomalepis Jan, 1860
- Anomalopus A. H. A. Duméril in A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Anomochilus Berg, 1901
- Anoplohydrus Werner, 1909
- Anotosaura Amaral, 1933
- Antaioserpens Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Antaresia Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Antillotyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Apalone Rafinesque, 1832
- Aparallactus A. Smith, 1849
- Apathya Méhely, 1907
- Aphaniotis W. C. H. Peters, 1864
- Aplopeltura A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Apodora Kluge, 1993
- Apostolepis Cope, 1862
- Aprasia Gray, 1839
- Aprosdoketophis Wallach, Lanza and Nistri, 2010
- Archaeolacerta Mertens, 1921
- Archaius Gray, 1865
- Archelaphe Schulz, Böhme and Tillack, 2011
- Argyrogena Werner, 1924
- Argyrophis Gray, 1845
- Aristelliger Cope, 1862
- Arizona Kennicott in Baird, 1859
- Arrhyton Günther, 1858
- Arthrosaura Boulenger, 1885
- Asaccus Dixon and S.C. Anderson, 1973
- Asiocolotes Golubev , 1984
- Aspidelaps Fitzinger, 1843
- Aspidites W. C. H. Peters, 1877
- Aspidomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Aspidoscelis Fitzinger, 1843
- Aspidura Wagler, 1830
- Aspronema Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Asthenodipsas Peters, 1864
- Astrochelys Gray, 1873
- Ateuchosaurus Gray, 1845
- Atheris Cope, 1862
- Atlantolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Atractaspis A. Smith, 1849
- Atractus Wagler, 1828
- Atretium Cope, 1861
- Atropoides Werman, 1992
- Aurivela Harvey, Ugueto and Gutberlet Jr., 2012
- Australolacerta Arnold, 1989
- Austrelaps Worrell, 1963
- Austroablepharus Couper, Hoskin, Potter, Bragg and Moritz, 2018
- Azemiops Boulenger, 1888
- Bachia Gray, 1845
- Baikia Gray, 1865
- Balanophis H. M. Smith, 1938
- Bamanophis Schätti and Trape, 2008
- Barisia Gray, 1838
- Barkudia Annandale, 1917
- Basiliscus Laurenti, 1768
- Batagur Gray, 1856
- Bavayia Roux, 1913
- Bellatorias Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Bipes Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801
- Bitia Gray, 1842
- Bitis Gray, 1842
- Blaesodactylus Boettger, 1893
- Blanus Wagler, 1830
- Blythia Theobold, 1868
- Boa Linnaeus, 1758
- Boaedon A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Bogertia Loveridge, 1941
- Bogertophis Dowling and Price, 1988
- Boiga Fitzinger, 1826
- Boiruna Zaher, 1996
- Bolyeria Gray, 1842
- Borikenophis Hedges and Vidal in Hedges, Couloux and Vidal, 2009
- Bothriechis Peters, 1859
- Bothrochilus Fitzinger, 1843
- Bothrocophias Gutberlet and Campbell, 2001
- Bothrolycus Günther, 1874
- Bothrophthalmus Peters, 1863
- Bothrops Wagler, 1824
- Brachylophus Cuvier in Guérin-Méneville, 1829
- Brachymeles A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Brachyophis Mocquard, 1888
- Brachyorrhos Kuhl in Schlegel, 1826
- Brachyseps Erens, Miralles, Glaw, Catrou and Vences, 2017
- Brachyurophis Günther, 1863
- Bradypodion Fitzinger, 1843
- Brasiliscincus Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Broadleysaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013
- Bronchocela Kaup, 1827
- Brookesia Gray, 1865
- Brygophis Domergue and Bour, 1988
- Bufoniceps Arnold, 1992
- Buhoma Ziegler, Vences, Glaw and Böhme, 1997
- Bungarus Daudin, 1803
- Bunopus Blanford, 1874
- Caaeteboia Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite and Bonatto, 2009
- Cacophis Günther, 1863
- Cadea Gray, 1844
- Caesoris Sadlier, Bauer, Shea and Smith, 2015
- Caiman Spix, 1825
- Calabaria Gray, 1858
- Calamaria H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Calamodontophis Amaral, 1963
- Calamophis Meyer, 1874
- Calamorhabdium Boettger, 1898
- Caledoniscincus Sadlier, 1987
- Calliophis Gray, 1835
- Callisaurus Blainville, 1835
- Callopistes Gravenhorst, 1837
- Calloselasma Cope, 1860
- Calodactylodes Strand, 1926
- Calotes Cuvier, 1817
- Calumma Gray, 1865
- Calyptommatus Rodrigues, 1991
- Calyptotis De Vis, 1886
- Candoia Gray, 1842
- Cantoria Girard, 1858
- Caparaonia Rodrigues, Cassimiro, Pavan, Curcio, Kruth Verdade and Machado Pellegrino, 2009
- Capitellum Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Caraiba Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite and Bonatto, 2009
- Caretta Rafinesque, 1814
- Carettochelys Ramsay, 1886
- Carinascincus Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Carlia Gray, 1845
- Carphodactylus Günther, 1897
- Carphophis Gervais, 1843
- Casarea Gray, 1842
- Cathetorhinus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844
- Causus Wagler, 1830
- Celatiscincus Sadlier, Smith and Bauer, 2006
- Celestus Gray, 1839
- Cemophora Cope, 1860
- Centrochelys Gray, 1872
- Centrosaura Vásquez-Restrepo, Ibáñez, Sánchez-Pacheco and Daza, 2019
- Cerastes Laurenti, 1768
- Ceratophora Gray, 1834
- Cerberus Cuvier, 1829
- Cercophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Cercosaura Wagler, 1830
- Cerrophidion Campbell and Lamar, 1992
- Chalarodon W. C. H. Peters, 1854
- Chalcides J. N. Laurent, 1768
- Chalcidoseps Boulenger, 1887
- Chamaeleo Laurenti, 1768
- Chamaelycus Boulenger, 1919
- Chamaesaura Schneider, 1801
- Chapinophis Campbell and E. N. Smith, 1998
- Charina Gray, 1849
- Chelodina Fitzinger, 1826
- Chelonia Brongniart, 1800
- Chelonoidis Fitzinger, 1835
- Chelosania Gray, 1845
- Chelus Duméril, 1805
- Chelydra Schweigger, 1812
- Chersina Gray, 1830
- Chersobius Fitzinger, 1835
- Chersodromus Reinhardt, 1860
- Chilabothrus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844
- Chilomeniscus Cope, 1860
- Chilorhinophis Werner, 1907
- Chionactis Cope, 1860
- Chioninia Gray, 1845
- Chirindia Boulenger, 1907
- Chironius Fitzinger, 1826
- Chitra Gray, 1844
- Chlamydosaurus Gray, 1825
- Chondrodactylus W. Peters, 1870
- Christinus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Chrysemys Gray, 1844
- Chrysopelea H. Boie in Schlegel, 1826
- Claudius Cope, 1865
- Clelia Fitzinger, 1826
- Clemmys Ritgen, 1828
- Clonophis Cope, 1889
- Cnemaspis Strauch, 1887
- Cnemidophorus Wagler, 1830
- Coelognathus Fitzinger, 1843
- Coeranoscincus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Coggeria Couper, Covacevich, Marsterson and Shea, 1996
- Coleodactylus Parker, 1926
- Coleonyx Gray, 1845
- Collorhabdium Smedley, 1932
- Colobodactylus Amaral, 1933
- Colobosaura Boulenger, 1887
- Colobosauroides Cunha, Lima-Verde and Lima, 1991
- Colopus W. Peters, 1869
- Coluber Linnaeus, 1758
- Colubroelaps Orlov, Kharin, Ananjeva, T. T. Nguyen and T. Q. Nguyen, 2009
- Complicitus Manthey and Grossmann, 1997
- Compsophis Mocquard, 1894
- Concinnia Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Congolacerta Greenbaum, Villaneuva, Kusamba, Aristote and Branch, 2011
- Coniophanes Hallowell in Cope, 1860
- Conolophus Fitzinger, 1843
- Conophis Peters, 1860
- Conopsis Günther, 1858
- Contia Baird and Girard, 1853
- Contomastix Harvey, Ugueto and Gutberlet Jr., 2012
- Copeoglossum Tschudi, 1945
- Cophosaurus Troschel, 1852
- Cophoscincopus Mertens, 1937
- Cophotis W. C. H. Peters, 1861
- Corallus Daudin, 1803
- Cordylosaurus Gray, 1866
- Cordylus Laurenti, 1768
- Coronelaps de Lema and Hofstadler-Delques, 2010
- Coronella Laurenti, 1768
- Corucia Gray, 1855
- Coryphophylax Fitzinger, 1867
- Corytophanes F. Boie in Schlegel, 1826
- Crenadactylus Dixon and Kluge, 1964
- Cricosaura Gundlach and Peters in Peters, 1863
- Crisantophis Villa, 1971
- Crocodilurus Spix, 1825
- Crocodylus Laurenti, 1768
- Crossobamon Boettger, 1888
- Crotalus Linnaeus, 1758
- Crotaphopeltis Fitzinger, 1843
- Crotaphytus Holbrook, 1842
- Cryophis Bogert and Duellman, 1963
- Cryptactites Bauer, Good and Branch, 1997
- Cryptagama Witten, 1984
- Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
- Cryptophis Worrell, 1961
- Ctenoblepharys Tschudi, 1845
- Ctenophorus Fitzinger, 1843
- Ctenosaura Wiegmann, 1828
- Ctenotus Storr, 1964
- Cubatyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Cubophis Hedges and Vidal, 2009
- Cuora Gray, 1856
- Cyclanorbis Gray, 1854
- Cyclemys Bell, 1834
- Cyclocorus A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Cycloderma Peters, 1854
- Cyclodomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Cyclophiops Boulenger, 1888
- Cyclotyphlops in den Bosch and Ineich, 1994
- Cyclura Harlan, 1825
- Cylindraspis Fitzinger, 1835
- Cylindrophis Wagler, 1828
- Cynisca Gray, 1844
- Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827
- Cyrtopodion Fitzinger, 1843
- Daboia Gray, 1842
- Dactylocnemis Steindachner, 1867
- Dalmatolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Dalophia Gray, 1865
- Darevskia Arribas, 1997
- Dasia Gray, 1839
- Dasypeltis Wagler, 1830
- Deinagkistrodon Gloyd, 1979
- Deirochelys Agassiz, 1857
- Delma Gray, 1831
- Demansia Günther, 1858
- Dendragama Doria, 1888
- Dendrelaphis Boulenger, 1890
- Dendroaspis Schlegel, 1848
- Dendrolycus Laurent, 1956
- Dendrophidion Fitzinger, 1843
- Dendrosauridion Lehr, Moravec, Lundberg, Köhler, Catenazzi and Smíd, 2019
- Denisonia Krefft, 1869
- Dermatemys Gray, 1847
- Dermochelys Blainville, 1816
- Diadophis Baird and Girard, 1853
- Diaphorolepis Jan, 1863
- Dibamus Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Dicrodon Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Dierogekko Bauer, Jackman, Sadlier and Whitaker, 2006
- Dieurostus Berg, 1901
- Dinarolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Diplodactylus Gray, 1832
- Diploglossus Wiegmann, 1834
- Diplolaemus Bell in Darwin, 1843
- Diplometopon Nikolsky, 1907
- Diporiphora Gray, 1842
- Dipsadoboa Günther, 1858
- Dipsas Laurenti, 1768
- Dipsina Jan, 1863
- Dipsosaurus Hallowell, 1854
- Dispholidus Duvernoy, 1832
- Ditaxodon Hoge, 1958
- Ditypophis Günther, 1881
- Dixonius Bauer, Good and Branch, 1997
- Djokoiskandarus Murphy, 2011
- Dogania Gray, 1844
- Dolichophis Gistel, 1868
- Dopasia Gray, 1853
- Dracaena Daudin, 1801
- Draco Linnaeus, 1758
- Drepanoides Dunn, 1928
- Dromicodryas Boulenger, 1893
- Dryadosaura Rodrigues, Xavier Freire, Machado Pellegrino and Sites, 2005
- Drymarchon Fitzinger, 1843
- Drymobius Fitzinger, 1843
- Drymoluber Amaral, 1930
- Dryocalamus Günther, 1858
- Dryophiops Boulenger, 1896
- Drysdalia Worrell, 1961
- Duberria Fitzinger, 1826
- Ebenavia Boettger, 1877
- Echinanthera Cope, 1894
- Echinosaura Boulenger, 1890
- Echiopsis Fitzinger, 1843
- Echis Merrem, 1820
- Ecpleopus Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Egernia Gray, 1838
- Eirenis Jan, 1863
- Elachistodon Reinhardt, 1863
- Elaphe Fitzinger in Wagler, 1833
- Elapognathus Boulenger, 1896
- Elapoidis H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Elapomorphus Wiegmann, 1843
- Elapotinus Jan, 1862
- Elapsoidea Bocage, 1866
- Elasmodactylus Boulenger, 1895
- Elgaria Gray, 1838
- Elseya Gray, 1867
- Elusor Cann and Legler, 1994
- Emmochliophis Fritts and H. M. Smith, 1969
- Emoia Gray, 1845
- Emydocephalus Krefft, 1869
- Emydoidea Gray, 1870
- Emydura Bonaparte, 1836
- Emys Duméril, 1805
- Enhydris Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801
- Enuliophis McCranie and Villa, 1993
- Enulius Cope, 1871
- Enyalioides Boulenger, 1885
- Enyalius Wagler, 1830
- Epacrophis Hedges, Adalsteinsson and Branch, 2009
- Ephalophis M. A. Smith, 1931
- Epibator Sadlier, Bauer, Shea and Smith, 2015
- Epicrates Wagler, 1830
- Epictia Gray, 1845
- Eremias Fitzinger, 1834
- Eremiascincus Greer, 1979
- Eretmochelys Fitzinger, 1843
- Eristicophis Alcock and Finn, 1897
- Eroticoscincus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Erpeton Lacépède, 1801
- Erymnochelys Baur, 1888
- Erythrolamprus Wagler, 1830
- Eryx Daudin, 1803
- Etheridgeum Wallach, 1988
- Eublepharis Gray, 1827
- Eugongylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Eulamprus Fitzinger, 1843
- Euleptes Fitzinger, 1843
- Eumeces Wiegmann, 1834
- Eumecia Bocage, 1870
- Eunectes Wagler, 1830
- Euprepiophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Eurolophosaurus Frost, Etheridge, Janies and Titus, 2001
- Eurydactylodes Wermuth, 1965
- Eurylepis Blyth, 1854
- Euspondylus Tschudi, 1845
- Eutrachelophis Myers and McDowell, 2014
- Eutropis Fitzinger, 1843
- Exila Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Exiliboa Bogert, 1968
- Farancia Gray, 1842
- Ferania Gray, 1842
- Feylinia Gray, 1845
- Ficimia Gray, 1849
- Fimbrios M. A. Smith, 1921
- Flexiseps Erens, Miralles, Glaw, Catrou and Vences, 2017
- Fojia Greer and Simon, 1982
- Fordonia Gray, 1837
- Furcifer Fitzinger, 1843
- Furina A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Gallotia Boulenger, 1916
- Gambelia Baird, 1859
- Garthia Donoso-Barros and Vanzolini, 1965
- Garthius Malhotra and Thorpe, 2004
- Gastropholis Fischer, 1886
- Gavialis Oppel, 1811
- Geagras Cope, 1876
- Geckoella Gray, 1867
- Geckolepis Grandidier, 1867
- Gehyra Gray, 1834
- Gekko Laurenti, 1768
- Gelanesaurus Torres-Carvajal, Lobos, Venegas, Chávez, Aguirre-Peñafiel, Zurita and Echevarría, 2016
- Geocalamus Günther, 1880
- Geochelone Fitzinger, 1835
- Geoclemys Gray, 1856
- Geoemyda Gray, 1834
- Geomyersia Greer and Parker, 1968
- Geophis Wagler, 1830
- Geoscincus Sadlier, 1986
- Gerarda Gray, 1849
- Gerrhonotus Wiegmann, 1828
- Gerrhopilus Fitzinger, 1843
- Gerrhosaurus Wiegmann, 1828
- Glaphyromorphus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Glaucomastix Goicoechea, Frost, De la Riva, Pellegrino, Sites, Rodrigues and Padial, 2016
- Gloydius Hoge and Romano-Hoge, 1981
- Glyptemys Agassiz, 1857
- Gnypetoscincus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Goggia Bauer, Good and Branch, 1997
- Gomesophis Hoge and Mertens, 1959
- Gonatodes Fitzinger, 1843
- Gongylomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Gongylosoma Fitzinger, 1843
- Gonionotophis Boulenger, 1893
- Goniurosaurus Barbour, 1908
- Gonocephalus Kaup, 1825
- Gonyosoma Wagler, 1828
- Gopherus Rafinesque, 1832
- Gowidon Wells and Wellington, 1983
- Graciliscincus Sadlier, 1987
- Grandidierina Mocquard, 1894
- Graptemys Agassiz, 1857
- Grayia Günther, 1858
- Grypotyphlops Fitzinger, 1843
- Gyalopion Cope, 1860
- Gyiophis Murphy and Voris, 2014
- Gymnodactylus Spix, 1825
- Gymnophthalmus Merrem, 1820
- Haackgreerius Greer and Haacke, 1982
- Haemodracon Bauer, Good and Branch, 1997
- Haitiophis Hedges and Vidal, 2009
- Hakaria Steindachner, 1899
- Haldea Baird and Girard, 1853
- Hapsidophrys Fischer, 1856
- Hardella Gray, 1870
- Harpesaurus Boulenger, 1885
- Harrisoniascincus Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Hebius Thompson, 1913
- Helicops Wagler, 1828
- Heliobolus Fitzinger, 1843
- Hellenolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Helminthophis Peters, 1860
- Heloderma Wiegmann, 1829
- Helophis de Witte and Laurent, 1942
- Hemachatus Fleming, 1822
- Hemerophis Schätti and Utiger, 2001
- Hemiaspis Fitzinger, 1861
- Hemibungarus W. C. H. Peters, 1862
- Hemicordylus Smith, 1838
- Hemidactylus Gray, 1825
- Hemiergis Wagler, 1830
- Hemiphyllodactylus Bleeker, 1860
- Hemirhagerrhis Boettger, 1893
- Hemitheconyx Stejneger, 1893
- Hemorrhois F. Boie, 1826
- Heosemys Stejneger, 1902
- Heremites Gray, 1845
- Herpetoreas Günther, 1860
- Heterodactylus Spix, 1825
- Heterodon Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801
- Heteroliodon Boettger, 1913
- Heteronotia Wermuth, 1965
- Heurnia de Jong, 1926
- Hierophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Holaspis Gray, 1863
- Holbrookia Girard, 1851
- Holcosus Cope, 1862
- Holodactylus Boettger, 1893
- Hologerrhum Günther, 1858
- Homalophis Peters, 1871
- Homalopsis Kuhl and Hasselt, 1822
- Homonota Gray, 1845
- Homopholis Boulenger, 1885
- Homopus Duméril and Bibron, 1834
- Homoroselaps Jan, 1858
- Hoplocephalus Wagler, 1830
- Hoplocercus Fitzinger, 1843
- Hoplodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Hormonotus Hallowell, 1857
- Hyalosaurus Günther, 1873
- Hydrablabes Boulenger, 1891
- Hydraethiops Günther, 1872
- Hydrelaps Boulenger, 1896
- Hydrodynastes Fitzinger, 1843
- Hydromedusa Wagler, 1830
- Hydromorphus Peters, 1859
- Hydrophis Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801
- Hydrops Wagler, 1830
- Hydrosaurus Kaup, 1828
- Hypnale Fitzinger, 1843
- Hypoptophis Boulenger, 1896
- Hypsicalotes Manthey and Denzer, 2000
- Hypsiglena Cope, 1860
- Hypsilurus W. C. H. Peters, 1867
- Hypsirhynchus Günther, 1858
- Hypsiscopus Fitzinger, 1843
- Ialtris Cope, 1862
- Iberolacerta Arribas, 1997
- Ichnotropis Peters, 1854
- Iguana Laurenti, 1768
- Iguanognathus Boulenger, 1898
- Imantodes A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Indotestudo Lindholm, 1929
- Indotyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Insulasaurus Taylor, 1925
- Intellagama Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Inyoka Branch and Kelly, 2011
- Iphisa Gray, 1851
- Iranolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Isanophis David, Pauwels, T. Q. Nguyen and Vogel, 2015
- Isopachys Lönnberg, 1916
- Ithycyphus Günther, 1873
- Janetaescincus Greer, 1970
- Japalura Gray, 1853
- Jarujinia Chan-Ard, Makchai & Cota, 2011
- Kaestlea Eremchenko and Das, 2004
- Kaieteurosaurus Kok, 2005
- Kanakysaurus Sadlier, Whitaker, Bauer and Smith, 2004
- Karnsophis Murphy and Voris, 2013
- Karusasaurus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch and Mouton, 2011
- Kataphraktosaurus Rojas-Runjaic, Barrio-Amorós, Señaris, Riva and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2021
- Kentropyx Spix, 1825
- Kinixys Bell, 1827
- Kinosternon Spix, 1824
- Kinyongia Tilbury, Tolley and Branch, 2006
- Kolpophis M. A. Smith, 1926
- Kualatahan Murphy and Voris, 2014
- Kuniesaurus Sadlier, Deuss, Bauer and Jourdan, 2019
- Lacerta Linnaeus, 1758
- Lacertaspis Perret, 1975
- Lacertoides Sadlier, Shea and Bauer, 1997
- Lachesis Daudin, 1803
- Laemanctus Wiegmann, 1834
- Lamprolepis Fitzinger, 1843
- Lampropeltis Fitzinger, 1843
- Lamprophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Lampropholis Fitzinger, 1843
- Langaha Bonaterre, 1790
- Lankascincus Greer, 1991
- Lanthanotus Steindachner, 1877
- Larutia Böhme, 1981
- Latastia Bedriaga, 1884
- Laticauda Laurenti, 1768
- Laudakia Gray, 1845
- Leiocephalus Gray, 1827
- Leioheterodon A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Leiolepis Cuvier, 1829
- Leiolopisma A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Leiosaurus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Lepidoblepharis Peracca, 1897
- Lepidochelys Fitzinger, 1843
- Lepidodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Lepidophyma Duméril, 1851
- Leposoma Spix, 1825
- Leposternon Wagler, 1824
- Leptodeira Fitzinger, 1843
- Leptodrymus Amaral, 1927
- Leptophis Bell, 1825
- Leptoseps Greer, 1997
- Leptosiaphos Schmidt, 1943
- Leptotyphlops Fitzinger, 1843
- Lepturophis Boulenger, 1900
- Lerista Bell, 1833
- Letheobia Cope, 1868
- Leucocephalon McCord, Iverson, Spinks and Shaffer, 2000
- Lialis Gray, 1835
- Liasis Gray, 1842
- Liburnascincus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Lichanura Cope, 1861
- Limnophis Günther, 1865
- Liodytes Cope, 1885
- Lioheterophis Amaral, 1935
- Liolaemus Wiegmann, 1834
- Liopeltis Fitzinger, 1843
- Liophidium Boulenger, 1896
- Liopholidophis Mocquard, 1904
- Liopholis Fitzinger, 1843
- Lioscincus Bocage, 1873
- Liotyphlops Peters, 1881
- Lipinia Gray, 1845
- Lissemys Smith, 1931
- Lissolepis Peters, 1872
- Lobulia Greer, 1974
- Lophocalotes Günther, 1872
- Lophognathus Gray, 1842
- Lophosaurus Fitzinger, 1843
- Loveridgea Vanzolini, 1951
- Loveridgelaps McDowell, 1970
- Loxocemus Cope, 1861
- Loxopholis Cope, 1869
- Lubuya Horton, 1972
- Lucasium Wermuth, 1965
- Luperosaurus Gray, 1845
- Lycodon H. Boie in Fitzinger, 1827
- Lycodonomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Lycodryas Günther, 1879
- Lycognathophis Boulenger, 1893
- Lycophidion Fitzinger, 1843
- Lygisaurus De Vis, 1884
- Lygodactylus Gray, 1864
- Lygophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Lygosoma Hardwicke & Gray, 1827
- Lyriocephalus Merrem, 1820
- Lytorhynchus Peters, 1862
- Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826
- Macrelaps Boulenger, 1896
- Macrocalamus Günther, 1864
- Macrochelys Gray, 1856
- Macropholidus Noble, 1921
