Hilma af Klint (šved. Hilma af Klint; 26. oktobra 1862 — 21. oktobar 1944) bila je švedska slikarka i mistik, a svojim stvaralaštvom je začetnik apstraktne umetnosti[1] čak i mnogo pre čuvenog Kandinskog[2]. Pripadala je tajnoj grupi slikarki pod nazivom: „Pet ” („The Five”) koje su bile ubeđenja da je važno uspostaviti kontakt sa takozvanim „Velikim Majstorima” putem seansi. Njene slike, koje ponekad podsećaju na dijagrame, bile su vizuelni prikazi tih složenih duhovnih ideja.

Hilma af Klint
Fotografija švedske slikarke Hilme af Klint u ateljeu (1862–1944)
Lični podaci
Datum rođenja(1862-10-26)26. oktobar 1862.
Mesto rođenjaKarlberg Palas, Švedska
Datum smrti21. oktobar 1944.(1944-10-21) (81 god.)
Mesto smrtiDanderid, Švedska
Umetnički rad
Pravacnaturalizam, apstraktna umetnost



Ona je četvrto dete kapetana Viktora af Klinta (Victor af Klint), švedskog pomorskog komandanta i Matilde af Klint rođene Zontag (Mathilda af Klint, née Sonntag). Hilma af Klint je leta provodila sa porodicom na njihovom porodičnom imanju Hanmora na ostrvu Adelso na jezeru Melaren. U ovom idiličnom okruženju, Hilma je veoma rano došla u kontakt sa prirodom i ta duboka povezanost sa oblicima u prirodi, bila je inspiracija njenog stvaralaštva. Kasnije se i preselila na susedno ostrvo Munso.

U porodici je stekla veliko interesovanje za matematiku i botaniku. Rano su se ispoljile njene sposobnosti u vizuelnoj umetnosti, i nakon što se njena porodica preselila u Stokholm, upisala je studije na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Stokholmu (Konstakademien), gde je učila slikanje portreta i pejzaža.

Sa dvadeset godina je bila primljena na Kraljevsku akademiju lepih umetnosti (Royal Academy of Fine Arts). U periodu od 1882. do 1887. godine, uglavnom je učila crtanje i slikanje portreta i pejzaža.

Diplomirala je uz priznanja i dodeljena joj je stipendija u vidu ateljea u takozvanoj „Zgradi Ateljea" (Ateljébyggnaden) koja pripada Akademiji lepih umetnosti i nalazi se u centralnom Stokholmu. To je bilo glavno kulturno središte u tadašnjoj švedskoj prestonici. U istoj zgradi su se takođe nalazili Blanch’s Café i Blanch’s Art Gallery gde je bio prisutan sukob između konvencionalnog pogleda na umetnost Akademije lepih umetnosti i opozicionog pokreta Art Society (Konstnärsförbundet) potaknut slikarima francuskog En Plein Aira.

Hilma af Klint je započela sa radom u Stokholmu, cenjena zbog njenih pejzaža, slika sa botaničkim motivima i portreta koji postaju i izvorom njenih prihoda.[3] Ipak, njeno „životno delo” žovi kao sasvim posebna praksa.

Eftersommar (Kasno leto) Slika prirode iz ranog perioda naslikan od strane Hilme af Klint 1903. Ovakve je radove izlagala u javnosti tokom svog života.

Duhovne i filozofske ideje


1880. godine umire njena mlađa sestra Hermina i to je bio trenutak kada je počela da se razvija duhovna dimenzija u njenom životu.

Njeno interesovanje za apstrakciju i simbolizam je došlo uporedo sa njenim duhovnim radom koje je inače bilo veoma prisutno u Evropi krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Hilma af Klint se zanimala za teozofiju Helene Blavacke i učenje Kristijana Rozenkrojca. 1908. godine upoznaje Rudolfa Štajnera, osnivača Antropozofskog društva koji je bio u poseti Stokholmu. Rudolf Štajner je u velikoj meri uticao na nju uvodeći je u svoje filozofske ideje u pogledu umetnosti. Nakon nekoliko godina, 1920. sreće ga ponovo u Getenaumu (Goetheanum) u Dornahu, Švajcarska - u sedištu Antropozofskog društva.

Između 1921. i 1930. godine, ona često boravi u Getenaumu.

