Semiologija (grč. semeios znak, osobina) je nauka o znacima (simbolima) tj. opšta nauka o svim sistemima znakova koji se pojavljuju u čovekovom društvenom životu (jezik, običaji, komuniciranje). Ona se razvila sredinom 20. veka, iako je čovekov interes za znakove nastao veoma rano, verovatno, pojavom čoveka kao svesnog bića. Začetnicima semiologije možemo smatrati Platona, Aristotela, sv. Avgustina i dr.
urediOsim naziva semiologija, koristi se i naziv semiotika koji je 1867. godine stvorio Čarls Sanders Pirs, američki filozof pragmatičarske škole (1839–1914; semiotika je stalno prevođenje znakova u druge znakove). Ferdinand de Sosir je u svom Kursu opšte lingvistike ovu nauku nazvao semiologijom, pa od tog trenutka paralelno postoje dva termina - semiologija (uglavnom na frankofonom području) i semiotika (anglofono područje).
urediČarls Moris je izvršio podelu semiotike na:
- semiološku semantiku - proučava odnos između znaka i onoga što je njime označeno.
- semiološku sintaksu - bavi se odnosima među znakovima unutar sistema.
- semiološku pragmatiku - izučava relacije između znakova i čoveka koji ih upotrebljava.
Poznati postsosirovski lingvisti - strukturalisti
urediOsnovni problem pri definisanju semiologije i njenog područja je pitanje kako se određuje znak. Znak je, u najširem smislu te reči, svaka pojava koja za čoveka označava neku drugu pojavu: Čovek, dakle, interpretira znak, on iza njega očitava neki drugi izvanznakovni fenomen. Takođe, znak može biti ograničen samo na one fenomene koji za čoveka nešto označavaju, a upotrebljavaju se u međusobnoj komunikaciji.[1]
uredi- ^ Škiljan, Dubravko (1987). Pogled u opštu lingvistiku (3 izd.). Zagreb: Školska knjiga Zagreb. str. 190.
uredi- Škiljan, Dubravko (1987). Pogled u opštu lingvistiku (3 izd.). Zagreb: Školska knjiga Zagreb. str. 190.
- Dubravko Škiljan Pogled u opštu lingvistiku
- Atkin, Albert. (2006). "Peirce's Theory of Signs", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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- Chandler, Daniel. (2001/2007). Semiotics: The Basics. London: Routledge.
- Bittar, Eduardo C. B. (2015). Linguagem jurídica: semiótica, discurso e direito. 6. ed. São Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 2015.
- Clarke, D. S. (1987). Principles of Semiotic. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Clarke, D. S. (2003). Sign Levels. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Culler, Jonathan (1975). Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul..
- Danesi, Marcel & Perron, Paul. (1999). Analyzing Cultures: An Introduction and Handbook. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
- Danesi, Marcel. (1994). Messages and Meanings: An Introduction to Semiotics. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press. ISBN 9781551300276.
- Danesi, Marcel (2002). Understanding Media Semiotics.. London: Arnold; New York: Oxford UP.
- Danesi, Marcel. (2007). The Quest for Meaning: A Guide to Semiotic Theory and Practice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Deely, John (2005) [1990]. Basics of Semiotics (4th izd.). Tartu: Tartu University Press.
- Deely, John. (2000), The Red Book: The Beginning of Postmodern Times or: Charles Sanders Peirce and the Recovery of Signum. Sonesson, Göran (1989). „Pictorial concepts. Inquiries into the semiotic heritage and its relevance for the analysis of the visual world”. Lund: Lund University Press. Nedostaje ili je prazan parametar
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- Deely, John. (2003), "On the Word Semiotics, Formation and Origins", Semiotica 146.1/4, 1–50.
- Deely, John (2003). The Impact on Philosophy of Semiotics. South Bend: St. Augustine Press.
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- Eagleton, Terry (1983). Literary Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Basil Blackwell..
- Eco, Umberto (1976). A Theory of Semiotics. London: Macmillan..