- Macropisthodon Boulenger, 1893
- Macroprotodon Guichenot, 1850
- Macrovipera Reuss, 1927
- Madagascarophis Mertens, 1952
- Madascincus Brygoo, 1981
- Madatyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Magdalenasaura Fang, Vásquez-Restrepo and Daza, 2020
- Magliophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite and Bonatto, 2009
- Malaclemys Gray, 1844
- Malacochersus Lindholm, 1929
- Malayemys Lindholm, 1931
- Malayodracon Denzer, Manthey, Mahlow and Böhme, 2015
- Malayopython Reynolds, Niemiller and Revell, 2013
- Malayotyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Malpolon Fitzinger, 1826
- Manciola Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Manolepis Cope, 1885
- Manouria Gray, 1854
- Mantheyus Ananjeva and Stuart, 2001
- Maracaiba Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Marinussaurus Peloso, Pellegrino, Rodrigues and Ávila-Pires, 2011
- Marisora Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Marmorosphax Sadlier, 1987
- Mastigodryas Amaral, 1935
- Matoatoa Nussbaum, Raxworthy and Pronk, 1998
- Matobosaurus Bates and Tolley, 2013
- Mauremys Gray, 1869
- Mecistops Gray, 1844
- Mediodactylus Szczerbak and Golubev, 1977
- Medopheos Harvey, Ugueto and Gutberlet Jr., 2012
- Meizodon Fischer, 1856
- Melanochelys Gray, 1869
- Melanophidium Günther, 1864
- Melanoseps Boulenger, 1887
- Melanosuchus Gray, 1862
- Menetia Gray, 1845
- Meroles Gray, 1838
- Mesalina Gray, 1838
- Mesobaena Mertens, 1925
- Mesoclemmys Gray, 1873
- Mesoscincus Griffith, Ngo and Murphy, 2000
- Micrablepharus Boulenger, 1885
- Micrelaps Boettger, 1880
- Microgecko Nikolsky, 1907
- Microlophus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Micropechis Boulenger, 1896
- Micropisthodon Mocquard, 1894
- Microscalabotes Boulenger, 1883
- Micruroides K. P. Schmidt, 1928
- Micrurus Wagler, 1824
- Mimophis Günther, 1868
- Mintonophis Murphy and Voris, 2014
- Miralia Gray, 1842
- Mitophis Hedges, Adalsteinsson and Branch, 2009
- Mixcoatlus Jadin, H. M. Smith and Campbell, 2011
- Mochlus Günther, 1864
- Mokopirirakau Nielsen, Bauer, Jackman, Hitchmough and Daugherty, 2011
- Moloch Gray, 1841
- Monopeltis A. Smith, 1848
- Montaspis Bourquin, 1991
- Montatheris Broadley, 1996
- Montivipera Nilson, Tuniyev, Andrén, Orlov, Joger and Herrmann, 1999
- Mopanveldophis Figueroa, McKelvy, Grismer, Bell and Lailvaux, 2016
- Morelia Gray, 1842
- Morenia Gray, 1870
- Morethia Gray, 1845
- Morunasaurus Dunn, 1933
- Muhtarophis Avci, Ilgaz, Rajabizadeh, Yilmaz, Üzüm, Adriaens, Kumlutas and Olgun, 2015
- Mussurana Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite and Bonatto, 2009
- Myersophis Taylor, 1963
- Myriopholis Hedges, Adalsteinsson and Branch, 2009
- Myron Gray, 1849
- Myrrophis Kumar, George, Sanders and Murphy, 2012
- Myuchelys Thomson and Georges, 2009
- Nactus Kluge, 1983
- Nadzikambia Tilbury, Tolley and Branch, 2006
- Naja Laurenti, 1768
- Namazonurus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch and Mouton, 2011
- Namibiana Hedges, Adalsteinsson and Branch, 2009
- Nangura Covacevich, Couper and James, 1993
- Nannoscincus Günther, 1872
- Narudasia Methuen and Hewitt, 1914
- Natator McCulloch, 1908
- Natriciteres Loveridge, 1953
- Natrix Laurenti, 1768
- Naultinus Gray, 1842
- Neelaps Günther, 1863
- Nephrurus Günther, 1876
- Nerodia Baird and Girard, 1853
- Nessia Gray, 1839
- Neusticurus Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Nilssonia Gray, 1872
- Ninia Baird and Girard, 1853
- Ninurta Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch and Mouton, 2011
- Notechis Boulenger, 1896
- Nothobachia Rodrigues, 1984
- Nothopsis Cope, 1871
- Notochelys Gray, 1863
- Notomabuya Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Notoscincus Fuhn, 1969
- Nubeoscincus Slavenko, Tamar, Tallowin, Kraus, Allison, Carranza and Meiri, 2021
- Nucras Gray, 1838
- Oedodera Bauer, Jackman, Sadlier and Whitaker, 2006
- Oedura Gray, 1842
- Ogmodon W. C. H. Peters, 1864
- Oligodon H. Boie in Fitzinger, 1826
- Oligosoma Girard, 1857
- Omanosaura Lutz, Bischoff and Mayer, 1986
- Omoadiphas Köhler, McCranie and Wilson, 2001
- Oocatochus Helfenberger, 2001
- Opheodrys Fitzinger, 1843
- Ophidiocephalus Lucas and Frost, 1897
- Ophiodes Wagler, 1828
- Ophiomorus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Ophiophagus Günther, 1864
- Ophioscincus Peters, 1874
- Ophisaurus Daudin, 1803
- Ophisops Ménétriés, 1832
- Ophryacus Cope, 1887
- Opisthotropis Günther, 1872
- Oplurus Cuvier, 1829
- Oreocalamus Boulenger, 1899
- Oreocryptophis Utiger, Schätti and Helfenberger, 2005
- Oreosaurus Peters, 1862
- Orientocoluber Kharin, 2011
- Oriocalotes M. A. Smith, 1935
- Orlitia Gray, 1873
- Ornithuroscincus Slavenko, Tamar, Tallowin, Kraus, Allison, Carranza and Meiri, 2021
- Orosaura Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Orraya Couper, Covacevich, Schneider and Hoskin, 2000
- Orthriophis Utiger, Helfenberger, Schätti, Schmidt, Ruf and Ziswiler, 2002
- Osteolaemus Cope, 1861
- Otocryptis Wagler, 1830
- Otosaurus Gray, 1845
- Ouroborus Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch and Mouton, 2011
- Ovophis Burger, 1981
- Oxybelis Wagler, 1830
- Oxyrhabdium Boulenger, 1893
- Oxyrhopus Wagler, 1830
- Oxyuranus Kinghorn, 1923
- Pachycalamus Günther, 1881
- Pachydactylus Wiegmann, 1834
- Palaia Slavenko, Tamar, Tallowin, Kraus, Allison, Carranza and Meiri, 2021
- Palea Meylan, 1987
- Paleosuchus Gray, 1862
- Palleon Glaw, Hawlitschek and Ruthensteiner, 2013
- Pamelaescincus Greer, 1970
- Panaspis Cope, 1868
- Pangshura Gray, 1856
- Panopa Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Pantepuisaurus Kok, 2009
- Pantherophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Papuascincus Allison and Greer, 1986
- Paracontias Mocquard, 1894
- Paradelma Kinghorn, 1926
- Parafimbrios Teynié, David, Lottier, Le, Vidal and T. Q. Nguyen, 2015
- Paragehyra Angel, 1929
- Parahelicops Bourret, 1934
- Parahydrophis Burger and Natsuno, 1974
- Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva and Böhme, 2012
- Paraphimophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Murphy, Scrocchi, Altamirano Benavides, Zhang and Bonatto, 2012
- Parapistocalamus Roux, 1934
- Pararhabdophis Bourret, 1934
- Pararhadinaea Boettger, 1898
- Parastenophis Domergue, 1995
- Parasuta Worrell, 1961
- Paratapinophis Angel, 1929
- Pareas Wagler, 1830
- Paroedura Günther, 1879
- Paroplocephalus Keogh, Scott and Scanlon, 2000
- Parvilacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Parvoscincus Ferner, Brown and Greer, 1997
- Pedioplanis Fitzinger, 1843
- Pelochelys Gray, 1864
- Pelodiscus Fitzinger, 1835
- Pelomedusa Wagler, 1830
- Peltocephalus Duméril and Bibron, 1835
- Pelusios Wagler, 1830
- Perochirus Boulenger, 1885
- Petracola Doan and Castoe, 2005
- Petrosaurus Boulenger, 1885
- Phaeoscincus Sadlier, Smith and Bauer, 2014
- Phalotris Cope, 1862
- Phasmasaurus Sadlier, Bauer, Shea and Smith, 2015
- Phelsuma Gray, 1825
- Philochortus Matschie, 1893
- Philodryas Wagler, 1830
- Philothamnus A. Smith, 1847
- Phimophis Cope, 1860
- Phisalixella Domergue, 1995
- Phoboscincus Greer, 1974
- Phoenicolacerta Arnold, Arribas and Carranza, 2007
- Pholidobolus Peters, 1862
- Pholidoscelis Fitzinger, 1843
- Phoxophrys Hubrecht, 1881
- Phrynocephalus Kaup, 1825
- Phrynonax Cope, 1862
- Phrynops Wagler, 1830
- Phrynosoma Wiegmann, 1828
- Phyllodactylus Gray, 1828
- Phyllopezus W. Peters, 1877
- Phyllorhynchus Stejneger, 1890
- Phyllurus Cuvier, 1820
- Phymaturus Gravenhorst, 1838
- Physignathus Cuvier, 1829
- Phytolopsis Gray, 1849
- Pinoyscincus Linkem, Diesmos and Brown, 2011
- Pituophis Holbrook, 1842
- Placosoma Tschudi, 1847
- Plagiopholis Boulenger, 1893
- Platemys Wagler, 1830
- Platyceps Blyth, 1860
- Platyplectrurus Günther, 1868
- Platysaurus Smith, 1844
- Platysternon Gray, 1831
- Plectrurus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron in A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Plesiodipsas Harvey, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Portilla and Ruede-Almonacid, 2009
- Plestiodon A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Pletholax Cope, 1865
- Plica Gray, 1831
- Pliocercus Cope, 1860
- Podarcis Wagler, 1830
- Podocnemis Wagler, 1830
- Poecilopholis Boulenger, 1903
- Pogona Storr, 1982
- Polemon Jan, 1858
- Polychrus Cuvier, 1817
- Poromera Boulenger, 1887
- Porthidium Cope, 1871
- Potamites Doan and Castoe, 2005
- Praeteropus Hutchinson, Couper, Amey and Wilmer, 2021
- Prasinohaema Greer, 1974
- Pristidactylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Pristurus Rüppell, 1835
- Proablepharus Fuhn, 1969
- Proatheris Broadley, 1996
- Procellosaurinus Rodrigues, 1991
- Proctoporus Tschudi, 1845
- Proscelotes Witte and Laurent, 1943
- Prosymna Gray, 1849
- Protoblepharus Mirza, Bragin, Bhosale, Gowande, Patel and Poyarkov, 2022
- Protobothrops Hoge and Romano-Hoge, 1983
- Psammobates Fitzinger, 1835
- Psammodromus Fitzinger, 1826
- Psammodynastes Günther, 1858
- Psammophilus Fitzinger, 1843
- Psammophis H. Boie in Fitzinger, 1826
- Psammophylax Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudalsophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite and Bonatto, 2009
- Pseudaspis Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudechis Wagler, 1830
- Pseudelaphe Mertens and Rosenberg, 1943
- Pseudemoia Fuhn, 1967
- Pseudemydura Siebenrock, 1901
- Pseudemys Gray, 1856
- Pseuderemias Boettger, 1883
- Pseudoacontias Bocage, 1889
- Pseudoboa Schneider, 1801
- Pseudoboodon Peracca, 1897
- Pseudocalotes Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudoceramodactylus Haas, 1957
- Pseudocerastes Boulenger, 1896
- Pseudocophotis Manthey in Manthey and Grossmann, 1997
- Pseudocordylus Smith, 1838
- Pseudoeryx Fitzinger, 1826
- Pseudoferania Ogilby, 1891
- Pseudoficimia Bocourt, 1883
- Pseudogekko Taylor, 1922
- Pseudogonatodes Ruthven, 1915
- Pseudohaje Günther, 1858
- Pseudoleptodeira Taylor, 1939
- Pseudonaja Günther, 1858
- Pseudoplectrurus Boulenger, 1890
- Pseudopus Merrem, 1820
- Pseudorabdion Jan, 1862
- Pseudothecadactylus Brongersma, 1936
- Pseudotomodon Koslowsky, 1896
- Pseudotrapelus Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudoxenodon Boulenger, 1890
- Pseudoxyrhopus Günther, 1881
- Psilops Rodrigues, Recoder, Teixeira Jr., Roscito, Guerrero, Nunes, Freitas, Fernandes et al., 2017
- Psomophis C.W. Myers and Cadle, 1994
- Psychosaura Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Ptenopus Gray, 1866
- Ptyas Fitzinger, 1843
- Ptychophis Gomes, 1915
- Ptychozoon Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
- Ptyctolaemus W. C. H. Peters, 1864
- Ptyodactylus Cuvier, 1820
- Pygmaeascincus Couper and Hoskin, 2014
- Pygomeles Grandidier, 1867
- Pygopus Merrem, 1820
- Python Daudin, 1803
- Pythonodipsas Günther, 1868
- Pyxis Bell, 1827
- Quedenfeldtia Boettger, 1883
- Rabdion A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Raclitia Gray, 1842
- Rafetus Gray, 1864
- Ramphotyphlops Fitzinger, 1843
- Ranacephala McCord, Joseph-Ouni and Lamar, 2001
- Rankinia Gray, 1841
- Regina Baird and Girard, 1853
- Rena Baird and Girard, 1853
- Rhabdophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Rhabdops Boulenger, 1893
- Rhachidelus Boulenger, 1908
- Rhachisaurus Pellegrino, Rodrigues, Yonenaga-Yasuda and Sites, 2001
- Rhacodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Rhadinaea Cope, 1863
- Rhadinella H. M. Smith, 1941
- Rhadinophanes Myers and Campbell, 1981
- Rhagerhis Peters, 1862
- Rhamnophis Günther, 1862
- Rhamphiophis Peters, 1854
- Rhampholeon Günther, 1874
- Rheodytes Legler and Cann, 1980
- Rheosaurus Vásquez-Restrepo, Ibáñez, Sánchez-Pacheco and Daza, 2019
- Rhinemys Wagler, 1830
- Rhineura Cope, 1861
- Rhinobothryum Wagler, 1830
- Rhinocheilus Baird and Girard, 1853
- Rhinoclemmys Fitzinger, 1835
- Rhinoleptus Orejas-Miranda, Roux-Estève and Guibé, 1970
- Rhinophis Hemprich, 1820
- Rhinoplocephalus F. Müller, 1885
- Rhinotyphlops Fitzinger, 1843
- Rhoptropus W. Peters, 1869
- Rhynchocalamus Günther, 1864
- Rhynchoedura Günther, 1867
- Riama Gray, 1858
- Rieppeleon Matthee, Tilbury and Townsend, 2004
- Riolama Uzzell, 1973
- Riopa Gray, 1839
- Ristella Gray, 1839
- Rodriguesophis Zaher, Grazziotin, Murphy, Scrocchi, Altamirano Benavides, Zhang and Bonatto, 2012
- Rondonops Colli, Hoogmoed, Cannatella, Cassimiro, Gomes, Ghellere, Nunes, Pellegrino, Salerno et al., 2015
- Saara Gray, 1845
- Sacalia Gray, 1870
- Saiphos Gray in Cuvier, 1831
- Salea Gray, 1845
- Salomonelaps McDowell, 1970
- Saltuarius Couper, Covacevich and Moritz, 1993
- Salvadora Baird and Girard, 1853
- Salvator Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Sanzinia Gray, 1849
- Saphenophis Myers, 1972
- Saproscincus Wells and Wellington, 1984
- Sarada Deepak, Karanth and Giri in Deepak et al., 2016
- Saurodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
- Sauromalus A. H. A. Duméril, 1856
- Scaphiodontophis Taylor and H. M. Smith, 1943
- Scaphiophis Peters, 1870
- Scelarcis Fitzinger, 1843
- Sceloporus Wiegmann, 1828
- Scelotes Fitzinger, 1826
- Scincella Mittleman, 1950
- Scincopus Peters, 1864
- Scincus J. N. Laurent, 1768
- Scolecophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Scolecoseps Loveridge, 1920
- Scriptosaura Rodrigues and Maranhão Dos Santos, 2008
- Selvasaura Moravec, Smid, Stundl and Lehr, 2018
- Senticolis Dowling and Fries, 1987
- Sepsina Bocage, 1866
- Sepsiscus Hutchinson, Couper, Amey and Wilmer, 2021
- Sepsophis Beddome, 1870
- Shinisaurus Ahl, 1930
- Siagonodon Peters, 1881
- Sibon Fitzinger, 1826
- Sibynomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Sibynophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Siebenrockiella Lindholm, 1929
- Sigaloseps Sadlier, 1987
- Silvascincus Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Simalia Gray, 1849
- Simiscincus Sadlier and Bauer, 1997
- Simophis Peters, 1860
- Simoselaps Jan, 1859
- Sinomicrurus Slowinski, Boundy and Lawson, 2001
- Sinonatrix Rossman and Eberle, 1977
- Siphlophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Sistrurus Garman, 1884
- Sitana Cuvier, 1829
- Smaug Stanley, Bauer, Jackman, Branch and Mouton, 2011
- Sonora Baird and Girard, 1853
- Sordellina Proctor, 1923
- Spalerosophis Jan, 1865
- Sphaerodactylus Wagler, 1830
- Sphenodon Gray, 1831
- Sphenomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
- Spilotes Wagler, 1830
- Spondylurus Fitzinger, 1826
- Staurotypus Wagler, 1830
- Stegonotus A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Stellagama Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva and Böhme, 2012
- Stenocercus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Stenodactylus Fitzinger, 1826
- Stenolepis Boulenger, 1887
- Stenorrhina A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Sternotherus Bell in Gray, 1825
- Stichophanes Wang, Messenger, Zhao and Zhu, 2014
- Stigmochelys Gray, 1873
- Stoliczkia Jerdon, 1870
- Storeria Baird and Girard, 1853
- Strobilurus Wiegmann, 1834
- Strophurus Fitzinger, 1843
- Subdoluseps Freitas, Datta-Roy, Karanth, Grismer and Siler, 2019
- Subsessor Murphy and Voris, 2014
- Sumatranus Murphy and Voris, 2014
- Sundatyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Suta Worrell, 1961
- Symphimus Cope, 1870
- Sympholis Cope, 1862
- Synophis Peracca, 1896
- Tachygyia Mittleman, 1952
- Tachymenis Wiegmann, 1835
- Taeniophallus Cope, 1895
- Takydromus Daudin, 1802
- Tantalophis Duellman, 1958
- Tantilla Baird and Girard, 1853
- Tantillita H. M. Smith, 1941
- Tarentola Gray, 1825
- Techmarscincus Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Teira Gray, 1838
- Teius Merrem, 1820
- Telescopus Wagler, 1830
- Teratoscincus Strauch, 1863
- Teretrurus Beddome, 1886
- Terrapene Merrem, 1820
- Testudo Linnaeus, 1758
- Tetracheilostoma Jan, 1861
- Tetradactylus Merrem, 1820
- Tetralepis Boettger, 1892
- Thalassophis P. Schmidt, 1852
- Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830
- Thamnophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Thamnosophis Jan, 1863
- Thaumatorhynchus Parker, 1924
- Thecadactylus Cuvier, 1820
- Thelotornis A. Smith, 1849
- Thermophis Malnate, 1953
- Thrasops Hallowell, 1857
- Tiliqua Gray, 1825
- Timon Tschudi, 1836
- Toenayar Karin, Metallinou, Weinell, Jackman and Bauer, 2016
- Tomistoma Müller, 1846
- Tomodon A. M. C. Duméril, 1853
- Toropuku Nielsen, Bauer, Jackman, Hitchmough and Daugherty, 2011
- Toxicocalamus Boulenger, 1896
- Toxicodryas Hallowell, 1857
- Tracheloptychus Peters, 1854
- Trachemys Agassiz, 1857
- Trachischium Günther, 1853
- Trachyboa Peters, 1860
- Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843
- Trapelus Cuvier, 1817
- Tretanorhinus A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Tretioscincus Cope, 1862
- Tribolonotus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Tricheilostoma Jan, 1860
- Trilepida Hedges, 2011
- Trimeresurus Lacépède, 1804
- Trimetopon Cope, 1885
- Trimorphodon Cope, 1861
- Trioceros Swainson, 1839
- Trionyx Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809
- Trogonophis Kaup, 1830
- Tropidechis Günther, 1863
- Tropidoclonion Cope, 1860
- Tropidodipsas Günther, 1858
- Tropidodryas Fitzinger, 1843
- Tropidolaemus Wagler, 1830
- Tropidonophis Jan, 1863
- Tropidophis Bibron in Ramon de la Sagra, 1840
- Tropidophorus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Tropidosaura Fitzinger, 1826
- Tropidoscincus Bocage, 1873
- Tropidurus Wied-Neuwied, 1824
- Tropiocolotes W. Peters, 1880
- Tukutuku Nielsen, Bauer, Jackman, Hitchmough and Daugherty, 2011
- Tumbunascincus Skinner, Hutchinson and Lee, 2013
- Tupinambis Daudin, 1803
- Tympanocryptis W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Typhlacontias Bocage, 1873
- Typhlophis Fitzinger, 1843
- Typhlops Oppel, 1811
- Typhlosaurus Wiegmann, 1834
- Tytthoscincus Linkem, Diesmos and Brown, 2011
- Uma Baird, 1859
- Underwoodisaurus Wermuth, 1965
- Ungaliophis Müller, 1880
- Uracentron Kaup, 1826
- Uranoscodon Kaup, 1825
- Urocotyledon Kluge, 1983
- Uromacer A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Uromacerina Amaral, 1929
- Uromastyx Merrem, 1820
- Uropeltis Cuvier, 1829
- Uroplatus Dumeril, 1806
- Urosaurus Hallowell, 1854
- Urostrophus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Urotheca Bibron, 1843
- Uta Baird and Girard in Stansbury, 1852
- Uvidicolus Oliver and Bauer, 2011
- Vanzosaura Rodrigues, 1991
- Varanus Merrem, 1820
- Varzea Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Vermicella Gray in Günther, 1858
- Vhembelacerta Edwards, Herrel, Vanhooydonck, Measey, Tolley and Branch, 2013
- Vietnascincus Darevsky and Orlov, 1994
- Vijayachelys Praschag, Schmidt, Fritzsch, Müller, Gemel and Fritz, 2006
- Vipera Laurenti, 1768
- Voeltzkowia Boettger, 1893
- Wallaceophis Mirza, Vyas, Patel, Maheta and Sanap, 2016
- Walterinnesia Lataste, 1887
- Wilsonosaura Lehr, Moravec and von May, 2020
- Woodworthia Garman, 1901
- Xantusia Baird, 1859
- Xenagama Boulenger, 1895
- Xenelaphis Günther, 1864
- Xenocalamus Günther, 1868
- Xenochrophis Günther, 1864
- Xenodermus Reinhardt, 1836
- Xenodon F. Boie, 1827
- Xenopeltis F. Boie, 1827
- Xenophidion Günther and Manthey, 1995
- Xenopholis Peters, 1869
- Xenosaurus Peters, 1861
- Xenotyphlops Wallach and Ineich, 1996
- Xerotyphlops Hedges, Marion, Lipp, Marin and Vidal, 2014
- Xyelodontophis Broadley and Wallach, 2002
- Xylophis Beddome, 1878
- Yanomamia Pellegrino, Brunes, Souza, Laguna, Avila-Pires, Hoogmoed and Rodrigues, 2018
- Zamenis Wagler, 1830
- Zonosaurus Boulenger, 1887
- Zootoca Wagler, 1830
- Zygaspis Cope, 1885
уреди- Ablepharus alaicus Elpatjevsky, 1901
- Ablepharus anatolicus Schmidtler, 1997
- Ablepharus bivittatus (Menetries, 1832)
- Ablepharus budaki Göcmen, Kumlutas and Tosunoglu, 1996
- Ablepharus chernovi Darevsky, 1953
- Ablepharus darvazi Eremchenko and Panfilov, 1990
- Ablepharus deserti Strauch, 1868
- Ablepharus eremchenkoi (Panfilov, 1999)
- Ablepharus grayanus (Stoliczka, 1872)
- Ablepharus himalayanus (Günther, 1864)
- Ablepharus kitaibelii (Bibron and Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833)
- Ablepharus ladacensis (Günther, 1864)