Opus Hilme af Klint može se shvatiti u širem kontekstu modernista koji tragaju za novim oblicima u umetničkim, duhovnim, političkim i naučnim sistemima početkom 20. veka. Tokom ovog perioda nalazimo ista interesovanja ka duhovnosti i kod drugih slikara tog doba: Kandinskog, Mondrijana, Maljeviča i francuskih Nabista od kojih su mnogi ispirisani, kao i Hilma af Klint, teozofskim pokretom. Međutim, umetnički prelaz ka ka apstraktnoj umetnosti i bez svakidašnjih umetničkih formi bi se kod Hilme af Klint odigrao i bez bilo kakvih kontakata sa savremenim modernim pokretima.

Dela Hilme af Klint su najvećim delom duhovna, i njen umetnički rad je posledica te duhovnosti.

Na Akademiji lepih umetnosti, upoznala je Anu Kasel (Anna Cassel), prvu od četiri koleginice sa kojima je kasnije radila u grupi Pet (The Five / de Fem), grupi umetnica koje su delile njene ideje. Ova grupa Pet se okupljala i učestvovala u organizovanim duhovnim susretima i seansama. Sačinile su knjigu zapisa iz viših sfera - mističnih misli u vidu poruka koje su dobijale od Velikih majstora ("Höga Mästare").

Kroz rad sa grupom Pet, Hilma af Klint je postala sklona eksperimentalnom automatskom crtanju već od 1896. godine, bivajući vođena inventivnim geometrijskim vizuelnim jezikom sposobna da konceptualizuje nevidljive sile unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg sveta. Čim je postala prijemčivija za ovaj vid izražavanja, Hilma af Klint je bila određena od strane Velikih Majstora da kreira slike za Hram - međutim, ona nikada nije shvatila na šta se ovaj Hram odnosi. Hilma af Klint je osećala da je bila vođena silom koja je vodila njenu ruku. Zapisala je u svoju svesku:

“Slike bivaju stvarane direktno kroz mene, bez prethodnih nacrta i uz veliku silu. Nisam imala pojma šta bi slike trebale da prikazuju; ipak, radila sam brzo i sigurno bez menjanja ijednog zamaha četkicom.”

1906. godine, nakon dvadeset godina rada, i u svojoj 44. godini života, Hilma af Klint je naslikala svoju prvu seriju apstraktnih slika.The work for the Temple ran between 1906 and 1915, carried out in two phases with an interruption between 1908 and 1912. As Hilma af Klint discovered her new form of visual expression, she developed a new artistic language. Her painting became more autonomous and more intentional. The spiritual would however continue being the main source of creativity throughout the rest of her life.

The collection for the Temple counts in total 193 paintings, grouped in several sub-series. The major paintings, dated 1907, are extremely large in size : each painting measures approximately 2,40 x 3,20m. This series, called The Ten Largest, describes the different phases in life, from early childhood to old age.

Quite apart from their diagrammatic purpose the paintings have a freshness and a modern aesthetic of tentative line and hastily captured image: a segmented circle, a helix bisected and divided into a spectrum of lightly painted colors. The artistic world of Hilma af Klint is impregnated with symbols, letters and words. The paintings often depicts symmetrical dualities, or reciprocities : up and down, in and out, earthly and esoteric, male and female, good and evil. The colour choice is throughout metaphorical: blue stands for the female spirit, yellow for the male one, and pink / red for physical / spiritual love. The Swan and the Dove, names of two series of the Paintings for the Temple, are also symbolic, representing respectively transcendence and love. As gates to other dimensions, her paintings call for interpretation on a narrative, esoterically and artistic level.



Pominjanja u kulturi


Izložbe (posthumne)


Apstraktna umetnost Hilme af Klint je prikazana po prvi put na izložbi "Duhovno u umetnosti, apstraktno slikarstvo 1890–1985" u organizaciji Morisa Tačmena u Los Anđelesu 1986.godine. Ova izložba jeste prvi susret njene umetnosti i međunarodne javnosti.

