Masakr u Vranici je ubistvo 13 ratnih zarobljenika Armije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (ARBIH) 10. maja 1993. od strane Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO), tokom rata u Bosni.[1]

Dvojica reportera Hrvatske radiotelevizije (HRT), Dijana Čuljak i Smiljko Šagolj, snimili su televizijski prilog o zarobljenim muškarcima u kojem obojica tvrde da su muškarci zapravo uhapšeni teroristi koji su viktimizirali hrvatske civile, dok su ih snimili na traku kako stoje postrojeni. na nišanu ispred zgrade bivšeg državnog preduzeća "Vranica".[2]

Ovo dvoje kontroverznih novinara i dalje su okrivljeni od strane porodica žrtava u slučaju Vranica za podsticanje masakra bosanskih zarobljenika nakon emitovanja lažnog izveštaja.[3]

Tela bosanskih zarobljenika kasnije su pronađena u masovnoj grobnici Goranci.[4]

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  1. ^ Dijana Čuljak-Šelebaj; Smiljko Šagolj (10. 5. 1993). „Vranica Case” (VIDEO). War report (na jeziku: hrvatski). YouTube. HRT Croatian Radiotelevision. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2014. 
  2. ^ Vranica case and Dijana Culjak role
  3. ^ „Jutarnji List - Culjak prozvana zbog smrti vojnika Armije BiH”. Arhivirano iz originala 2010-08-27. g. Pristupljeno 2011-04-16. 
  4. ^ ICTY (IT-04-74) Prlic et al. Case – Transcript: "The journalist was Dijana Culjak ... at the end of this footage they showed the people and their names and surnames who obviously knew where those young men were located. And among other things, I hope that this testimony of mine will contribute to us learning where the bones are at least ... The young men were shown as they were taking out the picture of Sefer Halilovic and the emblem which indicates the fact that they had been taken prisoner and that that was how it was staged, because there is very little likelihood that people would otherwise have stood before an execution squad, for example, in that way, or whatever you like to call the people standing in front of them."