- Ablepharus lindbergi Wettstein, 1960
- Ablepharus mahabharatus (Eremchenko, Shah and Panfilov, 1998)
- Ablepharus nepalensis (Eremchenko and Helfenberger, 1998)
- Ablepharus pannonicus (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Ablepharus rueppellii (Gray, 1839)
- Ablepharus sikimmensis (Blyth, 1854)
- Ablepharus tragbulensis (Alcock, 1898)
- Abronia antauges (Cope, 1866)
- Abronia anzuetoi Campbell and Frost, 1993
- Abronia aurita (Cope, 1868)
- Abronia bogerti Tihen, 1954
- Abronia campbelli Brodie and Savage, 1993
- Abronia chiszari Smith and Smith, 1981
- Abronia cuchumatanus (Solano-Zavaleta, Nieto-Montes de Oca and Campbell, 2016)
- Abronia cuetzpali Campbell, Solano-Zavaleta, Flores-Villela, Caviedes-Solis and Frost, 2016
- Abronia deppii (Wiegmann, 1828)
- Abronia fimbriata (Cope, 1885)
- Abronia frosti Campbell, Sasa, Aceedo and Mendelson, 1998
- Abronia fuscolabialis (Tihen, 1944)
- Abronia gadovii (Boulenger, 1913)
- Abronia gaiophantasma Campbell and Frost, 1993
- Abronia graminea (Cope, 1864)
- Abronia juarezi (Karges and Wright, 1987)
- Abronia leurolepis Campbell and Frost, 1993
- Abronia lythrochila Smith and Alvarez del Toro, 1963
- Abronia martindelcampoi Flores-Villela and Sánchez-H., 2003
- Abronia matudai (Hartweg and Tihen, 1946)
- Abronia meledona Campbell and Brodie, 1999
- Abronia mitchelli Campbell, 1982
- Abronia mixteca Bogert and Porter, 1967
- Abronia montecristoi Hidalgo, 1983
- Abronia monticola (Cope, 1878)
- Abronia moreletii (Bocourt, 1872)
- Abronia morenica Clause, Luna-Reyes and Nieto-Montes de Oca, 2020
- Abronia oaxacae (Günther, 1885)
- Abronia ochoterenai (Martín del Campo, 1939)
- Abronia ornelasi Campbell, 1984
- Abronia ramirezi Campbell, 1994
- Abronia reidi Werler and Shannon, 1961
- Abronia salvadorensis Hidalgo, 1983
- Abronia smithi Campbell and Frost, 1993
- Abronia taeniata (Wiegmann, 1828)
- Abronia vasconcelosii (Bocourt, 1872)
- Abronia viridiflava (Bocourt, 1873)
- Acanthocercus adramitanus (Anderson, 1896)
- Acanthocercus annectens (Blanford, 1879)
- Acanthocercus atricollis (A. Smith, 1849)
- Acanthocercus branchi Wagner, Greenbaum and Bauer, 2012
- Acanthocercus cyanogaster (Rüppell, 1895)
- Acanthocercus guentherpetersi Largen and Spawls, 2006
- Acanthocercus phillipsii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Acanthocercus yemensis (Klausewitz, 1957)
- Acanthochelys macrocephala (Rhodin, Mittermeier and McMorris, 1984)
- Acanthochelys pallidipectoris (Freiberg, 1945)
- Acanthochelys radiolata (Mikan, 1820)
- Acanthochelys spixii (Duméril and Bibron, 1835)
- Acanthodactylus aegyptius Baha El Din, 2007
- Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii Werner, 2004
- Acanthodactylus arabicus Boulenger, 1918
- Acanthodactylus aureus Günther, 1903
- Acanthodactylus bedriagai Lataste, 1881
- Acanthodactylus beershebensis Moravec, El Din, Seligmann, Sivan and Werner, 1999
- Acanthodactylus blanci Doumergue, 1901
- Acanthodactylus blanfordii Boulenger, 1918
- Acanthodactylus boskianus (Daudin, 1802)
- Acanthodactylus boueti Chabanaud, 1917
- Acanthodactylus busacki Salvador, 1982
- Acanthodactylus cantoris Günther, 1864
- Acanthodactylus dumerilii (Milne-Edwards, 1829)
- Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Schinz, 1833)
- Acanthodactylus felicis Arnold, 1980
- Acanthodactylus gongrorhynchatus Leviton and Anderson, 1967
- Acanthodactylus grandis Boulenger, 1909
- Acanthodactylus guineensis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Acanthodactylus haasi Leviton and Anderson, 1967
- Acanthodactylus hardyi Haas, 1957
- Acanthodactylus harranensis Baran, Kumlutas, Lanza, Sindaco, Avci and Crucitti, 2005
- Acanthodactylus ilgazi Kurnaz and Sahin, 2021
- Acanthodactylus khamirensis Heidari, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani and Rajabizadeh, 2013
- Acanthodactylus lacrymae Miralles, Geniez, Beddek, Mendez-Aranda, Brito, Leblois and Crochet, 2020
- Acanthodactylus longipes Boulenger, 1918
- Acanthodactylus maculatus (Gray, 1838)
- Acanthodactylus margaritae Tamar, Geniez, Brito and Crochet, 2017
- Acanthodactylus masirae Arnold, 1980
- Acanthodactylus micropholis Blanford, 1874
- Acanthodactylus montanus Miralles, Geniez, Beddek, Mendez-Aranda, Brito, Leblois and Crochet, 2020
- Acanthodactylus nilsoni Rastegar-Pouyani, 1998
- Acanthodactylus opheodurus Arnold, 1980
- Acanthodactylus orientalis Angel, 1936
- Acanthodactylus pardalis (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Acanthodactylus robustus Werner, 1929
- Acanthodactylus savignyi (Audouin, 1827)
- Acanthodactylus schmidti Haas, 1957
- Acanthodactylus schreiberi Boulenger, 1878
- Acanthodactylus scutellatus (Audouin, 1827)
- Acanthodactylus senegalensis Chabanaud, 1918
- Acanthodactylus spinicauda Doumergue, 1901
- Acanthodactylus taghitensis Geniez and Foucart, 1995
- Acanthodactylus tilburyi Arnold, 1986
- Acanthodactylus tristrami (Günther, 1864)
- Acanthodactylus yemenicus Salvador, 1982
- Acanthophis antarcticus (Shaw and Nodder, 1802)
- Acanthophis cryptamydros Maddodk, Ellis, Doughty, A. Smith and Wüster, 2015
- Acanthophis hawkei Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Acanthophis laevis Macleay, 1878
- Acanthophis praelongus Ramsay, 1877
- Acanthophis pyrrhus Boulenger, 1898
- Acanthophis rugosus Loveridge, 1948
- Acanthophis wellsi Hoser, 1998
- Acanthosaura armata (Gray in Hardwicke, 1827)
- Acanthosaura bintangensis Wood, L. L. Grismer, J. L. Grismer, Ahmad, Onn and Bauer, 2009
- Acanthosaura brachypoda Ananjeva, Orlov, Nguyen and Ryabov, 2011
- Acanthosaura capra Günther, 1861
- Acanthosaura cardamomensis Wood, L. L. Grismer, J. L. Grismer, Neang, Chav and Holden, 2010
- Acanthosaura coronata Günther, 1861
- Acanthosaura crucigera Boulenger, 1885
- Acanthosaura lepidogaster (Cuvier, 1829)
- Acanthosaura nataliae Orlov, Truong and Sang, 2006
- Acanthosaura phuketensis Pauwels, Sumontha, Kunya, Nitikul, Samphanthamit, Wood and L. L. Grismer, 2015
- Acanthosaura titiwangsaensis Wood, L. L. Grismer, J. L. Grismer, Ahmad, Onn and Bauer, 2009
- Achalinus ater Bourret, 1937
- Achalinus formosanus Boulenger, 1908
- Achalinus hainanus Huang, 1975
- Achalinus jinggangensis (Zong and Ma, 1983)
- Achalinus meiguensis Hu and Zhao, 1966
- Achalinus niger Maki, 1931
- Achalinus rufescens Boulenger, 1888
- Achalinus spinalis Peters, 1869
- Achalinus werneri Van Denburgh, 1912
- Acontias albigularis Conradie, Busschau and Edwards, 2018
- Acontias aurantiacus (Peters, 1854)
- Acontias bicolor (Hewitt, 1929)
- Acontias breviceps Essex, 1925
- Acontias cregoi (Boulenger, 1903)
- Acontias fitzsimonsi (Broadley, 1968)
- Acontias gariepensis (Fitzsimons, 1941)
- Acontias gracilicauda Essex, 1925
- Acontias grayi Boulenger, 1887
- Acontias jappi (Broadley, 1968)
- Acontias kgalagadi Lamb, Biswas and Bauer, 2010
- Acontias lineatus Peters, 1879
- Acontias litoralis Broadley and Greer, 1969
- Acontias meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Acontias namaquensis Hewitt, 1937
- Acontias occidentalis Fitzsimons, 1941
- Acontias orientalis Hewitt, 1937
- Acontias parietalis (Broadley, 1990)
- Acontias percivali Loveridge, 1935
- Acontias plumbeus Bianconi, 1849
- Acontias richardi (Jacobsen, 1987)
- Acontias rieppeli Lamb, Biswas and Bauer, 2010
- Acontias schmitzi Wagner, Broadley and Bauer, 2012
- Acontias subtaeniatus (Broadley, 1968)
- Acontias tristis Werner, 1910
- Acontias wakkerstroomensis Conradie, Busschau and Edwards, 2018
- Acrantophis dumerili Jan in Jan and Sordelli, 1860
- Acrantophis madagascariensis (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844)
- Acratosaura mentalis (Amaral, 1933)
- Acratosaura spinosa Rodrigues, Cassimiro, de Freitas and Santos Silva, 2009
- Acritoscincus duperreyi (Gray, 1838)
- Acritoscincus platynotus (Peters, 1881)
- Acritoscincus trilineatus (Gray, 1838)
- Acrochordus arafurae McDowell, 1979
- Acrochordus granulatus (Schneider, 1799)
- Acrochordus javanicus Hornstedt, 1787
- Actinemys marmorata (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Actinemys pallida (Seeliger, 1945)
- Acutotyphlops banaorum Wallach, Brown, Diesmos and Gee, 2007
- Acutotyphlops infralabialis (Waite, 1918)
- Acutotyphlops kunuaensis Wallach, 1995
- Acutotyphlops solomonis (Parker, 1939)
- Acutotyphlops subocularis (Waite, 1897)
- Adelophis copei Dugès, 1879
- Adelophis foxi Rossman and Blaney, 1968
- Adelphicos daryi Campbell and Ford, 1982
- Adelphicos ibarrorum Campbell and Brodie, 1988
- Adelphicos latifasciatum Lynch and H. M. Smith, 1966
- Adelphicos newmanorum Taylor, 1950
- Adelphicos nigrilatum H. M. Smith, 1942
- Adelphicos quadrivirgatum Jan, 1862
- Adelphicos sargii (Fischer, 1885)
- Adelphicos veraepacis Stuart, 1941
- Adelphicos visoninum (Cope, 1866)
- Adercosaurus vixadnexus Myers and Donnelly, 2001
- Adolfus africanus (Boulenger, 1906)
- Adolfus alleni (Barbour, 1914)
- Adolfus jacksoni (Boulenger, 1899)
- Adolfus kibonotensis (Lönnberg, 1907)
- Adolfus masavaensis Wagner, Greenbaum and Branch, 2014
- Adolfus mathewsensis Greenbaum, Dowell-Beer, Hughes, Wagner, Anderson, Villanueva, Malonza, Kusamba et al., 2018
- Aeluroglena cucullata Boulenger, 1898
- Aeluroscalabotes felinus (Günther, 1864)
- Afroedura africana (Boulenger, 1888)
- Afroedura amatolica (Hewitt, 1925)
- Afroedura bogerti Loveridge, 1944
- Afroedura hawequensis Mouton and Mostet, 1985
- Afroedura karroica (Hewitt, 1925)
- Afroedura nivaria (Boulenger, 1894)
- Afroedura pondolia (Hewitt, 1925)
- Afroedura tembulica (Hewitt, 1926)
- Afroedura transvaalica (Hewitt, 1925)
- Afrogecko ansorgii (Boulenger, 1907)
- Afrogecko plumicaudus Haacke, 2008
- Afrogecko porphyreus (Daudin, 1802)
- Afrogecko swartbergensis (Haacke, 1996)
- Afronatrix anoscopus (Cope, 1861)
- Afrotyphlops angolensis (Bocage, 1866)
- Afrotyphlops anomalus (Bocage, 1873)
- Afrotyphlops bibronii (A. Smith, 1846)
- Afrotyphlops blanfordii (Boulenger, 1889)
- Afrotyphlops brevis (Scortecci, 1929)
- Afrotyphlops calabresii (Gans and Laurent, 1965)
- Afrotyphlops chirioi Trape, 2019
- Afrotyphlops congestus (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844)
- Afrotyphlops cuneirostris (Peters, 1879)
- Afrotyphlops elegans (Peters, 1868)
- Afrotyphlops fornasinii (Bianconi, 1847)
- Afrotyphlops gierrai (Mocquard, 1897)
- Afrotyphlops kaimosae (Loveridge, 1935)
- Afrotyphlops liberiensis (Hallowell, 1848)
- Afrotyphlops lineolatus (Jan, 1864)
- Afrotyphlops mucruso (Peters, 1854)
- Afrotyphlops nanus Broadley and Wallach, 2009
- Afrotyphlops nigrocandidus (Broadley and Wallach, 2000)
- Afrotyphlops obtusus (Peters, 1865)
- Afrotyphlops platyrhynchus (Sternfeld, 1910)
- Afrotyphlops punctatus (Leach, 1819)
- Afrotyphlops rondoensis (Loveridge, 1942)
- Afrotyphlops rouxestevae Trape, 2019
- Afrotyphlops schlegelii (Bianconi, 1849)
- Afrotyphlops schmidti (Laurent, 1956)
- Afrotyphlops steinhausi (Werner, 1909)
- Afrotyphlops tanganicanus (Laurent, 1964)
- Afrotyphlops usambaricus (Laurent, 1964)
- Agama aculeata Merrem, 1820
- Agama africana (Hallowell, 1844)
- Agama agama (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Agama anchietae Bocage, 1896
- Agama armata W. C. H. Peters, 1855
- Agama atra Daudin, 1802
- Agama bocourti Rochebrune, 1884
- Agama boensis Monard, 1940
- Agama bottegi Boulenger, 1897
- Agama boueti Chabanaud, 1917
- Agama boulengeri Lataste, 1886
- Agama caudospinosa Meek, 1910
- Agama cristata Mocquard, 1905
- Agama doriae Boulenger, 1885
- Agama etoshae Mclachlan, 1981
- Agama finchi Böhme, Wagner, Malonza, Lötters and G. Köhler, 2005
- Agama gracilimembris Chabanaud, 1918
- Agama hartmanni W. C. H. Peters, 1869
- Agama hispida (Kaup, 1827)
- Agama hulbertorum Wagner, 2014
- Agama impalearis Boettger, 1874
- Agama insularis Chabanaud, 1918
- Agama kaimosae Loveridge, 1935
- Agama kirkii Boulenger, 1885
- Agama knobeli Boulenger and Power, 1921
- Agama lanzai Wagner, Leaché, Mazuch and Böhme, 2013
- Agama lebretoni Wagner, Barej and Schmitz, 2009
- Agama lionotus Boulenger, 1896
- Agama lucyae Wagner and Bauer, 2011
- Agama montana Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Agama mossambica W. C. H. Peters, 1854
- Agama mucosoensis Hellmich, 1957
- Agama mwanzae Loveridge, 1923
- Agama parafricana S. Trape, Mediannikov and J-F. Trape in Mediannikov, S. Trape and J-F. Trape, 2012
- Agama paragama Grandison, 1968
- Agama persimilis Parker, 1942
- Agama planiceps W. C. H. Peters, 1862
- Agama robecchii Boulenger, 1891
- Agama rueppelli Vaillant in Révoil, 1882
- Agama sankaranica Chabanaud, 1918
- Agama somalica Wagner, Leaché, Mazuch and Böhme, 2013
- Agama spinosa Gray, 1831
- Agama sylvana MacDonald, 1981
- Agama tassiliensis Geniez, Padial and Crochet, 2011
- Agama turuensis Loveridge, 1932
- Agama weidholzi Wettstein, 1932
- Agamodon anguliceps Peters, 1882
- Agamodon arabicus Anderson, 1901
- Agamodon compressus Mocquard, 1888
- Agamura femoralis M. Smith, 1933
- Agamura misonnei (De Witte, 1973)
- Agamura persica (Duméril, 1856)
- Agkistrodon bilineatus Günther, 1863
- Agkistrodon conanti Gloyd, 1969
- Agkistrodon contortrix (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Agkistrodon howardgloydi Conant, 1984
- Agkistrodon laticinctus Gloyd and Conant, 1934
- Agkistrodon piscivorus (Lacépède, 1789)
- Agkistrodon russeolus Gloyd, 1972
- Agkistrodon taylori Burger and Robertson, 1951
- Ahaetulla dispar (Günther, 1864)
- Ahaetulla fasciolata (Fischer, 1885)
- Ahaetulla fronticincta (Günther, 1858)
- Ahaetulla mycterizans (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ahaetulla nasuta (Lacépède, 1789)
- Ahaetulla perroteti (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Ahaetulla prasina (F. Boie, 1827)
- Ahaetulla pulverulenta (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Ailuronyx seychellensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
- Ailuronyx tachyscopaeus Gerlach and Canning, 1996
- Ailuronyx trachygaster (Duméril, 1851)
- Aipysurus apraefrontalis M. A. Smith, 1926
- Aipysurus duboisii Bavay, 1869
- Aipysurus eydouxii (Gray, 1849)
- Aipysurus foliosquama M. A. Smith, 1926
- Aipysurus fuscus (Tschudi, 1837)
- Aipysurus laevis Lacépède, 1804
- Aipysurus mosaicus Sanders, Rasmussen, Elmburg, Mumpuni, Guinea, Blias, Lee and Fry, 2012
- Aipysurus pooleorum L. A. Smith, 1974
- Aipysurus tenuis Lönnberg and Andersson, 1913
- Aldabrachelys gigantea (Schweigger, 1812)
- Alexandresaurus camacan Rodrigues, Pellegrino, Dixo, Verdade, Pavan, Argolo and Sites, 2007
- Algyroides fitzingeri (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Algyroides marchi Valverde, 1958
- Algyroides moreoticus Bibron and Bory, 1833
- Algyroides nigropunctatus (Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Alinea lanceolata (Cope, 1863)
- Alinea luciae (Garman, 1887)
- Alligator mississippiensis (Daudin, 1802)
- Alligator sinensis Fauvel, 1879
- Alluaudina bellyi Mocquard, 1894
- Alluaudina mocquardi Angel, 1939
- Alopoglossus amazonius Ruthven, 1924
- Alopoglossus andeanus Ruibal, 1952
- Alopoglossus angulatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Alopoglossus atriventris Duellman, 1973
- Alopoglossus avilapiresae Ribeiro-Júnior, Choueri, Lobos, Venegas, Torres-Carvajal and Werneck, 2020
- Alopoglossus bicolor (Werner, 1916)
- Alopoglossus bilineatus (Boulenger, 1890)
- Alopoglossus brevifrontalis (Boulenger, 1912)
- Alopoglossus buckleyi (O'Shaughnessy, 1881)
- Alopoglossus carinicaudatus (Cope, 1876)
- Alopoglossus collii Ribeiro-Júnior, Choueri, Lobos, Venegas, Torres-Carvajal and Werneck, 2020
- Alopoglossus copii Boulenger, 1885
- Alopoglossus danieli (Harris, 1994)
- Alopoglossus embera Peloso and Morales, 2017
- Alopoglossus eurylepis (Harris and Rueda, 1985)
- Alopoglossus festae (Peracca, 1896)
- Alopoglossus gansorum Ribeiro-Júnior, Sánchez-Martínez, Moraes, Oliveira, Carvalho, Pavan, Choueri, Werneck et al., 2021
- Alopoglossus gorgonae (Harris, 1994)
- Alopoglossus grandisquamatus (Rueda, 1985)
- Alopoglossus harrisi Hernández-Morales, Sturaro, Nunes, Lotzkat and Peloso, 2020
- Alopoglossus indigenorum Ribeiro-Júnior, Sánchez-Martínez, Moraes, Oliveira, Carvalho, Pavan, Choueri, Werneck et al., 2021
- Alopoglossus kugleri (Roux, 1927)
- Alopoglossus lehmanni Ayala and Harris, 1984
- Alopoglossus meloi Ribeiro-Júnior, 2018
- Alopoglossus myersi (Harris, 1994)
- Alopoglossus plicatus Taylor, 1949
- Alopoglossus romaleos (Harris, 1994)
- Alopoglossus stenolepis (Boulenger, 1908)
- Alopoglossus tapajosensis Ribeiro-Júnior, Sánchez-Martínez, Moraes, Oliveira, Carvalho, Pavan, Choueri, Werneck et al., 2021
- Alopoglossus theodorusi Ribeiro-Júnior, Meiri and Fouqet, 2020
- Alopoglossus vallensis (Harris, 1994)
- Alopoglossus viridiceps Torres-Carvajal and Lobos, 2014
- Alpinoscincus alpinus (Greer, Allison and Cogger, 2005)
- Alpinoscincus subalpinus (Greer, Allison and Cogger, 2005)
- Alsophis antiguae Parker, 1933
- Alsophis antillensis (Schlegel, 1837)
- Alsophis danforthi Cochran, 1938
- Alsophis manselli Parker, 1933
- Alsophis rijgersmaei Cope, 1869
- Alsophis rufiventris (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Alsophis sajdaki Henderson, 1990
- Alsophis sanctonum Barbour, 1915
- Alsophis sibonius Cope, 1879
- Alsophylax boehmei Szczerbak, 1991
- Alsophylax laevis Nikolsky, 1907
- Alsophylax loricatus Strauch, 1887
- Alsophylax pipiens (Pallas, 1827)
- Alsophylax przewalskii Strauch, 1887
- Alsophylax tadjikiensis Golubev, 1979
- Alsophylax tokobajevi Yeriomtschenko and Szczerbak, 1984
- Amapasaurus tetradactylus Cunha, 1970
- Amastridium sapperi (Werner, 1903)
- Amastridium veliferum Cope, 1861
- Amblyodipsas concolor (A. Smith, 1849)
- Amblyodipsas dimidiata (Günther, 1888)
- Amblyodipsas katangensis de Witte and Laurent, 1942
- Amblyodipsas microphthalma (Bianconi, 1852)
- Amblyodipsas polylepis (Bocage, 1873)
- Amblyodipsas rodhaini (de Witte, 1930)
- Amblyodipsas teitana Broadley, 1971
- Amblyodipsas unicolor (Reinhardt, 1843)
- Amblyodipsas ventrimaculata (Roux, 1907)
- Amblyrhynchus cristatus Bell, 1825
- Ameiva aggerecusans Koch, Venegas, Rödder, Flecks and Böhme, 2013
- Ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ameiva atrigularis Garman, 1887
- Ameiva bifrontata Cope, 1862
- Ameiva concolor Ruthven, 1924
- Ameiva fuliginosa (Cope, 1892)
- Ameiva jacuba Giugliano, Nogueira, Valdujo, Collevatti and Colli, 2013
- Ameiva nodam Koch, Venegas, Rödder, Flecks and Böhme, 2013
- Ameiva pantherina Ugueto and Harvey, 2011
- Ameiva parecis (Colli, Costa, Garda, Kopp, Mesquita, Péres, Valdujo, Vieira and Wiederhecker, 2003)
- Ameiva praesignis (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Ameiva provitaae García-Pérez, 1995
- Ameiva reticulata Landauro, García-Bravo and Venegas, 2015
- Ameiva tobagana Cope, 1879
- Ameivula abalosi (Cabrera, 2012)
- Ameivula apipensis Arias, Recoder, Álvarez, Ethcepare, Quipildor, Lobo and Rodrigues, 2018
- Ameivula cipoensis Arias, Carvalho, Zaher and Rodrigues, 2014
- Ameivula confusioniba (Arias, de Carvalho, Rodrigues and Zaher, 2011)
- Ameivula jalapensis (Colli, Giugliano, Mesquita and Franca, 2009)
- Ameivula mumbuca (Colli, Caldwell, Costa, Gainsbury, Garda, Mesquita, Filho, Soares, Silva, Valdujo et al., 2003)
- Ameivula nativo (Rocha, Bergallo and Peccinini-Seale, 1997)
- Ameivula nigrigula (Arias, de Carvalho, Rodrigues and Zaher, 2011)
- Ameivula ocellifera (Spix, 1825)
- Ameivula pyrrhogularis (Basto da Silva and Ávila-Pires, 2013)
- Ameivula xacriaba Arias, Texeira Jr., Recoder, Carvalho, Zaher and Rodrigues, 2014
- Amerotyphlops amoipira (Rodrigues and Juncá, 2002)
- Amerotyphlops arenensis Graboski, Pereira-Filho, Silva, Costa Prudente and Zaher, 2015
- Amerotyphlops brongersmianus (Vanzolini, 1976)
- Amerotyphlops costaricensis (Jiménez and Savage, 1963)
- Amerotyphlops lehneri (Roux, 1926)
- Amerotyphlops microstomus (Cope, 1866)
- Amerotyphlops minuisquamus (Dixon and Hendricks, 1979)
- Amerotyphlops paucisquamus (Dixon and Hendricks, 1979)
- Amerotyphlops reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Amerotyphlops stadelmani (Schmidt, 1936)
- Amerotyphlops tasymicris (Thomas, 1974)
- Amerotyphlops tenuis (Salvin, 1860)