- Eco, Umberto (1986). Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
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- Emmeche, Claus; Kull, Kalevi (eds.) (2011) Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life is the Action of Signs. London: Imperial College Press. pdf
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- Herlihy, David. 1988–present. "2nd year class of semiotics". CIT.
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- Zlatev, Jordan. (2009). "The Semiotic Hierarchy: Life, Consciousness, Signs and Language, Cognitive Semiotics". Sweden: Scania.
Spoljašnje veze
uredi- Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliquée Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (3. septembar 2010)
- Communicology: The link between semiotics and phenomenological manifestations
- Signo——Presents semiotic theories and theories closely related to semiotics
- It from bit and fit from bit. On the origin and impact of information in the average evolution (Yves Decadt, 2000). Book published in Dutch with English paper summary in The Information Philosopher,
- The Semiotics of the Web
- Arisbe: The Peirce Gateway Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (28. septembar 2007)
- Semiotics according to Robert Marty, with 76 definitions of the sign by C. S. Peirce
- The Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms
Časopisi i serijali knjiga
uredi- American Journal of Semiotics, John Deely, Editor, & Christopher Morrissey, Managing Editor—from the [1] Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (1. septembar 2018).
- Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliquée (AS/SA) Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (26. decembar 2018), Peter G. Marteinson & Pascal G. Michelucci, Editors.
- Approaches to Applied Semiotics[mrtva veza] (2000–2009 book series), Thomas Sebeok et al., Editors.
- Approaches to Semiotics[mrtva veza] (1969–97 book series), Thomas A. Sebeok, Alain Rey, Roland Posner, et al., Editors.
- Biosemiotics, Morten Tönnessen, Alexei SHarov, Timo Maran, Editors-in-Chief—from the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies.
- Center for Semiotics Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (6. maj 2013), Aarhus University, Denmark.
- Cognitive Semiotics, Per Aage Brandt & Todd Oakley, Editors-in-Chief.
- Cybernetics and Human Knowing, Søren Brier, Chief Editor.
- International Journal of Marketing Semiotics, George Rossolatos, Chief Editor.
- International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems (IJSSS), Angelo Loula & João Queiroz, Editors.
- Open Semiotics Resource Center. Journals, lecture courses, etc.
- The Public Journal of Semiotics, Paul Bouissac, Editor in Chief; Alan Cienki, Associate Editor; René Jorna, Winfried Nöth.
- S.E.E.D. Journal (Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development) Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (25. februar 2013) (2001–7), Edwina Taborsky, Editor—from SEE Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (3. maj 2012).
- The Semiotic Review of Books Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (15. decembar 2018), Gary Genosko, General Editor; Paul Bouissac, Founding Editor.
- Semiotica, Marcel Danesi, Chief Editor—from the International Association for Semiotic Studies.
- Semiotiche, Gian Paolo Caprettini, Managing Director; Andrea Valle & Miriam Visalli, Editors. Some articles in English. Home site seems gone from Web, old url [2] no longer good, and Wayback Machine cannot retrieve.
- Semiotics, Communication and Cognition[mrtva veza] (book series), Paul Cobley & Kalevi Kull, Editors.
- Semiotics: Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America, Jamin Pelkey, Editor—from the [3] Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (1. septembar 2018).
- SemiotiX New Series: A Global Information Bulletin Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (15. decembar 2018), Paul Bouissac et al.
- Sign Systems Studies, Kalevi Kull, Kati Lindstrom, Mihhail Lotman, Timo Maran, Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Editors—from the Dept. of Semiotics, University of Tartu Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (4. mart 2016), Estonia.
- Signs and Society, Richard J. Parmentier, Editor.
- Signs: International Journal of Semiotics. Martin Thellefsen, Torkild Thellefsen, & Bent Sørensen, chief eds.
- Tartu Semiotics Library Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (4. mart 2016) (book series), Peeter Torop, Kalevi Kull, Silvi Salupere, Editors.
- Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Cornelis de Waal, Chief Editor—from The Charles S. Peirce Society.
- Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici, founded by Umberto Eco.