Odabrane izložbe

  • The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890–1985, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA. November 23, 1986 – March 8, 1987.[4] Travelling exhibition : Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA. April 17 – July 19, 1987 ; Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Netherlands. September 1 – November 22, 1987
  • Hilma af Klints hemliga bilder, Nordic Art Association, Sveaborg Helsinki, Finland 1988–1989
  • Ockult målarinna och abstrakt pionjär, Moderna museet Stockholm, Sweden 1989–1991. Travelling exhibition : Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenburg, Sweden ; Lunds Konsthall, Lund, Sweden ; Fyns Kunstmuseum, Denmark.
  • Okkultismus und abstraction, Die Malerin Hilma af Klint, Albertina, Vienna, Austria 1991–1992. Travelling exhibition : Kunsthaus Graz, Austria ; Modern Museum of Passau, Germany
  • Målningarna till templet (The paintings to the Temple), Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden 1999–2000
  • 3 x Abstraction: New Methods of Drawing, The Drawing Center, New York, USA 2005–2006;[5] Santa Monica Museum of Art, USA;[6] Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland 2005–2006
  • An Atom in the Universe, Camden Arts Centre, UK 2006 [7]
  • The Alpine Cathedral and The City-Crown, Josiah McElheny. Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden. December 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 (represented by 14 paintings)
  • The Message. The Medium as artist – Das Medium als Künstler Museum in Bochum, Germany. February 16 – April 13, 2008 (represented by 4 paintings)
  • Traces du Sacré Centre Pompidou, Paris, France. May 7 – August 11, 2008. (represented by 7 paintings)
  • Hilma af Klint – Une modernité rélévée Centre Culturel Suédois, Paris, France. April – August 2008 (represented by 59 paintings)
  • Traces du Sacré Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany. September 18, 2008 – January 11, 2009
  • De geheime schilderijen van Hilma af Klint, Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem, Netherlands. March 7, 2010 – May 30, 2010 [8]
  • Beyond Colour, See! Colour! – Four exhibitions at the Cultural Center in Järna, South of Stockholm, Sweden. James Turrell, Rudolf Steiner, May 14 – Oktober 2, 2011
  • Hilma af Klint – a Pioneer of Abstraction was produced by and showed at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden, from February 16 until May 26, 2013,[9] before touring to Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart in Berlin, Germany, from June 15 to October 6; Museo Picasso Málaga, Spain, from October 21, 2013 to February 9, 2014;[10] Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humblebaek, Copenhaguen, Denmark 2014;[11] Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Norway 2015; Kumu, Tallinn, Estonia 2015
  • Works by af Klint was exhibited at the Central Pavilion of the 55th Venice Biennial, Italy. June 1 – November 24, 2013.
  • Cosa mentale – Imaginaries of Telepathy of the 20th-Century Art , Centre Pompidou, Metz, France. 28 oktober 2015 – 28 mars 2016 [12] (9 paintings)
  • Painting the Unseen, Serpentine Galleries, London, UK. March 3 – May 15, 2016 [13]
  • The Keeper, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, USA July 20 – October 2, 2016 [14]
  • Beyond Stars – The Mystical Landscape from Monet to Kandinsky, Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France. March 14 – June 25, 2017 [15] (1 painting)
  • Jardin infini. De Giverny à l’Amazonie, Centre Pompidou, Metz, France. March 18 – August 28, 2017[16] (7 paintings)
  • L’emozione dei COLORI nell’arte, Galleria civica d'arte moderna e contemporanea GAM of Turin, Italy. March 14 – July 23, 2017 [17]
  • As Above, So Below, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland. April 13 – August 27, 2017 [18][19]
  • Intuition, Palazzo Fortuny in Venice, Italy. May 13 – November 26, 2017 [20]
  • Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA), Göteborgs Konsthall in Gothenburg, Sweden. September 9 - November 19, 2017 [21]
  • Hilma af Klint, Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil. March 3 - July 16, 2018 [22]
  • Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, USA. October 12, 2018 - April 23, 2019 [23]