- Amerotyphlops trinitatus (Richmond, 1965)
- Amerotyphlops tycherus (Townsend, Wilson, Ketzler and Luque-Montes, 2008)
- Amerotyphlops yonenagae (Rodrigues, 1991)
- Amnesteophis melanauchen (Jan, 1863)
- Amphibolurus burnsi (Wells and Wellington, 1985)
- Amphibolurus centralis (Loveridge, 1933)
- Amphibolurus muricatus (White, 1790)
- Amphibolurus norrisi Witten and Coventry, 1984
- Amphiesma stolatum (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Amphiesmoides ornaticeps (Werner, 1924)
- Amphiglossus astrolabi A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Amphiglossus reticulatus (Kaudern, 1922)
- Amphisbaena absaberi (Strüssman and Carvalho, 2001)
- Amphisbaena acangaoba Ribeiro, Gomides and Costa, 2020
- Amphisbaena acrobeles (Ribeiro, Castro-Mello and Nogueira, 2009)
- Amphisbaena alba Linnaeus, 1758
- Amphisbaena albocingulata Boettger, 1885
- Amphisbaena anaemariae Vanzolini, 1997
- Amphisbaena angustifrons Cope, 1861
- Amphisbaena anomala (Barbour, 1914)
- Amphisbaena arda Rodrigues, 2003
- Amphisbaena arenaria Vanzolini, 1991
- Amphisbaena arenicola Perez and Borges-Martins, 2019
- Amphisbaena bahiana Vanzolini, 1964
- Amphisbaena bakeri Stejneger, 1904
- Amphisbaena barbouri Gans and Alexander, 1962
- Amphisbaena bedai (Vanzolini, 1991)
- Amphisbaena bilabialata (Stimson, 1972)
- Amphisbaena bolivica Mertens, 1929
- Amphisbaena borelli Peracca, 1897
- Amphisbaena brasiliana (Gray, 1865)
- Amphisbaena brevis Strüssmann and Mott, 2009
- Amphisbaena caeca Cuvier, 1829
- Amphisbaena caetitensis Almeida, Freitas, Silva, Costa-Valverde, Rodrigues, Pires and Mott, 2018
- Amphisbaena caiari Teixeira Jr., Dal Vechio, Neto and Rodrigues, 2014
- Amphisbaena camura Cope, 1862
- Amphisbaena carlgansi Thomas and Hedges, 1998
- Amphisbaena carli Pinna, Mendonça, Bocchiglieri and Fernandes, 2010
- Amphisbaena carvalhoi Gans, 1965
- Amphisbaena caudalis Cochran, 1928
- Amphisbaena cayemite Thomas, 2006
- Amphisbaena cegei Montero, Sáfadez and Álvarez, 1997
- Amphisbaena crisae Vanzolini, 1997
- Amphisbaena cubana Gundlach and Peters, 1879
- Amphisbaena cuiabana (Strüssman and Carvalho, 2001)
- Amphisbaena cunhai Hoogmoed and Avila, 1991
- Amphisbaena darwinii Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Amphisbaena dubia L. Müller, 1924
- Amphisbaena fenestrata (Cope, 1861)
- Amphisbaena filiformis Ribeiro, Gomes, Rodrigues Da Silva, Cintra and Da Silva, 2016
- Amphisbaena frontalis Vanzolini, 1991
- Amphisbaena fuliginosa Linnaeus, 1758
- Amphisbaena gonavensis Gans and Alexander, 1962
- Amphisbaena gracilis Strauch, 1881
- Amphisbaena hastata Vanzolini, 1991
- Amphisbaena heathi Schmidt, 1936
- Amphisbaena hiata Montero and Céspedez, 2002
- Amphisbaena hogei Vanzolini, 1950
- Amphisbaena hoogmoedi Oliveira, Vaz-Silva, Santos-Jr., Graboski, Teixeira Jr., Dal Vechio and Ribeiro, 2018
- Amphisbaena hyporissor Thomas, 1965
- Amphisbaena ibijara Rodrigues and Andrade, 2003
- Amphisbaena ignatiana Vanzolini, 1991
- Amphisbaena innocens Weinland, 1862
- Amphisbaena kingii (Bell, 1833)
- Amphisbaena kiriri Ribeiro, Gomides and Costa, 2018
- Amphisbaena kraoh (Vanzolini, 1971)
- Amphisbaena leali Thomas, 2006
- Amphisbaena leeseri Gans, 1964
- Amphisbaena leucocephala Peters, 1878
- Amphisbaena littoralis Roberto, Brito and Avila, 2014
- Amphisbaena longinqua Texeira Junior, Dal Vechio, Recoder, Cassimiro, Sena and Rodrigues, 2019
- Amphisbaena lumbricalis Vanzolini, 1996
- Amphisbaena manni Barbour, 1914
- Amphisbaena maranhensis Gomes and Maciel, 2012
- Amphisbaena mebengokre Ribeiro, Sá, Santos Jr., Graboski, Zaher, Guedes, Andrade and Vaz-Silva, 2019
- Amphisbaena medemi Gans and Mathers, 1977
- Amphisbaena mertensii Strauch, 1881
- Amphisbaena metallurga Costa, Resende, Teixeira Jr., Vechio and Clemente, 2015
- Amphisbaena miringoera Vanzolini, 1971
- Amphisbaena mitchelli Procter, 1923
- Amphisbaena mongoyo Texeira Junior, Dal Vechio, Recoder, Cassimiro, Sena and Rodrigues, 2019
- Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1960
- Amphisbaena myersi Hoogmoed, 1989
- Amphisbaena nana Perez and Borges-Martins, 2019
- Amphisbaena neglecta Dunn and Piatt, 1936
- Amphisbaena nigricauda Gans, 1966
- Amphisbaena occidentalis Cope, 1876
- Amphisbaena pericensis Noble, 1921
- Amphisbaena persephone Pinna, Mendonça, Bocchiglieri and Fernandes, 2014
- Amphisbaena plumbea Gray, 1872
- Amphisbaena polygrammica Werner, 1900
- Amphisbaena pretrei Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Amphisbaena prunicolor (Cope, 1885)
- Amphisbaena ridleyi Boulenger, 1890
- Amphisbaena roberti Gans, 1964
- Amphisbaena rozei Lancini, 1963
- Amphisbaena sanctaeritae Vanzolini, 1994
- Amphisbaena saxosa (Castro-Mello, 2003)
- Amphisbaena schmidti Gans, 1964
- Amphisbaena silvestrii Boulenger, 1902
- Amphisbaena slateri Boulenger, 1907
- Amphisbaena slevini Schmidt, 1936
- Amphisbaena spurrelli Boulenger, 1915
- Amphisbaena steindachneri Strauch, 1881
- Amphisbaena stejnegeri Ruthven, 1922
- Amphisbaena supernumeraria Mott, Rodrigues and Dos Santos, 2009
- Amphisbaena talisiae Vanzolini, 1995
- Amphisbaena tiaraju Perez and Borges-Martins, 2019
- Amphisbaena townsendi Stejneger, 1911
- Amphisbaena tragorrhectes Vanzolini, 1971
- Amphisbaena uroxena Mott, Rodrigues, de Freitas and Silva, 2008
- Amphisbaena vanzolinii Gans, 1963
- Amphisbaena vermicularis Wagler, 1824
- Amphisbaena xera Thomas, 1966
- Amplorhinus multimaculatus A. Smith, 1847
- Amyda cartilaginea (Boddaert, 1770)
- Amyda ornata (Gray, 1861)
- Anadia altaserrania Harris and Ayala, 1987
- Anadia antioquensis Arredondo, 2013
- Anadia bitaeniata Boulenger, 1903
- Anadia blakei Schmidt, 1932
- Anadia bogotensis (Peters, 1863)
- Anadia brevifrontalis (Boulenger, 1903)
- Anadia buenaventura Betancourt, Reyes-Puig, Lobos, Yánez-Muñoz and Torres-Carvajal, 2018
- Anadia bumanguesa Rueda-Almonacid and Caicedo, 2004
- Anadia escalerae Myers, Rivas and Jadin, 2009
- Anadia hobarti La-Marca and García-Pérez, 1990
- Anadia marmorata (Gray, 1846)
- Anadia ocellata Gray, 1845
- Anadia pamplonensis Dunn, 1944
- Anadia pariaensis Rivas, la Marca and Oliveros, 1999
- Anadia petersi Oftedal, 1974
- Anadia pulchella Ruthven, 1926
- Anadia rhombifera (Günther, 1859)
- Anadia steyeri Nieden, 1914
- Anadia vittata Boulenger, 1913
- Anatololacerta anatolica (Werner, 1900)
- Anatololacerta danfordi (Günther, 1876)
- Anatololacerta finikensis (Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1987)
- Anatololacerta ibrahimi (Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1987)
- Anatololacerta pelasgiana (Mertens, 1959)
- Ancylocranium barkeri Loveridge, 1946
- Ancylocranium ionidesi Loveridge, 1955
- Ancylocranium somalicum (Scortecci, 1930)
- Andinosaura afrania (Arredondo and Sánchez-Pacheco, 2010)
- Andinosaura aurea (Sánchez-Pacheco, Aguirre-Penafiel and Torres-Carvajal, 2012)
- Andinosaura crypta (Sánchez-Pacheco, Kizirian and Nunes, 2011)
- Andinosaura hyposticta (Boulenger, 1902)
- Andinosaura kiziriani (Sánchez-Pareco, Aguirre-Penafiel and Torres-Carvajal, 2012)
- Andinosaura laevis (Boulenger, 1908)
- Andinosaura oculata (O'Shaughnessy, 1879)
- Andinosaura petrorum (Kizirian, 1996)
- Andinosaura stellae (Sánchez-Pacheco, 2010)
- Andinosaura vespertina (Kizirian, 1996)
- Andinosaura vieta (Kizirian, 1996)
- Anelytropsis papillosus Cope, 1885
- Anepischetosia maccoyi (Lucas and Frost, 1894)
- Anguis cephallonica Werner, 1894
- Anguis colchica (Nordmann, 1840)
- Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758
- Anguis graeca Bedriaga, 1881
- Anguis veronensis Pollini, 1818
- Anilios affinis (Boulenger, 1889)
- Anilios ammodytes (Montague, 1914)
- Anilios aspina (Couper, Covacevich and Wilson, 1998)
- Anilios australis Gray, 1845
- Anilios batillus (Waite, 1894)
- Anilios bicolor (Peters, 1858)
- Anilios bituberculatus (Peters, 1863)
- Anilios broomi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Anilios centralis (Storr, 1984)
- Anilios chamodracaena (Ingram and Covacevich, 1993)
- Anilios diversus (Waite, 1894)
- Anilios endoterus (Waite, 1918)
- Anilios erycinus (Werner, 1901)
- Anilios fossor Shea, 2015
- Anilios ganei (Aplin, 1998)
- Anilios grypus (Waite, 1918)
- Anilios guentheri (Peters, 1865)
- Anilios hamatus (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios howi (Storr, 1983)
- Anilios insperatus Venchi, Wilson and Borsboom, 2015
- Anilios kimberleyensis (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios leptosoma (Robb, 1972)
- Anilios leucoproctus (Boulenger, 1889)
- Anilios ligatus (Peters, 1879)
- Anilios longissimus (Aplin, 1998)
- Anilios margaretae (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios micromma (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios minimus (Kinghorn, 1929)
- Anilios nema (Shea and Horner, 1997)
- Anilios nigrescens Gray, 1845
- Anilios obtusifrons Ellis and Doughty, 2017
- Anilios pilbarensis (Aplin and Donnellan, 1993)
- Anilios pinguis (Waite, 1897)
- Anilios proximus (Waite, 1893)
- Anilios robertsi (Couper, Covacevich and Wilson, 1998)
- Anilios silvia (Ingram and Covacevich, 1993)
- Anilios splendidus (Aplin, 1998)
- Anilios systenos Ellis and Doughty, 2017
- Anilios torresianus (Boulenger, 1889)
- Anilios tovelli (Loveridge, 1945)
- Anilios troglodytes (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios unguirostris (Peters, 1867)
- Anilios waitii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Anilios wiedii (Peters, 1867)
- Anilios yampiensis (Storr, 1981)
- Anilios yirrikalae (Kinghorn, 1942)
- Anilios zonula Ellis, 2016
- Anilius scytale (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Anisolepis grilli Boulenger, 1891
- Anisolepis longicauda (Boulenger, 1891)
- Anisolepis undulatus (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Anniella alexanderae Papenfuss and Parham, 2013
- Anniella campi Papenfuss and Parham, 2013
- Anniella geronimensis Shaw, 1940
- Anniella grinnelli Papenfuss and Parham, 2013
- Anniella pulchra Gray, 1852
- Anniella stebbinsi Papenfuss and Parham, 2013
- Anolis acutus Hallowell, 1857
- Anolis aeneus Gray, 1840
- Anolis aequatorialis Werner, 1894
- Anolis agassizi Stejneger, 1900
- Anolis agueroi (Díaz, Navarro and Garrido, 1998)
- Anolis ahli Barbour, 1925
- Anolis alayoni Estrada and Hedges, 1995
- Anolis alfaroi Garrido and Hedges, 1992
- Anolis aliniger Mertens, 1939
- Anolis allisoni Barbour, 1928
- Anolis allogus Barbour and Ramsden, 1919
- Anolis alocomyos (G. Köhler, Vargas and Lotzkat, 2014)
- Anolis altae Dunn, 1930
- Anolis altavelensis Noble and Hassler, 1933
- Anolis altitudinalis Garrido, 1985
- Anolis alumina Hertz, 1976
- Anolis alutaceus Cope, 1861
- Anolis alvarezdeltoroi Nieto-Montes de Oca, 1996
- Anolis amplisquamosus (McCranie, Wilson and Williams, 1993)
- Anolis anatoloros Ugueto, Rivas, Barros, Sánchez-Pacheco and Gracía-Pérez, 2007
- Anolis anchicayae Poe, Velasco, Miyata and Williams, 2009
- Anolis anfiloquioi Garrido, 1980
- Anolis angusticeps Hallowell, 1856
- Anolis anisolepis H. M. Smith, Burley and Fritts, 1968
- Anolis annectens Williams, 1974
- Anolis anoriensis Velasco, Gutiérrez-Cárdenas and Quintero-Angel, 2010
- Anolis antioquiae Williams, 1985
- Anolis antonii Boulenger, 1908
- Anolis apletolepis G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis apletophallus G. Köhler and Sunyer, 2008
- Anolis apollinaris Boulenger, 1919
- Anolis aquaticus Taylor, 1956
- Anolis argenteolus Cope, 1861
- Anolis argillaceus Cope, 1862
- Anolis armouri (Cochran, 1934)
- Anolis auratus Daudin, 1802
- Anolis bahorucoensis Noble and Hassler, 1933
- Anolis baleatus (Cope, 1864)
- Anolis baracoae Schwartz, 1964
- Anolis barahonae Williams, 1962
- Anolis barbatus (Garrido, 1982)
- Anolis barbouri (K. P. Schmidt, 1919)
- Anolis barkeri K. P. Schmidt, 1939
- Anolis bartschi (Cochran, 1928)
- Anolis beckeri Boulenger, 1881
- Anolis bellipeniculus (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
- Anolis benedikti Lotzkat, Bienentreu, Hertz and G. Köhler, 2011
- Anolis bicaorum (G. Köhler, 1996)
- Anolis bimaculatus (Sparrman, 1784)
- Anolis binotatus W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis biporcatus (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Anolis birama Garrido, 1990
- Anolis bitectus Cope, 1864
- Anolis blanquillanus Hummelinck, 1940
- Anolis boettgeri Boulenger, 1911
- Anolis bombiceps Cope, 1875
- Anolis bonairensis Ruthven, 1923
- Anolis boulengerianus Thominot, 1887
- Anolis brasiliensis Vanzolini and Williams, 1970
- Anolis bremeri Barbour, 1914
- Anolis breslini Schwartz, 1980
- Anolis brevirostris Bocourt, 1870
- Anolis brunneus Cope, 1894
- Anolis calimae Ayala, Harris and Williams, 1983
- Anolis campbelli (G. Köhler and E. N. Smith, 2008)
- Anolis capito W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis caquetae Williams, 1974
- Anolis carlliebi G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis carlostoddi (Williams, Praderio and Gorzula, 1996)
- Anolis carolinensis Voigt in Cuvier and Voigt, 1832
- Anolis carpenteri A. A. Echelle, A. F. Echelle and Fitch, 1971
- Anolis casildae Arosemena, Ibáñez and de Sousa, 1991
- Anolis caudalis Cochran, 1932
- Anolis centralis G. Peters, 1970
- Anolis chamaeleonides A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis charlesmyersi G. Köhler, 2010
- Anolis chloris Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis chlorocyanus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis chlorodius G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis christophei Williams, 1960
- Anolis chrysolepis A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis chrysops Lazell, 1964
- Anolis clivicola Barbour and Shreve, 1935
- Anolis cobanensis Stuart, 1942
- Anolis coelestinus Cope, 1862
- Anolis compressicaudus H. M. Smith and Kerster, 1955
- Anolis concolor Cope, 1862
- Anolis confusus Estrada and Garrido, 1991
- Anolis conspersus Garman, 1887
- Anolis cooki Grant, 1931
- Anolis crassulus Cope, 1864
- Anolis cristatellus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis cristifer H. M. Smith, 1968
- Anolis cryptolimifrons G. Köhler and Sunyer, 2008
- Anolis cupeyalensis G. Peters, 1970
- Anolis cupreus Hallowell, 1860
- Anolis cuprinus H. M. Smith, 1964
- Anolis cuscoensis Poe, Yañez-Miranda and Lehr, 2008
- Anolis cusuco (McCranie, G. Köhler and Wilson, 2000)
- Anolis cuvieri Merrem, 1820
- Anolis cyanopleurus Cope, 1861
- Anolis cyanostictus Mertens, 1939
- Anolis cybotes Cope, 1862
- Anolis cymbops Cope, 1864
- Anolis damulus Cope, 1864
- Anolis danieli Williams, 1988
- Anolis darlingtoni (Cochran, 1935)
- Anolis datzorum G. Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer and Batista, 2007
- Anolis delafuentei Garrido, 1982
- Anolis deltae Williams, 1974
- Anolis demissus Schwartz, 1969
- Anolis desechensis Heatwole, 1976
- Anolis desiradei Lazell, 1964
- Anolis dissimilis Williams, 1965
- Anolis distichus Cope, 1861
- Anolis divius G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis dolichocephalus Williams, 1963
- Anolis dollfusianus Bocourt, 1873
- Anolis duellmani Fitch and Henderson, 1973
- Anolis dunni H. M. Smith, 1936
- Anolis eladioi G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis elcopeensis Poe, Scarpetta and Schaad, 2015
- Anolis equestris Merrem, 1820
- Anolis ernestwilliamsi Lazell, 1983
- Anolis etheridgei Williams, 1962
- Anolis eugenegrahami Schwartz, 1978
- Anolis eulaemus Boulenger, 1908
- Anolis euskalerriari Barros, Williams and Viloria, 1996
- Anolis evermanni Stejneger, 1904
- Anolis extremus Garman, 1887
- Anolis fairchildi Barbour and Shreve, 1935
- Anolis fasciatus Boulenger, 1885
- Anolis ferreus (Cope, 1864)
- Anolis festae Peracca, 1904
- Anolis fitchi Williams and Duellman, 1984
- Anolis forresti Barbour, 1923
- Anolis fortunensis Arosemena and Ibáñez, 1993
- Anolis fowleri Schwartz, 1973
- Anolis fraseri Günther, 1859
- Anolis frenatus Cope, 1899
- Anolis fugitivus Garrido, 1975
- Anolis fungosus Myers, 1971
- Anolis fuscoauratus d'Orbigny in A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis gadovii Boulenger, 1905
- Anolis gaigei Ruthven, 1916
- Anolis garmani Stejneger, 1899
- Anolis garridoi Díaz, Estrada and Moreno, 1996
- Anolis gemmosus O'Shaughnessy, 1875
- Anolis gibbiceps Cope, 1864
- Anolis ginaelisae (Lotzkat, Hertz, Bienentreu and G. Köhler, 2013)
- Anolis gingivinus Cope, 1864
- Anolis gonavensis G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis gorgonae Barbour, 1905
- Anolis gracilipes Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis grahami Gray, 1845
- Anolis granuliceps Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis griseus Garman, 1887
- Anolis gruuo G. Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer and Batista, 2007
- Anolis guafe Estrada and Garrido, 1991
- Anolis guamuhaya (Garrido, Pérez-Beato and Moreno, 1991)
- Anolis guazuma Garrido, 1984
- Anolis gundlachi W. C. H. Peters, 1876
- Anolis haetianus Garman, 1887
- Anolis haguei Stuart, 1942
- Anolis hendersoni Cochran, 1923
- Anolis heterodermus A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Anolis hobartsmithi Nieto-Montes de Oca, 2001
- Anolis homolechis (Cope, 1864)
- Anolis huilae Williams, 1982
- Anolis humilis W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis ibague Williams, 1975
- Anolis ibanezi Poe, Latella, Ryan and Schaad, 2009
- Anolis imias Ruibal and Williams, 1961
- Anolis immaculogularis G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis impetigosus Cope, 1864
- Anolis incredulus Garrido and Moreno, 1998
- Anolis inderenae (Rueda and Hernández-Camacho, 1998)
- Anolis inexpectatus Garrido and Estrada, 1989
- Anolis insignis Cope, 1871
- Anolis insolitus Williams and Rand, 1969
- Anolis intermedius W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis isolepis (Cope, 1861)
- Anolis jacare Boulenger, 1903
- Anolis johnmeyeri Wilson and McCranie, 1982
- Anolis juangundlachi Garrido, 1975
- Anolis jubar Schwartz, 1968
- Anolis kahouannensis Lazell, 1964
- Anolis kemptoni Dunn, 1940
- Anolis koopmani Rand, 1961
- Anolis kreutzi (McCranie, G. Köhler and Wilson, 2000)
- Anolis krugi W. C. H. Peters, 1876
- Anolis kunayalae Hulebak, Poe, Ibáñez and Williams, 2007
- Anolis laevis (Cope, 1875)
- Anolis laeviventris (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Anolis lamari Williams, 1992
- Anolis landestoyi Mahler, Lambert, Geneva, Ng, Hedges, Losos and Glor, 2016
- Anolis latifrons Berthold, 1846
- Anolis leachii A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis leditzigorum (G. Köhler, Vargas and Lotzkat, 2014)
- Anolis lemniscatus Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis lemurinus Cope, 1861
- Anolis leucodera G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis limifrons Cope, 1862
- Anolis limon Velasco and Hurtado-Gómez, 2014
- Anolis lineatopus Gray, 1840
- Anolis lineatus Daudin, 1802
- Anolis liogaster Boulenger, 1905
- Anolis lionotus Cope, 1861
- Anolis litoralis Garrido, 1975
- Anolis lividus Garman, 1887
- Anolis longiceps K. P. Schmidt, 1919
- Anolis longitibialis Noble, 1923
- Anolis loveridgei K. P. Schmidt, 1936
- Anolis loysiana A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis luciae Garman, 1887
- Anolis lucius A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis luteogularis Noble and Hassler, 1935
- Anolis luteosignifer Garman, 1888
- Anolis lynchi Miyata, 1985
- Anolis lyra Poe, Velasco, Miyata and Williams, 2009
- Anolis macilentus Garrido and Hedges, 1992
- Anolis macrinii H. M. Smith, 1968
- Anolis macrolepis Boulenger, 1911
- Anolis macrophallus Werner, 1917
- Anolis maculigula Williams, 1984
- Anolis maculiventris Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis magnaphallus Poe and Ibáñez, 2007
- Anolis maia (Batista, Vesely, Mebert, Lotzkat and G. Köhler, 2015)
- Anolis marcanoi Williams, 1975
- Anolis mariarum Barbour, 1932
- Anolis marmoratus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis marron Arnold, 1980
- Anolis marsupialis Taylor, 1956
- Anolis matudai H. M. Smith, 1956
- Anolis maynardi Garman, 1888
- Anolis mccraniei (G. Köhler, Townsend and Petersen, 2016)
- Anolis medemi Ayala and Williams, 1988
