Kosmopolita bez korena

Kosmopolit bez korena (rus. безродный космополит) bio je pežorativni sovjetski epitet koji se uglavnom odnosio na jevrejske intelektualce kao optužbu za nedostatak odanosti Sovjetskom Savezu, posebno tokom antisemitske kampanje 1948–1953.[1] Ova kampanja je imala svoje korene u napadu Josifa Staljina 1946. na pisce koji su bili povezani sa „buržoaskim zapadnim uticajima“, koji je kulminirao „razotkrivanjem“ nepostojeće zavere lekara 1953.[2][3][4]



Izraz je skovao u 19. veku ruski književni kritičar Visarion Belinski da bi opisao pisce kojima je nedostajao ruski nacionalni karakter.[5]

Upotreba pod vlašću Staljina


Prema novinarki Maši Gesen, sažeta definicija kosmopolite bez korena pojavila se u izdanju Voprosi istorii (Pitanja istorije) 1949. godine: „Kosmopolita bez korena [...] falsifikuje i pogrešno predstavlja svetsku istorijsku ulogu ruskog naroda u izgradnja socijalističkog društva i pobeda nad neprijateljima čovečanstva, nad nemačkim fašizmom u Velikom otadžbinskom ratu“. Gesen navodi da je termin koji se koristi za „Rusi“ ekskluzivni termin koji označava samo etničke Ruse i stoga zaključuju da je „svaki istoričar koji je zanemario da peva hvalospeve herojskim etničkim Rusima [...] bio verovatan izdajnik“.[6]

Ovaj izraz se i dalje smatra antisemitskom etiketom.[7][8][9][10]


  1. ^ Figes, Orlando (2007). The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia . New York City: Metropolitan Books. str. 494. ISBN 978-0-8050-7461-1. 
  2. ^ Azadovskii, K.; Egorov, B. (2002). „From Anti-Westernism to Anti-Semitism”. Journal of Cold War Studies. 4 (1): 66—80. doi:10.1162/152039702753344834. 
  3. ^ Greenfield, Jeff (3. 8. 2017). „The Ugly History of Stephen Miller's 'Cosmopolitan' Epithet: Surprise, surprise—the insult has its roots in Soviet anti-Semitism”. Politico. 
  4. '^ „Stalin on Art and Culture”. International Association of Friends of the Soviet Union. Arhivirano iz originala 07. 03. 2023. g. Pristupljeno 5. 12. 2021. „In 1946 Stalin met with Soviet intellectuals to discuss and analyze the trends developing in Soviet art, music, literature and theatre – after the Second World War. Here we give a shortened version of his replies to questions posed by the intellectuals. '[...] Frequently in the pages of Soviet literary journals works are found where Soviet people, builders of communism are shown in pathetic and ludicrous forms. The positive Soviet hero is derided and inferior before all things foreign and cosmopolitism that we all fought against from the time of Lenin, characteristic of the political leftovers, is many times applauded. In the theater it seems that Soviet plays are pushed aside by plays from foreign bourgeois authors. The same thing is starting to happen in Soviet films. 
  5. ^ Figes, Orlando (2007). The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin's Russia. str. 494. ISBN 978-0805074611. 
  6. ^ Gessen, Masha (2005). Two Babushkas. London, UK: Bloomsbury. str. 205. ISBN 978-0-7475-7080-6. 
  7. ^ „Anti-Semitism”. Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 
  8. ^ Steinberg, Rachel (9. 4. 2019). „Fire Brigades Union tells official to dial back social media use after controversial tweet”. The Jewish Chronicle. „Many were quick to criticise Mr Embery’s use of "rootless, cosmopolitan", including Jewish MP Alex Sobel who tweeted: "Literally an anti-semitic trope used by Stalin the culmination of which saw many good bundists imprisoned by East European Communist regimes (including my grandfather)…stop othering Jews". 
  9. ^ Glasman, Maurice (22. 5. 2019). „No direction home: the tragedy of the Jewish left”. New Statesman. „I knew that the phrase "rootless cosmopolitan" was minted by Stalin and his executioners in the show trials to exterminate Jews, particularly Trotskyists, for whom this became the standard expression. I cannot hear it without the dread fear of the knock on the door by the Cheka in the early hours. 
  10. ^ Brook, Vincent (2006). You Should See Yourself: Jewish Identity in Postmodern American Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. str. 166. ISBN 0813538440. „This outlook can be viewed positively as a condition that enhances Jews' and adaptability and empathy for others, or it can have a negative connotation, as in the recurring trope of the rootless cosmopolitan 

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