Braća Italije

политичка странка у Италији (2013)

Braća Italije (ital. Fratelli d'Italia) je nacionalno konzervativna politička stranka u Italiji, koju predvodi Đorđa Meloni.

Braća Italije
Fratelli d'Italia
PredsednikĐorđa Meloni
OsnivačiGvido Krozeto
Injacio La Rusa
Đorđa Meloni
Osnovana17. decembar 2012.
PrethodnikNarod slobode.
NovineLa Voce del Patriota
Omladinski ogranakNacionalna omladina
Broj članova (2021)130,000
nacionalni konzervativizam[7][8]
desničarski populizam[10][11]
Politička pozicijaKrajnja desnica[14][15][16][17]
Evropsko članstvoSavez konzervativaca i reformista u Evropi
Boje  Plava
Dom poslanika
118 / 400
66 / 200
Evropski parlament
10 / 76

Naziv stranke potiče od uvodnih reči himne Italije - Fratelli d'Italia (Braćo Italije).


  1. ^ Mammone, Andrea (2015). Transnational neofascism in France and Italy. New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-139-34444-9. OCLC 927149388. 
  2. ^ Rise of the far right in Europe : populist shifts and 'othering'. Gabriella Lazaridis, Giovanna Campani, Annie Benveniste. London. 2016. ISBN 978-1-137-55679-0. OCLC 953456193. 
  3. ^ Understanding the populist shift : othering in a Europe in crisis. Gabriella Lazaridis, Giovanna Campani. London. 2017. ISBN 978-1-317-32606-9. OCLC 962752794. 
  4. ^ Anti-gender campaigns in Europe : mobilizing against equality. Roman Kuhar, David Paternotte. London. 2017. ISBN 978-1-78348-999-2. OCLC 952368989. 
  5. ^ The Routledge companion to Italian fascist architecture : reception and legacy. Kay Bea Jones, Stephanie Pilat. Abingdon, Oxon. 2020. ISBN 978-0-429-32843-5. OCLC 1133662675. 
  6. ^ Bosworth, R. J. B. (2021). Mussolini and the eclipse of Italian fascism : from dictatorship to populism. New Haven. ISBN 978-0-300-25582-9. OCLC 1244811399. 
  7. ^ Nordsieck, Wolfram (2018). „Italy”. Parties and Elections in Europe. Pristupljeno 21. 5. 2018. 
  8. ^ Taube, Friedel (30. 08. 2018). „Women increasingly drawn to right-wing populist parties, study shows”. Deutsche Welle (DW). Pristupljeno 22. 05. 2020. „Co-founder and leader of the national conservative Brothers of Italy party, Giorgia Meloni has a long history in far-right politics. 
  9. ^ Borrelli, Silvia (2. 8. 2019). „Italy's uneasy partners return to battle”. POLITICO (Europe Edition). PESCARA, Italy. Pristupljeno 22. 05. 2020. 
  10. ^ „Berlusconi im Wahlkampf”. ZDF. 1. 2. 2018. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 04. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 10. 03. 2018. 
  11. ^ Zulianello, Mattia (2019). „Varieties of Populist Parties and Party Systems in Europe: From State-of-the-Art to the Application of a Novel Classification Scheme to 66 Parties in 33 Countries”. Government and Opposition. 
  12. ^ „Brexit, si teme effetto domino. Ecco gli euroscettici d'Europa”. Rai News24. 24. 06. 2016. 
  13. ^ „Giorgia Meloni batte moneta: "Ad Atreju niente euro". Libero. 22. 09. 2015. Arhivirano iz originala 3. 4. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 21. 11. 2017. 
  14. ^ „Italy’s far right celebrate Draghi’s downfall and look poised to take power”. the Guardian (na jeziku: engleski). 2022-07-21. Pristupljeno 2022-07-22. 
  15. ^ „Italy’s hard-right parties ready to fill void if Draghi fulfils threat to quit”. Financial Times. 2022-07-19. Pristupljeno 2022-07-22. 
  16. ^ Balmer, Crispian (2022-07-22). „Italy will keep supporting Ukraine if right wins vote, says Meloni”. Reuters (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2022-07-22. 
  17. ^ Squires, Nick (2022-06-11). „Far-Right Brothers of Italy set to cement its place as country’s most popular party”. The Telegraph (na jeziku: engleski). ISSN 0307-1235. Pristupljeno 2022-07-22.