- Anolis megalopithecus Rueda-Almonacid, 1989
- Anolis megapholidotus H. M. Smith, 1933
- Anolis menta Ayala, Harris and Williams, 1984
- Anolis meridionalis Boettger, 1885
- Anolis mestrei Barbour and Ramsden, 1916
- Anolis microlepidotus Davis, 1954
- Anolis microlepis Álvarez del Toro and H. M. Smith, 1956
- Anolis microtus Cope, 1871
- Anolis milleri H. M. Smith in H. M. Smith and Taylor, 1950
- Anolis mirus Williams, 1963
- Anolis monensis Stejneger, 1904
- Anolis monteverde G. Köhler, 2009
- Anolis monticola Shreve, 1936
- Anolis morazani Townsend and Wilson, 2009
- Anolis muralla (G. Köhler, McCranie and Wilson, 1999)
- Anolis nasofrontalis Amaral, 1933
- Anolis naufragus (Campbell, Hillis and Lamar, 1989)
- Anolis neblininus (Myers, Williams and McDiarmid, 1993)
- Anolis nebuloides Bocourt, 1873
- Anolis nebulosus (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Anolis nelsoni Barbour, 1914
- Anolis nicefori Barbour, 1932
- Anolis nietoi G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis nigrolineatus Williams, 1965
- Anolis noblei Barbour and Shreve, 1935
- Anolis notopholis Boulenger, 1896
- Anolis nubilus Garman, 1887
- Anolis occultus Williams and Rivero, 1965
- Anolis ocelloscapularis (G. Köhler, McCranie and Wilson, 2001)
- Anolis oculatus (Cope, 1879)
- Anolis oligaspis Cope, 1894
- Anolis olssoni K. P. Schmidt, 1919
- Anolis omiltemanus Davis, 1954
- Anolis onca (O'Shaughnessy, 1875)
- Anolis opalinus Gosse, 1850
- Anolis ophiolepis Cope, 1861
- Anolis oporinus Garrido and Hedges, 2001
- Anolis orcesi (Lazell, 1969)
- Anolis ordinatus Cope, 1864
- Anolis ortonii Cope, 1868
- Anolis osa G. Köhler, Dehling and J. Köhler, 2010
- Anolis otongae Ayala-Varela and Velasco, 2010
- Anolis oxylophus Cope, 1875
- Anolis pachypus Cope, 1875
- Anolis paravertebralis Bernal-Carlo and Roze, 2005
- Anolis parilis Williams, 1975
- Anolis parvicirculatus Álvarez del Toro and H. M. Smith, 1956
- Anolis paternus Hardy, 1967
- Anolis pecuarius Schwartz, 1969
- Anolis pentaprion Cope, 1863
- Anolis peraccae Boulenger, 1898
- Anolis peruensis Poe, Latella, Ayala-Varela, Yañez-Miranda and Torres-Carvajal, 2015
- Anolis petersii Bocourt, 1873
- Anolis peucephilus G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis peynadoi Mertens, 1939
- Anolis phyllorhinus G. S. Myers and Carvalho, 1945
- Anolis pigmaequestris Garrido, 1975
- Anolis pijolense (McCranie, Wilson and Williams, 1993)
- Anolis pinchoti Cochran, 1931
- Anolis placidus Hedges and Thomas, 1989
- Anolis planiceps Troschel, 1848
- Anolis podocarpus Ayala-Varela and Torres-Carvajal, 2010
- Anolis poecilopus Cope, 1862
- Anolis poei Ayala-Varela, Troya-Rodriguez, Talero-Rodriguez and Torres-Carvajal, 2014
- Anolis pogus Lazell, 1972
- Anolis polylepis W. C. H. Peters, 1874
- Anolis poncensis Stejneger, 1904
- Anolis porcatus Gray, 1840
- Anolis porcus (Cope, 1864)
- Anolis prasinorius G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis princeps Boulenger, 1902
- Anolis proboscis J. A. Peters and Orces, 1956
- Anolis propinquus Williams, 1984
- Anolis pseudokemptoni G. Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer and Batista, 2007
- Anolis pseudopachypus G. Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer and Batista, 2007
- Anolis pseudotigrinus Amaral, 1933
- Anolis pulchellus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis pumilus Garrido, 1988
- Anolis punctatus Daudin, 1802
- Anolis purpurescens Cope, 1899
- Anolis purpurgularis (McCranie, Cruz and Holm, 1993)
- Anolis pygmaeus Álvarez del Toro and H. M. Smith, 1956
- Anolis quadriocellifer Barbour and Ramsden, 1919
- Anolis quaggulus Cope, 1885
- Anolis quercorum Fitch, 1978
- Anolis radulinus Cope, 1862
- Anolis reconditus Underwood and Williams, 1959
- Anolis rejectus Garrido and Schwartz, 1972
- Anolis richardii A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis ricordii A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis rimarum Thomas and Schwartz, 1967
- Anolis rivalis Williams, 1984
- Anolis roatanensis (G. Köhler and McCranie, 2001)
- Anolis rodriquezii Bocourt, 1873
- Anolis roosevelti Grant, 1931
- Anolis roquet (Bonnaterre, 1879)
- Anolis rubiginosus Bocourt, 1873
- Anolis rubribarbaris (G. Köhler, McCranie and Wilson, 1999)
- Anolis rubribarbus Barbour and Ramsden, 1919
- Anolis ruibali Navarro and Garrido, 2004
- Anolis ruizii Rueda and Williams, 1986
- Anolis rupinae Williams and Webster, 1974
- Anolis sabanus Garman, 1887
- Anolis sacamecatensis G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis sagrei Cocteau in A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis salvini Boulenger, 1885
- Anolis santamartae Willims, 1982
- Anolis scapularis Boulenger, 1908
- Anolis schiedii (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Anolis schwartzi Lazell, 1972
- Anolis scriptus Garman, 1887
- Anolis scypheus Cope, 1864
- Anolis semilineatus Cope, 1864
- Anolis sericeus Hallowell, 1856
- Anolis serranoi (G. Köhler, 1999)
- Anolis sheplani Schwartz, 1974
- Anolis shrevei (Cochran, 1939)
- Anolis sierramaestrae Holánová, Rehák and Frynta, 2012
- Anolis singularis Williams, 1965
- Anolis smallwoodi Schwartz, 1964
- Anolis smaragdinus Barbour and Shreve, 1935
- Anolis sminthus Dunn and Emlen, 1932
- Anolis soinii Poe and Yañez-Miranda, 2008
- Anolis solitarius Ruthven, 1916
- Anolis spectrum W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis spilorhipis (Álvarez del Toro and H. M. Smith, 1956)
- Anolis squamulatus W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis stevepoei G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis strahmi Schwartz, 1979
- Anolis stratulus Cope, 1861
- Anolis subocularis Davis, 1954
- Anolis sulcifrons Cope, 1899
- Anolis tandai Avila-Pires, 1995
- Anolis taylori H. M. Smith and Spieler, 1945
- Anolis tenorioensis G. Köhler, 2011
- Anolis terraealtae Barbour, 1915
- Anolis terueli Navarro, Fernández and Garrido, 2001
- Anolis tetarii (Barros, Williams and Viloria, 1996)
- Anolis tigrinus W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis toldo Fong and Garrido, 2000
- Anolis tolimensis Werner, 1916
- Anolis townsendi Stejneger, 1900
- Anolis trachyderma Cope, 1875
- Anolis transversalis A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Anolis trinitatis Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862
- Anolis triumphalis (Nicholson and G. Köhler, 2014)
- Anolis tropidogaster Hallowell, 1856
- Anolis tropidolepis Boulenger, 1885
- Anolis tropidonotus W. C. H. Peters, 1863
- Anolis umbrivagus Bernal-Carlo and Roze, 2005
- Anolis uniformis Cope, 1885
- Anolis unilobatus G. Köhler and Vesely, 2010
- Anolis ustus Cope, 1864
- Anolis utilensis (G. Köhler, 1996)
- Anolis valencienni A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis vanidicus Garrido and Schwartz, 1972
- Anolis vanzolinii (Williams, Orces, Matheus and Bleiweiss, 1996)
- Anolis vaupesianus Williams, 1982
- Anolis ventrimaculatus Boulenger, 1911
- Anolis vermiculatus Cocteau in A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Anolis vescus Garrido and Hedges, 1992
- Anolis vicarius Williams, 1986
- Anolis villai Fitch and Henderson, 1976
- Anolis viridius G. Köhler and Hedges, 2016
- Anolis vittigerus Cope, 1862
- Anolis wampuensis (McCranie and G. Köhler, 2001)
- Anolis wattsii Boulenger, 1894
- Anolis websteri Arnold, 1980
- Anolis wellbornae Ahl, 1940
- Anolis wermuthi (G. Köhler and Obermeier, 1998)
- Anolis whitemani Williams, 1963
- Anolis williamsii Bocourt, 1870
- Anolis williamsmittermeierorum Poe and Yañez-Miranda, 2007
- Anolis wilsoni (G. Köhler, Townsend and Petersen, 2016)
- Anolis woodi Dunn, 1940
- Anolis yoroensis McCranie, Nicholson and G. Köhler, 2001
- Anolis zapotecorum G. Köhler, Gómez Trejo Pérez, Petersen and Méndez de La Cruz, 2014
- Anolis zeus (G. Köhler and McCranie, 2001)
- Anomalepis aspinosus Taylor, 1939
- Anomalepis colombia Marx, 1953
- Anomalepis flavapices Peters, 1957
- Anomalepis mexicanus Jan, 1860
- Anomalopus leuckartii (Weinland, 1862)
- Anomalopus mackayi Greer and Cogger, 1985
- Anomalopus swansoni Greer and Cogger, 1985
- Anomalopus verreauxii A. H. A. Duméril in A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Anomochilus leonardi M. A. Smith, 1940
- Anomochilus monticola Das, Lakim, Lim and Hui, 2008
- Anomochilus weberi (Lidth de Jeude, 1890)
- Anoplohydrus aemulans Werner, 1909
- Anotosaura collaris Amaral, 1933
- Anotosaura vanzolinia Dixon, 1974
- Antaioserpens albiceps (Boulenger, 1898)
- Antaioserpens warro (De Vis, 1884)
- Antaresia childreni (Gray, 1842)
- Antaresia maculosa (W. C. H. Peters, 1873)
- Antaresia perthensis (Stull, 1932)
- Antaresia stimsoni (L. A. Smith, 1985)
- Antillotyphlops annae (Breuil, 1999)
- Antillotyphlops catapontus (Thomas, 1966)
- Antillotyphlops dominicanus (Stejneger, 1904)
- Antillotyphlops geotomus (Thomas, 1966)
- Antillotyphlops granti (Ruthven and Gaige, 1935)
- Antillotyphlops guadeloupensis (Richmond, 1966)
- Antillotyphlops hypomethes (Hedges and Thomas, 1991)
- Antillotyphlops monastus (Thomas, 1966)
- Antillotyphlops monensis (Schmidt, 1926)
- Antillotyphlops naugus (Thomas, 1966)
- Antillotyphlops platycephalus (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844)
- Antillotyphlops richardi (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844)
- Apalone ferox (Schneider, 1783)
- Apalone mutica (LeSueur, 1827)
- Apalone spinifera (LeSueur, 1827)
- Aparallactus capensis A. Smith, 1849
- Aparallactus guentheri Boulenger, 1895
- Aparallactus jacksonii (Günther, 1888)
- Aparallactus lineatus (Peters, 1870)
- Aparallactus lunulatus (Peters, 1854)
- Aparallactus modestus (Günther, 1859)
- Aparallactus moeruensis de Witte and Laurent, 1943
- Aparallactus niger Boulenger, 1897
- Aparallactus nigriceps (Peters, 1854)
- Aparallactus turneri Loveridge, 1935
- Aparallactus werneri Boulenger, 1895
- Apathya cappadocica (Werner, 1902)
- Apathya yassujica (Nilson, Rastegar-Pouyani, Rastegar-Pouyani and Andrén, 2003)
- Aphaniotis acutirostris Modigliani, 1889
- Aphaniotis fusca (W. C. H. Peters, 1864)
- Aphaniotis ornata (Lidth de Jeude, 1893)
- Aplopeltura boa (H. Boie, 1828)
- Apodora papuana (W. C. H. Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Apostolepis albicollaris de Lema, 2002
- Apostolepis ambiniger (Peters, 1869)
- Apostolepis ammodites Ferrarezzi, Erritto Barbo and España Albuquerque, 2005
- Apostolepis arenaria Rodrigues, 1993
- Apostolepis assimilis (Reinhardt, 1861)
- Apostolepis borellii Peracca, 1904
- Apostolepis breviceps Harvey, Gonzales and Scrocchi, 2001
- Apostolepis cearensis Gomes, 1915
- Apostolepis cerradoensis de Lema, 2003
- Apostolepis christineae de Lema, 2002
- Apostolepis dimidiata (Jan, 1862)
- Apostolepis dorbignyi (Schlegel, 1837)
- Apostolepis flavotorquata (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Apostolepis gaboi Rodrigues, 1993
- Apostolepis goiasensis Prado, 1942
- Apostolepis intermedia Koslowsky, 1898
- Apostolepis lineata Cope, 1887
- Apostolepis longicaudata Gomes, 1921
- Apostolepis mariae Borges-Nojosa, Lima, Bezerra and Harris, 2017
- Apostolepis multicincta Harvey, 1999
- Apostolepis nelsonjorgei de Lema and Renner, 2004
- Apostolepis niceforoi Amaral, 1935
- Apostolepis nigrolineata (Peters, 1869)
- Apostolepis nigroterminata Boulenger, 1896
- Apostolepis phillipsae Harvey, 1999
- Apostolepis polylepis Amaral, 1921
- Apostolepis pymi Boulenger, 1903
- Apostolepis quirogai Giraudo and Scrocchi, 1998
- Apostolepis serrana de Lema and Renner, 2006
- Apostolepis striata de Lema, 2004
- Apostolepis tenuis Ruthven, 1927
- Apostolepis tertulianobeui de Lema, 2004
- Apostolepis thalesdelemai Borges-Nojosa, Lima, Bezerra and Harris, 2017
- Apostolepis vittata (Cope, 1887)
- Aprasia aurita Kluge, 1974
- Aprasia fusca Storr, 1979
- Aprasia haroldi Storr, 1978
- Aprasia inaurita Kluge, 1974
- Aprasia parapulchella Kluge, 1974
- Aprasia picturata L. Smith and Henry, 1999
- Aprasia pseudopulchella Kluge, 1974
- Aprasia pulchella Gray, 1839
- Aprasia repens (Fry, 1914)
- Aprasia rostrata Parker, 1956
- Aprasia smithi Storr, 1970
- Aprasia striolata Lütken, 1863
- Aprosdoketophis andreonei Wallach, Lanza and Nistri, 2010
- Archaeolacerta bedriagae (Camerano, 1885)
- Archaius tigris (Kuhl, 1820)
- Archelaphe bella (Stanley, 1917)
- Argyrogena fasciolata (Shaw, 1802)
- Argyrogena vittacaudata (Blyth, 1854)
- Argyrophis bothriorhynchus (Günther, 1864)
- Argyrophis diardii (Schlegel, 1839)
- Argyrophis fuscus (A. H. A. Duméril in A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851)
- Argyrophis giadinhensis (Bourret, 1937)
- Argyrophis hypsobothrius (Werner, 1917)
- Argyrophis klemmeri (Taylor, 1962)
- Argyrophis koshunensis (Oshima, 1916)
- Argyrophis muelleri (Schlegel, 1839)
- Argyrophis oatesii (Boulenger, 1890)
- Argyrophis roxaneae (Wallach, 2001)
- Argyrophis siamensis (Günther, 1864)
- Argyrophis trangensis (Taylor, 1962)
- Aristelliger barbouri Noble and Klingel, 1932
- Aristelliger cochranae Grant, 1931
- Aristelliger expectatus Cochran, 1933
- Aristelliger georgeensis (Bocourt, 1873)
- Aristelliger hechti Schwartz and Crombie, 1975
- Aristelliger lar Cope, 1862
- Aristelliger praesignis (Hallowell, 1856)
- Aristelliger reyesi Diaz and Hedges, 2009
- Arizona elegans Kennicott in Baird, 1859
- Arizona pacata Klauber, 1946
- Arrhyton ainictum Schwartz and Garrido, 1981
- Arrhyton dolichura Werner, 1909
- Arrhyton procerum Hedges and Garrido, 1992
- Arrhyton redimitum (Cope, 1863)
- Arrhyton supernum Hedges and Garrido, 1992
- Arrhyton taeniatum Günther, 1858
- Arrhyton tanyplectum Schwartz and Garrido, 1981
- Arrhyton vittatum (Gundlach, 1861)
- Arthrosaura kockii (Lidth de Jeude, 1904)
- Arthrosaura montigena Myers and Donnelly, 2008
- Arthrosaura reticulata (O'Shaughnessy, 1881)
- Arthrosaura synaptolepis Donnelly, McDiarmid and Myers, 1992
- Arthrosaura testigensis Gorzula and Senaris, 1999
- Arthrosaura tyleri (Burt and Burt, 1931)
- Arthrosaura versteegii Lidth de Jeude, 1904
- Asaccus barani Torki, Ahmadzadeh, Ilgaz, Avci and Kumlutas, 2011
- Asaccus caudivolvulus Arnold and Gardner, 1994
- Asaccus elisae (F. Werner, 1895)
- Asaccus gallagheri (Arnold, 1972)
- Asaccus granularis Torki, 2010
- Asaccus griseonotus Dixon and S.C. Anderson, 1973
- Asaccus iranicus Torki, Ahmadzadeh, Ilgaz, Avci and Kumlutas, 2011
- Asaccus kermanshahensis Rastegar-Pouyani, 1996
- Asaccus kurdistanensis Rastegar-Pouyani, Nilson and Faizi, 2006
- Asaccus montanus Gardner, 1994
- Asaccus nasrullahi Y. Werner, 2006
- Asaccus platyrhynchus Arnold and Gardner, 1994
- Asaccus saffinae Afrasiab and Mohamad, 2009
- Asaccus tangestanensis Torki, Ahmadzadeh, Ilgaz, Avci and Kumlutas, 2011
- Asaccus zagrosicus Torki, Ahmadzadeh, Ilgaz, Avci and Kumlutas, 2011
- Asiocolotes depressus (Minton and J.A. Anderson, 1965)
- Asiocolotes levitoni (Golubev and Szczerbak, 1979)
- Aspidelaps lubricus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Aspidelaps scutatus (A. Smith, 1849)
- Aspidites melanocephalus (Krefft, 1864)
- Aspidites ramsayi (Macleay, 1882)
- Aspidomorphus lineaticollis (Werner, 1903)
- Aspidomorphus muelleri (Schlegel, 1837)
- Aspidomorphus schlegelii (Günther, 1872)
- Aspidoscelis angusticeps (Cope, 1878)
- Aspidoscelis burti (Taylor, 1938)
- Aspidoscelis calidipes (Duellman, 1955)
- Aspidoscelis carmenensis (Maslin and Secoy, 1986)
- Aspidoscelis ceralbensis (Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921)
- Aspidoscelis communis (Cope, 1878)
- Aspidoscelis costatus (Cope, 1878)
- Aspidoscelis cozumela (Gadow, 1906)
- Aspidoscelis danheimae (Burt, 1929)
- Aspidoscelis deppii (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Aspidoscelis espiritensis (Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921)
- Aspidoscelis exsanguis (Lowe, 1956)
- Aspidoscelis franciscensis (Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921)
- Aspidoscelis gularis (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Aspidoscelis guttatus (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Aspidoscelis hyperythrus (Cope, 1863)
- Aspidoscelis inornatus (Baird, 1859)
- Aspidoscelis labialis (Stejneger, 1890)
- Aspidoscelis laredoensis (McKinney, Kay and Anderson, 1973)
- Aspidoscelis lineattissimus (Cope, 1878)
- Aspidoscelis marmoratus (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Aspidoscelis martyris (Stejneger, 1891)
- Aspidoscelis maslini (Fritts, 1969)
- Aspidoscelis maximus (Cope, 1863)
- Aspidoscelis mexicanus (Peters, 1869)
- Aspidoscelis motaguae (Sackett, 1941)
- Aspidoscelis neomexicanus (Lowe and Zweifel, 1952)
- Aspidoscelis neotesselatus (Walker, Cordes and Taylor, 1997)
- Aspidoscelis opatae (Wright, 1967)
- Aspidoscelis pai (Wright and Lowe, 1993)
- Aspidoscelis parvisocius (Zweifel, 1960)
- Aspidoscelis pictus (Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921)
- Aspidoscelis preopatae Barley, Reeder, Nieto-Montes-De-Oca, Cole and Thomson, 2021
- Aspidoscelis rodecki (McCoy and Maslin, 1962)
- Aspidoscelis sackii (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Aspidoscelis scalaris (Cope, 1892)
- Aspidoscelis sexlineatus (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Aspidoscelis sonorae (Lowe and Wright, 1964)
- Aspidoscelis stictogrammus (Burger, 1950)
- Aspidoscelis tesselatus (Say in James, 1823)
- Aspidoscelis tigris (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Aspidoscelis uniparens (Wright and Lowe, 1965)
- Aspidoscelis velox (Springer, 1928)
- Aspidoscelis xanthonotus (Duellman and Lowe, 1953)
- Aspidura brachyorrhos (F. Boie, 1827)
- Aspidura ceylonensis (Günther, 1858)
- Aspidura copii Günther, 1864
- Aspidura deraniyagalae Gans and Fetcho, 1982
- Aspidura drummondhayi Boulenger, 1904
- Aspidura guentheri Ferguson, 1876
- Aspidura ravanai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Kandambi, Pyron and Wickramasinghe, 2017
- Aspidura trachyprocta Cope, 1860
- Aspronema cochabambae (Dunn, 1935)
- Aspronema dorsivittatum (Cope, 1862)
- Asthenodipsas laevis (F. Boie, 1827)
- Asthenodipsas lasgalenensis Loredo, Wood, Quah, Anuar, Greer, Ahmad and Grismer, 2013
- Asthenodipsas malaccanus Peters, 1864
- Asthenodipsas tropidonotus (Lidth de Jeude, 1923)
- Asthenodipsas vertebralis (Boulenger, 1900)
- Astrochelys radiata (Shaw, 1802)
- Astrochelys yniphora (Vaillant, 1885)
- Ateuchosaurus chinensis Gray, 1845
- Ateuchosaurus pellopleurus (Hallowell, 1861)
- Atheris acuminata Broadley, 1998
- Atheris anisolepis Mocquard, 1887
- Atheris barbouri Loveridge, 1930
- Atheris broadleyi Lawson, 1999
- Atheris ceratophora Werner, 1896
- Atheris chlorechis (Pel, 1851)
- Atheris desaixi Ashe, 1968
- Atheris hirsuta Ernst and Rödel, 2002
- Atheris hispida Laurent, 1955
- Atheris katangensis de Witte, 1953
- Atheris mabuensis Branch and Bayliss, 2009
- Atheris matildae Menegon, Davenport and Howell, 2011
- Atheris nitschei Tornier, 1902
- Atheris rungweensis Bogert, 1940
- Atheris squamigera (Hallowell, 1854)
- Atheris subocularis Fischer, 1888
- Atlantolacerta andreanskyi (Werner, 1929)
- Atractaspis andersonii Boulenger, 1905
- Atractaspis aterrima Günther, 1863
- Atractaspis battersbyi de Witte, 1959
- Atractaspis bibronii A. Smith, 1849
- Atractaspis boulengeri Mocquard, 1897
- Atractaspis congica Peters, 1877
- Atractaspis corpulenta (Hallowell, 1854)
- Atractaspis dahomeyensis Bocage, 1887
- Atractaspis duerdeni Gough, 1907
- Atractaspis engaddensis Haas, 1950
- Atractaspis engdahli Lönnberg and Andersson, 1913
- Atractaspis fallax Peters, 1867
- Atractaspis irregularis (Reinhardt, 1843)
- Atractaspis leucomelas Boulenger, 1895
- Atractaspis magrettii Scortecci, 1928
- Atractaspis microlepidota Günther, 1866
- Atractaspis micropholis Günther, 1872
- Atractaspis phillipsi Barbour, 1913
- Atractaspis reticulata Sjöstedt, 1896
- Atractaspis scorteccii Parker, 1949
- Atractaspis watsoni Boulenger, 1908
- Atractus acheronius Passos, Rivas and Barrio-Amorós, 2009
- Atractus albuquerquei da Cunha and Nascimento, 1983
- Atractus alphonsehogei da Cunha and Nascimento, 1983
- Atractus altagratiae Passos and Fernandes, 2008
- Atractus alytogrammus Köhler and Kieckbusch, 2014
