Trgovački lanac ili maloprodajni lanac je maloprodajni objekat u kome nekoliko lokacija deli brend, centralno upravljanje i standardizovane poslovne prakse. Došli su da dominiraju na maloprodajnim i gastronomskim tržištima i mnogim kategorijama usluga, u mnogim delovima sveta. Franšizni maloprodajni objekat je jedan oblik lanca prodavnica. 2005. godine, najveći svetski maloprodajni lanac, Volmart, postao je najveća svetska korporacija zasnovana na bruto prodaji.[1]



Trgovački lanac karakteriše vlasnički ili franšizni odnos između lokalnog preduzeća ili prodajnog mesta i preduzeća koje kontroliše.


  1. ^ „Wal-Mart Stores on the Forbes Global 2000 List”. Forbes (na jeziku: engleski). Arhivirano iz originala 18. 5. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 2017-06-07. 

Dodatna literatura

  • Carroll, Glenn R., and Magnus Thor Torfason. "Restaurant Organizational Forms and Community in the US in 2005." City & Community 10#1 (2011): 1–24.
  • Ingram, Paul, and Hayagreeva Rao. "Store Wars: The Enactment and Repeal of Anti‐Chain‐Store Legislation in America." American Journal of Sociology 110#2 (2004): 446–487.
  • Lebhar, Godfrey Montague, and W. C. Shaw. Chain stores in America, 1859-1962 (Chain Store Publishing Corporation, 1963).
  • Levinson, Marc. "The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America" (2019). ISBN 978-0-578-56210-0ISBN 978-0-578-56210-0.
  • Matsunaga, Louella. The changing face of Japanese retail: Working in a chain store (Routledge, 2012).
  • Newman, Benjamin J., and John V. Kane. "Backlash against the 'Big Box', Local Small Business and Public Opinion toward Business Corporations." Public Opinion Quarterly 78#4 (2014): 984–1002.
  • Phillips, Charles F. "The Chain Store in the United States and Canada," American Economic Review 27#1 (1937), pp. 87–95 in JSTOR
  • Schragger, Richard. "The Anti-Chain Store Movement, Localist Ideology, and the Remnants of the Progressive Constitution, 1920-1940." Iowa Law Review 90 (2005): 1011+.
  • Scroop, Daniel. "The anti-chain store movement and the politics of consumption." American Quarterly 60#4 (2008): 925–949.
  • Winship, Janice. "Culture of restraint: the British chain store 1920–39." Commercial Cultures: Economies, Practices, Spaces 31 (2000).

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