  • The Spiritual in Art, Abstract Painting 1890-1985, publ. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1986. , ISBN 0-87587130-5 LACMA : pbk
  • (jezik: švedski) Hilma af Klint, Raster Förlag, Stockholm. Swedish text, about 100 pictures. ISBN 91-87214-08-3
  • (jezik: švedski) Vägen till templet, Rosengårdens Förlag. Swedish text, 30 sketches. Describes the teaching period to become a medium. ISBN 91-972883-0-6
  • (jezik: švedski) Enheten bortom mångfalden, Rosengårdens Förlag. Swedish text, 32 pictures. Two parts, one philosophical and one art-scientific. ISBN 91-972883-4-9
  • I describe the way and meanwhile I am proceeding along it, Rosengårdens Förlag. A short introduction in English with 3 pictures. ISBN 91-972883-2-2
  • 3 X Abstraction, Catherine de Zegher and Hendel Teicher (eds.), Yale University Press and The Drawing Center, NY, 2005 ISBN 978-0300108262 ISBN 0300108265
  • Šablon:Ger Okkultismus und Abstraktion, die Malerin Hilma af Klint, Åke Fant, Albertina, Wien 1992, ISBN 3-900656-17-7.
  • (jezik: danski) Mod Lyset - Belyj, Goethe, Hilma af Klint, Jeichau, Kandinsky, Martinus, Rosenkrantz, Steiner Gl. Holtegaard & Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum. 2004. ISBN 87-884995-2-9
  • Hilma af Klint, the Greatness of Things, John Hutchinson (Hrsg.), Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin 2005. English text, 23 images. ISBN 0-907660-99-1.
  • The Message. Art and Occultism. With an Essay by André Breton. Hrsg. v. Claudia Dichter, Hans Günter Golinski, Michael Krajewski, Susanne Zander. Kunstmuseum Bochum. Walther König: Köln 2007, ISBN 978-3-86560-342-5.
  • Swedish Women Artists: Sigrid Hjertén, Hilma af Klint, Nathalie Djurberg, Signe Hammarsten-Jansson, Aleksandra Mir, Ulrika Pasch, Books LCC, 2010. ISBN 978-1155646084
  • The Legacy of Hilma af Klint: Nine Contemporary Responses (English / German), Ann-Sofi Norin, Daniel Birnbaum, Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, 2013. ASIN B00FOT4GAM
  • Hilma af Klint. The Art of Seeing the Invisible, by Kurt Belfrage, Louise Almqvist (eds.), 2015 ASIN B01K3I9A1S
  • Hilma af Klint – A Pioneer of Abstraction, Edited by Iris Müller-Westermann with Jo Widoff, with contributions by David Lomas, Pascal Rousseau and Helmut Zander, exhibition catalogue of Moderna Museet nr 375, 2013. ISBN 978-91-8624-348-7
  • Hilma af Klint – Painting the Unseen, Edited by Daniel Birnbaum and Emma Enderby, with contributions by Julia Peyton-Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Jennifer Higgie and Julia Voss. Serpentine Galleries / Koenig Books, 2016. ISBN 978-1-908617-34-7
  • (jezik: švedski) Hilma – en roman om gåtan Hilma af Klint (Hilma – a novel about the enigma Hilma af Klint), Anna Laestadius Larsson, ed. Piratförlaget, publ. 24.05.2017 ISBN 978-91-642-0489-9
  • Hilma af Klint – Seeing is Believing, Kurt Almqvist and Louise Belfrage, König Books, 07.10.2017 ISBN 9783960981183
  • (jezik: francuski) Ni vues, Ni connues pages 42–44, Collectif Georgette Sand, Publisher Hugo Doc collection Les Simone, 05.10.2017 ISBN 9782755635393
  • Hilma af Klint: Notes and Methods, With an Introduction and Commentary by Iris Müller-Westerman, University of Chicago Press, 2018 ISBN 978-0-226-59193-3



  1. ^ „What Was the First Abstract Artwork?”. www.tate.org.uk (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2018-12-02. 
  2. ^ „The first abstract artist? (And it's not Kandinsky) | Tate”. www.tate.org.uk (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2018-12-02. 
  3. ^ „Hilma af Klint: Painting the Unseen”. Serpentine Galleries (na jeziku: engleski). Pristupljeno 2018-12-02. 
  4. ^ Art view; How the spiritual infused the abstract – New York Times, Published December 21, 1986
  5. ^ 3 x Abstraction – The Drawing Center
  6. ^ 3 x Abstraction – Santa Monica Museum of Art Arhivirano 2017-08-20 na sajtu Wayback Machine
  7. ^ Out of this World – The Guardian, Published March 14, 2006
  8. ^ The Secret Painter Hilma af Klint at MMKA – Metropolis M, Published April 23, 2010
  9. ^ Hilma af Klint – A Pioneer of Abstraction, Moderna museet Stockholm
  10. ^ Hilma af Klint – a Pioneer of Abstraction, Museo Picasso Málaga
  11. ^ Hilma af Klint – a Pioneer of Abstraction, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
  12. ^ (jezik: francuski) Cosa mentale – Imaginaries of Telepathy of the 20th-Century Art , Centre Pompidou – Metz (read 08-04-2017)
  13. ^ Hilma af Klint : Painting the Unseen, Serpentine Galleries
  14. ^ The Keeper, New Museum of Contemporary Art
  15. ^ Beyond Stars – The Mystical Landscape from Monet to Kandinsky, Musée d'Orsay Arhivirano 2017-02-02 na sajtu Wayback Machine
  16. ^ (jezik: francuski) Jardin infini. De Giverny à l’Amazonie, Centre Pompidou Metz
  17. ^ L’emozione dei COLORI nell’arte
  18. ^ As Above, So Below
  19. ^ Aidan Dunne -An alternative history of art of the last century Irish Times, April 18, 2017
  20. ^ Intiuition, Axel Vervoodt Foundation
  21. ^ GIBCA 2017
  22. ^ Hilma af Klint, Pinacoteca in Sao Paolo
  23. ^ Hilma af Klint, Guggenheim