- Atractus andinus Prado, 1944
- Atractus apophis Passos and Lynch, 2010
- Atractus arangoi Prado, 1939
- Atractus atratus Passos and Lynch, 2010
- Atractus attenuates Myers and Schargel, 2006
- Atractus avernus Passos, Chiesse, Torres-Carvajal and Savage, 2009
- Atractus ayeush Esqueda, 2011
- Atractus badius (F. Boie, 1827)
- Atractus balzani Boulenger, 1898
- Atractus biseriatus Prado, 1941
- Atractus bocki Werner, 1909
- Atractus bocourti Boulenger, 1894
- Atractus boettgeri Boulenger, 1896
- Atractus boimirim Passos, Prudente and Lynch, 2016
- Atractus boulengerii Peracca, 1896
- Atractus caete Passos, Fernandes, Bérnils and Moura-Leite, 2010
- Atractus careolepis Köhler and Kieckbusch, 2014
- Atractus carrioni Parker, 1930
- Atractus caxiuana Da Costa Prudente and Santos-Costa, 2006
- Atractus cerberus Arteaga, Mebert, Valencia, Cisneros-Heredia, Peñafiel, Reyes-Puig et al., 2017
- Atractus charitoae Silva Haad, 2004
- Atractus chthonius Passos and Lynch, 2010
- Atractus clarki Dunn and Bailey, 1939
- Atractus collaris Peracca, 1897
- Atractus crassicaudatus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Atractus darienensis Myers, 2003
- Atractus depressiocellus Myers, 2003
- Atractus duboisi (Boulenger, 1880)
- Atractus duidensis Roze, 1961
- Atractus dunni Savage, 1955
- Atractus echidna Passos, Mueses-Cisneros, Lynch and Fernandes, 2009
- Atractus ecuadorensis Savage, 1955
- Atractus edioi Da Silva, Rodrigues Silva, Ribeiro, Souza and Do Amaral Souza, 2005
- Atractus elaps (Günther, 1858)
- Atractus emigdioi Gonzales-Sponga, 1971
- Atractus emmeli (Boettger, 1888)
- Atractus eriki Esqueda, la Marca and Bazó, 2007
- Atractus erythromelas Boulenger, 1903
- Atractus esepe Arteaga, Mebert, Valencia, Cisneros-Heredia, Peñafiel, Reyes-Puig et al., 2017
- Atractus favae (Filippi, 1840)
- Atractus flammigerus (F. Boie, 1827)
- Atractus franciscopaivai Silva Haad, 2004
- Atractus francoi Passos, Fernandes, Bérnils and Moura-Leite, 2010
- Atractus fuliginosus (Hallowell, 1845)
- Atractus gaigeae Savage, 1955
- Atractus gigas Myers and Schargel, 2006
- Atractus guentheri (Wucherer, 1861)
- Atractus heliobelluomini Silva Haad, 2004
- Atractus heyeri Esqueda and McDiarmid, 2015
- Atractus hoogmoedi Prudente and Passos, 2010
- Atractus hostilitractus Myers, 2003
- Atractus imperfectus Myers, 2003
- Atractus indistinctus Prado, 1940
- Atractus insipidus Roze, 1961
- Atractus iridescens Peracca, 1896
- Atractus lancinii Roze, 1961
- Atractus lasallei Amaral, 1931
- Atractus latifrons (Günther, 1868)
- Atractus lehmanni Boettger, 1898
- Atractus limitaneus (Amaral, 1935)
- Atractus loveridgei Amaral, 1930
- Atractus macondo Passos, Lynch and Fernandes, 2009
- Atractus maculatus (Günther, 1858)
- Atractus major Boulenger, 1894
- Atractus manizalesensis Prado, 1940
- Atractus mariselae Lancini, 1969
- Atractus matthewi Markezich and Barrio-Amorós, 2004
- Atractus medusa Passos, Mueses-Cisneros, Lynch and Fernandes, 2009
- Atractus melanogaster Werner, 1916
- Atractus melas Boulenger, 1908
- Atractus meridensis Esqueda and la Marca, 2005
- Atractus micheleae Esqueda and la Marca, 2005
- Atractus microrhynchus (Cope, 1868)
- Atractus mijaresi Esqueda and la Marca, 2005
- Atractus modestus Boulenger, 1894
- Atractus multicinctus (Jan, 1865)
- Atractus multidentatus Passos, Rivas and Barrio-Amorós, 2009
- Atractus nasutus Passos, Fernandes and Lynch, 2009
- Atractus natans Hoogmoed and Prudente, 2003
- Atractus nicefori Amaral, 1930
- Atractus nigricaudus Schmidt and Walker, 1943
- Atractus nigriventris Amaral, 1933
- Atractus obesus Marx, 1960
- Atractus obtusirostris Werner, 1916
- Atractus occidentalis Savage, 1955
- Atractus occipitoalbus (Jan, 1862)
- Atractus ochrosetrus Esqueda and la Marca, 2005
- Atractus oculotemporalis Amaral, 1932
- Atractus orcesi Savage, 1955
- Atractus paisa Passos, Fernandes and Lynch, 2009
- Atractus pamplonensis Amaral, 1937
- Atractus pantostictus Fernandes and Puorto, 1993
- Atractus paraguayensis Werner, 1924
- Atractus paravertebralis Henle and Ehrl, 1991
- Atractus paucidens Despax, 1910
- Atractus pauciscutatus Schmidt and Walker, 1943
- Atractus peruvianus (Jan, 1862)
- Atractus poeppigi (Jan, 1862)
- Atractus potschi Fernandes, 1995
- Atractus punctiventris Amaral, 1933
- Atractus pyroni Arteaga, Mebert, Valencia, Cisneros-Heredia, Peñafiel, Reyes-Puig et al., 2017
- Atractus resplendens Werner, 1901
- Atractus reticulatus (Boulenger, 1885)
- Atractus riveroi Roze, 1961
- Atractus ronnie Passos, Fernandes and Borges-Nojosa, 2007
- Atractus roulei Despax, 1910
- Atractus sanctaemartae Dunn, 1946
- Atractus sanguineus Prado, 1944
- Atractus savagei Salazar-Valenzuela, Torres-Carvajal and Passos, 2014
- Atractus schach (F. Boie, 1827)
- Atractus serranus Amaral, 1930
- Atractus snethlageae da Cunha and Nascimento, 1983
- Atractus spinalis Passos, Texeira Jr., Recoder, De Sena, Dal Vechio, De Arruda Pinto et al., 2013
- Atractus steyermarki Roze, 1958
- Atractus surucucu Prudente, 2008
- Atractus taeniatus Griffin, 1916
- Atractus tamaensis Esqueda and la Marca, 2005
- Atractus tamessari Kok, 2006
- Atractus taphorni Schargel and García-Pérez, 2002
- Atractus tartarus Passos, Prudente and Lynch, 2016
- Atractus thalesdelemai Passos, Fernandes and Zanella, 2005
- Atractus titanicus Passos, Fernandes and Lynch, 2009
- Atractus torquatus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Atractus touzeti Schargel, Lamar, Passos, Valencia, Cisneros-Hereda and Campbell, 2013
- Atractus trihedrurus Amaral, 1926
- Atractus trilineatus Wagler, 1828
- Atractus trivittatus Amaral, 1933
- Atractus turikensis Barros, 2000
- Atractus typhon Passos, Mueses-Cisneros, Lynch and Fernandes, 2009
- Atractus variegatus Prado, 1942
- Atractus ventrimaculatus Boulenger, 1905
- Atractus vertebralis Boulenger, 1904
- Atractus vertebrolineatus Prado, 1941
- Atractus vittatus Boulenger, 1894
- Atractus wagleri Prado, 1945
- Atractus werneri Peracca, 1912
- Atractus zebrinus (Jan, 1862)
- Atractus zidoki Gasc and Rodrigues, 1979
- Atretium schistosum (Daudin, 1803)
- Atretium yunnanensis Anderson, 1879
- Atropoides indomitus E. N. Smith and Ferrari-Castro, 2008
- Atropoides mexicanus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Atropoides nummifer (Rüppell, 1845)
- Atropoides occiduus (Hoge, 1966)
- Atropoides olmec (Perez-Higareda, H. M. Smith and Julia-Zertuche, 1985)
- Atropoides picadoi (Dunn, 1939)
- Aurivela longicauda (Bell, 1843)
- Aurivela tergolaevigata (Cabrera, 2004)
- Australolacerta australis (Hewitt, 1926)
- Austrelaps labialis (Jan, 1859)
- Austrelaps ramsayi (Krefft, 1864)
- Austrelaps superbus (Günther, 1858)
- Austroablepharus barrylyoni (Couper, Limpus, McDonald and Amey, 2010)
- Austroablepharus kinghorni (Copland, 1947)
- Austroablepharus naranjicaudus (Greer, Fisher and Horner, 2004)
- Azemiops feae Boulenger, 1888
- Azemiops kharini Orlov, Ryabov and T. T. Nguyen, 2013
- Bachia alleni (Barbour, 1914)
- Bachia barbouri Burt and Burt, 1931
- Bachia beebei Murphy, Salvi, Santos, Braswell, Charles, Borzée and Jowers, 2019
- Bachia bicolor (Cope, 1896)
- Bachia blairi (Dunn, 1940)
- Bachia bresslaui (Amaral, 1935)
- Bachia cacerensis Castrillon and Strussman, 1998
- Bachia didactyla De Freitas, Strüssmann, de Carvalho, Kawashita-Ribeiro and Mott, 2011
- Bachia dorbignyi (Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Bachia flavescens (Bonnaterre, 1789)
- Bachia geralista Teixeira, Sousa-Recoder, Camacho, de Sena, Navas and Rodrigues, 2013
- Bachia guianensis Hoogmoed and Dixon, 1977
- Bachia heteropa (Lichtenstein and Martens in Lichtenstein, 1856)
- Bachia huallagana Dixon, 1973
- Bachia intermedia Noble, 1921
- Bachia lineata Boulenger, 1903
- Bachia marcelae Donoso-Barros and Garrido, 1964
- Bachia micromela Rodrigues, Pavan and Curcio, 2007
- Bachia oxyrhina Rodrigues, Camacho, Nunes, Sousa Recoder, Teixeira Jr., Valdujo, Ghellere, Mott and Nogueira, 2008
- Bachia pallidiceps (Cope, 1862)
- Bachia panoplia Thomas, 1965
- Bachia peruana (Werner, 1901)
- Bachia psamophila Rodrigues, Pavan and Curcio, 2007
- Bachia pyburni Kizirian and McDiarmid, 1998
- Bachia remota Ribeiro-Júnior, Da Silva and Lima, 2016
- Bachia scaea Teixeira, Dal Vechio, Nunes, Mollo-Neto, Moreira-Lobo, Storti, Junqueira-Gaiga et al., 2013
- Bachia scolecoides Vanzolini, 1961
- Bachia talpa Ruthven, 1925
- Bachia trinitatis (Barbour, 1914)
- Bachia trisanale (Cope, 1868)
- Bachia whitei Murphy, Salvi, Santos, Braswell, Charles, Borzée and Jowers, 2019
- Baikia africana Gray, 1865
- Balanophis ceylonensis (Günther, 1858)
- Bamanophis dorri (Lataste, 1888)
- Barisia ciliaris (Smith, 1942)
- Barisia herrerae Zaldívar-Riverón and Nieto-Montes de Oca, 2002
- Barisia imbricata (Wiegmann, 1828)
- Barisia jonesi Guillette and Smith, 1982
- Barisia levicollis Stejneger, 1890
- Barisia planifrons (Bocourt, 1878)
- Barisia rudicollis (Wiegmann, 1828)
- Barkudia insularis Annandale, 1917
- Barkudia melanosticta (Schneider, 1801)
- Basiliscus basiliscus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Basiliscus galeritus A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Basiliscus plumifrons Cope, 1875
- Basiliscus vittatus Wiegmann, 1828
- Batagur affinis (Cantor, 1847)
- Batagur baska (Gray, 1830)
- Batagur borneoensis (Schlegel and Müller, 1845)
- Batagur dhongoka (Gray, 1832)
- Batagur kachuga (Gray, 1831)
- Batagur trivittata (Duméril and Bibron, 1835)
- Bavayia crassicollis Roux, 1913
- Bavayia cyclura (Günther, 1872)
- Bavayia exsuccida Bauer, Whitaker and Sadlier, 1998
- Bavayia geitaina Wright, Bauer and Sadlier, 2000
- Bavayia goroensis Bauer, Jackman, Sadlier, Shea and Whitaker, 2008
- Bavayia madjo Bauer, Jones and Sadlier, 2000
- Bavayia montana Roux, 1913
- Bavayia ornata Roux, 1913
- Bavayia pulchella Bauer, Whitaker and Sadlier, 1998
- Bavayia robusta Wright, Bauer and Sadlier, 2000
- Bavayia sauvagii (Boulenger, 1883)
- Bavayia septuiclavis Sadlier, 1989
- Bellatorias frerei (Günther, 1897)
- Bellatorias major (Gray, 1845)
- Bellatorias obiri (Wells and Wellington, 1985)
- Bipes biporus (Cope, 1894)
- Bipes canaliculatus Latreille in Sonnini and Latreille, 1801
- Bipes tridactylus (Dugès, 1894)
- Bitia hydroides Gray, 1842
- Bitis albanica Hewitt, 1937
- Bitis arietans (Merrem, 1820)
- Bitis armata (A. Smith, 1826)
- Bitis atropos (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Bitis caudalis (A. Smith, 1839)
- Bitis cornuta (Daudin, 1803)
- Bitis gabonica (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Bitis harenna Gower, Wade, Spawls, Böhme, Buechley, Sykes and Colston, 2016
- Bitis heraldica (Bocage, 1889)
- Bitis inornata (A. Smith, 1838)
- Bitis nasicornis (Shaw, 1802)
- Bitis parviocula Böhme, 1976
- Bitis peringueyi (Boulenger, 1888)
- Bitis rhinoceros (Schlegel, 1855)
- Bitis rubida Branch, 1997
- Bitis schneideri (Boettger, 1886)
- Bitis worthingtoni Parker, 1932
- Bitis xeropaga Haacke, 1975
- Blaesodactylus ambonihazo Bauer, Glaw, Gehring and Vences, 2011
- Blaesodactylus antongilensis (Böhme and Meier, 1980)
- Blaesodactylus boivini (Duméril, 1856)
- Blaesodactylus sakalava (Grandidier, 1867)
- Blanus alexandri Sindaco, Kornilios, Sacchi and Lymberakis, 2014
- Blanus aporus Werner, 1898
- Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797)
- Blanus mettetali Bons, 1963
- Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884)
- Blanus tingitanus Busack, 1988
- Blanus vandellii Ceriáco and Bauer, 2018
- Blythia hmuifang Vogel, Lalremsanga and Vanlalhrima, 2017
- Blythia reticulata (Blyth, 1854)
- Boa constrictor Linnaeus, 1758
- Boaedon capensis A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Boaedon fuliginosus (F. Boie, 1827)
- Boaedon lineatus A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Boaedon littoralis Trape and Mediannikov, 2016
- Boaedon longilineatus Trape and Mediannikov, 2016
- Boaedon maculatus Parker, 1932
- Boaedon olivaceus (A. H. A. Duméril, 1856)
- Boaedon paralineatus Trape and Mediannikov, 2016
- Boaedon perisilvestris Trape and Mediannikov, 2016
- Boaedon radfordi Greenbaum, Portillo, Jackson and Kusamba, 2015
- Boaedon subflavus Trape and Mediannikov, 2016
- Boaedon upembae (Laurent, 1954)
- Boaedon virgatus (Hallowell, 1854)
- Bogertia lutzae Loveridge, 1941
- Bogertophis rosaliae (Mocquard, 1899)
- Bogertophis subocularis (Brown, 1901)
- Boiga andamanensis (Wall, 1909)
- Boiga angulata (W. C. H. Peters, 1861)
- Boiga barnesii (Günther, 1869)
- Boiga beddomei (Wall, 1909)
- Boiga bengkuluensis Orlov, Kudryavtzev, Ryabov and Shumakov, 2003
- Boiga bourreti Tillack, Ziegler and Khac Quyet, 2004
- Boiga ceylonensis (Günther, 1858)
- Boiga cyanea (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Boiga cynodon (F. Boie, 1827)
- Boiga dendrophila (F. Boie, 1827)
- Boiga dightoni (Boulenger, 1894)
- Boiga drapiezii (H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827)
- Boiga flaviviridis Vogel and Ganesh, 2013
- Boiga forsteni (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Boiga gokool (Gray, 1835)
- Boiga guangxiensis Wen, 1998
- Boiga hoeseli Ramadhan, Iskandar and Subasri, 2010
- Boiga irregularis (Bechstein, 1802)
- Boiga jaspidea (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Boiga kraepelini Stejneger, 1902
- Boiga multifasciata (Blyth, 1861)
- Boiga multomaculata (F. Boie, 1827)
- Boiga nigriceps (Günther, 1863)
- Boiga nuchalis (Günther, 1875)
- Boiga ochracea (Theobald, 1868)
- Boiga philippina (Peters, 1867)
- Boiga quincunciata (Wall, 1908)
- Boiga saengsomi Nutaphand, 1985
- Boiga schultzei Taylor, 1923
- Boiga siamensis Nutaphand, 1971
- Boiga tanahjampeana Orlov and Ryabov, 2002
- Boiga trigonata (Schneider, 1802)
- Boiga wallachi Das, 1998
- Boiruna maculata (Boulenger, 1896)
- Boiruna sertaneja Zaher, 1996
- Bolyeria multocarinata (F. Boie, 1827)
- Borikenophis portoricensis (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Borikenophis sancticrucis (Cope, 1862)
- Borikenophis variegatus (Schmidt, 1926)
- Bothriechis aurifer (Salvin, 1860)
- Bothriechis bicolor (Bocourt, 1868)
- Bothriechis guifarroi Townsend, Medina-Flores, Wilson, Jadin and Austin, 2013
- Bothriechis lateralis Peters, 1862
- Bothriechis marchi (Barbour and Loveridge, 1929)
- Bothriechis nigroviridis Peters, 1859
- Bothriechis nubestris Doan, Mason, Castoe, Sasa and Parkinson, 2016
- Bothriechis rowleyi (Bogert, 1968)
- Bothriechis schlegelii (Berthold, 1846)
- Bothriechis supraciliaris (Taylor, 1954)
- Bothriechis thalassinus Campbell and H. M. Smith, 2000
- Bothrochilus albertisii (W. C. H. Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Bothrochilus biakensis (Schleip, 2008)
- Bothrochilus boa (Schlegel, 1837)
- Bothrochilus fredparkeri (Schleip, 2008)
- Bothrochilus huonensis (Schleip, 2008)
- Bothrochilus meridionalis (Schleip, 2014)
- Bothrochilus montanus (Schleip, 2014)
- Bothrocophias andianus (Amaral, 1923)
- Bothrocophias campbelli (Freire-Lascano, 1991)
- Bothrocophias colombianus (Rendahl and Vestergren, 1940)
- Bothrocophias hyoprora (Amaral, 1935)
- Bothrocophias microphthalmus (Cope, 1875)
- Bothrocophias myersi Gutberlet and Campbell, 2001
- Bothrolycus ater Günther, 1874
- Bothrophthalmus brunneus Günther, 1863
- Bothrophthalmus lineatus (Peters, 1863)
- Bothrops alcatraz Marques, Martins and Sazima, 2002
- Bothrops alternatus A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Bothrops ammodytoides Leybold, 1873
- Bothrops asper (Garman, 1883)
- Bothrops atrox (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Bothrops ayerbei Folleco-Fernandez, 2010
- Bothrops barnetti Parker, 1938
- Bothrops bilineatus (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
- Bothrops brazili Hoge, 1954
- Bothrops caribbaeus (Garman, 1887)
- Bothrops chloromelas (Boulenger, 1912)
- Bothrops cotiara (Gomes, 1913)
- Bothrops diporus Cope, 1862
- Bothrops erythromelas Amaral, 1923
- Bothrops fonsecai Hoge and Belluomini, 1959
- Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1921)
- Bothrops itapetiningae (Boulenger, 1907)
- Bothrops jararaca (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)
- Bothrops jararacussu Lacerda, 1884
- Bothrops jonathani Harvey, 1994
- Bothrops lanceolatus (Bonnaterre, 1790)
- Bothrops leucurus Wagler, 1824
- Bothrops lojanus Parker, 1930
- Bothrops lutzi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1915)
- Bothrops marajoensis Hoge, 1966
- Bothrops marmoratus da Silva and Rodrigues, 2008
- Bothrops matogrossensis Amaral, 1925
- Bothrops medusa (Sternfeld, 1920)
- Bothrops moojeni Hoge, 1966
- Bothrops muriciensis Ferrarezzi and Freire, 2001
- Bothrops neuwiedi Wagler, 1824
- Bothrops oligolepis (Werner, 1901)
- Bothrops osbornei Freire-Lascano, 1991
- Bothrops otavioi Barbo, Grazziotin, Sazima, Martins and Sawaya, 2012
- Bothrops pauloensis Amaral, 1925
- Bothrops pictus (Tschudi, 1845)
- Bothrops pirajai Amaral, 1923
- Bothrops pubescens (Cope, 1870)
- Bothrops pulchra (Peters, 1862)
- Bothrops punctatus (Garcia, 1896)
- Bothrops rhombeatus Garcia, 1896
- Bothrops sanctaecrucis Hoge, 1966
- Bothrops sazimai Barbo, Gasparini, Almeida, Zaher, Grazziotin, Gusmão, Ferrarini and Sawaya, 2016
- Bothrops taeniatus Wagler, 1824
- Bothrops venezuelensis Sandner-Montilla, 1952
- Brachylophus bulabula Fisher, Harlow, Edwards and Keogh in Keogh, Edwards, Fisher and Harlow, 2008
- Brachylophus fasciatus (Brongniart, 1800)
- Brachylophus vitiensis Gibbons, 1981
- Brachymeles apus Hikida, 1982
- Brachymeles bicolandia Siler, Fuiten, Jones, Alcala and Brown, 2011
- Brachymeles bicolor (Gray, 1845)
- Brachymeles boholensis Brown and Rabor, 1967
- Brachymeles bonitae A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839
- Brachymeles boulengeri Taylor, 1922
- Brachymeles brevidactylus Siler, Fuiten, Jones, Alcala and Brown, 2011
- Brachymeles burksi Taylor, 1917
- Brachymeles cebuensis Brown and Rabor, 1967
- Brachymeles cobos Siler, Fuiten, Jones, Alcala and Brown, 2011
- Brachymeles dalawangdaliri Davis, Geheber, Watters, Penrod, Feller, Ashford, Kouri, Nguyen, Shauberger, Sheatsley et al., 2016
- Brachymeles elerae Taylor, 1917
- Brachymeles gracilis (Fischer, 1885)
- Brachymeles hilong Brown and Rabor, 1967
- Brachymeles ilocandia Siler, Davis, Freitas, Huron, Geheber, Watters, Penrod, Papes, Amrein, Anwawr et al., 2016
- Brachymeles isangdaliri Davis, Feller, Brown and Siler, 2014
- Brachymeles kadwa Siler and Brown, 2010
- Brachymeles libayani Siler, Fuiten, Jones, Alcala and Brown, 2011
- Brachymeles ligtas Geheber, Davis, Watters, Penrod, Feller, Davey, Ellsworth, Flanagan, Heitz, Moore et al., 2016
- Brachymeles lukbani Siler, Balete, Diesmos and Brown, 2010
- Brachymeles makusog Siler, Diesmos and Brown, 2010
- Brachymeles mapalanggaon Davis, Feller, Brown and Siler, 2014
- Brachymeles mindorensis Brown and Rabor, 1967
- Brachymeles minimus Brown and Alcala, 1995
- Brachymeles miriamae (Heyer, 1972)
- Brachymeles muntingkamay Siler, Rico, Duya and Brown, 2009
- Brachymeles orientalis Brown and Rabor, 1967
- Brachymeles paeforum Siler, Fuiten, Jones, Alcala and Brown, 2011
- Brachymeles pathfinderi Taylor, 1925
- Brachymeles samad Siler, Jones, Diesmos, Diesmos and Brown, 2012
- Brachymeles samarensis Brown, 1956
- Brachymeles schadenbergi (Fischer, 1885)
- Brachymeles suluensis Taylor, 1918
- Brachymeles talinis Brown, 1956
- Brachymeles taylori Brown, 1956
- Brachymeles tiboliorum Siler, Jones, Diesmos, Diesmos and Brown, 2012
- Brachymeles tridactylus Brown, 1956
- Brachymeles tungaoi Siler and Brown, 2010
- Brachymeles vermis Taylor, 1918
- Brachymeles vindumi Siler and Brown, 2010
- Brachymeles vulcani Siler, Jones, Diesmos, Diesmos and Brown, 2012
- Brachymeles wrighti Taylor, 1925
- Brachyophis revoili Mocquard, 1888
- Brachyorrhos albus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Brachyorrhos gastrotaenius (Bleeker, 1860)
- Brachyorrhos raffrayi (Sauvage, 1879)
- Brachyorrhos wallacei Murphy, Mumpuni, de Lang, Gower and Sanders, 2012
- Brachyseps anosyensis (Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1993)
- Brachyseps frontoparietalis (Boulenger, 1889)
- Brachyseps gastrostictus (O'Shaughnessy, 1879)
- Brachyseps macrocercus (Günther, 1882)
- Brachyseps mandady (Andreone and Greer, 2002)
- Brachyseps punctatus (Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1993)
- Brachyseps spilostichus (Andreone and Greer, 2002)
- Brachyseps splendidus (Grandidier, 1872)
- Brachyurophis approximans (Glauert, 1954)
- Brachyurophis australis (Krefft, 1864)
- Brachyurophis campbelli (Kinghorn, 1929)
- Brachyurophis fasciolatus (Günther, 1872)
- Brachyurophis incinctus (Storr, 1968)
- Brachyurophis morrisi (Horner, 1998)
- Brachyurophis roperi (Kinghorn, 1931)
- Brachyurophis semifasciatus Günther, 1863
- Bradypodion atromontanum Branch, Tolley and Tilbury, 2006
- Bradypodion caeruleogula Raw and Brothers, 2008
- Bradypodion caffer (Boettger, 1889)
- Bradypodion damaranum (Boulenger, 1887)
- Bradypodion dracomontanum Raw, 1976
- Bradypodion gutturale (A. Smith, 1849)
- Bradypodion kentanicum (Hewitt, 1935)
- Bradypodion melanocephalum (Gray, 1865)
- Bradypodion nemorale Raw, 1978
- Bradypodion ngomeense Tilbury and Tolley, 2009
- Bradypodion occidentale (Hewitt, 1935)
- Bradypodion pumilum (J. F. Gmelin, 1789)
- Bradypodion setaroi Raw, 1976
- Bradypodion taeniabronchum (A. Smith, 1831)
- Bradypodion thamnobates Raw, 1976
- Bradypodion transvaalense (FitzSimons, 1930)
- Bradypodion ventrale (Gray, 1845)
- Brasiliscincus agilis (Raddi, 1823)
- Brasiliscincus caissara (Reboucas-Spieker, 1974)
- Brasiliscincus heathi (Schmidt and Inger, 1951)
- Broadleysaurus major (Duméril, 1851)
- Bronchocela burmana Blanford, 1878
- Bronchocela celebensis Gray, 1845
- Bronchocela cristatella (Kuhl, 1920)
- Bronchocela danieli (Tiwari and Biswas, 1973)
- Bronchocela hayeki (L. Müller, 1928)
- Bronchocela jubata A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Bronchocela marmorata Gray, 1845
- Bronchocela orlovi Hallermann, 2004
- Bronchocela rayaensis L. L. Grismer, Wood, Lee, Quah, Anuar, Ngadi and Sites, 2015
- Bronchocela rubrigularis Hallermann, 2009
- Bronchocela shenlong L. L. Grismer, Wood, Lee, Quah, Anuar, Ngadi and Sites, 2015
- Bronchocela smaragdina Günther, 1864
- Bronchocela vietnamensis Hallermann and Orlov, 2005
- Brookesia ambreensis Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1995
- Brookesia antakarana Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1995
- Brookesia bekolosy Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1995
- Brookesia betschi Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1974
- Brookesia bonsi Ramanantsoa, 1980
- Brookesia brunoi Crottini, Miralles, Glaw, Harris, Lima and Vences, 2012
- Brookesia brygooi Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1995
- Brookesia confidens Glaw, G. Köhler, Townsend and Vences, 2012
- Brookesia decaryi Angel, 1939
- Brookesia dentata Mocquard, 1900
- Brookesia desperata Glaw, G. Köhler, Townsend and Vences, 2012
- Brookesia ebenaui (Boettger, 1880)
- Brookesia exarmata Schimmenti and Jesu, 1996
- Brookesia griveaudi Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1974
- Brookesia karchei Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1970
- Brookesia lambertoni Brygoo and Domergue, 1970
- Brookesia lineata Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 1995
- Brookesia micra Glaw, G. Köhler, Townsend and Vences, 2012
- Brookesia minima Boettger, 1893
- Brookesia perarmata (Angel, 1933)
- Brookesia peyrierasi Brygoo and Domergue, 1974
- Brookesia ramanantsoai Brygoo and Domergue, 1975
- Brookesia stumpffi Boettger, 1894
- Brookesia superciliaris (Kuhl, 1820)
- Brookesia therezieni Brygoo and Domergue, 1970
- Brookesia thieli Brygoo and Domergue, 1969
- Brookesia tristis Glaw, G. Köhler, Townsend and Vences, 2012
- Brookesia tuberculata Mocquard, 1894
- Brookesia vadoni Brygoo and Domergue, 1968
- Brookesia valerieae Raxworthy, 1991
- Brygophis coulangesi (Domergue, 1988)
- Bufoniceps laungwalaensis (Sharma, 1978)
- Buhoma depressiceps (Werner, 1897)
- Buhoma procterae (Loveridge, 1922)
- Buhoma vauerocegae (Tornier, 1902)
- Bungarus andamanensis Biswas and Sanyal, 1978
- Bungarus bungaroides (Cantor, 1839)
- Bungarus caeruleus (Schneider, 1801)
- Bungarus candidus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Bungarus ceylonicus Günther, 1864
- Bungarus fasciatus (Schneider, 1801)
- Bungarus flaviceps Reinhardt, 1843
- Bungarus lividus Cantor, 1839
- Bungarus magnimaculatus Wall and Evans, 1901
- Bungarus multicinctus Blyth, 1861
- Bungarus niger Wall, 1908
- Bungarus persicus Abtin, Nilson, Mobaraki, Hosseini and Dehgannejhad, 2014
- Bungarus sindanus Boulenger, 1897
- Bungarus slowinskii Kuch, Kizirian, T. Q. Nguyen, Lawson, Donnelly and Mebs, 2005
- Bungarus walli Wall, 1907
- Bunopus blanfordii Strauch, 1887
- Bunopus crassicauda Nikolsky, 1907
- Bunopus spatalurus J. Anderson, 1901
- Bunopus tuberculatus Blanford, 1874
- Caaeteboia amarali (Wettstein, 1930)
- Cacophis churchilli Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Cacophis harriettae Krefft, 1869
- Cacophis krefftii Günther, 1863
- Cacophis squamulosus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Cadea blanoides Stejneger, 1916
- Cadea palirostrata Dickerson, 1916
- Caesoris novaecaledoniae (Parker, 1926)
- Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1801)
- Caiman yacare (Daudin, 1801)
- Calabaria reinhardtii (Schlegel, 1848)
- Calamaria abramovi Orlov, 2009
- Calamaria abstrusa Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria acutirostris Boulenger, 1896
- Calamaria albiventer (Gray, 1835)
- Calamaria alidae Boulenger, 1920
- Calamaria apraeocularis M. A. Smith, 1927
- Calamaria banggaiensis Koch, Arida, McGuire, Iskandar and Böhme, 2009
- Calamaria battersbyi Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria bicolor A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Calamaria bitorques Peters, 1872
- Calamaria boesemani Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria borneensis Bleeker, 1860
- Calamaria brongersmai Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria buchi Marx and Inger, 1955
- Calamaria butonensis Howard and Gillespie, 2007
- Calamaria ceramensis de Rooij, 1913
- Calamaria concolor Orlov, T. Q. Nguyen, T. T. Nguyen, Ananjeva and Cuc Thu Ho, 2010
- Calamaria crassa Lidth de Jeude, 1922
- Calamaria curta Boulenger, 1896
- Calamaria doederleini Gough, 1902
- Calamaria eiselti Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria everetti Boulenger, 1893
- Calamaria forcarti Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria gervaisii A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Calamaria gialaiensis Ziegler, Nguyen Van Sang and T. Q. Nguyen, 2009
- Calamaria grabowskyi Fischer, 1885
- Calamaria gracillima (Günther, 1872)
- Calamaria griswoldi Loveridge, 1938
- Calamaria hilleniusi Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria ingeri Grismer, Kaiser and Yaakob, 2004
- Calamaria javanica Boulenger, 1891
- Calamaria joloensis Taylor, 1922
- Calamaria lateralis Mocquard, 1890
- Calamaria lautensis de Rooij, 1917
- Calamaria leucogaster Bleeker, 1860
- Calamaria linnaei H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Calamaria longirostris Howard and Gillespie, 2007
- Calamaria lovii Boulenger, 1887
- Calamaria lumbricoidea H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Calamaria lumholtzi Andersson, 1923
- Calamaria margaritophora Bleeker, 1860
- Calamaria mecheli Schenkel, 1901
- Calamaria melanota Jan, 1862
- Calamaria modesta A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Calamaria muelleri Boulenger, 1896
- Calamaria nuchalis Boulenger, 1896
- Calamaria palawanensis Inger and Marx, 1965
- Calamaria pavimentata A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Calamaria pfefferi Stejneger, 1901
- Calamaria prakkei Lidth de Jeude, 1893
- Calamaria rebentischi Bleeker, 1860
- Calamaria sangi T. Q. Nguyen, Koch and Ziegler, 2009
- Calamaria schlegeli A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854
- Calamaria schmidti Marx and Inger, 1955
- Calamaria septentrionalis Boulenger, 1890
- Calamaria suluensis Taylor, 1922
- Calamaria sumatrana Edeling, 1870
- Calamaria thanhi Ziegler and Quyet, 2005
- Calamaria ulmeri Sackett, 1940
- Calamaria virgulata H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Calamaria yunnanensis Chernov, 1962
- Calamodontophis paucidens (Amaral, 1936)
- Calamodontophis ronaldoi Franco, de Carvalho Cintra and de Lema, 2006
- Calamophis jobiensis Meyer, 1874
- Calamophis katesandersae Murphy, 2012
- Calamophis ruuddelangi Murphy, 2012
- Calamophis sharonbrooksae Murphy, 2012
- Calamorhabdium acuticeps Ahl, 1933
- Calamorhabdium kuekenthali Boettger, 1898
- Caledoniscincus aquilonius Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Caledoniscincus atropunctatus (Roux, 1913)
- Caledoniscincus auratus Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Caledoniscincus austrocaledonicus (Bavay, 1869)
- Caledoniscincus chazeaui Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Caledoniscincus constellatus Sadlier, Whitaker, Wood and Bauer, 2012
- Caledoniscincus cryptos Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Caledoniscincus festivus (Roux, 1913)
- Caledoniscincus haplorhinus (Günther, 1872)
- Caledoniscincus notialis Sadlier, Smith, Bauer and Wood in Sadlier et al., 2013
- Caledoniscincus orestes Sadlier, 1987
- Caledoniscincus pelletieri Sadlier, Whitaker, Wood and Bauer, 2014
- Caledoniscincus renevieri Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Caledoniscincus terma Sadlier, Bauer and Colgan, 1999
- Calliophis beddomei M. A. Smith, 1943
- Calliophis bibroni (Jan, 1858)
- Calliophis bivirgatus (F. Boie, 1827)
- Calliophis castoe E. N. Smith, Ogale, Deepak and Giri, 2012
- Calliophis gracilis Gray in Gray and Hardwicke, 1835
- Calliophis haematoetron E. N. Smith, Manamendra-Arachchi and Somaweera, 2008
- Calliophis intestinalis (Laurenti, 1768)
- Calliophis maculiceps (Günther, 1858)
- Calliophis melanurus (Shaw, 1802)
- Calliophis nigrescens Günther, 1862
- Callisaurus draconoides Blainville, 1835
- Callopistes flavipunctatus (Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Callopistes maculatus Gravenhorst, 1838
- Calloselasma rhodostoma (Kuhl, 1824)
- Calodactylodes aureus (Beddome, 1870)
- Calodactylodes illingworthorum Deraniyagala, 1953
- Calotes aurantolabium Krishnan, 2008
- Calotes bachae Hartmann, Geissler, Poyarkov, Ihlow, Galoyan, Rödder and Böhme, 2013
- Calotes bhutanensis Biswas, 1975
- Calotes calotes (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Calotes ceylonensis F. Müller, 1887
- Calotes chincollium Vindum, 2003
- Calotes desilvai Bahir and Maduwage, 2005
- Calotes ellioti Günther, 1864
- Calotes emma Gray, 1845
- Calotes grandisquamis Günther, 1875
- Calotes htunwini Zug and Vindum, 2006
- Calotes irawadi Zug, Brown, Schulte and Vindum, 2006
- Calotes jerdoni Günther, 1870
- Calotes liocephalus Günther, 1872
- Calotes liolepis Boulenger, 1885
- Calotes manamendrai A. A. Amarasinghe and Karunarathna in Amarasinghe et al., 2014
- Calotes maria Gray, 1845
- Calotes medogensis E. Zhao and Li, 1984
- Calotes minor (Hardwicke and Gray, 1827)
- Calotes mystaceus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Calotes nemoricola Jerdon, 1853
- Calotes nigrilabris W. C. H. Peters, 1860
- Calotes nigriplicatus Hallermann, 2000
- Calotes pethiyagodai A. A. Amarasinghe, Karunarathna and Hallermann, 2014
- Calotes rouxii A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1837
- Calotes versicolor (Daudin, 1802)
- Calumma amber Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma ambreense (Ramanantsoa, 1974)
- Calumma andringitraense (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1972)
- Calumma boettgeri (Boulenger, 1888)
- Calumma brevicorne (Günther, 1879)
- Calumma capuroni (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1972)
- Calumma crypticum Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma cucullatum (Gray, 1831)
- Calumma fallax (Mocquard, 1900)
- Calumma furcifer (Vailland and Grandidier, 1880)
- Calumma gallus (Günther, 1877)
- Calumma gastrotaenium (Boulenger, 1888)
- Calumma glawi Böhme, 1997
- Calumma globifer (Günther, 1879)
- Calumma guibei (Hillenius, 1959)
- Calumma guillaumeti (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1974)
- Calumma hafahafa Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma hilleniusi (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1973)
- Calumma jejy Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma linotum (L. Müller, 1924)
- Calumma malthe (Günther, 1879)
- Calumma marojezense (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1970)
- Calumma nasutum (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
- Calumma oshaughnessyi (Günther, 1881)
- Calumma parsonii (Cuvier, 1824)
- Calumma peltierorum Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma peyrierasi (Brygoo, Blanc and Domergue, 1974)
- Calumma tarzan Gehring, Pabijan, Ratsoavina, J. Köhler, Vences and Glaw, 2010
- Calumma tsaratananense (Brygoo and Domergue, 1967)
- Calumma tsycorne Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006
- Calumma vatosoa Andreone, Mattioli, Jesu and Randrianirina, 2001
- Calumma vencesi Andreone, Mattioli, Jesu and Randrianirina, 2001
- Calumma vohibola Gehring, Ratsoavina, Vences and Glaw, 2011
- Calyptommatus confusionibus Rodrigues, Zaher and Curcio, 2001
- Calyptommatus leiolepis Rodrigues, 1991
- Calyptommatus nicterus Rodrigues, 1991
- Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus Rodrigues, 1991
- Calyptotis lepidorostrum Greer, 1983
- Calyptotis ruficauda Greer, 1983
- Calyptotis scutirostrum (Peters, 1874)
- Calyptotis temporalis Greer, 1983
- Calyptotis thorntonensis Greer, 1983
- Candoia aspera (Günther, 1877)
- Candoia bibroni (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844)
- Candoia carinata (Schneider, 1801)
- Candoia paulsoni (Stull, 1956)
- Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
- Cantoria violacea Girard, 1858
- Caparaonia itaiquara Rodrigues, Cassimiro, Pavan, Curcio, Kruth Verdade and Machado Pellegrino, 2009
- Capitellum mariagalantae Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Capitellum metallicum (Bocourt, 1879)
- Capitellum parvicruzae Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Caraiba andreae (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Carettochelys insculpta Ramsay, 1886
- Carinascincus coventryi (Rawlinson, 1975)
- Carinascincus greeni (Rawlinson, 1975)
- Carinascincus metallicus (O'Shaughnessy, 1874)
- Carinascincus microlepidotus (O'Shaughnessy, 1874)
- Carinascincus ocellatus (Gray, 1845)
- Carinascincus orocryptus (Hutchinson, Schwaner and Medlock, 1988)
- Carinascincus palfreymani (Rawlinson, 1974)
- Carinascincus pretiosus (O'Shaughnessy, 1874)
- Carlia aenigma Zug, 2004
- Carlia ailanpalai Zug, 2004
- Carlia amax Storr, 1974
- Carlia aramia Zug, 2004
- Carlia babarensis (Kopstein, 1926)
- Carlia beccarii (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Carlia bicarinata (Macleay, 1877)
- Carlia bomberai Zug and Allison, 2006
- Carlia caesius Zug and Allison, 2006
- Carlia crypta Singhal, Hoskin, Couper, Potter and Moritz, 2018
- Carlia decora Hoskin and Couper, 2012
- Carlia diguliensis (Kopstein, 1926)
- Carlia dogare Covacevich and Ingram, 1975
- Carlia eothen Zug, 2004
- Carlia fusca (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Carlia gracilis Storr, 1974
- Carlia inconnexa Ingram and Covacevich, 1989
- Carlia insularis Afonso-Silva, Santos, Ogilvie and Moritz, 2017
- Carlia isostriacantha Afonso-Silva, Santos, Ogilvie and Moritz, 2017
- Carlia jarnoldae Covacevich and Ingram, 1975
- Carlia johnstonei Storr, 1974
- Carlia leucotaenia (Bleeker, 1860)
- Carlia longipes (Macleay, 1877)
- Carlia luctuosa (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Carlia munda (De Vis, 1885)
- Carlia mysi Zug, 2004
- Carlia nigrauris Zug, 2010
- Carlia pectoralis (De Vis, 1885)
- Carlia peronii (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Carlia pulla (Barbour, 1911)
- Carlia quinquecarinata (Macleay, 1877)
- Carlia rhomboidalis (Peters, 1869)
- Carlia rostralis (De Vis, 1885)
- Carlia rubigo Hoskin and Couper, 2012
- Carlia rubrigularis Ingram and Covacevich, 1989
- Carlia rufilatus Storr, 1974
- Carlia schmeltzii (Peters, 1867)
- Carlia sexdentata (Macleay, 1877)
- Carlia spinauris (Smith, 1927)
- Carlia storri Ingram and Covacevich, 1989
- Carlia sukur Zug and Kaiser, 2014
- Carlia tetradactyla (O'Shaughnessy, 1879)
- Carlia triacantha (Mitchell, 1953)
- Carlia tutela Zug, 2004
- Carlia vivax (De Vis, 1884)
- Carlia wundalthini Hoskin, 2014
- Carphodactylus laevis Günther, 1897
- Carphophis amoenus (Say, 1825)
- Carphophis vermis (Kennicott, 1859)
- Casarea dussumieri (Schlegel, 1837)
- Cathetorhinus melanocephalus A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1844
- Causus bilineatus Boulenger, 1905
- Causus defilippii (Jan, 1863)
- Causus lichtensteinii (Jan, 1859)
- Causus maculatus (Hallowell, 1842)
- Causus rasmusseni Broadley, 2014
- Causus resimus (Peters, 1862)
- Causus rhombeatus (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Celatiscincus euryotis (Werner, 1910)
- Celatiscincus similis Sadlier, Smith and Bauer, 2006
- Celestus adercus Savage, Lips and Ibáñez, 2008
- Celestus agasepsoides (Thomas, 1971)
- Celestus anelpistus (Schwartz, Graham and Duval, 1979)
- Celestus badius Cope, 1868
- Celestus barbouri Grant, 1940
- Celestus costatus (Cope, 1862)
- Celestus crusculus (Garman, 1887)
- Celestus curtissi Grant, 1951
- Celestus cyanochloris Cope, 1894
- Celestus darlingtoni Cochran, 1939
- Celestus duquesneyi Grant, 1940
- Celestus enneagrammus (Cope, 1861)
- Celestus fowleri (Schwartz, 1971)
- Celestus haetianus (Cochran, 1927)
- Celestus hewardi Gray, 1845
- Celestus hylaius Savage and Lips, 1993
- Celestus ingridae (Werler and Campbell, 2004)
- Celestus laf Lotzkat, Hertz and Köhler, 2016
- Celestus legnotus (Campbell and Camarillo, 1994)
- Celestus macrotus Thomas and Hedges, 1989
- Celestus marcanoi (Schwartz and Incháustegui, 1976)
- Celestus microblepharis (Underwood, 1959)
- Celestus occiduus (Shaw, 1802)
- Celestus orobius Savage and Lips, 1993
- Celestus rozellae Smith, 1942
- Celestus sepsoides (Gray, 1852)
- Celestus stenurus (Cope, 1862)
- Celestus warreni (Schwartz, 1970)
- Cemophora coccinea (Blumenbach, 1788)
- Cemophora lineri Williams, Brown and Wilson, 1966
- Centrochelys sulcata (Miller, 1779)
- Centrosaura apodema (Uzzell, 1966)
- Cerastes boehmei Wagner and Wilms, 2010
- Cerastes cerastes (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Cerastes gasperettii Leviton and S. C. Anderson, 1967
- Cerastes vipera (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ceratophora aspera Günther, 1864
- Ceratophora erdeleni Pethiyagoda & Manamendra-Arachchi, 1998
- Ceratophora karu Pethiyagoda & Manamendra-Arachchi, 1998
- Ceratophora stoddartii Gray, 1834
- Ceratophora tennentii Günther, 1861
- Cerberus australis (Gray, 1842)
- Cerberus dunsoni Murphy, Voris and Karns, 2012
- Cerberus microlepis Boulenger, 1896
- Cerberus rynchops (Schneider, 1799)
- Cerberus schneideri (Schlegel, 1837)
- Cercophis auratus (Schlegel, 1837)
- Cercosaura anomala (Müller, 1923)
- Cercosaura anordosquama Sturaro, Rodrigues, Colli, Knowles and Avila-Pires, 2018
- Cercosaura argulus Peters, 1863
- Cercosaura bassleri Ruibal, 1952
- Cercosaura doanae Echevarría, Barboza and Venegas, 2015
- Cercosaura eigenmanni (Griffin, 1917)
- Cercosaura hypnoides Doan and Lamar, 2012
- Cercosaura manicata O'Shaughnessy, 1881
- Cercosaura nigroventris (Gorzula and Senaris, 1999)
- Cercosaura ocellata Wagler, 1830
- Cercosaura olivacea (Gray, 1845)
- Cercosaura oshaughnessyi (Boulenger, 1885)
- Cercosaura pacha Mamani, Chaparro, Correa, Alarcón, Salas and Catenazzi, 2020
- Cercosaura parkeri (Ruibal, 1952)
- Cercosaura phelpsorum (Lancini, 1968)
- Cercosaura quadrilineata Boettger, 1876
- Cercosaura schreibersii Wiegmann, 1834
- Cercosaura steyeri (Tedesco, 1998)
- Cerrophidion godmani (Günther, 1863)
- Cerrophidion petlalcalensis Lopéz-Luna, Vogt and Torre-Loranca, 1999
- Cerrophidion sasai Jadin, Townsend, Castoe and Campbell, 2012
- Cerrophidion tzotzilorum (Campbell, 1985)
- Cerrophidion wilsoni Jadin, Townsend, Castoe and Campbell, 2012
- Chalarodon madagascariensis W. C. H. Peters, 1854
- Chalarodon steinkampi Miralles, Glaw, Ratsoavina and Vences, 2015
- Chalcides armitagei Boulenger, 1922
- Chalcides bedriagai (Bosca, 1880)
- Chalcides bottegi Boulenger, 1898
- Chalcides boulengeri Anderson, 1892
- Chalcides chalcides (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chalcides coeruleopunctatus Salvador, 1975
- Chalcides colosii Lanza, 1957
- Chalcides delislei (Lataste and Rochebrune, 1876)
- Chalcides ebneri Werner, 1931
- Chalcides guentheri Boulenger, 1887
- Chalcides lanzai Pasteur, 1967
- Chalcides levitoni Pasteur, 1978
- Chalcides manueli Hediger, 1935
- Chalcides mauritanicus (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Chalcides mertensi Klausewitz, 1954
- Chalcides minutus Caputo, 1993
- Chalcides mionecton (Böttger, 1874)
- Chalcides montanus Werner, 1931
- Chalcides ocellatus (Forskal, 1775)
- Chalcides parallelus Doumergue, 1901
- Chalcides pentadactylus (Beddome, 1870)
- Chalcides polylepis Boulenger, 1890
- Chalcides pseudostriatus Caputo, 1993
- Chalcides pulchellus Mocquard, 1906
- Chalcides ragazzii Boulenger, 1890
- Chalcides sepsoides (Audouin, 1829)
- Chalcides sexlineatus Steindachner, 1891
- Chalcides simonyi Steindachner, 1891
- Chalcides sphenopsiformis (A. H. A. Duméril, 1856)
- Chalcides striatus (Cuvier, 1829)
- Chalcides thierryi Tornier, 1901
- Chalcides viridanus (Gravenhorst, 1851)
- Chalcidoseps thwaitesi (Günther, 1872)
- Chamaeleo africanus Laurenti, 1768
- Chamaeleo anchietae Bocage, 1872
- Chamaeleo arabicus Matschie, 1893
- Chamaeleo calcaricarens Böhme, 1985
- Chamaeleo calyptratus A. M. C. Duméril and A. H. A. Duméril, 1851
- Chamaeleo chamaeleon (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chamaeleo dilepis Leach, 1819
- Chamaeleo gracilis Hallowell, 1842
- Chamaeleo laevigatus Gray, 1863
- Chamaeleo monachus Gray, 1865
- Chamaeleo namaquensis A. Smith, 1831
- Chamaeleo necasi Ullenbruch, Krause and Böhme, 2007
- Chamaeleo senegalensis Daudin, 1802
- Chamaeleo zeylanicus Laurenti, 1768
- Chamaelycus christyi Boulenger, 1919
- Chamaelycus fasciatus (Günther, 1858)
- Chamaelycus parkeri (Angel, 1934)
- Chamaelycus werneri (Mocquard, 1902)
- Chamaesaura aenea (Fitzinger, 1843)
- Chamaesaura anguina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chamaesaura macrolepis (Cope, 1862)
- Chamaesaura miopropus Boulenger, 1894
- Chamaesaura tenuior Günther, 1895
- Chapinophis xanthocheilus Campbell and E. N. Smith, 1998
- Charina bottae (Blainville, 1835)
- Charina umbratica Klauber, 1943
- Chelodina burrungandjii Thomson, Kennett and Georges, 2000
- Chelodina canni McCord and Thomson, 2002
- Chelodina expansa Gray, 1857
- Chelodina gunaleni McCord and Joseph-Ouni, 2007
- Chelodina ipudinapi Joseph-Ouni and McCord, 2022
- Chelodina kuchlingi Cann, 1997
- Chelodina kurrichalpongo (Joseph-Ouni, McCord, Cann and Smales, 2019)
- Chelodina longicollis (Shaw, 1794)
- Chelodina mccordi Rhodin, 1994
- Chelodina novaeguineae Boulenger, 1888
- Chelodina oblonga Gray, 1841
- Chelodina parkeri Rhodin and Mittermeier, 1976
- Chelodina pritchardi Rhodin, 1994
- Chelodina reimanni Philippen and Grossmann, 1990
- Chelodina rugosa Ogilby, 1890
- Chelodina steindachneri Siebenrock, 1914
- Chelodina walloyarrina McCord and Joseph-Ouni, 2007
- Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chelonoidis carbonarius (Spix, 1824)
- Chelonoidis chilensis (Gray, 1870)
- Chelonoidis denticulatus (Linnaeus, 1766)
- Chelonoidis niger (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)
- Chelosania brunnea Gray, 1945
- Chelus fimbriata (Schneider, 1783)
- Chelus orinocensis Vargas-Ramírez, Caballero, Morales-Betancourt, Lasso, Amaya, Martínez, Viana, Vogt et al., 2020
- Chelydra acutirostris Peters, 1862
- Chelydra rossignonii (Bocourt, 1868)
- Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chersina angulata (Duméril in Schweigger, 1812)
- Chersobius boulengeri (Duerden, 1906)
- Chersobius signatus (Gmelin, 1789)
- Chersobius solus (Branch, 2007)
- Chersodromus liebmanni Reinhardt, 1861
- Chersodromus rubriventris (Taylor, 1949)
- Chilabothrus angulifer (Bibron, 1840)
- Chilabothrus argentum Reynolds, Puente-Rolón, Geneva, Aviles-Rodriguez and Herrmann, 2016
- Chilabothrus chrysogaster (Cope, 1871)
- Chilabothrus exsul (Netting and Goin, 1944)
- Chilabothrus fordii (Günther, 1861)
- Chilabothrus gracilis Fischer, 1888
- Chilabothrus granti (Stull, 1933)
- Chilabothrus inornatus (Reinhardt, 1843)
- Chilabothrus monensis (Zenneck, 1898)
- Chilabothrus striatus (Fischer, 1856)
- Chilabothrus strigilatus (Cope, 1862)
- Chilabothrus subflavus (Stejneger, 1901)
- Chilomeniscus savagei Cliff, 1954
- Chilomeniscus stramineus Cope, 1860
- Chilorhinophis butleri Werner, 1907
- Chilorhinophis gerardi (Boulenger, 1913)
- Chionactis annulata (Baird, 1859)
- Chionactis occipitalis (Hallowell, 1854)
- Chionactis palarostris (Klauber, 1937)
- Chioninia coctei (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Chioninia delalandii (A. M. C. Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Chioninia fogoensis (O'Shaughnessy, 1874)
- Chioninia nicolauensis (Schleich, 1987)
- Chioninia spinalis (Boulenger, 1906)
- Chioninia stangeri (Gray, 1845)
- Chioninia vaillantii (Boulenger, 1887)
- Chirindia ewerbecki Werner, 1910
- Chirindia langi Fitzsimons, 1939
- Chirindia mpwapwaensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Chirindia rondoensis (Loveridge, 1941)
- Chirindia swynnertoni Boulenger, 1907
- Chironius bicarinatus (Wied-Neuwied, 1820)
- Chironius brazili Hamdan and Fernandes, 2015
- Chironius carinatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chironius challenger Kok, 2010
- Chironius diamantina Fernandes and Hamdan, 2014
- Chironius exoletus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chironius flavolineatus (Jan, 1863)
- Chironius flavopictus (Werner, 1909)
- Chironius foveatus Bailey, 1955
- Chironius fuscus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chironius grandisquamis (Peters, 1869)
- Chironius laevicollis (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)
- Chironius laurenti Dixon, Wiest and Cei, 1993
- Chironius leucometapus Dixon, Wiest and Cei, 1993
- Chironius maculoventris Dixon, Wiest and Cei, 1993
- Chironius monticola Roze, 1952
- Chironius multiventris K. P. Schmidt and Walker, 1943
- Chironius quadricarinatus (F. Boie, 1827)
- Chironius scurrulus (Wagler, 1824)
- Chironius septentrionalis Dixon, Wiest and Cei, 1993
- Chironius spixii (Hallowell, 1845)
- Chironius vincenti (Boulenger, 1891)
- Chitra chitra Nutaphand, 1986
- Chitra indica (Gray, 1830)
- Chitra vandijki McCord and Pritchard, 2003
- Chlamydosaurus kingii Gray, 1825
- Chondrodactylus angulifer W. Peters, 1870
- Chondrodactylus bibronii (A. Smith, 1846)
- Chondrodactylus fitzsimonsi Loveridge, 1947
- Chondrodactylus turneri (Gray, 1864)
- Christinus guentheri (Boulenger, 1885)
- Christinus marmoratus (Gray, 1845)
- Chrysemys dorsalis Agassiz, 1857
- Chrysemys picta (Schneider, 1783)
- Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw, 1802)
- Chrysopelea paradisi H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827
- Chrysopelea pelias (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Chrysopelea rhodopleuron F. Boie, 1827
- Chrysopelea taprobanica M. A. Smith, 1943
- Claudius angustatus Cope, 1865
- Clelia clelia (Daudin, 1803)
- Clelia equatoriana (Amaral, 1924)
- Clelia errabunda Underwood, 1993
- Clelia hussami Morato, Franco and Sanches, 2003
- Clelia langeri Reichle and Embert, 2005
- Clelia plumbea (Wied-Neuwied, 1820)
- Clelia scytalina (Cope, 1867)
- Clemmys guttata (Schneider, 1792)
- Clonophis kirtlandii (Kennicott, 1856)
- Cnemaspis affinis (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Cnemaspis africana (F. Werner, 1895)
- Cnemaspis alantika Bauer, Chirio, Ineich and LeBreton, 2006
- Cnemaspis alwisi Wickramasinghe and Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis amith Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis anaikattiensis Mukherjee, Bhupathy and Nixon, 2005
- Cnemaspis andersonii (Annandale, 1905)
- Cnemaspis argus Dring, 1979
- Cnemaspis assamensis Das and Sengupta, 2000
- Cnemaspis aurantiacopes Grismer and Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis australis Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis barbouri Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis baueri Das and Grismer, 2003
- Cnemaspis bayuensis Grismer, Grismer, Wood and Chan, 2008
- Cnemaspis beddomei (Theobald, 1876)
- Cnemaspis biocellata Grismer, Chan, Nasir and Sumontha, 2008
- Cnemaspis boiei (Gray, 1842)
- Cnemaspis boulengerii Strauch, 1887
- Cnemaspis caudanivea Grismer and Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis chanardi Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis chanthaburiensis Bauer and Das, 1998
- Cnemaspis clivicola Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis dezwaani Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis dickersoni (Schmidt, 1919)
- Cnemaspis dilepis Perret, 1963
- Cnemaspis dringi Das and Bauer, 1998
- Cnemaspis flavigaster Chan and Grismer, 2008
- Cnemaspis flavolineata (Nicholls, 1949)
- Cnemaspis gemunu Bauer, De Silva, Greenbaum and Jackman, 2007
- Cnemaspis gigas Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis goaensis Sharma, 1976
- Cnemaspis gracilis (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis harimau Chan, Grismer, Anuar, Quah, Muin, Savage, Grismer, Ahmad, Remigio and Greer, 2010
- Cnemaspis heteropholis Bauer, 2002
- Cnemaspis huaseesom Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis indica (Gray, 1846)
- Cnemaspis indraneildasii Bauer, 2002
- Cnemaspis jacobsoni Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis jerdonii (Theobald, 1868)
- Cnemaspis kallima Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis kamolnorranathi Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis kandiana (Kelaart, 1852)
- Cnemaspis karsticola Grismer, Grismer, Wood and Chan, 2008
- Cnemaspis kendallii (Gray, 1845)
- Cnemaspis koehleri Mertens, 1937
- Cnemaspis kolhapurensis Giri, Bauer and Gaikwad, 2009
- Cnemaspis kumarasinghei Wickramasinghe and Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis kumpoli Taylor, 1963
- Cnemaspis laoensis Grismer, 2010
- Cnemaspis latha Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis limi Das and Grismer, 2003
- Cnemaspis littoralis (Jerdon, 1854)
- Cnemaspis mcguirei Grismer, Grismer, Wood and Chan, 2008
- Cnemaspis menikay Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis modiglianii Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis molligodai Wickramasinghe and Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis monachorum Grismer, Ahmad, Chan, Belabut, Muin, Wood and Grismer, 2009
- Cnemaspis monticola Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis nairi Inger, Marx and Koshy, 1984
- Cnemaspis narathiwatensis Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis neangthyi Grismer, Grismer and Chav, 2010
- Cnemaspis nigridius (M. Smith, 1925)
- Cnemaspis nilagirica Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis niyomwanae Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis nuicamensis Grismer and Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis occidentalis Angel, 1943
- Cnemaspis ornata (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis otai Das and Bauer, 2000
- Cnemaspis paripari Grismer and Chan, 2009
- Cnemaspis pava Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis pemanggilensis Grismer and Das, 2006
- Cnemaspis perhentianensis Grismer and Chan, 2008
- Cnemaspis petrodroma Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis phillipsi Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis phuketensis Das and Leon, 2004
- Cnemaspis podihuna Deraniyagala, 1944
- Cnemaspis pseudomcguirei Grismer, Ahmad, Chan, Belabut, Muin, Wood and Grismer, 2009
- Cnemaspis psychedelica Grismer, Ngo and Grismer, 2010
- Cnemaspis pulchra Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis punctata Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis punctatonuchalis Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis quattuorseriata (Sternfeld, 1912)
- Cnemaspis retigalensis Wickramasinghe and Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis roticanai Grismer and Chan, 2010
- Cnemaspis samanalensis Wickramasinghe and Munindradasa, 2007
- Cnemaspis scalpensis (Ferguson, 1877)
- Cnemaspis shahruli Grismer, Chan, Quah, Muin, Savage, Grismer, Ahmad, Greer and Remegio, 2010
- Cnemaspis siamensis (M. Smith, 1925)
- Cnemaspis silvula Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis sisparensis (Theobald, 1876)
- Cnemaspis spinicollis (L. Müller, 1907)
- Cnemaspis timoriensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
- Cnemaspis tropidogaster (Boulenger, 1885)
- Cnemaspis tucdupensis Grismer and Ngo, 2007
- Cnemaspis upendrai Manamendra-Arachchi, Batuwita and Pethiyagoda, 2007
- Cnemaspis uzungwae Perret, 1986
- Cnemaspis vandeventeri Grismer, Sumontha, Cota, Grismer, Wood, Pauwels and Kunya, 2010
- Cnemaspis whittenorum Das, 2005
- Cnemaspis wicksi (Stoliczka, 1873)
- Cnemaspis wynadensis (Beddome, 1870)
- Cnemaspis yercaudensis Das and Bauer, 2000
- Cnemidophorus arenivagus Markezich, Cole and Dessauer, 1997
- Cnemidophorus arubensis Lidth de Jeude, 1887
- Cnemidophorus cryptus Cole and Dessauer, 1993
- Cnemidophorus duellmani McCranie and Hedges, 2013
- Cnemidophorus espeuti Boulenger, 1885
- Cnemidophorus flavissimus Ugueto, Harvey and Rivas, 2010
- Cnemidophorus gaigei Ruthven, 1915
- Cnemidophorus gramivagus McCrystal and Dixon, 1987
- Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Cnemidophorus leucopsammus Ugueto and Harvey, 2010
- Cnemidophorus murinus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Cnemidophorus nigricolor Peters, 1873
- Cnemidophorus pseudolemniscatus Cole and Dessauer, 1993
- Cnemidophorus rostralis Ugueto and Harvey, 2010
- Cnemidophorus ruatanus Barbour, 1928
- Cnemidophorus ruthveni Burt, 1935
- Cnemidophorus senectus Ugueto, Harvey and Rivas, 2010
- Cnemidophorus splendidus Markezich, Cole and Dessauer, 1997
- Cnemidophorus vanzoi (Baskin and Williams, 1966)
- Coelognathus enganensis (Vinciguerra, 1892)
- Coelognathus erythrurus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Coelognathus flavolineatus (Schlegel, 1837)
- Coelognathus helena (Daudin, 1803)
- Coelognathus philippinus (Griffin, 1909)
- Coelognathus radiatus (F. Boie, 1827)
- Coelognathus subradiatus (Schlegel, 1837)
- Coeranoscincus frontalis (De Vis, 1888)
- Coeranoscincus reticulatus (Günther, 1873)
- Coggeria naufragus Couper, Covacevich, Marsterson and Shea, 1996
- Coleodactylus amazonicus (Andersson, 1918)
- Coleodactylus brachystoma (Amaral, 1935)
- Coleodactylus meridionalis (Boulenger, 1888)
- Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999
- Coleodactylus septentrionalis Vanzolini, 1980
- Coleonyx brevis Stejneger, 1893
- Coleonyx elegans Gray, 1845
- Coleonyx fasciatus (Boulenger, 1885)
- Coleonyx mitratus (W. Peters, 1863)
- Coleonyx reticulatus Davis and Dixon, 1958
- Coleonyx switaki (Murphy, 1974)
- Coleonyx variegatus (Baird, 1859)
- Collorhabdium williamsoni Smedley, 1932
- Colobodactylus dalcyanus Vanzolini and Ramos, 1977
- Colobodactylus taunayi Amaral, 1933
- Colobosaura kraepelini (Werner, 1910)
- Colobosaura modesta (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Colobosauroides carvalhoi Soares and Caramaschi, 1998
- Colobosauroides cearensis Cunha, Lima-Verde and Lima, 1991
- Colopus kochii (Fitzsimons, 1959)
- Colopus wahlbergii W. Peters, 1869
- Coluber anthonyi (Stejneger, 1901)
- Coluber aurigulus (Cope, 1861)
- Coluber barbouri Van Denburgh and Slevin, 1921
- Coluber bilineatus (Jan, 1863)
- Coluber constrictor Linnaeus, 1758
- Coluber flagellum Shaw, 1802
- Coluber fuliginosus (Cope, 1895)
- Coluber lateralis (Hallowell, 1853)
- Coluber mentovarius (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Coluber schotti (Baird and Girard, 1853)
- Coluber slevini (Lowe and Norris, 1955)
- Coluber taeniatus (Hallowell, 1852)
- Colubroelaps nguyenvansangi Orlov, Kharin, Ananjeva, T. T. Nguyen and T. Q. Nguyen, 2009
- Complicitus nigrigularis (Ota and Hikida, 1991)
- Compsophis albiventris Mocquard, 1894
- Compsophis boulengeri (Peracca, 1892)
- Compsophis fatsibe (Mercurio and Andreone, 2005)
- Compsophis infralineatus (Günther, 1882)
- Compsophis laphystius (Cadle, 1996)
- Compsophis vinckei (Domergue, 1988)
- Compsophis zeny (Cadle, 1996)
- Concinnia ampla (Covacevich and McDonald, 1980)
- Concinnia brachysoma (Lönnberg and Andersson, 1915)
- Concinnia frerei (Greer, 1992)
- Concinnia martini Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Concinnia sokosoma (Greer, 1992)
- Concinnia tenuis (Gray, 1831)
- Concinnia tigrina (De Vis, 1888)
- Congolacerta asukului Greenbaum, Villanueva, Kusamba, Aristote and Branch, 2011
- Congolacerta vauereselli (Tornier, 1902)
- Coniophanes alvarezi Campbell, 1989
- Coniophanes andresensis Bailey, 1937
- Coniophanes bipunctatus (Günther, 1858)
- Coniophanes dromiciformis (Peters, 1863)
- Coniophanes fissidens (Günther, 1858)
- Coniophanes imperialis (Kennicott in Baird, 1859)
- Coniophanes joanae Myers, 1966
- Coniophanes lateritius Cope, 1862
- Coniophanes longinquus Cadle, 1989
- Coniophanes melanocephalus (Peters, 1869)
- Coniophanes meridanus Schmidt and Andrews, 1936
- Coniophanes michoacanensis Flores-Villela and E. N. Smith, 2009
- Coniophanes piceivittis Cope, 1869
- Coniophanes quinquevittatus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Coniophanes sarae Ponce-Campos and H. M. Smith, 2001
- Coniophanes schmidti Bailey, 1937
- Coniophanes taylori Hall, 1951
- Conolophus marthae Gentile and Snell, 2009
- Conolophus pallidus Heller, 1903
- Conolophus subcristatus (Gray, 1831)
- Conophis lineatus (A. M. C. Duméril, Bibron and A. H. A. Duméril, 1854)
- Conophis morai Perez-Higareda, Lopez-Luna and H. M. Smith, 2002
- Conophis vittatus Peters, 1860
- Conopsis acuta (Cope, 1886)
- Conopsis amphisticha (H. M. Smith and Laufe, 1945)
- Conopsis biserialis (Taylor and H. M. Smith, 1942)
- Conopsis lineata (Kennicott, 1859)
- Conopsis megalodon (Taylor and H. M. Smith, 1942)
- Conopsis nasus Günther, 1858
- Contia longicauda Feldman and Hoyer, 2010
- Contia tenuis (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Contomastix celata Cabrera, Carreira, Di Pietro and Rivera, 2019
- Contomastix lacertoides (Duméril and Bibron, 1839)
- Contomastix leachei (Peracca, 1897)
- Contomastix serrana (Cei and Martori, 1991)
- Contomastix vacariensis (Feltrim and Lema, 2000)
- Contomastix vittata (Boulenger, 1902)
- Copeoglossum arajara (Reboucas-Spieker, 1981)
- Copeoglossum aurae Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Copeoglossum margaritae Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Copeoglossum nigropunctatum (Spix, 1825)
- Copeoglossum redondae Hedges and Conn, 2012
- Cophosaurus texanus Troschel, 1852
- Cophoscincopus durus (Cope, 1862)
- Cophoscincopus greeri Böhme, Schmitz and Ziegler, 2000
- Cophoscincopus senegalensis Trape, Mediannikov and Trape, 2012
- Cophoscincopus simulans (Vaillant, 1884)
- Cophotis ceylanica W. C. H. Peters, 1861
- Cophotis dumbara Samarawickrama, Ranawana, Rajapaksha, Ananjeva, Orlov, Ranasinghe and Samarawickrama, 2006
- Corallus annulatus (Cope, 1875)
- Corallus batesii (Gray, 1860)
- Corallus blombergi (Rendahl and Vestergren, 1941)
- Corallus caninus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Corallus cookii Gray, 1842
- Corallus cropanii (Hoge, 1953)
- Corallus grenadensis (Barbour, 1914)
- Corallus hortulanus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Corallus ruschenbergerii (Cope, 1876)
- Cordylosaurus subtessellatus (Smith, 1844)
- Cordylus angolensis (Bocage, 1895)
- Cordylus aridus Mouton and Van Wyk, 1994
- Cordylus beraduccii Broadley and Branch, 2002
- Cordylus cloetei Mouton and Van Wyk, 1994